DñAP - r¡m'fitt crmN ü;l aåfi l¡d[rA]rôür s Explosion in the Sbotia Mine: "lt was as though the men wene standin8 at the mouth of a cannon when it f¡red. ,, Thoughts on Bernardine Dohrn r , and Jane Alpert : A Nonviolent Voyage to Namibia r i rent one for 30 minutes for 10d (US) to ceptable to me as that of any nation I know, realizing take ajoy ride. that all natiôns have critical as the same claim made in Is the move back to NYC WIN Revision. So what do we car-less, some armed force. The motivation regard bike-less folk of all to the deaths of Vietnamese ism . _. What of self reñancè? you (1) mean do?: Walk. (2) Use the generallv IJS adminishations to "destabilize" civilians as a resulr of US miiiiãrlãc_ you want to eat potatoes without adequate bus service. India is understandabie. Sure-you haüe to Indira's oo-t tion. _ntr¿Èdnïsinny growing potatoes? Were you left devia- get used to the sardine-pack position is a kaleidoscone . during ofbis Mú. Slnal, Ny tionists to your neighbors? Or what is rush hours and the noise from almõst business, little politicaf parties-of ,i the. major contradiction? Why not nqu{erþs¡, blasting buses that spew extreme right and (all, extreme left; Re: Allen Young's "Why I Won't China's tax systen¡. What dið get their oily fumes. rndeed, except the I from Moscow_oriented vote. " [wIN, 3/11/t76]. the hor.se's mouth? A Winnie ofao- rA,nd then just this morning, 180 plus the Gandhi a ÇPI) movement Young's purqoses aie 6etter achieved provalJ vehicle caravan inspired by J.P. Naravan. - of Air-flow trãilers by using the write-in option, rather -MARGIEEUCALÍ?TUSKansasCþrMo. pulled by gas-guzzlingCaddies and Some 207o ofthis niovement than have. by not voting at all. Mere apathy other biggies passed by on now s_plit off, I am reliably told (at the is their three .iTpJI disregarded by praciicinþ month swing through fourth world Gandhian Memorial Peaõe Foundation potrtrcrans. i Central America. One of the couples, staff reception, New Delhi) to follow -ARTHURD.PENSER I Vinova plea Hunt¡vlllei Alu I stopped to ask me for directions. When Bhave's last December 25 I I fïnished I had to board my bus with its to cease practising satyagraha against L government. April 19761Vol. Xll; No.l¿f I compesiones, market-women loaded the with produce and all. My tourist friends The United (Christian) Church of gave me that indulgent,sigh that said: India has declared support oflndira :k\/1x\,a r - .l I must be Gandhi's 20 Points with pleas for I "It tough." So much for well- E 'i* . wheeled Gringos. freedom ofthe press andspeedy trial of lrr-.F Fifteen minutes later another Grinea political prisbners, Dear WIN Reader, - just The fascist organizations India I who arrived to do missionary worl of are 4. How and Why 26 Men Died in Next_week ygu receive your by chance asked me: "And how do you large, wealthy, well established and . ryil! special 10th arinivers¿iry Scotia Number One David issue of lt / manage to get along without a car?" menacing. One, the RSSS, {eliberately WlN. will have twice as many pages as usuat and Morris _BERNARDSI]RVII organized Gandhi's assassination. As a will cover a two week period, after whiih'wð will take our sometime student of 10. Operation Namibia Escalates San Salvador, San Salvador Chile and a visitor regular spring þreak. So you'll have plenty of time to read Like Ed Arszman's "Bèating the there October-December 1972 I can ac- the big issue while we get WIN shifted to ñew york. Nonviolence / Martin Prior : cept Indira Gandhi's fears of a similar System by Bicycle" [\{IN, 2/5/761,1 Yes, WIN is 10 years old-and perhaps younger than 12. Thinki.ng About Two Women bicycled the streets of downtown Indy Just now I can't find Larry Erickson's fate. ever ¡n the sense that we on the staff are - ' Sandra Adickes whên I was teaching there in a Centei- letter [WIN, t0/8/751, sol can only .In sum, I think we should support her agaín Cþ High School in the early '70's. To respond directly to Claire Culhane with energy and be careful tlÍat õur reorga.niz¡ng ourselves around our work-ãnd, what with 15. ln Memoriam: philOchs cross this sprawling, but level City that [wrN,3/r1176]. criticisms remain always constructive. the still s.kyrocketing.costs of production, in wórse shape _RICHARDPOST 16. Changes measures 12 miles by 12 miles would Years could have been cut offthe war f inancially than ever before. This time of year (between qe gotten easily take an hour with no strong