BABY ITEMS Catholic Charities of Central Colorado Crossfire Ministries High Plains Helping Hands www.ccharitiescc.org www.crossfireministries.com www.highplainshelpinghands.com 719-578-1222 719-447-1806 719-495-3123 BIKES Bike Clinic Too www.facebook.com/bikeclinictoo 719-358-3637 CAR REPAIRS Friends of Man Tri-Lakes Cares www.friendsofman.org www.tri-lakescares.org 303-798-2342 719-481-4864 CHILD CARE INFORMATION Child Care Connections Colorado Child Care Assistance Program Pikes Peak Region Family Child Care Assn. www.ppunitedway.org/ccc.html (to apply) www.coloradospringschildcare.com 719-638-2057 719-475-8828 719-475-8828 CLOTHING AND INFANT SUPPLIES American Charities Crossfire Ministries Disabled America Veteran’s Store http://us-cca.com/ www.crossfireministries.com www.dav.org 719-646-3922 719-447-1806 719-636-2537 COUNSELING Center on Fathering Consumer Credit Counseling Services Domestic Violence (T-E-S-S-A) http://dhs.elpasoco.com/Pages/COF.aspx www.cccs.net/contact.asp www.tessacs.org 719-634-7797 719-576-0909 719-633-1462 El Paso County Public Health Genetic Counseling (Memorial Hospital) Independence Center (Disabled) www.elpasocountyhealth.org 719-365-5960 www.theindependencecenter.org 719-578-3199 719-471-8181 Life Support Center Neighborhood Justice Center Norvell Simpson Community Center 719-578-1222 www.4thjudicialda.com/community2.aspx 719-385-7910 719-520-6016 Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments Restoration Church Silver Key Senior Services www.ppacg.org www.restchurch.org www.silverkey.org 719-471-7080 719-382-8331 719-884-2350 Vocational Rehabilitation (disabled) www.dvrcolorado.com 719-635-3585 CRISIS CENTERS AspenPointe Domestic Violence (T-E-S-S-A) Detox Center www.aspenpointe.org www.tessacs.org http://detox.elpasoco.com/ 719-635-7000 719-633-1462 719-390-2046 Cedar Springs Hospital www.cedarspringsbhs.com 719-633-4114 DOCUMENTATION Westside Cares www.westsidecares.org 719-389-0759 Pikes Peak Community Action Agency www.ppcaa.org 719-385-7910 EMERGENCY SERVICES Adult Protective Services AspenPointe Child Abuse Prevention (24-hour) http://dhs.elpasoco.com/ www.aspenpointe.org 719-444-5700 719-444-5755 719-635-7000 Colorado Springs Police Department Colorado State Patrol El Paso County Sheriff’s Office https://cspd.coloradosprings.gov/ www.colorado.gov/csp www.epcsheriff.com 719-444-7000 719-635-0385 719-390-5555 Department of Human Services (DHS) KPC Respite Center Planned Parenthood http://dhs.elpasoco.com/ www.lfsrm.org/prevention-services/kpc-respite- www.plannedparenthood.org center 719-636-0000 719-634-5439 719-475-7162 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING Colorado Div. of Vocational Rehab Career Development Center Ecumenical Social Ministries www.dvrcolorado.com 719-444-5000 www.ecusocmin.org 719-635-3585 719-636-1916 Pikes Peak Workforce Center Senior Community Serv. Employment AARP Urban League www.ppwfc.org www.arp.org 719-634-1525 719-667-3700 719-635-3579 Women's Resource Center www.wrainc.org 719-471-3170 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Ecumenical Social Ministries Mercy's Gate REACH Pikes Peak www.ecusocmin.org www.mercysgatecs.org www.reachpikespeak.org 719-636-1916 719-277-7470 719-382-8515 Silver Key Senior Services Tri-Lakes Cares Westside Cares www.silverkey.org www.tri-lakescares.org www.westsidecares.org 719-884-2350 719-481-4864 719-389-0759 FINANCIAL AID FOR EDUCATION Tri-Lakes Cares www.tri-lakescares.org 719-481-4864 FINANCIAL LITERACY & SAVINGS Consumer Credit Counseling Services Pikes Peak Community Action Agency High Plains Helping Hands www.cccs.net/contact.asp www.ppcaa.org www.highplainshelpinghands.com 719-576-0909 719-385-7910 719-495-3123 Mercy's Gate www.mercysgatecs.org 719-277-7470 FOOD American Charities Billie Spielman Center Black Forest Lutheran Church http://us-cca.com/ 719-385-7930 www.bflchurch.org 719-646-3922 719-475-2221 Catholic Charities of Central Colorado Connections 4 Life Center Corpus Christi Catholic Church www.ccharitiescc.org www.connections4lifecenter.org www.corpuschristicos.org 719-578-1222 719-387-9919 ext:1 719-633-1457 Crossfire Ministries Deerfield Hills Community Center Divine Redeemer Catholic Church www.crossfireministries.com www.coloradospringsgov.com/deerfield www.divineredeemer.net 719-447-1806 719-385-5996 719-633-5559 Eastborough Food Pantry Eastern Plains Community Pantry Ecumenical Social Ministries 719-596-1929 719-347-3062 www.ecusocmin.org 719-636-1916 Ellicott Helping Hands Faith Works INC. Fountain Salvation Army 719-683-3240 719-459-9075 www.salvationarmy.org 719-382-1182 Golden Circle Nutrition Program Good News Foundation Good Shepherd Methodist Church 719-387-6757 or 6734 719-638-8985 www.gsumc-cs.org 719-392-5782 Grace Be Unto You Outreach Church High Plains Helping Hands Holy Cross Lutheran Church www.gracebeuntoyou.org www.highplainshelpinghands.com