Stations in the U.S. Ohio AMERICAN MEDIA SERVICES, LLC DEVELOPERS & BROKERS OF RADIO PROPERTIES et PREFERRED CHOICE 4 ii Chosen by buyers and sellers as Charleston, SC Austin. TX Dallas. TX Denver. CO Chicago. IL San Luis Obispo. CA exclusive broker in numerous transactions. 843.972.2200 www.americanmediaservices.com Mount Gilead New Lexington Niles WVXG(FM)- March 1994: 95.1 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 328 ft TL: N40 35 15 WBBG(FM)- May 15, 1988: 106.1 mhz; 3 kw. 328 ft TL: N41 15 52 WWJM(FM)- May 1. 1978: 105.9 mhz; 1.7 kw. 627 ft TL: N39 46 37 W82 48 20. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 Box 102. Powell, 43065. Phone: (740) W80 45 35. Hrs open: 7461 South Ave., Youngstown, 44512. Phone: W82 09 54. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 210 S. Jackson St., 43764. 549 -7002. Licensee: ICS Holdings Sub 1 Inc. (acq 12.17 -2003: (330) 965-0057. Fax: (330) 729 -9991. E -mail: billkelty @Gearchannel.com Secondary address: 247 Market St., Zanesville 43701. Phone: (740) $384,588). Population served: 76.000 *Mark Litton, gen mgr. Web Site: www.wbbgfm.com. Licensee: Citicasters Licenses L.P. 342 -1988. Fax: (740) 342 -1036. E -mail: wwjm @aol.com Web Site: Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 5 -4 -99; grpsl). wwjm.com. Licensee: Perry County Broadcasting Co. Population Law Firm: Cohn & Marks. Format: Oldies. Target aud: 18-49. served: 100,000 Natl. Network: Westwood One. Format: Adult contemp. Bill Kelly, gen mgr; Dan Rivers, opus mgr; Jeff Kelly, progmg dir; John News staff: one; News: 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-54; young to Mount Vernon Nagy, news dir; Jim Harder, chief of engrg. middle -aged. *Charles Edwards, churn, pros & gen mgr. WMVO(AM)- Nov 26, 1953: 1300 khz; 500 w -D, DA. TL: N40 24 17 WRTK(AM)- Nov 1, 1963: 1540 khz; 500 w -D, DA. TL: N41 07 56 W82 26 23. Hrs open: 17421 Coshocton Rd., Box 348, 43050. Phone: W80 45 40. Hrs open: 124 N. Park Ave., Warren, 44482. Phone: (330) (740) 397 -1000. Fax: (740) 392 -9300. Web Site: www.wmvo.com. 394 -7700. Web Site: www.wrtk.net. Licensee: Beacon Broadcasting Licensee: Capstar TX L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications New Philadelphia Inc. (acq 9- 14- 2005; $400,000). Population served: 100000 Natl. Inc. (acq 2- 12-01; grpsl). Population served: 20,000 Natl. Network: Network: ABC. Format: Urban contemp, gospel. Spec prog: It one hr, ABC. Natl. Rep: Rgnl Reps. Wire Svc: AP Format: Var, newsltalk. WJER(AM)-See Dover -New Philadelphia Pol one hr wkly. Dominic Baragona, gen mgr; Jay Curtis, opns mgr; Spec prog: Relg 7 hrs wkly. Diana Coon, gen mgr & mktg mgr: Robert Hotchkiss, gen sls mgr & rgnl sls mgr; Chris Patrick, progmg Michael Hayes, opus mgr & news dir. dir. WKRJ(FM)- July 12, 1994: 91.5 mhz; 2 kw. 240 ft TL: N40 33 50 W81 31 05. Hm open: W010(FM)-Co -owned with WMVO(AM). May 26, 1951: 93.7 mhz; 37 Rebroadcasts WKSU -FM Kent 100%. kw. Ant 565 ft TL: N40 24 18 W82 26 20. Stereo. 