^Newspaper , With A Constructive LA.MK*.ICA«S STAHP A PERCOf • . ’ V- •: VOLUME 19, NUMBER 102 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1951 TRUSTEES VOTE JOHN A. LEWIÍ PRESIDENT OF MORRIS BROWI Dr. E. C. Mitchell Remains Vice President Of School In a meeting lasting less than 30 minutes Thursday morn­ ing, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees for Morris Brown College voted in Dr. John A. Lewis as president of the college. Dr. E. C. Mitchell, who acted as president of the college since last December, will remain as vice president, the capacity to which he was elected by the Executive Board on o three-yoar contract in July. Dr. Lewis, presently dean of - Payne Theological Seminary at I Wilberforce, Ohio, preceded Dr j William A. Fountain, Jr., in the I Morris Brown College presidency, having held the position for a num- j ber of years. I ■ The twenty-one members of the ’ Executive Board who were pre­ sent voted 19 to 2 in favor of Dr. I WILLIAM J. TRENT, JR., executive director of the fellowships of $2,000 and $1,000 will be award­ Lewis. Reverends D. V. Kyle and I ■United Negro College Fund, accepts a check for ed to two women graduates-of private Negro Allen Cooper were the. two mem- I bers voting against the motion. COLUMBUS. Ohio — (ANP) — $25,000 from Miss loula D, Lasker to set up the colleges for graduate study. Mrs. Chauncey L- According to. Reverend D. V. Florina Lasker Fellowship.Fund for Negro Wom­ Waddell, center, of the College Fund's Executive Lockbourne Air Force Base last Kyle who was replaced by Bishop week, opened a new modern 100-bed en.'- The fund, named for ^Aiss, Lasker's late sis- Committee, will also serve as a member of the Greene in the Big Bethel Church hospital, here io serve all military A?r/Was established wijh*ahg!Jom5t'on from a committee to select the fellowship Winners. pastorate with Rev. II. I.' Beard­ personnel in this-area. special Irust designated in her Will. Annual en, ills negative vote was hot ■ Commanding officer of this hos­ against Dr. Lewis himself, but the; ’pital Is Lt. Col. Vance H. March-, method in which tho actios was bank, Jr., a Negro officer and vet­ Ministers Retreat Dr. Russell W. Brown Gets taken. eran of the Korean conflict. Serv­ Rev. Kyle stated that before the ing under Cp). Marchbank are nine question was called for a vote hz physicians, five dentists, four me­ signified ills un-readincss. He dical technicians, seven nurses, a I owa S tate Co I le ge H on o r stated that causa should have been veterinary officer, 75 airmen, and shown why Dr. E. C. Mitchell AMES, Iowa—(SNS)—Dr, Russell W. iSrown, professor of bac­ 29 civilian officers. should not be voted to the presi­ Only two of his staff members teriology and chairman of the graduate school, Tuskegee Institute dency and that a committee report are colored. Tuskegee, Ala., was honored at lawa State College on Saturday, on Dr. Mitchell’s statement should be heard. June 16, when he received the Chicago Alumni Merit Award. Equipment In the hospital In­ According to Rev. Kyle, Bishop clude two new Air Force blue Ca­ SWEET HOME RUN—Willie Maya, right, now rookio sensation of the New york, Giant»,' ' Inaugurated in 1932, the award is bestowed upon outstand­ Greene refused to consider his tin.- dillac ambulances, minor and ma­ by teammate - West Westrum as the power laden .outfielder-trots home after knocking one olean':ouft-3L’' ’ ing alumni for meritorious serv ee in their fields and contributions readiness saying that It could be jor operating rooms, a $16,090 X- the park during a game with the Cincinnati Reds nt the Polo Grounds. Willie's hot bat has been' gfeaP v 1y responsible for . the sudden upsurge of the. Giants into second place In the National League. to their fellow men- demonstrated by Rev. Kyle’s vote. ray machine, laboratory facilities, Rev. Kyle further quoted the bis­ L«o Durocher.enxisioiu Mays as one of ti-e future gtoits of baseball, and opposljjj.pitchers readily' In addition to his departmenta In 1930 and 1931, Dr. Brown was (Continued on page 6 work and his duties with the gradu­ an instructor in biology at Rust Col­ hop as saying that there would be ate school. Dr. Brown is also direc­ lege Holly Springs, Miss. In 1932 and no committee report. tor of the Carver Foundation and 1933, he was associate professor of On the preceding day, Wednes­ Agricultural Research and Experi­ biology at Langston University, day, the entire Board of Trustees ment Station, Tuskegee Institute, . Langston, Okla. Since 1936, has has did hear a report on Dr. Mitchell's fett '4 Dr. Brown was born on January been a member of the faculty of work at the college .which ’ com­ 17, 1905, at Gray, La. He received Tuskegee. He started as Instructor mended -his. program, highly and his bachelpr of science degree in complimented hlih for the “Chris­ . j and head of the’ department of bac­ 1820 from Howard University, then teriology in 1936. From 1944 to 1947 tian program he was carrying out. ’. ■■ jafeLy. came' to Iowa State College. He he was head of the division of na- Bishop Greene stated that vot-; •was-granted, a masternf scionje.de- , Amai. toiwce^Ju,JiR««htl...Stg?