nmvAil library ananas QVarietyj Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Vol. 21 . No. 121 „ ' ■' Saipan, MP 9695Ö ©1992 Marianas Variety Friday ■ September 4,* 1992 Serving CNMI for 20 Years C ourt to resolve Senate case today By Gaynor L. Dumat-ol presiding judge. nity might not apply in this case. “It is our position that the ses­ He said immunity applies only to THE SUPERIOR Court yester­ sion is in violation of the court possible slander charges arising day reaffirmed its declaration that order,” Bellas told reporters after from statements made during a Joseph S. Inos was still the the hearing. legislative session or hearing. president of the Senate, despite a Atalig is expected to finally A person found guilty of session called by six senators decide during the continuation of criminal contempt may be im­ inos Demapan Wednesday afternoon which “re­ the hearing this afternoon who prisoned for a maximum of six elected” Juan S. Demapan to the between Inos and Demapan is months and/or fined $100. Pierce asked Atalig to declare as merely two-thirds of the mem­ hotly contested seat legally entitled to occupy the At the Senate yesterday, “moot” Inos’ motion against bership. “The court order still remains,” Senate presidency. Demapan called another session Demapan. .Seven senators originally Presiding Judge Pedro Atalig said If Demapan loses, he and the attended by the same six senators Atalig said he would “solve” signed the memorandum calling during yesterday )s hearing where five other senators who joined who re-elected him Wednesday. today whether the issue raised by fa· Wednesday’s session but Juan only counsels of the two «con­ the session and voted for him last They passed several resolu­ Inos has become moot (with the S. Torres backed out. tenders showed up. Wednesday— Francisco M. tions, including a resolution af­ re-election of Demapan) or During the hearing last Tues­ Inos’ counsel Timothy Bellas Borja, Paul A. Manglona, Jesus firming Demapan’s election as whether the Demapan group day, Senate legal counsel Pam asked Atalig to cite the six sena­ R. Sablan, David M. Cing and Senate president and another should be cited for contempt. Brown who represented Demapan tors far contempt, saying their Juan U. Maratita— face contempt resolution allocating funds for a Bellas claimed that the reelec­ argued that the election of action (Wednesday’s session) was of court charges. park project in Rota. tion of Demapan was invalid be­ Demapan last Aug. 12 was valid a defiance of the preliminary in- A former government counsel During yesterday’s hearing, cause Senate rules require at least because neither the Senate rules junctionissuedonTuesdayby the explained that legislative immu­ Demapan’s new counsel Richard seven affirmative votes, not continued on page 38 MPLC terminates Nakamoto lease By Rafael H. Arroyo Although the suit fizzled out in court, Torres continued to THE BOARD of directors of oppose the project, insisting that the Marianas Public Land Cor­ a hotel in the area would affect poration (MPLC) has decided the Garapan skyline and would to scrap the controversial land deprive residents of a nice pub­ lease proposal of Nakamoto lic park. Enterprises, Ltd. for a resort Concepcion pointed out that hotel project in the Garapan area. Nakamoto failed to comply with This was disclosed yesterday the lease provision that requires by MPLC Executive Director Nakamoto to acquire and trans­ WilliamR. Concepcion whosaid fer two privately-owned lots the firm failed to satisfy certain within the project site within provisions of its the lease agree­ one year after the effective date ment with MPLC. of the approval of the lease “We at the board had lengthy agreement or the lease would discussions on the matter and automatically terminate. VEHICLES going to government offices at Lower Base have to pass this flooded area, one of several areas in Saipan which were flooded yesterday due to heavy rains. finally decided to cancel every­ MPLC noted that one year thing, so it is officially off,” elapsed and still Nakamoto had Concepcion said in a telephone not been able to convince the Heavy rains cause flooding private landowners to sell their conversation. HEAVY rainfall brought by. ty­ foot deep and motorists using old Residents in low.