Foreign Intelligence – Latin Dossier of 8-letter bingos from FOREIGN LANGUAGES–unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club A 8s - Latin ABELMOSK ABEKLMOS tropical herb [n -S] ABOMASUM AABMMOSU fourth stomach of ruminant [n -SA] ABOMASUS AABMOSSU abomasum (fourth stomach of ruminant) [n -ASI] ABSCISSA AABCISSS particular geometric coordinate [n -S or -E] ACANTHUS AACHNSTU prickly herb [n -ES or -HI] ACICULUM ACCILMUU bristlelike part [n -S or -LA] ACIDOSIS ACDIIOSS abnormal condition of blood [n -SES] ACONITUM ACIMNOTU aconite (poisonous herb) [n -S] ADDENDUM ADDDEMNU something added or to be added [n -S or -DA] ADIPOSIS ADIIOPSS obesity (state or condition of being obese) [n -SES] AECIDIUM ACDEIIMU aecium (spore-producing organ of certain fungi) [n -IA] AEGROTAT AAEGORTT certificate excusing ill student from examination [n -S] AFFLATUS AAFFLSTU creative inspiration [n -ES] AGERATUM AAEGMRTU flowering plant [n -S] ALVEOLUS AELLOSUV small anatomical cavity [n -LI] AMBROSIA AABIMORS food of Greek and Roman gods [n -S] AMITOSIS AIIMOSST type of cell division [n -SES] AMPHORAL AAHLMOPR AMPHORA, narrow-necked jar used in ancient Greece [adj] AMPULLAR AALLMPRU AMPULLA, globular bottle used in ancient Rome [adj] ANALECTA AAACELNT analects (selections from literary work or group of works) [n] ANALYSIS AAILNSSY separation of whole into its parts [n SES] ANATHEMA AAAEHMNT formal ecclesiastical ban or curse [n -S or -T] ANCHUSIN ACHINNSU red dye [n -S] ANCILLAE AACEILLN ANCILLA, helper (one that helps (to give assistance to)) [n] ANEMOSIS AEIMNOSS separation of rings of growth in timber due to wind [n -SES] ANESTRUS AENRSSTU period of sexual dormancy [n -RI] ANTHELIX AEHILNTX inner curved ridge on cartilage of external ear [n -ES or -ICES] ANTIPHON AHINNOPT psalm or hymn sung responsively [n -S] ANURESIS AEINRSSU inability to urinate [n -SES] APICULUS ACILPSUU sharp point at end of leaf [n -LI] APOAPSIS AAIOPPSS high point in orbit [n -IDES or -SES] APODOSIS ADIOOPSS main clause of conditional sentence [n -SES] APPENDIX ADEINPPX collection of supplementary material at end of book [n -ES or -ICES] APTERIUM AEIMPRTU bare area of skin between feathers [n -IA] AQUAFABA AAAABFQU bean-cooking water [n -S] AQUARIUM AAIMQRUU water-filled enclosure in which aquatic animals are kept [n -S or -IA] ARAHUANA AAAAHNRU arowana (tropical fish) [n -S] ARBORETA AABEORRT places for study and exhibition of trees [n] ARGENTUM AEGMNRTU silver [n -S] ARMIGERO AEGIMORR armiger (one who carries armor of knight) [n -S] ASBESTUS ABESSSTU asbestos (mineral) [n -ES] ASCIDIUM ACDIIMSU flask-shaped plant appendage [n -IA] ASPERGES AEEGPRSS Roman Catholic rite [n] ASYNDETA AADENSTY omissions of certain conjunctions [n] ATHENEUM AEEHMNTU literary institution [n -S] Foreign Intelligence – Latin Dossier of 8-letter bingos from FOREIGN LANGUAGES–unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club ATHENEUM AEEHMNTU literary institution [n -S] ATHEROMA AAEHMORT disease of arteries [n -S or -TA] AVELLANE AAEELLNV having four arms shaped like filberts–used of heraldic cross [adj] AVIATRIX AAIIRTVX female aviator (one