? ? I1 A’ Feet below 100+ the 0 datum Feet Entrance Prole of Upper Ancient Stream, A-A’ -550 feet Elevation: SS8 550 Mega 7,600 Feet 0 (Projected Prole Looking NW) ? (Surface) ? SS9 Dome ? I2 0 Datum (Horizontal and vertical 4 ? scales the same in this profile view) 12 (Down to I7) 2 600 0 30 60 Feet Mega I6 7 I4 I3 0 5 10 20 Meters Dome 10 650 I5 Partial Prole View ? ? 100 See Upper Ancient Stream ? ? ? Parallel Projected View ? ? Offset Box ? Well Looking NW (upper black lines), looking E (lower gray lines) I14 31 I15 Nielsons 700 Well 0 30 60 Feet Spiffy Deluxe (To Ancient ? Stream) 0 5 10 20 Meters Pit I16 (Rigging Upper Ancient ? I17 Tree) 0 Datum 15 (Horizontal and vertical E6 Stream Mudball 14 scales the same in profile view) Nielsons 750 Canyon -750 feet ? E7 I18 Well (To Bowlingball I20 29 200 Big Canyon) (To Sump) 34 Room E8 Entrance Pit Blind I19 Big Dolline I21 19 E13 Barrier ? TT Room ? Pit E14 ? TT TT ? Upper E16 13 I22 Ancient ? TT ? (Down to I9) (Dig) I8 734 Stream TT DDS8 5 ? 300 ? TT I7 I (Up to I6) 620 I Slither Bat 32 ? I DDS7 I F7 I Third I I I 27 6 I Quartzite I Pit Trap I I Dixie Cup I Upper Middle Ancient Stream I Pit Crawl I I23 Duplicate I I F6 80+ Room I 10 I I24 Offset Box I Dentist I I (Up to F8 Twin I ? Dome 30 I 10 I F4) Office 8 F14 Dixiecup I25 Domes 808 100+ Pit 43 Fools F15 (Up to I8) F9 I9 Bear Claw Pit Surface Sinkholes Bear Claw 6 19 DDS6 Pit Pit (Up to F10 (Choked) (Down to I11) TT F11) 4 45 I26 I10 727 (Plan View) F11 (Down to F14) ? Lower Level Bear 20 4 400 Upper Bear Claw Claw Pit Offset Box 80 (To CP11) F12 20 Cub Pit Lower Middle Ancient Stream Legend: Pit Offset Box Offset Box TN TT Fantasy Surface Sinkhole Well TT Lower Ancient Stream Offset Box Location of Big Room Fantasy MN 8 FB9 12 Degrees ? 2010 DDS5 ? F3 3 Well 38 TT I10 13 I12 Quartzite 634 22 S4 Choke FB8 3 F4 Dixiecup 0 30 50 100 Feet See Fantasy Well F5 (Down to I11 Crawl Pit F6) S2 Offset Box ? 0 10 20 30 Meters Fantasy Well Offset Box 17 S1 See Upper Bear ? Mudball I13 FB7 CP2 25 ? 2 Claw Pit Offset Box 620 Canyon ? Fantasy TT I27 UAS3 TT 500 764 FB6 Well CP1 FB5 TT ? TT 29 2 (Too tight) TT 22 28 DDS4 FB4 SP4 CP10 ? CP3 30 8 19 Duplicate 21 ? Hidden FB3 DB15 SP7 DDS2 Junction 90 Bubble Slither SP1 18 I28 FB2 DB12 Dome ? TT 60 Room DB14 TT SL8 12 Spiffy 699 Rooms Slot SL2 DB13 UAS2 (Up to 13 12 29 40 Deluxe ? CP6) 16 259 53 UAS1 (Up to 8 PH1) 18 DB11 DB9 Doubleback BC4 PH3 Junction Room Pit ? 6 ? CP11 CP4 36 19 (Down to 15 Offset Box DB10 1 30 UAS27 PH3) Crack CP5 DB2/3 270 Hero 600 ? ? 4 9 ? TT DB5 BC3 16 1 6 2 PH2 Junction 45 6 Hall DDS1 ? 8 ? 12 10 DB4 PH1 9 FA4 ? F17 CP10 CP12 ? ? Pit FA5 FA6 FA9 24 UAS4 Pit section looking NW (black lines), 1 ? 