AflaoCtATU* TOT STANDARD SOUTHERN HRVICB THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION NEWSPAPER > «ad \9mma*7, r»rrler delivery. *>>* e*»t» we*klT. Vol. XLVm.—No. 41. ATULNTA. GA.. MONDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1915.—TEN PAGESi * «•*£** om the •tr«-«t« and *t aew •*«*•«• B CCB** i. Overturned $teamer East I and Photographed Soon After Disaster This picture shows how close the great boat was to the docks when the accident occurred. When this photograph was taken hundreds of people were standing on the overturned Eastland. GERMAN PRESS IS CAUSTIC 901 DEAD DODIES FIGHTING WITH DESPERATION, i STATE PRISONERS IN COMMENT ON U. S. NOTE TAKEN BY DIVERS ARMIES OF THE CZAR CHECK ILL BE SEARCHED, ON SUBMARINE WARFARE AT GARBAG\^ E PUNT ONSETS OF GERMANIC FORCES ASSERTS DAVISON Possibly-One Hundred More Issues Criticism After the Papers Are One in Agree- Prison Commission Chair- Bodies Still Held in River Council Sanitary Commit- ing That the Demands of 1 RED CROSS UNITS Mud—df 2,408 Excursion- At Only One Point Have man Tells of\ Probe of At- the United States Will Not tee Pays Sudden Visit to ists on Eastland, 1,002 Are the Austi;o-Germans Been tack on Frank and of Plans Be Granted by Germany. Crematory I Sunday, After- TO LEAVE EUROPE Reported Saved. Able to 'Make Any Ad- to Prevent Future Trouble. i noon. ' ~ v vance in Effort to Reach Anreriean Dbctors and WILSON IS ATTACKED CRtEVING THOUSANDS AGAINST AUSIRIANS Warsaw. BOARD MEETS TODAY MEETING OF COUNCIL Nurses to Be Withdrawn AS BEING PRO-BRITISH PASS THROUGH MORGUE Invaders Continue Their IF RAINEY RETURNS NECESSARY, HE SAYS From War Zone October 1 Advance at Several Points. RUSSIANS THREATEN Because of Lack of Funds. American Note, Is Variously' Many Funds Have Been Austrian Attacks Repulsed FLANK OF THE GERMANS Answering Criticisms of In- Started to" Relieve Those Declares" Action> Must Be "Washington, Jnly^ 35.—American Ked Described as Being Parti- With Heavy Loss. vestigation, Davison Says Taken to.Dispose of Gar- Crass doctors and nurses will be with- san and Domineering. Left Destitute by Tragedy. Commission Has Nothing drawn from European battlefields Octo- While Warsaw Is Under \ ^ ber a because of lack of funds, a Bed Geneva, July 25—(Via Paris.)—Dis- bage Plant Cannot Handle. Cross, announcement tonight said. President Wilson Is Ac- State and Federal Officials patches to The Tribune from Chiasso [ Heavy Pressure the Aus- to Conceal From Public. The two units in Belgium, where th* and Laibach aay the fall of Gortzta is ( "Odors Almost Unbear- greatest need exists, may be continued, cused of Obstinacy. Begin Investigation. Imminent, as the city has received the but the other fourteen will return, to heaviest bombardment thus far In the tro-Germans Have a Lot of , The f|r-t result of the vialt of tho •war. The Italians, the dispatches say, the United States. ^Vork Before Them I prison commission to the Mate prison able," He Claims. have taken many prisoners. , Stiff l*he Serbian sanitary commission and Berlin, July 2$.—-(Overseas News farm at Milledgevtlle on Saturday for TELEGRAM OF SYMPATHY The bstttle continues on Carso pla- ocner work »upported by special contri- Agency Dispatch to Sayvlll*. N. Y.)— the purpose of Investigating tne at- Charging that the crematory Is not bution will go on as long as those con- ThV latest American note to Germany ntOW PRESIDENT WILSON teau, with both sides losing heavily. if They Are to Capture The Italians bombarded Plava Friday tempt by William Green, life convict. fulfilling its contract with the city trioutions are available, but the gen- concerning submarine warfare was re- Chicago, July 25.—Acting Mayor and Saturday, and destroyed the strong- the City. upon the lyife of Leo M^ Fiank will be and Is inadequate to consume the gar- j ei-al fund of *1,5«0,000 collected In the ceived, most unfavorably by the Ger- United States will be exhausted on Moorhouse, of Chicago, today re- est fort there. an order requiring the- warden of the b'age furnished by the sanitary depart- October I. man newspapers,\ In which It was ceived the following telegram from, The Correspondents say that the Aus- o ^ , iistate prisoner to see that all prisoners ment. Chairman Claude L. Ashley, of trians counter attacked on Monte Nero T The American Red Cross, by October printed Sunday. President 'Wilson at Windsor, Vt.: London. July, 25.