that aviates (to fly aircraft)) [n -ICES or -ES] B 8s - Latin BACCHIUS ABCCHISU type of metrical foot [n -II] BACILLUS ABCILLSU any of class of rod-shaped bacteria [n -LI] BALLISTA AABILLST ancient weapon [n -E or -S] BASIDIUM ABDIIMSU structure on fungus [n -IA] BASILICA AABCIILS ancient Roman building [n -S or -E] BAUHINIA AABHIINU small tropical tree [n -S] BIENNIUM BEIIMNNU period of two years [n -S or -IA] BRACHIUM ABCHIMRU upper part of arm [n -IA, -S] BUDDLEIA ABDDEILU tropical shrub [n -S] C 8s - Latin CABBALAH AAABBCHL cabala (occult or secret doctrine) [n -S] CADUCEUS ACCDESUU heraldic wand or staff [n -EI] CAESURAE AACEERSU CAESURA, pause in line of verse [n] CALATHOS AAACHLOST fruit basket [n -HI] CALATHUS AACHLSTU calathos (fruit basket) [n -HI] CALCANEI AACCEILN bones of heel [n] CALCULUS ACCLLSUU branch of mathematics [n -ES or -LI] CALENDAL AACDELLN pertaining to calends (first day of Roman month) [adj] CALYCULI ACCILLUY small, cup-shaped structures [n] CANTHARI AACHINRT two-handled drinking cups [n] CANTORIS ACINORST to be sung by north side of choir in church [adj] CARAGANA AAAACGNR Asian shrub [n -S] CARDAMOM AACDMMOR tropical herb [n -S] CARDAMUM AACDMMRU cardamom (tropical herb) [n -S] CATTLEYA AACELTTY tropical orchid [n -S] CAVEOLAR AACELORV CAVEOLA, small pit in cell [adj] CEREBRUM BCEEMRRU part of brain [n -S or -RA] CESTUSES CEESSSTU CESTUS, hand covering for ancient Roman boxers [n] CHARISMA AACHIMRS special magnetic appeal [n -S or -TA] CHIASMUS ACHIMSSU reversal of word order between parallel phrases [n -MI] CHIVAREE ACEEHIRV to perform mock serenade [v -D, -ING, -S] CHORAGUS ACGHORSU leader of chorus or choir [n -ES or -GI] CHOREGUS CEGHORSU choragus (leader of chorus or choir) [n -ES or -GI] CIBORIUM BCIIMORU vessel for holding holy bread [n -IA] CICATRIX ACCIIRTX scar tissue [n -ES or -ICES] CINCHONA ACCHINNO Peruvian tree [n -S] CINGULUM CGILMNUU anatomical band or girdle [n -LA] COAGULUM ACGLMOUU clot [n -S or -LA] COENURUS CENORSUU tapeworm larva [n -RI] COGNOMEN CEGMNNOO family name [n -S or -MINA] COGNOVIT CGINOOTV written admission of liability [n -S] Foreign Intelligence – Latin Dossier of 8-letter bingos from FOREIGN LANGUAGES–unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club COLISEUM CEILMOSU large structure for public entertainment [n -S] COLLEGIA ACEGILLO Soviet executive councils [n] COLOBOMA ABCLMOOO lesion of eye [n -TA or -S] COLOPHON CHLNOOOP inscription placed at end of book [n -S] COLOSSUS CLOOSSSU gigantic statue [n -ES or -SI] COMITIAL ACIILMOT COMITIA, public assembly in ancient Rome [adj] CONCEPTI CCEINOPT fertilized eggs [n] CONIDIUM CDIIMNOU fungus spore [n -IA] COREMIUM CEIMMORU organ of certain fungi [n -IA] COTURNIX CINORTUX small quail [n -ES] CREPITUS CEIPRSTU grating sound made in breathing [n CREPITUS] CYATHIUM ACHIMTUY flower head of certain plants [n -IA] CYMATIUM ACIMMTUY cyma (curved molding) [n -IA] CYSTITIS CIISSTTY inflammation of urinary bladder [n -TIDES, -ES] D 8s - Latin DATARIES AADEIRST DATARY, cardinal in Roman Catholic Church [n] DECEMVIR CDEEIMRV one of body of ten Roman magistrates [n -S or -I] DECURIES