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T:pation on Wednesday, Oct The election of a 27, 1999, as 452 delegates from Catholicos has histori­ more than 30 countries prepared to cally been an important enter the doors of the sanctuary of event in Armenian his­ Holy Etchmiadzin, to cast their tory, for the primary rea­ ballots for the 132nd Catholicos of son that during periods All Armenians. when the Armenians had One by one the delegates en­ losttheirsovereignty, the tered· the Church as their names Armenian Church had were called, each feeling the weight provided not only spiri­ of responsibility as an elector who tual but political leader­ weuld decide the leader of the Ar­ ship as well (for example menian Church into the next mil­ the role of the Armenian lennium. Patriarch of Presiding over the election Constantinople as head we e Archbi hop Torkom of the Armenian millet Manoogian, Armenian Patriarch of during the period of Ot­ Jerusalem, Archbishop Mesrob (standing left to right) His Beatitude Archbishop Mesrop Mutafyan, Patriarch of Constantinople; His toman Turkish rule over Mutafyan, Armenian Patriarch of Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of·Cilicia; and His Beatitude Archbishop .Torkom Western Armenia). But Constant_inople, and Archbishop Manoogian, Patriarch of Jerusalem, participate in the consecration ceremony of His Holiness Karekin this election was even Nerses Bozabalyan, Locum Ten-. II in the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin. photo by Mark Crosse, The Fresno Bee more significant, taking ens (interim hea~ of the Armenian­ place on the threshold of Church). votes. had passed away ·on June 29, 1999. As a delegate elected from the two important milestone anniver-. Hours later, His Holiness The delegates h~d gathered at His Holiness' reign of a little more Western Diocese of the Armenian saries: the 2000th anniversary of · Karekin II Nersisian was eJected Etchmiadzin earlier in the week, to than four years as Catholicos-he Church of North America, I was the birth of Jesus Christ celebrated as the new Catholicos of All Arme­ participate in the National Ecclesi­ had been elected in April of 1995 privileged to participate in only the in the year 2000 and the 1700th nians, by a majority vote ~ f 263 astical Assembly, which began on -was cut short by illness, 3rd National Ecclesiastical Assem­ anniversary of the acceptance of (226 votes were necessary for elec­ Tuesday, Oct. 26. The Assembly The National Ecclesiastical bly held in the past 44 years. Al­ Christianity as the state religion of tion on the first ballot). The only had been convened to elect a suc­ Assemoly also had on its agenda a though I had been to Armenia on Armenia in the year 2001. By this other candidate in the election, cessor to the late His Holiness discussion of a draft constitution several previous occasions, this was reasoning, a Catholicos had to be Archbishop Nerses Bozabalyan, re­ Karekin I, Supreme Patriarch and for the Armenian Church world­ the first time that I participated in ceived 176 votes, with 11 invalid Catholicos of All Armenians, who wide. the election of a Catholicos. I was See Catholicos, Page 8 ~ Saroyan Statue to be Restored at FresnO State ANCNames By Matthew Maroot previously sat on a dirt lot at R Dr. Kouynijian Street and Mariposa A venue in Editor downtown Fresno. The lot was Man of the Year once home to the y araz Modern 30-foot-tall monument to Art Museum. he Armenian National Fresno's most prolific au­ · Community Medical Center, _ Committee, Central Cali­ A thor, rescued in October which· now owns the lot; planned T fornia has named Dr. from the wrecking ball, now rests· on demolishing the statue to make Dickran Kouymjian, director of the behind the Conley Art Building at way for a parking area-plans that Armenian s·tudies Program at Cali­ California State University, Fresno didn't sit well with those interested fornia State University, Fresno, as where it patiently awaits restora­ in preserving the work of local art­ its "Man of the Year." Dr. tion. ists, including Univ~rsity President Kouymjian is being honored for This rusted configuration of John Welty. "The statue represents his contributions to the education twisted metal and decayed wood a significant part of the cultural of Armenian and non-Armenian was once a shining tribute to the history of this area. It is important students at Fresno State. He will be late author, playwright and Fresno for the university to be committed · honored at a dinner on Sunday, native, William Saroyan. The to preserving art and