^5vf •5 . AT«raf« Dally Net Pr«M 9 an T'j';'; For the Week Bnklog ThBWMtiier ' June B, IBSl Poreeaet ot 0 . & Weatfeer B m M 10,163 iianrtet^r 1 Today, partly cloody to tolr. Member ot tbe Aodlt wanner; tonight tolr; Saturday BnreM of pliealktloae Manchester— A City o f Village Charm tolr arid warm; blgheat aboat It. VOL. LXX, NO. 217 (Claaalfled Advertloing oa Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 15. 1951 (EICHTEEN PACES) PRICE FIVE CENTS ^ Fear 40 Trapped in Fire at Home ior Aged Expected U. S. .0 H. S. Class of 282 Red Troops Dig in JoliiiHon Tpfllifips 200 Escape, Recognition Is Graduated Here Of Red China On Eastern Front T w o Deadr. Local Youths Hear Im­ Tokyo. Juna 15 (A5 - I>argr Speaker Here Johnflon Tell* Probers Honored in Death mtmbera of fre.ah Red troops were In Montreal" pressive Address on repnrteil digging In today on the . at Graduation O f Staff Differences Oltl Ainericaii Ideals, S'; rain-awepl ridges of eastern Ko­ .Montreal, June 15—(A*)—• With MaeArlhur on Al­ rea. Goal of World Peace P.ed.s battled United Nations Fort.v porsonk were reported lied Inchon Landings tank eohinin.s on the reniral front, trapi>eH and at leant two died but vanished I'omplelely in the today in n rnginK fire at the natloni everywhere beg;;n to west accept the old democratic Ideals Washington, June 1.5 — (A*!— Allied tank roliimns rumbled up Umnnn Catholic Ilonpice St. which are the result of centuries Louis Johnson tostilied today that two roads toward Knmsong, new CuneKonde, a home for tha of experience and thinking on the as Secretary of Defense he feared % Chinese hise m the lenter One aged and orphnne here. patrol moved through a mnunlahi part of the plain people, then will the United States was moving to­ Some 200 children, apparently ward recognition of Red China. pass to the Uhupa area, nine all the children who had been the goal of world peace be more miles south of Kumsong. It met housed In the hulUllng, were led nearly realized. Prof. David D, Johnaon told the Senate's Mac- only sporadic fire. Another lank to safety by nuns, but a number of Vaughan of American Interna­ Arthur Inquiry that he "never patrol elanke.l out of Kumhwa, aged persons, mostly women, were tional College told the llanchester knew of any decision tiy the state 11 miles i-sl of Uhupa, lilasllng department, de.apite the British still on the upper floors of the High school 1951 graduating class at detenuuied Chinese along a stone mul wooden five-story atruc- ■ talk and the Britlah reeognltinn. ridge route. at commencement ceremonies this for UB to recognize." Then he tiiie more than an hour after the morning at the State theater. Pro- II. N, fighter-homliers .slipped hlllZe hi (llle out. added: through rain tdoiids to aid the fessor Vaughan, a soclalogiat "But because of the things that Most of the old men lived on spoke on "Old American Ideals drive toward Kiim.song Pilots re­ the lower Moors of the building were said in those days. 1 feared ported they eaupht a "large for New World Problems.' that we would not oppose their be­ and It was beheveil most or all The speaker discuased the group" of Re(l.*r on the open tianUs of them e.seupe<l, coming a member of the United of the Kiiiisong river vust hefore democratic ideals of Justice, Nation.a. and then we would haw 'I'uo Hno\\.-| Drwl equality, fraternity and service, to recognize them. du.sk. Thrv said they got "exeel- Shortly after the fire broke out and he stressed the need for con­ "We of the military particularly lent roverage" with their bomb strikes. a fireman said he knew of the sidered thinking free of prejudice. worried about It hecau.se it meant deaths of two persons, 282 Member Class another vote on the (United Na­ Try to F.stahllsh IJne No estimate was available on tions) Security Council antagon- To the .soullien.st. North Koreans tliq^ niimlier of injured, but many The State theater, as has been Dr. Do\1d D. Vaughan .showered tlie Allied line with mor­ the case for tbe past several i.stlc to the fundamental intere.st.s W eie being brought from the of the United States and for Com­ tar fire, AP UortespifTiilont Ceorge hiilliling on stretchers by rescue years, was filled to capacity by A. MeArthiir reporteil. relatives and friends of the gradu­ munism." Pfr. William ’niompaon .squalls. Staff Uneasy on Inchon (above). 