pectacuter direct riverfront with deep-water direct access MjMrtoj^wg K Scanai and basin. The current owner put in new seawali or* the canal side and sat up a deep water boat siip to (SQO) 232-€O04 accommodate up to a 50*- ft S»at The tot will accommodate a iarge home wttti a 6,000 square ft, foot-pnnt and a tennis court This is a great parcsi Show and sell at $2,395,000! CM Paige of Audubon Eagle Watch CD CD CC By Karen Nelson prey. If a great horned owl approaches an eagle nest, the Q. [email protected] eagle will back off. Paige was a big hit at "Ding" Darling Days Family Fun Referring to the perpetual scowl, "eagles always look Day. She's an 11-year-old female bald eagle who fell — like they are having a bad day," noted White. This is due to • or was pushed out of — her nest at eight weeks of age a bony ridge above the eye socket which acts as a sun visor. CD when she contracted avian pox (related to chicken pox and Eagles see in color and their vision is more acute than ours; O trasmkled b> mosquitoes). She broke her wing when she they can switch from peripheral to telescopic vision and o fell and L>nda While ofAudubon Bagle Watch explained the} can focus on things that are two miles distant. CXJ thai Paige could not survive in the wild wilh the injury. Loss of habitat is one of the major issues facing o" <M Eagle Watch has 268 \olunteers monitoring Florida Florida eagles. Ragles are very territorial and they will nests (k)cal volunteers arc needed: after the talk, two fight to the death o\er territory: Eagle Watch is seeing an o came forward to speak to White). Bald eagles live for increase in eagles that have been injured bv other eagles o 30-40 >ears in the wild. The) have a six to eight fool (talon-caused puncture wounds). In addition, the} arc wing span; females aie larger and weigh eight to 12 seeing communal roosting, which is something thai hud pounds, males weight six lo eight pounds. Paige is 10- previousi} been seen in Alaska but not in Florida. CD 1 1 pounds, which is large for a Honda eagle. CD Bald eagles build the biggest nests in North Eagles ha\c three enemies: man. the great horned owl American, averaging six feet in diameter and several feet and alligators. Talon pressure for eagles is 300 psi: for deep. When the eagle brings a live pine bough and places great horned owls it's 500 psi. so (hey can take larger it on the edge of the nest, they are ready to nest. Florida bald eagles generally la\ Left above: A slide from the presentation from a photo sent to Eagle Watch, two eggs (usuallv one taken when two osprey (only one is shown) had forced an eagle down into female and one male), the water. White noted that the osprey eventually retreated and the eagle with two lo four da\s flew off. Eagles swim by flapping their wings in the water, noted White. betw een. Both parents Below and below left photos by Karen Nelson. incubate the eggs, which Below left: Paige strikes a regal pose at the Eagle Watch booth. must be turned every Below: At the end of White's presentation, the audience gathered to get hour. After 33 lo 35 days, a closer look at Paige. the four-ounce chicks hatch. Bald eagles will •IIMI take in IOMI-I Jiil- o dKIl Molll |\IKII|s l.llM. o ilv h.ibiLs whiJi mow CD l.islei lluin .iiiv OIIK-I Q. \uiih \HIOML HI bud in CO Q. lust II) uev.k^ iln.v \\ ill v *'"_h I'I p-HiP-U OIK I I. mkiio (.an IMI > ^O CD CD pound-, ul li-h in i \\ivk N © IIKIL .IK 1 lion IMM CD e luks in I loud i UIIKII h.is IIK- M.'I.I)|)II I.IIL'INI popul iiion in \oiili \"U i iv. i M.INLI li i^ ilv I.II'jest popul.limn at lot) ODD \\\i\u uokd ilia, lln b.ild e.i -le w.is K\v.-ii.d b\ ill \.ilive \IIK i IL.in IIIIKS mil onlv \.itivv. X'iKiu.ins v-.in ..pp'\ loi OV\ IKIMlip ol b.llll iMck CD 'e iihi.i» T3 JO More on Eagle Watch CO at right BREAKFASHUNCH-DINNER Come see ft* fabulous 3007 swbnwear Call Ahead Seating Available For Parties Of 8 Or More S W < M W E A R Periwinkle Place • OUTDOOR SEATING 2075 Periwinkle Way • LIVE MUSIC EVERYDAY Scrnlbe! Island • TAKE-OUT AVAILABLE 472 2674 OPEN 7 AM TO 10 PM Food & Beverage Discount Santinf Marina Pfaza 7205 Estero Blvd. 10%OFF BREAKFAST 2163 Periwinkle Way, Fort Myers Beach Monday -Saturday 7-11 Sunday 7-12 Sanibel Island, Florida I8'\. ^rahut\ aikln! ^ \&\ .ippho-. 