Energy Gateway GtGateway W est tP Proj ect Gateway South Project Technical Study Leads: Idaho Power (Gateway West) and PacifiCorp (Gateway South) WECC Phase 2 Study Group Technical Review Meeting September 29, 2010 SltLkSalt Lake CitUthCity, Utah Standards of Conduct Non-Disclosure Statement The following procedures have been implemented to provide Standards of Conduct Safeguards: Ten dayypg advance notice of public meeting All eligible customers invited Telephone participation provided Han dou ts pos te d on OASIS pr ior to mee ting Meeting notes will be taken and posted One eligible customer must be in attendance Meetings no more than twice per month Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 2 Our agenda for today… 1. Welcome & Introductions 2. Purpose of Meeting 3. Energy Gateway Stage 1 – Overview 4. Gateway South Study Group Reports a. Aeolus South b. Mona/Clover South 5. Gateway West Study Group Reports a. Windstar b. Bridger c. Southern Idaho 6. Feedback From Study Group Participants 7. Next Steps 8. Adjourn Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 3 Energy Gateway - Phase 2 Study Group Technical Review Meeting 1. Welcome & Introductions Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 4 Energy Gateway - Phase 2 Study Group Technical Review Meeting 2. Meeting Purpose We want to assure that all participants are up-to- date concerning study efforts by: Providing a short overview of progress on the Energy Gateway Phase 2 rating studies. Current focus: Gatewayyg Stage 1 facilities Present most recent study findings, and Receive feedback from study participants Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 5 Energy Gateway - Phase 2 Study Group Technical Review Meeting 3. Gateway Stage 1 - Overview Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 6 Energy Gateway – Stage 1, Facilities Stage 1 Gateway Changes ¾The DJ-Difficulty- Aeolus 230 kV line will be rebuilt (1-1272 ACSR/phase to 2/1272 ACSR/phase). ¾Due to delays in load growth in southern Wyoming, the Anticline – Creston – Aeolus 230 kV line will be eliminated. ¾Bridger 500 kV substation was renamed Anticline 500 kV (located ~5 miles from Bridger 345 kV) ¾Mona 500 kV substation was renamed Clover 500 kV (located ~3 miles from Mona 345 kV) Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 7 Energy Gateway – Stage 1, In-Service Dates Gateway West ¾Populus to Windstar 500 kV and 230 kV Facilities (2014-16) ¾Populus – Cedar Hill – Hemingway 500 kV (2016) ¾Populus – Borah – Midpoint 500 kV (2016) Gateway South ¾Pinto - Huntington 345 kV Series Comp (2010) ¾Red Butte 345 kV SVS (2011) ¾Clover 345/138 kV Substation (2012) ¾Sigur d – Re d Bu tte 345 kV #2 (2014) ¾Aeolus – Clover 500 kV #1 (2017-19) Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 8 Energy Gateway Project Overview Energy Gateway – Stage 1 Simultaneous Path Analysis Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 9 Gateway Phase 2 Rating Studies Paths and Path Simultaneous Interactions Projects: Gateway West Gateway South Aeolus Study Area: So. Idaho Bridger Windstar So. Mona South Bridger West Path Rating Paths Ratings Under (Path 37) 37) (Path est (Path 19) a South South a Path 20) SB est (Path 17) Path 20) NB