He who has fieen lucky in //. you seejli a, delightful a soii-iii-law has found a pettinsttla, look about you. son; but he who has been —Motto of Michigan. unlucky has lost a daughter. Seventy-fourth year, No. 15 INGHAIM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1933 Twelve Pages GIVEN REWARD Michigan Central Using Niotor Coaches Spearing Permitted BEER, iRWE RELIEF. REASURERGETSBUG SHIPS MUST UNITE To Replace Locomotives on Two Runs On Ingham Streams plen Murphy, conservation offi­ On two Michigan Central trains the railroad coach. It has five compart­ DEUNPIMMRE 0 cer, received orders Thursday TO SECURE RFC RELIEF. ments. The engineer has a compart­ engineer now steps on the.,e:as instead morning to permit tho spearing, ment in front. Next in line Is the mail of pulling open -the throttle. Begin­ with or without jacks or artificial ning Wednesday night the railroad re­ room where two mail clerks work STOID SIAIEHOOSE SUBJECTS 10 COLLECT lights, on all Ingham county placed steam train service with motor with just enough space to stand. The streams until May 15, Spearing is coaches on the train from the south at third compartment belongs to tho not allowed on any lake, however. COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO IN- PRISON CONTROL CHANGED, 7:42 p, m, and the train from the baggage smasher, Wednesday night !(;i3O,00O IN COUNTY FUNDS IN VESXIG.ATE RELIEF PLAN. it was piled to the ceiling. The fourth Nets may also be used on LABOR COfVIMI.SSION NAMED. north at 1:09 a, m, eastern standard CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK. time. compartment is for men (and, oh yes, streams for carp and dogfish, Supervtsf>r.>( Clash Over Move fo When the train was stopped at the women) who smoke. The compart- Tho conservation department Plime Wi.'lfiifro Burden On Counly, Urilver.slly Of MicJilfrmi Fls-hUiis: Biiil- Mason station Wednesday night and a inent to the rear is the-maln passeng­ Oouiily Treltsurer Mliy Sue Township states that economic conditions are / , Townships Luck Funils. jfct Sliisli, Leiflslalors May representative of the Ingham County er compartment. It is entered from lYeiisurtTS Where Funils Due Coun­ responsible for lifting the ban on spearing. Officials say unemploy­ Ijfuore I'r(>|»ng:iui<l!i. News climbed .aboard the one car the rear, The representative of the ly .'\re In ClosvCil Baiilis. An hour of 'debate resulted lata there were but two vacant seats. The Ingham County News, ot course, tried ed men will 'be enabled to secure Tuesday aftoi'noon at the mooting ot seating, capacity is 38, For the infor­ to go through from the other end, food by the lifting of tho ban. tho board of supervisors when Sup, By V, J, Bi-own mation of those who havo not watch­ A complete train crew is carried. Ingliam county- while in better John B, Fay of Delhi introduced a Many ai-e wondering why it is "that ed the decline of passenger ti'nffic on Thero is a conductor, a brakeman, en­ financial condition than the majority resolution providing that the county impoi-tant measures which ordinarily the Jackson-Bay City Hnc tho past gineer, baggage-man and mail clerks, of counties, is in a tangle because of shoulder Lhe relief burdens of the 16 would have First place in any legisla­ few years, 38 passengers" on one train Wednesday night there were several closed banks. Appearing before the LETE townships beginning May 1,' The tive session arc constantly heing push­ gives the train crew the idea that high officials along,.too. They were board of supervisors Tuesday, Clar­ resislutlon was finally withdrawn but ed aside and their passage delayed. there is an excursion. comparing the gas buggy with famous ence W. Lock, county treasurer, de­ a committee was appointed to work Many newspapers are joining the With a few snorts from its musical rolling stock of ^earlier and better clared tliat .'i;l20,000 in couhty funds with the townships to secure I'ellcf clamor and many a dart is aimed at horn and a dozen or two clangs from days. The motor coach suffered by are impounded in the closed Capital FRETURNS CLAUDE S, CARNEjr through the Reconstruction Finance a "do-nothing" legislative session, a gong, the coach was started. It the comparison, 'However, the coach National bank of Lansing and that Govornor William A, Comstock has Corporation, Tho answer is easy. zipped along at (iO miles per hour is comfortable, well ventilated and othor deposits in the East Lansing GROVER DILLMAN R E C E I V B D appointed Claude S, Carney of Kala- Sup. Fay's resolution was introduc­ bank and one Williamston bank are ,HOST VOTES IN COUNTY. lnazoo, one of his opponents in tho In the first place a larger numhor through