Apples Dwarf 6 86080-Fuji $35.99 6 23958-Gravenstein Red-$35.99 6 59580-Honeycrisp-$35.99 7 86082-Jonagold-$35.99 7

Apples Dwarf 6 86080-Fuji $35.99 6 23958-Gravenstein Red-$35.99 6 59580-Honeycrisp-$35.99 7 86082-Jonagold-$35.99 7

Apples Dwarf 6 86080-Fuji $35.99 6 23958-Gravenstein Red-$35.99 6 59580-Honeycrisp-$35.99 7 86082-Jonagold-$35.99 7 Apples Semi-Dwarf 7 13475-Akane-$34.99 7 80926-Amere de Berthcourt $28.99 7 86532-Calypso Redlove $28.99 8 86532-Odysso Redlove $28.99 8 13510-Cox Orange Pippin $34.99 8 13515-Empire-$34.99 9 13530-Fuji $34.99 9 13520-Fuji, Red $34.99 9 98808-Gala-$34.99 9 13555-Golden Delicious -$34.99 10 10010-Granny Smith-$34.99 10 13575-Gravenstein Red-$34.99 10 41238-Jonagold-$34.99 10 10006-Jonathon-$34.99 11 NEW 2020 86148-King David-$34.99 11 13600-King, Thompkins-$34.99 11 13605-Liberty -$34.99 12 27726-Pink Pearl-$34.99 12 98814-Waltana-$34.99 12 98817-Yellow Newton Pippin - $34.99 12 Apples Standard 13 13535-Fuji $31.99 13 Crabapple 13 80864-Dolgo $28.99 13 NEW 2020 86228-Firecracker $28.99 13 Multi Graft & Espalier Apples & Rootstock 14 13465-6N1 Multi-Graft Espalier $69.99 14 61672-Fuji Espalier. $64.99 14 98847- Gala Espalier. $64.99 14 61672-Golden Delicious Espalier. $64.99 14 1 86182-4-N-1 Combos - $64.99 14 17466-Apple Rootstock - $2.59 14 Apricots & Apriums Semi-Dwarf 15 13655-Harglow - $34.99 15 47548-Puget Gold - $32.99 15 83061-Tomcot - $39.99 15 Cherries Sweet Dwarf 15 86154-Bing $41.99 15 86156-Craigs Crimson $41.99 16 35936-Lapins $41.99 16 62618-Stella $42.99 16 Cherries Sweet Semi-Dwarf 16 NEW 2020 86230-Amarena de pescara $28.99 17 86154-Bing $39.99 17 80952-Governor Wood $28.99 17 82362-Lapins $39.99 17 67468-Rainier $39.99 18 NEW 2020 86162-Royal Crimson $42.99 18 80866-Royal Rainier $41.99 18 Cherry’s Sour 18 13770-Montmorency Standard $34.99 18 Multi-graft Cherry 19 45830-Cherry 4-N-1 Rainer-Bing-Lapin-Van $64.99 19 Figs 19 24608-Black Jack Deep Liner $24.99 19 86536-Black Spanish 1 gallon $13.99 20 13845-Black Mission Deep Liner $24.99 20 13855 Brown Turkey Deep Liner $24.99 20 New 2020 86232-Verns Brown Turkey 1 gallon $15.99 20 13865 King (Desert King) Deep Liner $24.99 21 New 2020 86624-Negronne 1gallon $15.99 21 New 2020 86240-Neverella 1gallon $15.99 21 86202-Osborne Prolific Deep Liner $24.99 21 51844-Peters Honey Deep Liner $24.99 22 NEW 2020 86622-Stella 1 gallon $16.99 22 51898-White Genoa 1 gallon $24.99 22 2 Medlar 22 80958- Maroon Medlar $28.99 Bareroot 23 Mulberry 23 41676- Black Beauty $44.99 Bareroot 23 66888- Pakistan $44.99 Bareroot 23 53588- Dwarf Black Potted $31.99 23 Nectarines 23 New 2020 86164-Arctic Babe Miniature $36.99 24 80872-Arctic Glow-$43.99 24 39752-Liz’s Late-$36.99 24 New 2020 86252-Pacific Pride-$28.99 24 New 2020! Pawpaws 25 86242 KSU Atwood 1 gallon $26.99 25 86244-KSU Chappell 1 gallon $26.99 25 Peaches Semi-Dwarf 25 New 2020 86548-Avalon Pride $28.99 25 New 2020 86248-Charlotte $28.99 26 27874-Frost $37.99 26 