—Onlv ttie northern aie sr a, chcd every night before they go the council sanitary committee, stated and recaptured some trenches. The 1, will have maintained its personnel The VossHsche Zeitung in a lengthy "I am sure I speak the universal Up of tl.e pincers the Austro-Ger'nans, t(j bed ^ pr(^ ent prj*oners from con- Sunday that he would appeal to the in each country tt year, with the ex- feeling of the people of the country Italians at Ternova are Deported to editorial says: have forced back the Austrians two for more than a week, have been try- j ceaHng. upon thfl)r peisons weapons mayor to call a special meeting of ception of the Belgian units and the In expressing my profound sympa- 'The refusal to accept Germany's thy and Borrow in the presence of miles. -, Ing to c'.ose around Warsaw afid thejwiln ^hn-b. to commit attacks similar council for Tuesday to secure Instruc- eenitary commission," says tonight's the great disaster which saddened statement. practical proposal to protect American It is asserted that the Italians^ vlr-^ Russian armies in the Polish salient | to the one made upon Frank. The or- tions as to disposing of the garbage so many homes." tually are masters of the north shore Iftuda Beeoxninjr Ei*»»»ted. passengers shows an absolute lack of A cablegram from Sir Thomas have moved the last few days. This^J ^or will be issued by the prison corn- he saya the plant Is incapable of han- of Lake Garda, where many torpedo readiness to understand the German Llpton said: point has forced Its wav across the1 mission on Monday dling. - "The tour of duty required of each y. "I am greatly shocked to see by • boats are aiding la the attack on Rlva. surgeon and nurse does not exceed six standpoint. The principle that bellig- This information comes from Judge Chairman Ashley Sunday afternoon 'the day's newspapers the catastro- ITALIAN FORCES Narew river, between the foi trr-^e^ of months, so that A number already have erent states must protect neutrals is phe that haa fallen on your city. R 1^ Dav Ition, chairman of the prison took unprecedented action. It is said, returned and substitutes hav« been Pultusk ana Rozan. anfl is ailvancins untenable if applied In the fullest sense, My heartfelt sympathy goes out to STILL ADVANCE. commission, v ho jeturned to Atlanta. when he called a special meeting of sent. By October a large number of those who have lost their dear ones. toward the Bug river, -which stinds for those now In Europe will return. The as It would mean abdication to neutral 'Rome, July 25—(Via Paris )—A war last nig-lit from his homo, where he the^ sanitary committee and with six of * If you start a relief fund, put me office statement issued Saturday ^ald: cost of the transportation of these sur- states. It is true that belligerents down for »1.000." the greater part of the way between it went Satin da v nigbt aft^r leaving Mil- the seven members present escorted i geons and nurses, going and coming, A message of condolence came "In Cadore we have completed occu- and the Warsaw-Vilna rail wav, it*? ob- them to the crematory, where » thor- makes a constant and considerable must respect neutral rights, but only from the organization of the General pation of Tofana and ^repelled sllglht IcdgeMllr. * financial demand upon tho Red Cross provided neutrals do everything to pre- en«my attacks Against our position a^t jective. \ ^ ough investigation was made. treasury. The monthly payroll also is Slocum Survivors, of New York: PROBE OF "We found all three furnaces running a large item of expense, fn view of vent their citizens getting Into situa- Monteplano, north of th* Basin of Misu- \ The other point, which Field Marshal rina the enemy tried an attack which at full blast," stated Mr. Ashley, fol- these facts and because its funds are tions where protection is Impossible. von Mafken«;en is directing nt tly I COMMISSION. rapidly becoming exhausted, the Ameri- Victory the Supreme IJKVT. Chicago, July 25.—Bodies of 901 was repulsed promptly. Cholm-'Lu'blin railway, has samod hardly i lowing the investigation. "Tne city can Red Cross has decided, by October persons drowned when the steamship "In the Monte Nero zane our advance Judqre Da\ i^on also made public th» Is paying for a six-day run of the 1 of the present year, to withdraw the "Victory over the enemy Is the su- continues along the crest of Luztniea. a yard since it reached the villase op personnel now In Europe,; possibly with, preme Jaw for every belligerent. Those Eastland capsized yesterday at its entire proceedings of the executive ses- plant, yet they are operating seven On the Isonzo front the enemy sought Relovetz, juat south of the railway the exception of the units in Belgium. difficult this task, wharf In the Chicago river, had been sion of the prison commission. Gover- days and even at that rate fail to han- Much as It regrets this necessity, it who render more by night attacks, all fruitless, to trou- dle the garbage we supply, realizes, that no Red Cross of a neutral than does International law supports recovered tonight after forty hours of ble our works and positions we had GERMAN FLANK nor Nat JJ.
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