head if had together in oqr opposi- , auoquerNy -fund appeal mailings) is usually lean for üs and the move is 19. Reviews wind. But in truth, the "Home of the tion instead offighting and ego: placing tripping. Admitted. And an additional burden on us. But since we believë 500" is a car owner's dreamtown: had each of us Despite,my enjoyment of Swept Away, Cover: Dr:awing by Peg Averill / Art been willing work that WIN's chances of improving and surviving at t_his time there's parking ever¡nvhere and never a to longer and risk with the reservations expressèd in mi' for the People / LNS. more, more yet are greater in the city, we are going ahead witñ real traffrc jam. Small chance his time could have been reviéw of it, I too would ärgue with ' our movine cut offthe war. plans even "Committee for Zero Automobile Marty Jezer's rapt reviewõf Sovon though the staff is [again) behind in salary and- Growth" will grow there. In contrast,- But, intended or not, Culhane's letter Beauties and his admiration of Lina our b¡lls are beginning to tower óver us once more: a take San Salvador where I now live and seems to bear the message, "It didn't Wertmuller's works. Althoush her The crunch is on. big test is whether make any .The WIN can work. It has a slightly greater difference. " Ahd I think that ambiguities appear to lean to"leftist t survive the month is a false and dangerous notion. The of May.-Your.help right now is ciucial. population than Indy's 750,000 humanism, I think the net effect of her courage and perseverence We need fr,lnds from you now to. squêezõ us through, and crammed into 1/8th of the area, ofthe Viet; films is due fot a hard reassessment. STAFF namese people is to be respected and we also need your helping hands. situated on the slope of'a great volcano I For those who read my laxpayers Ernest Mary by the same name. Perhaps 20% ofthe emulated. But all their dedication might Rebellion preface (ApriiS), have meant iõóírãcttn' , ******* Susan Pines Iand area is found in the neighborhoods little in the face of a nuclèar it was Beardsley Ruml, not Bernard of San Bendito and Escalon ãnd attack orother major US military Baruch, who introduced the pay-as-you- Murray Rosenblith escalations, which planned We have heard from some good women and men who are neighboring colonias where the were out go income tax withhotding. Wiile the and awaiting the word.from interes.ted in joining the staff . We UNINDICTED country's wealthy 2To live. People in my Nixon and plan is a main stumbling õlock to war won,t stop looking for Kissinger. It was neighborhood typically live in 1-2 room because of wide op- tax resistance, it is not insurmountable the right qqf,son till we reach a final decisiori. So ¡f yõu have IRATORS position to the war that the war toll was rffIN "apartments" with average occupancy for readers-baruch as they are editorial skills and the desire to work w¡th WlN, doir,t be Jan Barry . .LanceBelville ¡ MarisCakars* held at that shockine. horrifvine level o of three people per room. So where do with chutzpah in the name of shálom. shy. Write ul qn{ tell us about yourself . See the SusanCakars' JeiryCoffin* instead of being incieased man! 3/15/76 Lynne Shatzkin Coffin* ¡Ann Davidon ¡ Diana Davies you store a bike? And where do you times. _A¡INDAVIDON issue job you Crediting the anti-war movement in for the description. may not know it, Uui WIN Ruth Dear . Ralph Dicia* . Br¡an Doherty keep it safely once you get to where - Heverford, Pa. William Douthard* . Karen Dúrbin* . the US with the.victory of the Viet- wants you ! Chuck Fager you're going? And how-do you negotiate Seth Foldy . J im Forest ¡ Larry Gara namese people, which they won at so ¡ i the footpaths that are like laddersãnd I was puzzled when you (apparently) Joan Libby Hawk*. Neil Haworth Ed Hedem4nn price, Grace Hedemañn . Hendr¡k Hertzberg* . Marty J ezerr where20To of the Citv's oooulation dear a would be arrogance, but to Saxe espoused the cause ôf Susan BeckyJohnson o Nancy.Johnson o Paul Johnsorl live? And where do yóu frn.i ttre SgO to minimize our impact leads to misplaced o [WIN, 7/10/75]-now, also supporting Our new address as of May 1 will be: Alison Karpel Craig Karpel . John Kyper buy a_bike when people despair. :ItIEILF'tlLllGm Elliot Linzer* o ackson Maclow o 90% of the live David Fine IwiN, 2/ 19 / 761 w-ith the J David McReynoldst- on $120.fi)/year? BerkeleY' CALIF.
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