E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2018 No. 197 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was U.S. SENATE, We need to confirm more of the well- called to order by the Honorable DEAN PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, qualified nominees who remain waiting HELLER, a Senator from the State of Washington, DC, December 13, 2018. on the Senate’s calendar. We need to Nevada. To the Senate: deliver the targeted resources that are Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby necessary for securing our border and f appoint the Honorable DEAN HELLER, a Sen- fund the remaining parts of the Federal ator from the State of Nevada, to perform Government. PRAYER the duties of the Chair. Today, of course, debate will con- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- ORRIN G. HATCH, tinue on the Sanders-Lee resolution fered the following prayer: President pro tempore. with respect to U.S. involvement in O God, our protector, mountains Mr. HELLER thereupon assumed the Yemen. As I stated yesterday, their melt in Your presence and islands Chair as Acting President pro tempore. resolution is not sufficiently prudent shout for joy. We praise You because f nor sufficiently precise for the job at Your ways are just and true. Lord, You hand. Yes, the Senate wants Saudi Ara- know our hearts and minds like an RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY bia to act responsibly. We want to see open book. Thank You for the security LEADER a more stable Yemen for the sake of we have in You. When all around us The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the Yemeni people. We also want to seems daunting, You alone remain our pore. The majority leader. preserve this 70-year partnership, rock and refuge. f which serves our interests and helps Give our lawmakers this day such stabilize a crucial region. MEASURE PLACED ON THE reverence for You that they will stay The resolution before us is a blunt CALENDAR—S. 3747 in the path of integrity. May they and imprecise measure that would not think about You throughout the day, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I advance these delicate goals. To the whispering prayers of gratitude for understand there is a bill at the desk contrary, it would jeopardize U.S. sup- Your goodness and grace. due a second reading. port that has actually limited civilian Lead our national and international The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- casualties. And I maintain that since leaders on the road that will bring pore. The clerk will read the title of genuine hostilities are not involved, glory to Your Name. Lord, give them the bill for the second time. the resolution should not even be privi- the courage to speak for justice, truth, The legislative clerk read the title of leged under the War Powers Act. and peace. the bill as follows: I urge my colleagues to vote against We pray in Your Holy Name. Amen. A bill (S. 3747) to provide for programs to their resolution and to support Chair- help reduce the risk that prisoners will man CORKER’s more responsible alter- f recidivate upon release from prison, and for native in its place. other purposes. Even considering the work still be- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. MCCONNELL. In order to place fore us, Members should take pride in The Presiding Officer led the Pledge the bill on the calendar, under the pro- the significant milestones we have of Allegiance, as follows: visions of rule XIV, I object to further checked off this week. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the proceedings. On Tuesday, the Senate completed United States of America, and to the Repub- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the 30th Federal circuit judge con- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, pore. The objection having been heard, firmation of this Congress. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the bill will be placed on the calendar. Yesterday evening, the Senate and f the House reached a landmark agree- f ment to reform the process by which BUSINESS BEFORE THE SENATE Capitol Hill itself handles claims of APPOINTMENT OF ACTING Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, the sexual harassment, discrimination, and PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Senate began this week with a long list other workplace violations. It is a bi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of important unfinished business. And cameral and bipartisan agreement. It clerk will please read a communication make no mistake—that list remains strengthens protections for victims. It to the Senate from the President pro lengthy. It will require the continued ensures that Members of Congress shall tempore (Mr. HATCH). good-faith efforts of Members on both be held responsible for their own mis- The legislative clerk read the fol- sides of the aisle to keep up the conduct, not taxpayers. It contains a lowing letter: progress. number of other important reforms to ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7531 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Dec 14, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13DE6.000 S13DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S7532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 13, 2018 create more transparency and account- country. I am proud to have played a known here in Washington from time ability in the process. I am very glad part in delivering that victory. to time—the occasional sense that you Congress will be taking this important It has been my privilege to represent have wound up on a bit of an island. I step. I want to thank Chairman BLUNT Kentucky farmers on the Agriculture mean, JEFF really didn’t mind this and Ranking Member KLOBUCHAR and Committee every day I have served in feeling. This is not a political meta- their counterparts in the House for the Senate. The multiyear bill we pro- phor, by the way; it is literally one of working hard to get this across the fin- duced is a credit to the leadership of the man’s hobbies. ish line. Chairman ROBERTS and Ranking Mem- Starting back in 2009, and several That wasn’t the only milestone we ber STABENOW, and now the fruits of times since, our colleague had decided cleared yesterday. Yesterday after- their labor are finally on the way to a ‘‘dream vacation’’ means a rugged noon, the House of Representatives the White House. survival trip where he is marooned on joined the Senate in passing the farm I would like to express my gratitude a remote island with just a couple bill conference report. Now it is on its to my follow conferees, especially my tools. In one eloquent reflection, JEFF way to the President’s desk. colleague from Kentucky, Congress- described this predilection as ‘‘a long The boost this bill delivers couldn’t man JAMIE COMER. bout of ‘Caruso envy.’ ’’ come soon enough. It is no secret that I would also like to thank the Ken- That first time, he traveled alone. To these are tough times in farm country. tucky Farm Bureau, which has been pass the time, there was the standard Falling prices and volatile markets my partner every step of the way. Ear- activities—dodging sharks; make it harder to make ends meet. Net lier this month, the farm bureau an- spearfishing for breakfast, lunch, and farm income continues to decline. The nounced the beginning of its centennial dinner; starting fires with coconut threat of natural disasters is a con- year. I would be hard-pressed to think husks and a magnifying glass; befriend- stant fear for even the most skilled and of a better way to celebrate that 100th ing the hermit crabs—you know, typ- prepared farmers. birthday than with a new farm bill. ical tourist fare. Families in my home State of Ken- There is a reason this bill passed In fairness to our friend, maybe a tucky are all too familiar with these both Houses with overwhelming bipar- solo getaway has a special appeal to challenges. Months of heavy rain and tisan majorities. There is a reason this anyone who grew up as one of 11 chil- severe weather this year have damaged has been a big priority for Congress dren or, for that matter, I can see why crop yields and increased the burden on and the administration. Farming fami- it might tempt a Member of the House, producers. We are home to more than lies deserve more stability. Once the but apparently the appeal was some- 75,000 farms. They produce everything President signs this farm bill into law, what broader than the alone time be- that is precisely what they will have. from soybeans and poultry to horses cause on subsequent trips JEFF actu- and corn. These families are looking to f ally brought company. us for help and stability, and when TRIBUTE TO JEFF FLAKE A few years ago, he talked our col- President Trump signs our farm bill league MARTIN HEINRICH into coming Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I into law, more stability is just what along on one of these adventures. It they will get. would like to close by paying tribute to another Member of this body whose re- was just the two of them—and some TV I would like to share some of the cameras. This was prime time stuff bill’s highlights that will support farm tirement in the Senate is fast ap- proaching.
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