CDEEIRSU DECURY, group of ten soldiers in ancient Rome [n] DECURION CDEINORU commander of decury (group of ten soldiers in ancient Rome) [n -S] DEDENDUM DDDEEMNU root of gear tooth [n -S or -DA] DELIRIUM DEIILMRU wild frenzy [n -S or -IA] DEMIURGE DEEGIMRU magistrate of ancient Greece [n -S] DENARIUS ADEINRSU coin of ancient Rome [n -II] DIALYSIS ADIILSSY separation of substances in solution by diffusion through membrane [n -SES] DIARRHEA AADEHIRR intestinal disorder [n -S] DIASTEMA AADEIMST space between teeth [n -S or -TA] DIERESIS DEEIIRSS separation of two vowels into two syllables [n -SES] DIESTRUM DEIMRSTU diestrus (period of sexual inactivity) [n -S] DIESTRUS DEIRSSTU period of sexual inactivity [n -ES] DILUVIUM DIILMUUV coarse rock material deposited by glaciers [n -S or -IA] DIPSADES ADDEIPSS DIPSAS, fabled serpent [n] DOMINIUM DIIMMNOU right of ownership and control of property [n -S] DRACAENA AAACDENR tropical plant [n -S] DRUIDESS DDEIRSSU female druid (one of ancient Celtic order of priests) [n -ES] DUODENUM DDEMNOUU first portion of small intestine [n -S or -NA] E 8s - Latin ECCLESIA ACCEEILS assembly in ancient Greece [n -E] EFFETELY EEEFFLTY EFFETE, exhausted of vigor or energy [adv] ELENCHUS CEEHLNSU logical refutation [n -HI] ELLIPSIS EIILLPSS omission of word or words in sentence [n -SES] EMERITUS EEIMRSTU retired person who retains honorary title [n -TI] EMPHASIS AEHIMPSS special significance imparted to something [n -SES] EMPORIUM EIMMOPRU trading or market center [n -S or -IA] ENCAENIA AACEEINN annual university ceremonies [n] ENCOMIUM CEIMMNOU eulogy (formal expression of high praise) [n -S or -IA] ENIGMATA AAEGIMNT ENIGMA, something that is hard to understand or explain [n] Foreign Intelligence – Latin Dossier of 8-letter bingos from FOREIGN LANGUAGES–unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club ENTELLUS EELLNSTU hanuman (East Indian monkey) [n -ES] ENURESIS EEINRSSU involuntary urination [n -SES] EPICALYX ACEILPXY set of bracts close to and resembling calyx [n -ES or -YCES] EPIGONUS EGINOPSU epigone (inferior imitator) [n -NI] EREMURUS EEMRRSUU perennial herb [n -ES or -RI] ESCULENT CEELNSTU some that is edible [adj] ESOPHAGI AEGHIOPS tubes connecting mouth to stomach [n] ESTIMATE AEEIMSTT to make approximate judgment of [v -D, -TING, -S] ESTIVATE AEEISTTV to spend summer [v -D, -TING, -S] ETCETERA ACEEERTT number of additional items [n -S] EULOGIUM EGILMOUU eulogy (formal expression of high praise) [n -S or -IA] EXEMPLUM EELMMPUX example [n -LA] EXORDIUM DEIMORUX beginning [n -S or -IA] EXTREMUM EEMMRTUX maximum or minimum of mathematical function [n -S, -MA] F 8s - Latin FACETIAE AACEEFIT witty sayings or writings [n] FACTOTUM ACFMOTTU person employed to do many kinds of work [n -S] FETIALIS AEFIILST fetial (priest of ancient Rome) [n -LES] FIBROSIS BFIIORSS development of excess fibrous tissue in bodily organ [n -SES] FLAMINES AEFILMNS FLAMEN, priest of ancient Rome [n] FLOCCULI CCFILLOU small, loosely aggregated masses [n] FRENULUM EFLMNRUU frenum (connecting fold of membrane) [n -S or -LA] FUNICULI
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