19370 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 18, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF RE.MARKS THE SCAPEGOAT APPROACH he would "act courageously without regard that the conduct of Internal Revenue to the political consequences." It is not an Service employees comply with the pro­ act of courage to seek out scapegoats on visions of the Fair Debt Collection Prac­ whom he can lay the blame for two and one 333, HON. ROBERT H. MICHEL half years of leaderless government. tices Act; "aye" on rollcall No. an amendment to prohibit the use of appro­ OF ILLINOIS The President talked on Sunday about IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES broad, fundamental values, but he should priated funds for the Internal Revenue Service to implement rules and regula­ Wednesday, July 18, 1979 have outlined, in detail, just where and when his own administration has missed the mark. tions against tax-exempt private, reli­ e Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, at this He said then that the American people are gious, or church-operated schools.• point I wish to insert in the REcoRD a too concerned with material things. Perhaps statement I made on July 16, 1979, con­ that is so but I do not know of a single so­ cerning the President's energy speeches: ciety in human history in which concern for material well-being was not a major con­ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR The President has chosen to confront our cern, when the people's leaders are not lead­ energy problems with a search !or scapegoats SAYS ''FREE SHCHARANSKY ing, and the nation is drifting aimlessly with NOW" rather than a search !or oil. no ,b81Sic set of principles guiding it. People If he truly believes we are in an energy begin to worry about material thi.ngs !or the battlefield, he should stop shell1ng his own simple reason that no one else seems to be HON. ROBERT F. DRINAN troops. In two speeches, he has disassociated worrying about them. himself from the federal bureaucracy which OF MASSACHUSETTS For nearly two weeks, from July 5 to July he controls. He has repudiated the Congress. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He has repudiated the oil companies and 15, the American people had their attention special interests. He has reinforced the public focused on the personal political dilemma of Wednesday, July 18, 1979 dissatisfaction with government in general, one man. In one respect that can be traced to the natural tendency of the media to turn • Mr. DRINAN. Mr. Speaker the month but isolated his own White House !rom any of July marks the first anniversary of the share of the blame. any complicated, wide-ranging social or po­ litical phenomenon into a "confrontation" trial of Soviet activist and human ri-ghts The program he has outlined in Washing­ melodrama. This does a disservice to the peo­ leader, Anatoly Shcharansky. While ton and Kansas City is not a solution to our ple and to the democratic process. Instead energy crisis, but an expansion of the prob­ Shcharansky's name has faded from the of wondering whether the new Jimmy Carter headlines, the injustices of his trial, and lem. His six major energy initiatives con­ would defeat the old Jimmy Carter on prime stitute little more than a rehash of the gen­ the harsh terms of his imprisonment de­ time, we should have been wondering mand prompt attention. erally-accepted initiatives that the country's how we are going to solve our immediate, energy crisis demands. We did not need an urgent problems. President Carter's speech Anatoly Shcharansky is in ill health. elaboration of these points. We needed to was less a communication of ideas than the In a recent letter to his mother, Ida. know how the President intends to accom­ final act in a melodrama he created and Milgrom, Shcharansky noted that his plish the goals he layed out. the media exploited. What is needed is less eyesight has deteriorated to the point His second speech gave us an inkling as to melodrama, less reliance on drama.tic con­ where he is barely able to read or write. how he intends to proceed. He has proposed frontation and more hard work away from Yet the Soviet authorities are unwilling a massive, $140 b1llion build-up of govern­ the cameras. ment intervention in the marketplace. He to provide Shcharansky with the medical has proposed an army of auditors who w111 The first part of the President's speech aid he needs. seek out possible criminal a.ctivity without was so full of bad news that it may well be the beginning of his re-election campaign The condition of Shcha.ransky's health specifying whBit justification there might be as a reform candidate against his own record. adds a sense of urgency to an already !or such a drastic move. He has prescribed a Whether or not he convinced the Americ·an untenable situation. I commend the national oil and gas rationing plan, dictated people that he has changed the style and Christian Science Monitor for its timely by the federal government and administered substance of his leadership is at this point editorial, and urge my colleagues to read by the states. He has proposed to put our questionable. nation's ut111ty companies in the credit and it with interest. The editorial follows: financing business, regulated by a yet un­ The President cannot run for re-election by FREE SHCHARANSKY NOW specified new bureaucracy. He has proposed re-building the coalitions which elected him The world's attention spa.n ts not long 1976 that the Executive Branch initiate actions in and at the same time make the when a name drops out of the headlines. which I do not believe it has the authority to tough, courageous decisions needed to lead But the individual behind the name lives undertake. Finally, he has proposed to fi­ us out of this crisis. I fear the President happily ever &!.ter-or not happlly, as 1n a nance his program with yet another massive has chosen the former at the expense of the latter.e case calllng !or renewed internatlona.l con­ dose of federal taxation, a permanent wind­ cern this week. It is the case of Anatoly fall profits tax whose full dimensions wUl Shohara.nsky, who took on the thankless have to be staggering in order to reap the burden of monitoring human rlghts 1n the revenues his program requires. PERSONAL EXPLANATION Soviet Union according to the Helsinki I had hoped the President would tell the declaration. His own human rights were American people that he intends to unleash quick ca.su&ltles. This week marks the first the full power, imagination and technologi­ HON. ROMANO L. MAZZOLI alUlllverSM'y of his Moscow conviction on cal sk111 of our free enterprise system on our treason ohe.rges. He rem&ns ln prison though OF KENTUCKY reportedly in seriously damaged health­ energy programs. I had hoped that he would have committed himself to a courageous and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and though, it might be a.dded, Moscow has made a grandstand pla.y of il'elea&ing other decisive course of action to free the system Wednesday, July 18, 1979 prtsoners. !rom its servitude to taxation and regulation. • Mr. MAZZOLI. Mr. Speaker, I was un­ To release Shohar·a.nsky now would not The only ray of hope we have for re­ avoidably absent from the House for part suddenly lift the pall cast by a.ll the unjust lieving our economy from the weight of ex­ imprisonment and psyohia.trtc "treeltment" cess! ve government is the proposed Energy of Thursday's session, July 12 and Fri­ day's session, July 13, 1979. Had I been in the SOviet Union. The unsung victims Mdb111za.t1on Board, which will presumably should be no more forgotten than a Shcha.r­ be charged with the task of clearing the present, I would have voted: "aye" on ansky with his brief stay on the front pages. way for energy projects trapped in bureau­ rollcall No. 3'29, an amendment to H.R. But the Shcharansky case is known. It is cratic red tape. But the Mobl11zation Board 4392 to increase appropriations for con­ symlbollc. Freeing btm would have impact won't have the power to give the industry tributions to international organizations; in a period When East-West rela.tions need the revenue it needs to find and produce "aye" on rollcall No. 330, final passage of a.U the help they can get. But diploma.tlc more energy, and I venture to say, it won't 4392 calculations are not what is needed now. have the power to control the new regu­ H.R. making approprirutions for the What is needed is a regime's simple, humane latory and policing monstrosity the President Departments of State, Justice, Com­ response to a. man ln pa.in. Russian life and is intent upon inflicting on the nation. merce, and the Judiciary: "aye" on roll­ literatur-e Bite <full of such humanUy. Are President Carter said in Kansas City that call No. 332, an amendment to require today·~ Soviets up to it? e • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. July 18, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 19371 SYNTHETIC RUBBER IN WORLD pect of anything forthcoxnlng that would Ken Keating was the ultimate western WAR II be practical on a large scale. Second, the New Yorker-independent, pragmatic, Germans had had the lack of foresight to export to the United States a lot of tech­ public spirited.
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