735 CP15 CP14 6 (Down to ? F18 BT1 TT ? CP10) DB6 UAS25 UAS7 See Lower Level 36 6 TT UAS6 basal canyons (gray lines) looking E Hidden ? F19 FA7 368 335 Barrier UAS5 26 706 Bowlingball CP13 Bear Claw Pit 3 TT ? Junction Fools B1 36 UAS26 Dixiecup Junction 30 Oset Box 1.5 B4/5 775 150+ 2 Colorado UAS24 Canyon 6 B2 Pit 20 FA1 15 CP7 90 CP6 Bear TT 23 ? ? Pit FA3 FA10 TT Pit ? (Tight water Pit Room B6 UAS22 15 lead) 4 Crawl 15 29 B3 676 TT Claw UAS8 (Camp B7 UAS23 9 FA24 4 spot) See Junction Third ? UAS21 Upper Middle Centipeed Maze Room Offset Box Creek F20 TT ? PH1 Offset Box Shimmering 5 Pit 20 UAS20 UAS9 4 B8 33 (Down to F21 ? (Possible ? B9 FA11 708 700 PH2) Pool 2 (Sump) high lead) Virgin ? (Down to 1 4 PH11) AS1 Upper 816 Narrows 9 Ancient Stream Goliath F22 Dentist Office PH3 FA12 Ancient (Sump & B10 PH5 Silt Plug) Dome ? 21 PH2 11 B11 B12 Stream 13 11 ? AS2 AS3 PH4 5 ? B13 (Down to B14 Back- TT PH7) (Down to 15 ? ? 6 Upper Ancient 717 Bear Claw 292 Bender Stream) B15 UAS17 UAS19 See Centipeed Maze Offset Box 15 ? B16 TT Pit Bat SU6 18 Nuisance 12 ET1 SU5 15 SU4 TT Trap 20 6 Pit B17 UAS14 UAS18 800 12 729 SU1 Lower Middle Centipeed Maze 19 2.5 28 TT 270 I I Curious Maze Offset Box The I I Offset Box TT I 30 I SU3 I I I B18 AC1 UAS15 I UAS13 AS4 SU2 Alcove B19 ? ET2 See Curious Room ? ET13 19 Ancient B20 (Up to ET15) ? TT PH12 Offset Box ? TT 8 ET12 8 B21 ? Virgin River Stream 12 31 6 TT Nasal 7 5 UAS11 ET14 (Up to ET6 850 26 694 PH5) B22 Cavity UAS6 TT See Curious Maze 19 3 TT ET5 28 PH7 ? ET7 Cascade PH11 UAS7 ? ? Offset Box ET3 29 30 ET8 Falls 31 UAS9 Curious ET10 12 22 14 Curious AS5 PH8 UAS2 25 UAS8 Maze Rooms ? 880 Cascade UAS4 24 UAS1 9 18 24 PH9/10 TT 30 A2 ET9 ? Hall AS6 6 A5 AS7 18 UAS5 19 743 23 Curious Room Offset A UAS3 0 Datum (Eleve: 7,600 feet) Box A6 A1 Entrance TT Lower Centipeed Maze Offset Box A3 AS8 Shaft SC2 22 ? SC3 Blind 242 18 Doline A8 TT 80+ A7 Skating Far Rink (Intermittent frozen pond) 247 11 Wall AS9 SC6 TT SC5 AS10 SC7 Nielsons Well 29 Dead V14 29 R1 Promise SC8 (A.K.A. Nielsons Cave) 26 Nasal 80 X14 Dig Cache County, Utah 39 Cavity 3 V11 Bone 265 29 X13 X10 TT TT V12 AS11 AS12 Dig Lead Dug X9 Porcupine ? Open X5 A11 L3 skeleton TT TT X12 TT V13 Obnoxious 1 9 274 TT L8 12 3 30 AS13 V10 Pit L5 21 3 Porcupine 11 First Descent of Nielsons Well in March 1985 by Lynn Nelson ? TT skeleton L10 Legend: AS16 AS14 L6 3 X7 Dug Open & Bruce Parker Dig A9 55 Wolverine 3 X4 TT List of Pits & Domes*: AS15 Skull X8 L7 Bedrock Slope (opens downslope) V6 50 29 AS18 5 Surveyed started by Jim Nicholls & Ken Stahley on 5/16/1987 Depth In Feet: Pit Name or Description: 770 L11 1 ? Breakdown Wall (Choke) 45 Porcupine TT Too Tight 26 V9 312’ Nielsons Well (Choke) 280 skull (Dug Nuisance A10 Open) ? Lead 880 Depth Below 0 Datum 292’ Fantasy Well Suunto Compass, Clinometer, & Fiberglass Tape Survey V7 (High 69 Fissure) L12 from 5/16/1987 - 10/14/2007 267’ Parallel Well** 80 Pit 80 TT 5 Ledge Height Mud ? 