24 E -mail: do WKSU -FM, 1613 E. Summit St., Kent, 44242-0001. Phone: (330) North Baltimore info @ohioradio.com Web Site: www.wgiofm.com.13,373 Format: Adult 672 -3114. Fax: (330) 672 -4107. Web Site: www.wksu.org. Licensee: contemp. News staff: one. Target aud: 35 -54. Spec prog: Hit mus 4 Kent State University. Population served: 76,525 Natl. Network: NPR, WPFX July 30, 1990: 107.7 mhz; 3 kw. 328 ft TL: N41 07 04 hrs, gospel 2 hrs wkly. -FM- PRI. Law Firm: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Format: News, class. News W83 32 38. Stereo. Hm opn: 24 1624 Tiffin Ave., Findlay, 45840. staff: 5: News: 35 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35-65; college grad, Phone: (419) 425 -1077. Fax: (419) 422 -2954. Web Site: Patricia WNZR(FM)- May 1, 1986: 90.9 mhz: 100 w. 193 It TL: N40 22 14 professional & upper income. Allen E. Bartholet, gen mgr; www.1077thefox.com. Licensee: Citicasters Licenses L.P. Group W82 28 05. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 800 Martinsburg Rd., 43050. Phone: Gerber, dev dir; Robert Burford, mktg dir & prom dir; Eric Nuzum, owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 5.4-99; grpsl). Law news Ronald (740) 392 -9090. Fax: (740) 392 -9155. E -mail: wnzramvnu.edu Web progmg dir; David Roden, mus dir; Vincent Duffy, dir,, Firm: Miller & Miller. Format: Classic rock. Target aud: General. Site: www.wnzr.fm. Licensee: Mt. Vernon Nazarene University. Population Bartlebaugh. engrg dir. served: 53,309 Nat. Network: AP Radio. Law Firm: Sciarrina & Associates. Wire Svc: AP Format: Christian adult contemp. News: 5 North Canton hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; Christian adults. Mary Rinehart, stn mgr. WNPO(FM)- Feb 2, 1969: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. 400 ft TL: N40 35 51 W81 29 32. Stereo. Hm opn: 24 3969 Convenience Cir. N.W., Suite 205, Canton, 44718. Phone: (330) 492 -9590. Fax: (330) 492 -3702. Web WHOF(FM)- Aug 29, 1968: 101.7 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 2661t TL: N40 49 Site: www.wnpgfm.com. Licensee: Tuscarawas Broadcasting Co. 22 W81 25 41. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 7755 Freedom Ave. N.W., 44720. Napoleon Population served: 300,000 Natl. Network: CBS Radio. Format: Phone: (330) 492 -4700. Web Site: www.my1017.com. Licensee: CC Christian contemp. Target aud: 18 -49; family oriented. Spec prog: Licenses LLC. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 1 -30- $4.3 million with WJEH(AM) Dover -New Philadelphia). WNDH(FM)- June 1972: 103.1 mhz; 3.3 kw. 300 h TL: N41 18 00 Black 4 hrs. southern gospel 4 hrs wkly. *James Natoli Jr., pres; 2004; Adult Farm 2 W84 09 22. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 709 N. Perry St., 43545. Phone: (419) Garry Meeks. gen mgr: Tom Bishop, gen sls mgr. Population served: 11,516 Format: contemp. Spec prog: hrs wkly. 592 -8060. Fax: (419) 592 -1085. E -mail: wndh @clearchannel.com Web Site: www.wndh1031.com. Licensee: CC Licenses LLC. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 1 -1 -2000; grps0. WTUZ(FM)- Uhrichsville, May 1, 1990: 99.9 mhz; 5.3 kw. 348 ft TL: Natl. Network: CBS. Rgnl. Network: Agri Bcstg, Ohio Radio Net. Rgnl N40 2619 W81 26 01. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 2424 E. High Ave., 44663. North Kingsville rep: Rgnl Reps Wire Svc: AP Format: Adult contemp. News staff: one. Phone: (330) 339 -2222. Fax: (330) 339 -5930. E -mail: info @wtuz.com Target aud: General. Spec prog: Ger Polka 2 hrs wkly. *Robert E. Web Site: www.wluz.com. Licensee: WTUZ Radio Inc. Population WFXJ -FM- Apr 8, 2002: 107.5 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 328 ft TL: N41 54 10 McLimans, sr VP, VP & gen mgr; Rick Small, pons dir: John Schuette. served: 120,000 Natl. Network: Fox News Radio. Law Firm: Smithwick W80 39 36. Hm open: 3226 Jefferson Rd., Ashtabula, 44004 -9112. gen sls mgr. & Belendiuk. Wire Svc: AP Format: Country. News staff: 2; News: 7 Phone: (440) 998 -1075. Fax: (440) 992-2658. E -mail: danaaschulte hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Farm 2 hr, relg 4 hr wkly. Mckearchannel.com Web Site: www.theforx1075.com. Licensee: CC Edward A. Schumacher, pres & gen mgr; Melanie Osborn, gen sls Licenses LLC. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq mgr; Pat Smith, prom dir; Greg Morrison, progmg dir; Brad Shupe, 7 -11 -2000; grpsl). Format: Classic rock. Target aud: 18 -54; males. Nelsonville news dir; John Demuth, chief of engrg. Dana Schulte, VP & gen mgr; Dennis O'Brien, opns dir; Michelle Baird, sis dir. WSEO(FM)- September 1990: 107.7 mhz; 3 kw. 328 ft TL: N39 27 38 W82 13 09. Stereo. Hm opn: 24 15751 U.S. Rt. 33 S., 45764. Phone: (740) 753 -2154. Phone: (740) 753 -4094. Fax: (740) 753 -4965. Newark E -mail: wseo330sbcglobal.net Licensee: Nelsonville TV Cable Inc. North Ridgeville Format: Contemn country. News staff: 3: News: 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -49. Spec prog: Farm. Eugene R. Edwards, pres & gen mgr; WCLT(AM)- Jan 4, 1949: 1430 khz; 500 w -D, 48 w-N. TL: N40 02 WJTB(AM)- Sept 16, 1984: 1040 khz; 5 kw -D. TL: N41 22 37 W82 Nick Brooks, mus dir. 02 W82 24 08. Hrs open: 24 Box 5150, 43058 -5150. Secondary 00 27. Hrs open: 105 Lake Ave., Elyria, 44035. Phone: (440) address: 674 Jacksonlown Rd. S.E., Heath 43056. Phone: (740) 327 -1844. Fax: (440) 322-8942. E -mail: wjtb1040am @aol.com Licensee: 345 -4004. Fax: (740) 345 -5775. E -mail: [email protected] Web Site: Taylor Broadcasting Co. Format: Urban contemp, gospel. *James New Boston www.wclt.com. Licensee: WCLT Radio Inc. (acq 1- 1 -58). Population Taylor, pres & gen mgr; Henry Dunn, pons mgr. served: 145,000 Natl. Network: AP Radio, Fox News Radio. Wire Svc: AP Format: News/talk. News staff: 2; News: 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: W101(AM)- Sept 2, 1959: 1010 khz; 1 kw -D, 22 w -N. TL: N38 43 48 General. Robert H. Pricer, CEO; Douglas C. Pricer, pres 8 gen mgr. W82 57 10. Hrs open: Box 1233, Portsmouth, 45662. Phone: (606) Norwalk 932 -4796. Fax: (606) 932 -4796. E -mail: chip @wioiradio.com Web Site: wioiradio.com. Licensee: Maillet Media Inc. (acq 1996). Population WCLT -FM- Aug 7, 1947: 100.3 mhz; 50 kw. 390 ft TL: N40 02 02 WLKR(AM)- Mar 18, 1968: 1510 khz; 500 w -D, DA. TL: N41 16 45 served: 27,633 Format: Adult standards.
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