COMMONWEALTO OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1994 SESSION OF 1994 178TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 51 SENATE The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Colonel Woods, who lUESDAY, November 22, 1994 is the guest today of Senator Robbins. The Senate met at 10 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. JOURNAL APPROVED The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mark S. Singel) in The PRESIDENT. A quorum of the Senate being present, the Chair. the Clerk will read the Journal from the preceding Session of November 21, 1994. PRAYER The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding Session, when on motion ofSenator LOEPER, further reading The Chaplain, Colonel JOHN O. WOODS, of Holy Trinity was dispensed with and the Journal was approved. Lutheran Church, Greenville, offered the following prayer: Before I give this prayer, I want you to know that I am HOUSE MESSAGES going to be thinking about all of you all through this building this morning, and especially those who are leaving office and HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE BILLS those who have gone to their heavenly home. The Clerk of the House of Representatives returned to the Let us pray. Senate SB 653, SB 849, SB 850 and SB 1046, with the Our gracious Heavenly Father, in this great building, in this information the House has passed the same without great institution ofleaders who lead our country and especially amendments. our great State of Pennsylvania, we thank You for the services of those who are leaving office: Lieutenant Governor Singel, HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE AMENDMENTS Senator Reibman, Senator Lewis, Senator Lincoln, Senator TO HOUSE BILL Pecora, Senator Fattah, Senator Bortner, and Senator Marks, The Clerk of the House of Representatives informed the who have given faithfully of their lives and their time for the Senate that the House has concurred in amendments made by good of this great nation and this State. We thank You for the Senate by amending said amendments to HB 2348. those who have gone to their heavenly home for their lives and The PRESIDENT. Pursuant to Senate Rule XN, section 5, their service: Senator Lynch and Senator Scanlon. We this bill will be referred to the Committee on Rules and remember them faithfully and well in our hearts. Executive Nominations. And gracious God, as we open this great work here today, we are not just going through the motions of this, because You SENATE BILLS RETURNED WITH AMENDMENTS are our Almighty Father and You love us, each one. It is inscribed on the walls of this institution right here where we The Clerk of the House of Representatives returned to the are today. Not only in writing but in our hearts we cry out to Senate SB 313, SB 432, SB 439, SB 492, SB 710, SB 1027, you for help, for guidance, for leadership in our daily lives. SB 1400, SB 1451, SB 1576, SB 1701, SB 1752 and SB 1834, And we do remember not only those who are the leaders but with the information the House has passed the same with those who are in the security agency, the cooks and the amendments in which the concurrence of the Senate is waitresses, and all those who serve here faithfully and well, requested. because You are the Father of us all and You love us, each The PRESIDENT. Pursuant to Senate Rule XN, section 5, one, because You sent Your son down here on this earth in a these bills will be referred to the Committee on Rules and manger as a babe, and we celebrate his birthday the 25th of Executive Nominations. this December, 1994. BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED And we ask You to accept our thanks and our appreciation in our hearts for all that You do for us. Forgive us of our The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following many failures and weaknesses, and lead us all to Your glory in Senate Bills numbered, entitled, and referred as follows, which service to one another and our fellowman. In Your dear and were read by the Clerk: precious name we pray. Amen. 2934 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - SENATE NOVEMBER 22, November 22, 1994 BILLS SIGNED Senators HECKLER and RHOADES presented to the Chair The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mark S. Singel) in SB 1936, entitled: the presence of the Senate signed the following bills: An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (p. L. 177, No. 175), entitled "The Administrative Code of 1929," establishing SB 653, SB 849, SB 850 and SB 1046. conditions and restrictions on juvenile justice grants to political subdivisions; making appropriations; and making editorial REPORT OF SENATE SELIt~CT COMl\flTTEE TO changes. STUDY THE STRUCTURE AND FINANCING OF PUBLIC EDUCATION IN PENNSYLVANIA, Which was committed to the Committee on JUDICIARY, PURSUANT TO SR No, 147 OF 1994 November 22, 1994. The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Senator BORlNER presented to the Chair SB 1937, communication, which was read by the Clerk as follows: entitled: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (p. L. 1333, No. SENATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 320), entitled "Pennsylvania Election Code," authorizing the Main Capitol :Building county board of elections to prohibit straight party voting. Harrisburg, PA 17120-3031 Which was committed to the Committee on STATE November 22, 1994 GOVERNMENT, November 22, 1994. Mr. Mark Corrigan Secretary of the Senate GENERAL COMMUNICATION Senate Box 203053 The State Capitol REPORT ON THE TRANSFER OF DUTIES FROM Harrisburg, PA 17120-3053 THE PENNSYLVANIA CRIME COMMISSION TO Dear Mr. Corrigan: THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE POLICE I am pleased to present to you and the Senate the Report of The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following the Senate Select Committee to Study the Structure and communication, which was read by the Clerk as follows: Financing of Public Education in the Commonwealth. The Committee members voted to adopt the report at its COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA meeting today. Pennsylvania State Police Pursuant to Senate Resolution 147, I am sending a copy of 1800 Elmerton Avenue the Report to you and the Senate Committees on Finance and Harrisburg, PA 17110 Education. November 18, 1994 Sincerely yours, The Honorable Robert C. Jubelirer WlROLD F. MOWERY, JR., President Pro Tempore Senator, 31st District Senate of Pennsylvania 535 Main Capitol Building The PRESIDENT. This report will be filed in the Library. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 LEGISLATIW: LEAWS Dear Senator Jubelirer: On December 23, 1993, the General Assembly of the The PRESIDENT. The Chair re:cognizes the gentleman from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved an amendment to Act Delaware, Senator Loeper. 1978-169, the Pennsylvania Crime Commission Act. The Senator WEPER Mr. President, I request a temporary amendment provided for the transition of certain duties and Capitol leave on behalf of Senator Fisher. responsibilities of the Pennsylvania Crime Commission to the The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentlewoman Pennsylvania State Police, effective July 1, 1994. from Northampton, Senator Reibman. Act No. 1993-84, Section 11, mandated the Commissioner Senator REffiMAN. Mr. President, I request temporary of the Pennsylvania State Police to make a report to the General Assembly on the disposition of the employees, property, cases Capitol leaves for Senator Jones, Senator Williams, Senator and records of the Pennsylvania Crime Commission. This report Hughes, and Senator Lewis, and a legislative leave for Senator is respectfully submitted in accordance with this mandate. Stapleton. If there are any questions concerning the report, please The PRESIDENT. Senator Loeper requests a temporary contact me. Capitol leave for Senator Fisher. Sincerely, Senator Reibman requests temporary Capitol leaves for Senator Jones, Senator Williams, Senator Hughes, and Senator COLONEL GLEN A. WALP Lewis, and a legislative leave for Senator Stapleton for the Commissioner duration of the week. The Chair hears no objection. Those The PRESIDENT. This report will be filed in the Library. leaves will be granted. 1994 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - SENATE 2935 CALENDAR A Concurrent Resolution directing the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee to BILLS OUT OF ORDER study the issues concerning the regeneration and management of Pennsylvania's forests; and creating a task force. Without objection, the following bills were called up out of On the question, order, from page 8 of the Second Consideration Calendar, by Will the Senate concur in the amendments made by the Senator WEPER, as Special Orders of Business. House to Senate amendments to House Resolution No. 263? BILL REREPORTED FROM COMMfITEE AS Senator WEPER Mr. President, I move that the Senate do AMENDED LAID ON lHE TABLE concur in House amendments to Senate amendments to House DB 1251 (pr. No. 4438) - The Senate proceeded to Resolution No. 263. consideration of the bill, entitled: On the question, An Act amending the act of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869, Will the Senate agree to the motion? No.385), known as the Public Works Contractors' Bond Law of 1967, further providing for enforcement of laborers' claims and The yeas and nays were required by Senator WEPER and for ftnancial secmity of contractors and bidders. were as follows, viz: Upon motion of Senator WEPER, and agreed to, the bill YEAS-50 was laid on the table. Afilerbach Greenleaf Madigan Robbins BILLS LAID ON lHE TABLE Andrezeski Hart Marks Salvatore Annstrong Heckler Mellow Schwartz DB 25 (pr. No. 35) - The Senate proceeded to Baker Helfrick Mowery Shaffer Belan Holl Musto Shumaker consideration of the bill, entitled: Bell Hughes O'Pake Stapleton Bodack Jones Pecora Stewart An Act amending the act of July 20, 1974 (P.L.564, Bortner Jubelirer Peterson Stout No.193), known as the Peer Review Protection Act, extending Brightbill LaValle Porterfield Tilghman the protection given by the act to review committees of Connan Lemmond Punt Wagner associations of veterinarians; and redeftning "professional health Dawida Lewis Reibman Wenger care providers" to include veterinarians.
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