West (Path (Path West us South South us oint West West oint Consideration: MWUpgrade lus West AA 35) C (Path (( (( rr ll nn WW 00 pp WW •As part of the Bridger Mo Aeo Aeo Mid TOT 4 TOT 2 Bridge Path CPath Path C Path Borah Borah 19), 240 19), Simultaneous Interaction Bridger West path rating studies, Path # Path Transfer Limits COI (Path 66) 66 4800 N-S 3675 S-N ● ● ● the pre-Gateway rating for PDCI (Path 65) 65 3100 N-S 3100 S-N ● ● ● Idaho - Northwest (Path 14) 14 2400 E-W 1200 W-E ● Boardman - Hemingway New 1400 E-W 1300 W-E ● the path will be increased Midpoint - Summer Lake (Path 75) 75 1500 E-W 550 W-E ● Path C (Path 20) *NEW* 20 2250 N-S 2250 S-N ● ● ● from 2200 MW to 2400 Idaho - Sierra (Path 16) 16 500 N-S 360 S-N ● ● ● SWIP (Great Basin - North, EnTP) New 2000/3100 N-S 2000/2000 S-N ● ● ● ● ● MISTI Group MW, and documented in MISTI Project New 1500 N-S TBD ● ● ● ● ● Montana - Idaho (Path 18) 18 337 N-S 256 S-N ● ● ● ● ● the Study Group Technical Montana - Northwest (Path 8) 8 2200 E-W 1350 W-E ● Montana Southeast (Path 80) 80 600 N-S 600 S-N ● Report. Yellowtail South Non Rated 625 N-S Not Defined ● TOT 4B (Path 38) 38 829 E-W Not Defined ● TOT 3 (Path 36) 36 1830 N-S Not Defined ● •The Gateway West TOT 3 + 900 N- Wyygoming - Colorado Intertie New S Not Defined ● Project will use this level of PAC RS/FH West (PAC Internal) Internal 640 E-W Not Defined ● ● ● PAC transfers as the benchmark Monument – Naughton (PAC Internal) Internal 475* E-W Not Defined ● ● ● Bridger West (Path 19) 19 4096 E-W Not Defined ● ● ● for the Bridger/Anticline Aeolus West New 2672 E-W Not Defined ● TOT 1A (Path 30) 30 650 E-W Not Defined ● ● ● Aeolus South New 1700 N-S Not Defined ● ● ● West path rating. Bonanza West (Path 33) 33 785 E-W Not Defined ● ● ● ● ● IPP DC Line, 2400 MW (Path 27) 27 2400 NE-SW 1400 SW-NE ● ● ● Intermountain-Gonder (()Path 29) 29 200 E-W Not Defined ● ● ● Intermountain-Mona (Path 28) 28 1200 E-W 1400 W-E ● ● ● Pvnt-Gndr, Intrmtn - Gndr (Path 32) 32 400 E-W 235 W-E ● ● ● TOT 2A (Path 31) 31 690 N-S Not Defined ● TOT 2B1 (Path 78) 78 560 N-S 600 S-N ● TOT 2B2 (Path 79) 79 265 N-S 300 S-N ● TOT 2C (Path 35) 35 300 N-S 300 S-N ● Centennial Project (Path 81) 81 3000 HA export Not Defined ● East of Colorado River (Path 49) 49 9255 E-W Not Defined STG2 Crystal PST Interaction STG2 Eldorado Valley breaker duty interaction STG2 Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 10 Energy Gateway - Phase 2 Study Group Technical Review Meeting 4. GtGateway Sou thStdth Study G roup R eport s Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 11 Gateway South Study Group Reports a. Aeolus South Study Group [PAC] Aeolus South b. Mona/Clover South Study Group [PAC] M/ClSthMona/Clover South TOT 2C Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 12 Gateway South Study Group a. Aeolus South Transmission Path Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 13 Aeolus South Transmission Path Base case - 2019 Heavy Summer Base case comments finalized March 30, 2010. Study Configuration – Stage 1 All Gateway South Facilities modeled in Base Case; however, key facilities are: Aeolus – Windstar 230 kV #1 & #2 lines in separate corridors Rebuild of the Dave Johnston – Difficulty – Shirley Basin – Aeolus 230 kV (2-1272 ACSR) Aeolus – Clover 500 kV line with series compensation Aeolus 500/230 kV #1, #2 and #3 autotransformers (1500 MVA) Clover 500/345 kV #1 and #2 autotransformers (1500 MVA) Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 14 Aeolus South Transmission Path Summary of Case Flows erm tn tt In ‐ Gonder Mo na ‐ ‐ West Go nd er/ Gon der West Line ‐ South DC Basin TOT1A Pavant Intermountain Intermountain IPP Bridger Bonanza PDCI COI Idaho ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ West South Great 30 32 29 28 27 19 33 65 66 16 ‐ Case Path Path Path Path Path Aeolus Aeolus Path Path Path Path SWIP Path 500‐n2s 2400 NE‐SW, 1200‐e2 w 440‐e2 w 1‐2000, Maximum Rati n gs (MW) 360‐s2n 4096 1400 SW‐NE 1400‐w2e 200 650 235‐w2e 785 3100 4800 2‐3100 TBD 1700 Path 16 ‐Idaho South (n2s) ‐500 3759 1272 ‐60 182 545 286 627 2996 2714 NA 2276 1700 Path 16 ‐Idaho South (s2n) 360 3719 1704 ‐272 ‐100 644 ‐201 693 2996 736 NA 2380 1700 Path 19 ‐Bridger West, 15 00‐4100 ‐100 4096 1022 290 91 356 129 485 2996 3196 NA 2672 1500 Path 19 ‐Bridger West, 17 00‐4055 ‐158 4055 1321 18 66 561 70 663 2996 2536 NA 2628 1700 Path 27 ‐IPP DC Line, (NE‐SW) ‐172 3722 2400 ‐382 47 595 56 668 2996 2599 NA 2216 1700 Path 27 ‐IPP DC Line, (SW‐NE), 14 15‐1400 115 3060 ‐1400 1399 152 431 164 590 ‐2000 ‐2314 NA 2103 1415 Path 27 ‐IPP DC Line, (SW‐NE), 17 00‐600 ‐178 2956 ‐600 419 169 632 239 777 ‐2000 ‐2696 NA 2140 1700 Path 28 ‐Intermountain‐Mo na (e2w) ‐497 3391 1842 ‐1200 152 598 327 651 2996 3073 NA 2291 1700 Path 28 ‐Intermountain‐Mo na (w2e) ‐122 3902 387 1400 125 630 107 676 2996 2712 NA 2387 1700 Path 29 ‐Intermountain‐Gonder ‐492 3774 1272 189 200 600 338 649 2996 3032 NA 2447 1700 Path 30 ‐TOT1A ‐161 3589 1272 66 66 650 67 546 2996 2705 NA 2348 1700 Path 32 ‐Pavant‐Gonder/Gonder‐Intermtn (e2w) ‐474 3706 1200 ‐364 234 492 440 547 2996 3154 NA 2218 1700 Path 32 ‐Pavant‐Gonder/Gonder‐Intermtn (w2e) 275 3671 1438 ‐439 ‐118 650 ‐235 713 2996 2500 NA 2344 1700 Path 33 ‐Bonanza West ‐205 3345 1825 ‐250 30 628 22 785 2996 2959 NA 2280 1700 Path 65 ‐PDCI (n2s) ‐164 3707 1694 ‐342 51 621 63 679 3100 2311 NA 2194 1700 Path 65 ‐PDCI (s2n) 6 2994 2210 ‐362 57 746 67 580 ‐3100 ‐1181 NA 2107 1700 Path 66 ‐COI (n2s) ‐341 3268 1620 ‐292 76 410 97 539 2996 4800 NA 1801 1700 Path 66 ‐COI (s2n) 26 2891 2200 ‐355 60 649 86 777 ‐2000 ‐3675 NA 2017 1700 Aeolus West, 15 00‐2 672 ‐100 4096 1022 290 91 356 129 485 2996 3196 NA 2672 1500 Aeolus West, 17 00‐2 628 ‐158 4055 1321 18 66 561 70 663 2996 2536 NA 2628 1700 Sensitivity Cases SWIP (Great Basin ‐ North, South) (2000 N‐S) ‐497 3878 1178 11 202 457 345 563 2996 4797 2000 2428 1700 SWIP (Great Basin ‐ North, 2South) (3 100 N‐S) ‐378 3873 1120 67 202 440 343 550 2996 4786 3100 2430 1700 SWIP (Great Basin ‐ North, South) (2000 S‐N) 354 2887 2200 ‐129 ‐172 601 ‐345 733 ‐2000 ‐3673 ‐2000 1969 1700 SWIP (Great Basin ‐ North, 2South) (2 000 S‐N) Energy Gateway Project - Phase 2 Technical Studies 15 Aeolus South Transmission Path Loss of the Anticline-Populus 500 kV line results in the Bridger – Three Mile Knoll 345 kV line to exceed its thermal limit for several of the simultaneous cases.
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