14100-Indian Free $36.99 26 14120-Muir $34.99 26 New 2020 86250-Oregon Curl Free $28.99 27 82182-Q 1-8 (a.k.a. Salish Summer) $36.99 27 14130-Redhaven $36.99 27 80880-Sauzee Swirl $42.99 28 Peaches Standard 28 14030-Frost $31.99 (3/4”Caliper) 28 80882-Peregrine $28.99 Antique 1906 28 82182-Q 1-8 (a.k.a. Salish Summer) $36.99 29 14135-Redhaven $31.99 29 Miniature Nectarine & Peach 29 New 2020 86164-Arctic Babe Miniature $36.99 29 14060-Garden Gold $32.99 30 86170-Garden Sun $32.99 30 14095-Honey Babe $32.99 30 Multi-Graft Peach 30 27872-3-N-1, Curl Resistant/ Frost, Q-1-8, Muir -Standard $52.99 30 3 Pears Semi-Dwarf 31 14195-Anjou (Beurre d’ Anjou) $36.99 31 14270-Bartlett $35.99 31 13290-Bosc $35.99 31 51852-Comice $35.99 31 New 2020 86540-Orcas $28.99 32 New 2020 86260-Rescue $28.99 32 80934-Ubileen $28.99 32 14325-Warren $35.99 33 Pears- Standard 33 82760-Bartlett $28.99 33 Pears-Asian Semi-Dwarf 33 13990-20th Century $35.99 33 14000-Hosui $35.99 34 86254-Raja $28.99 34 86256-Shin Li $28.99 34 14010-Shinseki -$35.99 34 86176-Tennosui -$35.99 35 Pears-Asian Standard 35 80886-Shinko-$31.99 35 Multi-Graft Asian Pear Semi-Dwarf 35 83106-3-N-1 Shinseiki-Chojuro-Shinko-20th Century- Hosui Assorted $54.99 35 Persimmon American 35 86544-Meader $29.99 bareroot 36 86264-Mohler $29.99 bareroot 36 Persimmon Asian 36 80944-Early Fuyu $29.99 1gallon Pot 36 80938-Early Jiro $29.99 1 gallon Pot 36 80938-Fire Crystal $29.99 1 gallon Pot 37 86272-Nikitas Gift 1g $29.99 1 gallon Pot 37 80948-Saijo $29.99 1 gallon Pot 37 80948-Sweet Fuyu $29.99 1 gallon Pot 37 80948-Sweet Fuyu $29.99 1 gallon Pot 38 Plums Semi-Dwarf 38 14360-Beauty $35.99 38 14365-Burgundy $35.99 38 4 14370-Elephant Heart $33.99 38 80888-Hollywood $35.99 39 14385-Green Gage $36.99 39 41246-Methley $35.99 39 NEW 2020 51864-Oullins $28.99 39 51864-Late Santa Rosa $35.99 40 14405-Santa Rosa $35.99 40 14420-Satsuma $35.99 40 61714-Shiro $35.99 40 Pluots 40 80896-Dapple Supreme Semi Dwarf $37.99 41 66924-Flavor Grenade Standard $35.99 41 86180-Flavor Supreme $37.99 41 Pluots Multi Graft 42 86184-4-N-1 $64.99 42 Pomegranates 42 68276-Ambrosia Liner $18.99 42 86276-Crimson Sky 1g $15.99 42 86198-Eve Liner $17.99 42 86278-Parfianka 1g $15.99 43 74948-Wonderful Tall Tree Pot $24.99 43 Prunes 43 13455-Italian Semi $35.99 43 13445-French Prune Stand $31.99 43 13445-Sugar Prune Semi $35.99 44 Quince 44 80954-Cooke’s Jumbo Standard $34.99 44 86620-Aromatnaya Standard $28.99 44 Almonds 44 20778-All in One $39.99 44 New 2020 86280-Oracle $28.99 45 New 2020 86280-Primavera $28.99 45 New 2020 86552-Seaside $28.99 45 Chestnuts 45 87016-Colassal $54.99 45 86930-Nevada $54.99 46 5 Pecans 46 86796-Mohawk $74.99 46 Pistachio 46 87018-Kerman $61.99 46 87020-Peters $61.99 47 Walnuts 47 68142-Carmello $54.99 47 86798-Franquette $54.99 47 Rootstock 47 17466-Apple M111 $2.59 47 Bareroot 2020 Apples Dwarf 86080-Fuji $35.99 Rootstock: Geneva 935 Rootstock: Geneva 935 California’s favorite apple. High quality apple, with a not so pretty appearance. Sweet, very crisp and flavorful, excellent keeper. Dull reddish-orange skin, sometimes russeted. Ripe mid-September. Excellent pollenizer for other apple varieties. 