-lying areas The lease which was approved parcels of land to give way to the phoon Ryan flooded at least seven cars were advised to use alternate were cautioned against flooding by MPLC over a year ago cov­ project areas in Saipan yesterday and routes if the heavy rainshowers as a result of the heavy rainfall. ers prime public land in the Sa­ The developer was then given partially damaged two roads due continue today. Early yesterday morning, Ryan to erosion. DPS gathered that portions of was estimated to be 247 miles moan Housing area for a multi­ by MPLC a 30-day extension, to In a damage report released As Teo leading to Santa Lourdes north-northeast of Saipan and 120 no avail. When Nakamoto re­ story luxury hotel. yesterday, the Department of and the road leading to Capitol miles east-southeast of Agrighan, The lease was critized by leg­ quested for another extension, Public Safety said the flooded ar­ Hill were partially blocked by packing maximum sustained islators who said they had been the MPLC board decided to scrap eas were along 2-W As Mahetog; eroded soil. winds of 75 miles per hour and The Emergency Operations gustiness of 90 miles per hour. reserving the said area for a pub­ the projecL Beach Road, Cbalan Piao near Joeten; Beach Road, Puerto Rico Center said typhoon Ryan was Thetyphoenwasmovingslowly The cancellation of the lease lic park. near Fast Moving; 2-W Puerto moving away from Saipan and on a northerly direction at one Representative Stanley Torres would render moot an appeal Rico near 2-W Gas Station; 16- Tinian yesterday morning but in­ mile per hour. even went as far as suing MPLC, brought up by Torres to the Su­ Highway, ChalanKiyanear Mobil tensified rain showers are ex­ Sdipan and Tinian seas, accord­ ing to an update released by the charging that it breached in its preme Court Gas Station; Lower Base com­ pected in the next few days. pound; San Antonio, West of San Governor Lorenzo I. DL Naval Oceanography Command fiduciary duty to manage public Tones could not be reached Antonio Church and Garapan near Guerrero lifted typhoon Condi­ detachment, will have six to nine- land for the people of the North­ for comment yesterday after­ Mom’s Round Two. tion m for Saipan and Tinian. foot high waves. ern Marianas. noon. Police Chief AntonioReyes said Agrighan Island, however, re­ Surfers are advised against ven­ some flooded areas were almost a mained under Condition I. turing into the very rough seas; Ÿfro M &tos.ÿifer' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 , 1992 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3. 2-m a r ia n a s VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-SEPTEMBER 4,1992 House to resume WQrld Affairs oversight hearing New struggle pits North vs South on CUC finances By Rafael Arroyo ule, until Aug. 20 when a $2- By Kenneth L. Whiting Although his country is enjoy­ the existing international eco­ trade of many developing coun­ Non-Aligned Movement is' be­ million payment was made,” said ing an economic boom, Malay­ nomic situation and the ever-wid­ tries are perpetually unfavorable coming increasingly preoccupied THE HOUSE Committee on Hofschneider. JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) sian Prime Minister Mahathir ening gap between the North and and deteriorating,” he said. with economic issues it merge Public Utilities, Transportation He also said that by failing to Leaders of the Non-Aligned Mohamad said that “any attempt the South persist, the world will Prime Minister Mohammad with G-77. and Communication will resume pall all its obligations to Movement declared Wednesday at budding a New World Order inevitably face a more serious Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan, chair­ President Suharto of Indone­ its oversighthearing on the finan­ Mitsubishi, CUC allegedly accu­ that the East vs. West political must also address the increasing crisis and recession. man of the Group of 77 develop­ sia, which has assumed leader­ cial management of Common­ mulated $339,521 in interest. fight of the Cold War era has been inequity in the international eco­ “Without a developed South, ing countries, described “gross ship of the niovement for three wealth Utilities Corporation on “We in the committee intend to Sept. 21, Chairman Heinz S. replaced by a North vs. South eco­ nomic system which has resulted the North cannot, maintain its injustice in the global economy years, wants it to focus ort pro­ verify all these information about Hofschneider said yesterday. CUC with the ultimate goal of nomic struggle. in a widening gap between the economic boom forever,” he said. which continues to impede our grams to strengthen the econo­ Government officials agreed at efforts for economic develop­ “We’refinishing our reports and finding a more responsible finan­ rich nations of the North and the President Ali Hassan Mwinyi mies of its 108 member states, the second day of the movement’s poor in the South.” of Tanzania said that “while the ment.” we have to ascertain the validity cial management for the firm,” he while still dealing with political summit meeting that the Third Protectionism and subsidies by tension between East and West The misnumbered G-77 is a of the information we have lately said. issues. World gets a raw deal from in­ developed nations results in de­ has eased, the economic gap be­ loose association of more than gathered and give them (CUC) a Hofschneider and House chance to respond to whatever Speaker Thomas Villagomez dustrialized nations.
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