£?S, big Dr. Lewis, president, of the' ■gred-In .1932 and a doctor of philo­ into” his present position-as profes­ sophy degree in 1B36. While at Iowa sor of bacteriology and chairman of avoided.. He stated that it was hl's State College, he was a research intention to bring an entirely neu­ : Churches In Memphis have been the graduate school; 4 Bishops On Hand Singers. • ' , ' .i , > 12:45-Tunch. fellow in the department of bacte­ tral man into the school to re­ making painstaking plans for the William Thaw Jones,; Director, Dr. Brown is the third man of his 2:00-3:30— Commissions The Minister’s Retreat, sponsor­ riology from 1933 through 1936. store order. j great Youth Conference which’ is Kansas City, Missouri. ; • 3:30-5 ¡30— Tour, Mr. ^TN.’/WI ed bj> the Phillips School of Theo­ From 1942 to 1943, he was a research face to receive the Alumni Merit Asked if any other change of now in progress at Mt. Pisgah C. For Meet—Designed Award. Others were Dr. George Theme Song— ,'lTh, The Evening 11s, Guide. ' ■ logy will offer “The Theology of assistant in the department of bac­ Morris Brown faculty was antici­ M. E. Church and Mel;ose High by The Moonlight" ' arrangement .3'30-5:30—Ministers'Bel the Communion” by Dr. Joseph A. teriology on leave from Tuskegee Washington Carver, class ot ’94, and pated, Bishop Greene¿stated that; School. In connection with the Dr. Fred Patterson, class of ’23. by —Jones. • , ¿.6:00-7:30—Dlnher.' \5’i Johpson, .president of the school., Institute. there would be none Immediately Youth Conference this year will be ..Devotion: ' > Youth Expression Hour, Miss" Vel-, -Minister's Retreat, one of the high although there was a possibility the Minister’s Retreat, which will l."Gloria”, from 'The Twelfth rna'Tj. Jones,- presidlr^..';;::“.:?t4®^« light of the .Youth Conference/ of further changes at a later date. be led by Dr. Joseph A. Johnson, ed program, an extensive tour, of Mass" 8:0.0— Rev.-P./L. Blgby, prMld|n2 - will'.be held today,- Tuesday, June He refused to answer the ques­ president, Phillips School of The­ Rust College the Bluff City has''been ...arranged, 2; “The Lord’s Prayer”— (Choral Sermon, Mt. Pisgah; QMJlvCSiurclli 12,-3:30—4:40 p.’-ni. tion of whether the morning’s ac- ology, Jackson, Tenn. lor the many, delegates to thé Con­ Invocation) THURSDAY, JUNE 14,1951;L- ' • Dr.i Johnson will ,also .serve as (Coniinued On Back Page) In co-ordination with the detnil ference. ' 3. Odes ot Dedication-to Churfch 9:00-10:00— Mrs. TealIe'‘b(cLellan , warship leader Friday. June 15. at A conducted tour will get under­ es Everywhere: ,.', the. evening services, 7:30 p m. presiding. , Commencement way Thursday for ¡the youth at­ (a) ‘Bless This House” Mrs Wil­ Worship Leader, Youth-. ortj;-. tending ■ the Colored Methodist helmina. McLin, Soloist. Olkdhoma, presiding. • L John D. Rockefeller The Eighty-fifth Commencement a prophetic message on . "Who Episcopal Youth Conference and (b) “Long Live The Church”/ar­ Bible Meditations, Rev. - 'Ji? A.” Exercises of Rust College, Holly Knows but that thou art come to Ministers’s Retreat. The tour will be rangement by Jones. , ... Story.. , i I?"1 the kingdom -for such a time es made in a group of Memphis Street Teiior Solo: “The Penitent,” "What We Believe About j Saif a-:; On’Àir Friday For Springs, Miss., began June 1 with the usual festivities and programs this." Railway Busses. The> following in­ .Vande Water, Mr. Alvin Herii'y:" tlon,” Rev. ’h, -C. Bunton./ of'the graduation classes and de­ Several outstanding .alumni at­ stitutions will' be visited: Kennedy WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13, 1951 Music. partments of the College. The An­ tended the exercises, including Mrs General Army Hospital, Mem- 9-10:00—Mr. J. W. Dickey, pre­ nual Musical of the famous Rust C. A. Williams. President of the p b i s Museum and Chickasaw siding. ’ . lOfOO-ll-nCommisslons^MfiéKAiJAÇ: NEW YORK — Jolih D. Rocke­ College A’Capella Choir under the Alunini Association of Rust Col­ Gaikien, Brooks Art’ Gallery. Zo­ Worship Leader.
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