30 Data Processed Using CavePlot & COMPASS 100’+ Mega Dome** V8 Map Drawn By Rodney D. Horrocks, 5/26/03, Big 75 7 Loose Sediment 100’+ Goliath** 6 C1 Twin updated 7/30/2010 using llustrator CS4 Ceiling Height V5 AS19 V4 Room 100’+ Upper Fantasy Well** Nasal ? C2 Logs Domes Flowstone 88’ Junction Pit 22 39 Complex ? Plan View C5 Surveyors by number of trips & amount of survey: 81’ Bearclaw Pit 14 ? Soda Straws Pool (Sump) Dave Herron (12), Al Hinman (7), Jim Olson (7), nd 15 75’ 2 Twin Dome** (Pure AS51 Rodney Mulder (6), Rod Horrocks, (5), Jim Nicholls (4), white Frostwork Flowing water 70’+ Upper Barrier Pit** flowstone) 39 (Choke) 60 C4 ? 880 C3 Dave Shurtz (4), Ken Stahley (3), Mike Beer (2), AS20 Rob Cranney (2), Paul Kemp (2), Glenn Shurtz (2), 69’ 1st Twin Dome V3 TT 375 Clair Call (2), Paul Burger (2), Steve Lester (2), Ice Upper level survey station 60’+ Virgin Narrows Dome** V2 ? ? Matt Covington (1), Peter Hartley (1), Dave Dixon (1), 15 AS21 Lower level survey station 60’ Blind Doline** Breakdown 65 Ken Newton (1), Neeld Messler (1), John Stembel (1), (Lead too AS50 58’ Spiffy Deluxe Pit delicate too Steve Munson (1), Paul Cooper (1), Debbie Herron (1), & push) Stalagmite Cave Wall 56’ Nasal Compex V1 Steve Fisher (1) 50 Underlying cave wall 43’ Nuisance Pit Floor Ledge 42’ Duplicate Dome Surveyed Length: 7,497 Feet (1.42 Miles or 2,289 m) 80 Vertical Relief: 880 Feet (268.2 m) Ceiling Ledge Unsurveyed passage 40’ Dixiecup Pit 38’ Barrier Pit 19 36’ Fools Pit AS49 33’ Slither Pit 25’ Third Pit 20’ Cub Pit TT Cascade TN * Pits that need rope Hall Undropped or unclimbed pits AS48 ** 80+ AS22 0 10 20 30 60 Feet 50+ 2,065’ of known pits & domes in Nielsons Well (Wet and low) ? MN 0 5 10 20 Meters B 5 12 VR3 Virgin 07/2010 (Scale for plan view) 813 VR2 18 Narrows 20 VR1 9 TT ? ? AS47 ? AS23 VR4 VR5 23 872 ? 12 ? AS46 75+ Prole of Giants Hall, B-B’ Cascade VR6 21 VR7 Falls 40 Virgin (Projected Prole Looking NE) Rock Units: 80+ 25 Narrows VR9 (Horizontal and vertical 15 VR8 Laketown Dolomite: Massive to thick-bedded, light gray dolomite, slightly metamorphosed AS45 50+ 60 25 8 scales the same in this profile view) AS43 Dome ? VR10 Fish Haven Dolomite: Medium to thick-bedded, dark gray dolomite, slightly metamorphosed Virgin 30 12 Feet below 0 30 60 Feet AS44 AS42 Swan Peak Formation: Pure, ne-grained, white quartzite with a thin layer of shale at the base River AS24 VRA1 ? the 0 datum 0 5 10 20 Meters Thin bedded, fossiliferous, slabby limestone with layers of chert 21 12 Garden City Formation: AS25 600 ? VRA2 Geologic Cross Section of Nielsons Well Nielsons 90 ? AS41 Well VRA3 (Looking S 65 W) ? ? By David A.
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