22-yrar-old Negro for­ "Tha Reds are digging In." a One of the re.scuers was a ates in the 282-member class. Truman Signs U, N. officer said, "trying to Former Defenne Aerretary Johnson wa%’wi a flni^er an hr This morning marked the fifty- Johnson was dlsmls.sed from the merly of New York City, who (jikrn the wlt^enn nlnnd yratenlay. In WanhliiKton. hufnrr the roni priest in vestment* who wore g defense post la.st .September. Hwa fniiglit a (k'luylng action la Korea ostabli.sh a defense line." fireman's helmet. eighth annual commencement for In tlie Yanggii-Inje area Red hinrd Hrnate Krr^icea «nd Forrl|{:ii Urliitlonn ronimltl4HNi to Grain Measure exit from President Tniman^i which roat him his life, has won trntlf)' about I'. S. I’lir Ekmt policy nml military o|M*nillonN niirround Within two hours firemen the local High school. Diplomas cabinet Is widely reputed to have the Congri-Hsloiuil Medal of Hon­ artillery aometimea set the hills ware presented by Mrs. E. Mae Injf the dhimlNaal of tJen. Ihiiiglaa MacArthur an o%*rmll iNimiiuinder. brought the blaze under control resulted In part from his differ­ or. The posthumous award ol ringing with continuous explo­ (.\l* Wlrrphntn). hut eloiids of smoke Btlll rolled Holden of the Board of Education. ences with Secretsry of State the nation’s highest honor makes sions, McArthur reported. U. N. The ’ colorfiilly-gowned class Provides for 2 Million from the buililing, a landmark at Acheson. niompaon the first man of hla artillery replied by pounding the Atwater avenue and DcLIale marched in the Processional to Ton* on Credit to Aid John.aon slso told the Senators: rare to win the medal slne<e the ' new defense line the Reds were streets In midtoum Montreal, and Verdi's "Triumphal March" from 1. Gen. Dougla.s MacArthur j S|ianlsh-.\merlcan war. apparently constructing north of flames still could be Been on sev- “ Aida" played by the High School India Fight Famine took re.sponsihility and carried out | ------j------------------ Allied positions. Say U. S. Against Bid •iral floors. orchestra. After the Star Spangled the Inchon landing in Korea des­ Three hiiUalions digging in on .Seellons of the roof collapsed Banner, Class President Rudolph Washington, June 15 — (>P) — pite misgivings by the U. S. Joint a single hill north of Yanggu were into the flftli floor, where blind Vlgnone opened the program with President Truman signed today a Chiefs of Staff, He said the JCS Supports Rent lilnstefi by Allied guns, per.son* had been houned, but It the officials greetings j f the gave MacArthur a chance to call it U. N. foot troop* straightened Now for Cease-Fire eould not be determined at onca sill providing up to 2.000,000 tons (graduates. The orchestra them off a week before it was launched. their lines and probed Red poai- whether the patients still wera revered Roberts "Urbana." 3f food grain on credit to help In- 2. He questioned the "accuracy" Law Extension llon.s all along the ca.st. North of trapped on that floor at the tlm«. iflss Virginia R. Martin, salu- Jia fight off a famine. of an early draft of the State de- Inje the Allies pushed abiait a mile Washington. June 15 (/Ti Tlie Alien Gen. Douglas MacArthur is- In a statement, the President tatorlan, delivered her addresa partment'a 1949 "White Paper” on through intenao.flre. Officera said Uniteil Statea is reported opposed lued his own truce lild first. noted that the United States al­ sntltlsd "To Serve in the World CSvina. This document was a bulky Senate Banking Barks the fire appeared to bo a delaying to ally action aimed at saaking a Tlie State department reported­ ready is sending grain to India account of developments in China action to give other Reds time to ly hSa res'hted this British sug- et Economics.’' It the rate of 25CMKK) tons a cease-fire agreement with the Chi­ Urge Truman •niree numbers by the A Cap- and contained a good deal of ma­ Curbs After June 30, dig in. geatim thur far on 4h« ground* month. The new shipments, he terial ‘ highly critical of Chiang Along the western front Allied nese Cpmniunists now. that It would do no good. said, will bring the total up to two- Covers Defense Areas (C3ontinned on Page Four) Kai-Shek'S Nationalist govern­ patrols pushed four miles out in Its attltiido, however, would not ' Aa an alfemativa. it has siig- thirds of all the food India is buy­ ment. Johnson said some of the preclude talk.s if the Iteda made ' geated Dint Mr. Truman might Halt Strike ing from outside "to meet its emer­ material in the Defense depart­ Washington, June 15—(Ah—The (Continued on Page Eight) the first overtures. OITirials here make a ii-|iort on the Korean fight­ gency." ment's files conflicted with things Senate Banking committee agreed say they have no knowledge of ing to United Nations Secretary Mr.
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