23958-Gravenstein Red-$35.99 Rootstock:Geneva 935 Famous for sauce and baking, also used fresh. Crisp, juicy, flavorful, tart. Early bloom, early harvest. Green with red stripes. Pollen-sterile, pollenizer required: Empire, Fuji, Gala, Red Delicious. 6 59580-Honeycrisp-$35.99 Rootstock: Geneva 935 Fruit is mottled red over yellow. Very crisp flesh. Excellent eating and keeping qualities. Rated superior to McIntosh and Delicious for fresh eating. Keeps up to five months in common storage. Ripens late September to October. 86082-Jonagold-$35.99 Rootstock: Geneva 935 Superb flavor, a connoisseurs choice. A cross of Jonathan and Golden Delicious. Yellow with red-orange blush. Crisp, juicy, subacid, all-purpose. Pollenized by Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith or Red Delicious, but not Golden Delicious. Not a pollenizer for other varieties. Apples Semi-Dwarf 13475-Akane-$34.99 Rootstock: Molling 111 Especially fine red dessert apple derived from Jonathan. Sweet, rich, spicy flavor, well regarded by apple connoisseurs. Resists scab and powdery mildew. Harvest in early season (August in warmer inland climates). An excellent apple here on the coast. Pollinate with Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious. 80926-Amere de Berthcourt $28.99 Rootstock: M111 7 CIDER APPLE. Perfect for the homeowner or orchardist who wants to make their own cider. Amere de Berthcourt is one of the best. The flesh is fine, sugary and slightly bitter perfumedThis easy to grow, bittersweet variety bears good crops of juicy, tart-sweet, greenish yellow fruit. An early apple, it does require a pollinizer suchs as Ashmeads Kernal, Empire, Liberty. 86532-Calypso Redlove $28.99 Rootstock: ? From Swiss breeder Markus Kobelt, this unique variety features striking red flesh, great flavor and excellent disease resistance. Calypso is very aromatic, sweet, firm and juicy, beautiful, dark red flesh. It ripens in mid to late September and can be stored until Christmas. Resistant to scab and powdery mildew. 86532-Odysso Redlove $28.99 Rootstock: ? From Swiss breeder Markus Kobelt, this unique variety features striking red flesh, great flavor and excellent disease resistance. Odysso is prized for its large, beautiful, aromatic and very sweet fruit, this easy to grow variety is very resistant to apple scab and powdery mildew. Ripens in late September to early October and can be stored until February 13510-Cox Orange Pippin $34.99 Rootstock: M111 Regarded by the British as the finest flavored dessert apple. Medium size, conical fruit with rather dull finish; red stripes over thin, tough, smooth orange skin. Fir, tender, juicy, aromatic, yellow flesh.

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