765 5050 \ol valicJ wiih ,in\ nihiM pronujiiuii (239) 472-0606 TJ 03 to "Ding" Days Family Fun Day CD CO Duck Stamp winner Meline talks about her art By Karen Nelson notes that "once 1 got started (painting ducks) CD islander @ breezenewspapers.com 25 vears ago, 1 haven't slopped. The people CD l\e met in waterfowling are part of the rea- 2006-2007 Federal Duck Stamp Artist son I've stuck with it... Thev're verv down- a Sherrie Russell Meline spoke about her win- to-earth people and they\c kept me going." o ao ning painting on Saturday at "Ding" Darling ""E\ery lime 1 sit down to do a painting. 1 cr Days. Her son, Scott, won the Junior Duck learn more. It's an ongoing challenge, and I Stamp in 1997, and she and Scott are the first can be so obsessed with getting l()0'/< per- CD parent-child winners. fection lhat nothing satisfies me.'" This was her second Ross's Goose entry; She starts w ith the face. "It's e\er\thing in O she had entered acouple of years back and the painting." Although the paintings do not ro made it past the early rounds of judging. This have specific stories, she feels lhat the face year, she went back to that original entry. (ells me story, that it is representative of (he Figuring that there was something in the species. "I want to make sure it's correct and composition that appealed to the judges, that what 1 feel portrays 1he personality." She can original entry was her point of departure for spend from 20 - 80 hours just on the face. this year's winning entry. She works at a white table and begins by She worked on hthe painting (which is drawing direct!} onto the labletop. "It has 10" by 7") from April to August, "not straight drawings all o\er it." she said. From those but close to it," working many hours at night. thumbnail drawings, she goes direcll) (o the Meline with her framed Ross's Goose, the "It was three months' worth of work if you final si/e. Eagle Watch needs volunteers 2006-2007 Duck Stamp. count the hours." She takes a lot of photos for altitude and II }<>u would be inteiested in She and her husband run a gallery in.Mt. "1 clon'i paint unless I'm really familiar with wiliinkviin1.: to nioniloi •in e.igle Shasta, California, called Wingbeat (wing- the species.'" She uses a taxidermy mount lor ncM l*ii 1 >i<jle W.ikh. tall 40~'fi41- beat.com is the web site). Days are taken up reference (she has a lot of friends who are 0140 HI e-m.iil e.mlewakh(.' with gallery work and she does her painting hunters). .niduhon ois at night. llieAuduhonl .i»lc\\aiji p For the Ross, she has a friend with an 0) • Meline paints in acrylic on 140# hot a\iary who had rescued a Ross so she was compiles iLi.i lui publication i<> 03 pressed watercolor paper. She noted that "able to sludv closer and longer."' She studies nieni uiKin nt-siing AIIV in 1'iiiph.isi/e1- many duck stamp artists use illustration for "altitude, natural stance, or position. It monit.Mine ol uiban pans to leaud board or gessoed masonite but she likes the takes close observation." IKII&HI'IIII riesiim; nends identifies feel of working on paper. That closeness helps. "I feel personally IvxonlMl ihie.itts to nesting -uuvs-. She started painting birds 25 years ago. connected to the species. It's not only more \oluuleeis leain 'leneuil eagle Before that, she was doing laminated wood familiar but I also have a tie." She likened nesiiiis.' liioloi;v how in ldeniilv 03 sculptures,which oftentimes involved paint- that connection lo portrait painting, as being nest ihie.il>-. iimiiiii'iinL' iei.liiiii|ties ing old Japanese silk kimono designs on the (he "same as doing a portrait of someone vou .Hid .ilsi< help wiilv Ik- lot..iiion ol 1 Q- sculptures. She had a love of birds: "I kept can recognize" rather than just making up pievimislv niiieeiMiled .HUM nesis CD ;-* putting in Japanese cranes" in the kimono any hod> and painting someone nonexistent. I he d.Ua is used Ui .ISMN.1 O designs and, in college, she had collected When asked if she hunted: "I don't get up rioriila's Miil-winiei Annual Bald O duck decoys, in part because they were at o-dark:30 to get up and sit in a blind." She l;agle Nesiing Survev: it is also used 3 "cheap decor." will go out later, "[ like to observe, to very by' ilie r.-S".
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