Holt and on to Lansing, As well, lighted. It is of steel construction ed following the reading of a com­ not as yet available. of the ..members of tho .07th legisla- the railroad had failed to provide the throughout. The seats are. roomy. democratic primai'y, to the stato labor munication from the stale welfare de­ ' The supervisors have reason to be­ Charles F. Ileriiaiis Led Deiiioerul.s; turoicame to their desks early in .Jan­ newspaper's representative with a Beer salesmen are supposed to sit on coliiiiilssion, Mr, Carney spoke iit tho partment. The state officials declar­ lieve that ail is not well with the dc- Rnpuhliisiins .'Vnil D(!»irn'.rlils Hliil uary with absolutely no previous pass and as the fare to Lansing had the left side of the aisle. Seats on Ingliam county fair last September, ed that horeafler it will be trocossary 'posit in the Capital National bank, Close RiiiM! Here. knowledge of slate affairs than has put a nick in the bankroll it was at the left side of the aisle are about six for lhe townships to join in applying Mr. Lock reminded them Tuesday that marked any session in years. Natur­ tho capitol city that the representa­ inches wider. Lightweights take the foi' RFC aid. In the past each tijwn- the bond securing the deposit may not Republican candidates on the state ally it required several weeks for tive ended his investigation of the new seals on the right. shlp has made application separately PO valid, Dan D, McCullough, prose­ ticket'wilh the exception's of Grover those now members to find their plac­ coach. Tlie trip to Lansing was ended be­ Y TO JOIN IN for relief inasmuch as Ingham does cuting attorney, also told the board C. Dillman and Webster H, Pearce es, A large number of important However, a talk with the conductor fore tho representative of the press not operate under the county unit re­ that the bond may be invalid, • lost out in Ingham county by majori­ committees were made up almost en­ and four or five railroad men going to hardly realized it. In fact, one of those lief plan. In Inghani tlie townships Bay City on passes elicited the'infor'- beer salesmen was right in the middle Guitnllan Trust Bonil ties ranging from 1200 to 1500 votes, boar their own relief burdens with tho tirely of newly-elected members with the repoi't of the board of canvassers GOOD FRIDAY SERIES matlon that the niotor coach is pow­ of a yarn when the conductor started At the January sossion of the board result that the townships of Lansing, the chairman himself an untried leg­ discloses. Instead of losing by ma­ ered with a Diesel engine of 250 h, p, a baleful stare in the direction of tlie Mr, Lock and Mr, McCullough advised islator. Consideration of measures jorities of 1200 or more, Mr, Dillman, CHURCHES MAKE PLANS FOR rating. The former schedule of tho reporter. The reporter reached for his the supervisors that the bond offered bxperFser\'i6iqs iVbfused ~ was naturally slow. Added to this the candidate for state highway com­ EASTER OBSERVANCE. steam trains is easily maintained. The luggage, which wasn't there, and by the Capital National bank to se­ Trees on the court house square, handicap there came into tho complex, missioner, carried Ingham county by new coaches are to be used from Bay made for the door, vowing that some­ cure county deposits wfis illegal. The will not need to shake and shiver just as the membership was settling 1200 votes while Mr, Pearce, republi­ GiK>il Friiliiy SiTvicns .'\t Prcsbyteriiiii City to the Straits as well as on this time soon he would ride farther, per­ prosecutor insisted that the bond giv­ in fear of having their, cavities into some degree of orderliness, on can candidate for superintendent of Oliurcli Frldiiy .'Vfti'monii, Siin- end of the lino. haps on to Bath and Laingsburg and en was not in conformity with the filled itnd bridge work installed Fob, 13, the banking holiday with its public instruction, won in Ingham by (Iliy Sunrlsi! Si'rvl(«\ Our own observations told us that points north, I-Ie always did love statutes. The Union Guardian Trust this year, Tuesday the building proclamations and emergency bills. a majority of 1251, However, the the niotor coach is ^s large as a large travel. • company now in receivership, is the and grounds committee ' refused For nearly a month the legislature democrats piled up huge margins in • Plans for the community observance surety on the bond. With the prin­ the services of Dlivey tree sur­ struggled .with the many conllicting Wayne county to sweep every office of Good Friday arc completed. The cipal on the bond in the hands of a geons to opei'atc on counly trees.
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