cult~re/' said March 5, 2000, a_t Tornino's res­ statue titled, "Tribute to _Saroyan," Welty,whose phone call to a hospi­ Prof. Ed GiHum (left) and Dr. Dickran Kouymjian view the taurant. For more information, was created by the late Fresno art­ tal administrator came to the res­ statue of William Saroyan created by artist Varaz Samuelian. please call the ANC at (559) 486- ist, Varaz Samuelian. Samuelian, cue of a small group trying to save · photo by Michael Harutinian 1918 ~ who ·was a close friend of the statue. ment. He accepted without reser­ Professor Ed Gillum of the · Or. Kouymjian was invited to Saroyan's, died in 1995 at age 78. That group included Dr. vation that the statue come to Fresno State Art and Design De­ Fresno from Paris in 1977 to estab­ - The statue, which features a Dickran Kouymjian, Coordinator - Fresno State for restoring. He lit­ partment will oversee the statue's lish a new Program in Armenian stack of curiously arranged 4-foot­ of the Fresno State Armenian Stud­ eraily told university officials to restoration which will be done Studies at Fresno State. He reorga­ ta11 books by Saroyan beneath a ies Program. "Dr. Welty played a simply 'Make it happen. ' And it mainly by advanced art students. nized the Armenian Students Or- large bronze sculpture of his head, crucial role at just the right mo- did," Kouymjian _said. See Statue, Page 8 See Kouymjian, Page 7 - • Assassinations) Page 4 • Adana Conference, Page 5 • What Makes an Armenian?, Page 5 • Historic Armenia, Page 7 2 Hy,e Sharzhoom · December 1999 California State University, Fresno Armenian Studies Program HYE SHARZHOOM _ Spring 2000 Schedule of Courses Course Instructor ."us curctnf\u General Education Division 9-0ther Cultures Editor - -· (Social Sciences Area D3, for students using 1999/2000 Catalog) Matthew Maroot • Ann S 10 Intro to Ann Studies 3 0930-1 045 TTh Staff Staff • Ann S 10 Intro to Ann Studies 3 1000-1 050 MWF B. Der Mugrdechian Division 7-Languages Arakel Arisian (Humanities Area C2, for·students using 1999/2000 Catalog) Michael Harutinian • Ann 1B Elementary Armenian 4 1100-1150 MTWF B. Der Mugrdechian Division 6- Literature John Jabagchourian (Arts & Humanities, Area C, Integra~ive, for students using 1999/2000 Catalog) Annen Karlozian • Ann 148 Masterp. Ann Culture 3 0900-0950 MWF ..B. Der Mugrdechian Upper Division Courses Jennifer Keledjian • Ann S 106 Ann. inN. America 3 - 1100-1150 MWF I. Kaprielian Hasmik Khalachyan-Caiias • Ann_S 108B Ann History II 3 0900-0950 MWF I. Kaprie1ian Shushan Khalachyan • Ann S 120T Armenian Church 1 1700-2200 Fri B. Der Mugrdechian 0900-1700 Sat Ara Mekhitarian Class meets the weekend of February 11 and 12 Shayla Srabian • Ann S 120T Armenia Today 1 1700-2200 Fri B. Der Mugrdechian 0900-1700 Sat Photo~ra.phers Class meets the weekend of March 31 and April 1 Barlow Der Mugrdechian • Ann S 123 Ann Architecture • 3 1700-2200 Fri . D. Kouymjian Michael Harutinian 0900-1700 Sat Class meets the weekends of February 25, 26 and March 3 and 4, and 10 and 11 Shayla Srabian - For more information call the Armenian Studies Program at (559) 278-2669 Advisors or visit our offices in the Peters Business Building, Ro~m 384. Barlow Der Mugrdechian Armenian Studies Program Faculty: Annual .Fund Dickran Kou~mjian .. Dickran Kouymjian, Haig and Isabel Donations Berberian Professor ofArmenian Studies, Hye Sharzhoom is a supplement of The Collegian and the newspapsr Coordinator of the C.S.U.F. Armenian Students Organization and the Armenian Supporters Studies Program and is funded by the Associated Students. Articles Isabel Kaprielian, Associate Professor, may be reprinted provided Hye Sharzhoom is acknowledged. Hye Department of History - Alice & Berge Bulbulian Sharzhoom welcomes prose, poetry,·articles and other material from its · Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Lecturer, Sara Chitjian readers. For further information concerning the newspaper or Arme­ nian Studies Program: ASOAdvisor c/o Armenian Studies Program Frances C. Ziegler, Program 14th Annual 5245 N. Backer Ave. P84 Administrative Assistant Fresno, CA 937 40-8001 r :"':M. Telephone (559) 278-2669 • FAX (559) 278-2129 --"" =-~ Banquet Donors 1 0 http://www.csufresno.~du/ArmenianStudies/ ~'--:' ,.·< · ! Benefactors Kathleen Jenanyan Yeran Devejian I RYE-LIGHTS ____ Berberian & Gazarian Deran & Mimi Koligian Sylvia Etian Family Foundation Angele & Dickran Barbara Janigian Berge & Alice Bulbulian Kouymjian AI & Isabelle Kabrielian Jasmine Cloud Ralph Matewosian Ms. Hermine Keshishyan Mr.
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