www.holycrosscs.org 719-596-9076 719-495-3123 719-596-0661 Life Support Center Manna Ministries Marian House Soup Kitchen 719-578-1222 http://churchofthelordofglory.com/Manna www.ccharitiescc.org 719-635-1057 719-475-7314 Meadows Park Community Center Mercy's Gate Mountain View Presbyterian Church 719-385-7940 www.mercysgatecs.org 719-632-9664 719-277-7470 Open Arms Food Pantry Palace of Peace Pikes Peak Christian Church 719-591-1800 http://palaceofpeace.org www.pikespeakchristian.org 719-591-2094 719-392-9061 Pikes Peak Community Action Agency REACH Pikes Peak Rural Area Meals Program (RAMP) www.ppcaa.org www.reachpikespeak.org 719-520-6471 719-385-7910 719-382-8515 Salvation Army Set Free Ministries Seventh Day Adventist Comm. Center www.salvationarmy.org www.facebook.com/setfreegodshouse.org www.centralsda.org 719-635-2213 or 719-382-1182 619-212-3821 719-634-1682 Silver Key Senior Services Springs Rescue Mission St. Dominic Catholic Church www.silverkey.org www.springsrescuemission.org www.stdominiconline.org 719-884-2350 719-632-1822 719-392-7653 St. John's Food Pantry St. Patrick's Catholic Church St. Raphael Episcopal Church 719-633-7017 www.stpatscs.org http://straphaelepiscopal.org 719-598-3595 719-392-3563 Stratmoor Hills Community Pantry The Food Pantry The Remnant Church http://stratmoorhillsumc.org 719-593-2433 http://csgrace.org 719-389-0759 719-354-0502 Tri-Lakes Cares Trinity United Methodist Church True Spirit Baptist Church www.tri-lakescares.org www.umctrinity.com www.truespiritbaptistchurch.com 719-481-4864 719-633-9295 719-575-9287 Westside Cares Westside First Wesleyan Food Pantry W.I.C. Program El Paso County www.westsidecares.org http://westsidefirst.org www.elpasocountyhealth.org/service/wic 719-389-0759 719-473-7113 719-578-3225 Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Colorado College Sunday Soup 719-520-7680 719-389-6000 HAIRCUTS Catholic Charities of Central Colorado www.ccharitiescc.org 719-578-1222 Springs Rescue Mission www.springsrescuemission.org 719-632-1822 HOLIDAY ASSISTANCE High Plains Helping Hands Mercy's Gate Salvation Army of the Pikes Peak Region www.highplainshelpinghands.com www.mercysgatecs.org www.salvationarmy.org 719-495-3123 719-277-7470 719-635-1287 Springs Rescue Mission Teens with Promise Tri-Lakes Cares www.springsrescuemission.org www.cochildrenofpromise.com www.tri-lakescares.org 719-632-1822 719-266-0106 719-481-4864 Westside Cares www.westsidecares.org 719-389-0759 HOME FURNISHINGS Assistance League of Colorado Springs Catholic Charities of Central Colorado Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center www.assistanceleaguecs.org www.ccharitiescc.org www.cspregnancycenter.com 719-475-2627 719-578-1222 719-591-2724 or 719-623-2870 Lighthouse Mobile Ministries Springs Rescue Mission www.benaministries.org www.springsrescuemission.org 719-633-6800 719-632-1822 HOUSING Transitional Housing Alano House Bijou House Family Life Services www.alanohouse.org 719-635-5078 or 719-578-1629 www.flcs.org/how-do-i-apply 719-520-1732 719-632-4661 Gospel Shelters for Women (Liza's Place) Harbor House Housing First www.gospel-home-cs.org 719-473-5557 719-375-8794 719-635-3643 or 719-291-3406 Interfaith Hospital Network Lighthouse Mobile Ministries Partners in Housing www.ihn-cos.org www.benaministries.org www.partnersinhousing.org 719-329-1244 719-633-6800 719-473-8890 Salvation Army of the Pikes Peak Region Set Free Ministries Springs Rescue Mission www.salvationarmy.org www.facebook.com/setfreegodshouse.org www.springsrescuemission.org 719-635-1287 619-212-3821 719-632-1822 The Crawford House (VA only) Urban Peak 719-667-5588 www.urbanpeak.org 719-630-3223 or 719-205-7129 Emergency Shelters Salvation Army of the Pikes Peak Region www.salvationarmy.org 719-635-1287 T-E-S-S-A www.tessacs.org 719-633-1462 Affordable Housing Colorado Housing Search Greccio Housing Housing Authority of Colorado Springs www.coloradohousinsearch.com www.greccio.org 719-576-2288 877-428-8844 719-475-1422 Ithaka Land Trust Partners in Housing www.ithakaland.org www.partnersinhousing.org 719-578-1629 719-473-8890 Home Ownership Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity 719-475-7800 HYGIENE Assistance League of Colorado Springs Ecumenical Social Ministries www.assistanceleaguecs.org www.ecusocmin.org 719-475-2627 719-636-1916 IMMIGRATION SERVICES Catholic Charities of Central Colorado www.ccharitiescc.org 719-578-1222 JOB PREPAREDNESS & REFERRALS Catholic Charities of Central Colorado Ecumenical Social Ministries Family Life Services www.ccharitiescc.org www.ecusocmin.org www.flcs.org/how-do-i-apply 719-578-1222 719-636-1916 719-632-4661 Fathers as Providers Pikes Peak Community Action Agency Springs Rescue Mission 719-444-5695 or 719-634-7797 www.ppcaa.org www.springsrescuemission.org 719-385-7910
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