E556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 8, 2019 please join me in recognizing Dr. Robert H. HORSFORD and myself, to recognize and honor complishments of this fraternity and its mem- Twiss on the occasion of his 85th birthday. the life and legacy of Robert Harold Ogle—a bers would not have been possible without the f founding member of Alpha Phi Alpha Frater- Seven Jewels. And here on Capitol Hill, the nity Incorporated and a trailblazer in the legacy of Jewel Robert Harold Ogle lives on HONORING PETE RICHMOND United States Congress. today in each of the African American con- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated was gressional staffers who serve behind the HON. MIKE THOMPSON established on December 4, 1906 at Cornell scenes of this august institution. I thank Jewel OF CALIFORNIA University in Ithaca, New York. The founding Ogle for being a true trailblazer for these re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES members of Alpha Phi Alpha are affectionately markable men and women who followed in his known as the Seven Jewels. These men were Wednesday, May 8, 2019 footsteps. pioneers in their respective fields and their ac- Mr. THOMPSON of California. Madam complishments were monumental considering f Speaker, I rise today to honor Pete Richmond the racial attitudes of our nation in 1906. as the Napa Valley Grower of the Year for Jewel Henry Arthur Callis became a prac- IN RECOGNITION OF ELIZABETH 2019. ticing physician and a Professor of Medicine at (BETSY) PAGE ALDRICH AND Mr. Richmond’s career in agriculture began Howard University. He was also the only HER 65 YEARS OF SERVICE TO in 1986 after earning a degree in Agricultural member of the ‘‘Cornell Seven’’ to become THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMER- Business from California State University, General President of the fraternity. ICAN REVOLUTION Fresno. He started working for Bien Nacido Jewel Charles Henry Chapman was a lead- Vineyards, gaining valuable experience as a er in higher education and became a Pro- vintner. Mr. Richmond went on to work for fessor of Agriculture at what is now Florida HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN other prestigious wineries. In 1992 he was at A&M University. OF VIRGINIA Stag’s Leap Winery; he worked at Atlas Peak Jewel Eugene Kinckle Jones became the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Winery from 1993 to 1995; from 1995 to 2001 first Executive Secretary of the National Urban he was at Kendall Jackson. After spending 15 League. Wednesday, May 8, 2019 years at various wineries, Mr. Richmond Jewel George Biddle Kelley was the first Af- founded the Silverado Farming Company, a rican American engineer registered in the Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise vineyard management and client communica- state of New York. today in recognition of Betsy Aldrich and her tions company. Wineries contract Silverado Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray pursued a 65 years of service to the Daughters of the Farming Company to tend, field, and harvest career in education and taught in public American Revolution. I would like to personally grapes in Napa County. The company over- schools in Washington, D.C. thank her for her service and dedication to our sees vineyard management for over 600 acres Jewel Vertner Woodson Tandy was the first nation. of Cabernet grapes. architect registered in New York and the first Betsy was born in Richmond, Virginia and Mr. Richmond’s passion for agriculture is African American to pass the military commis- raised at Shelly in ‘‘Coke’’ Virginia, where she not confined to the vineyard. He is involved in sioning exam, becoming a First Lieutenant in resides today. She attended Mary Washington our community through his philanthropic ef- the 15th Infantry of the New York State Na- College for two years and then headed to Wil- forts and the Boards on which he sits. In tional Guard. liam and Mary, where she earned a degree in 2006, Mr. Richmond established the One Per- As members of Alpha Phi Alpha gather on philosophy. Betsy went on to teach early ele- cent for the Community Fund, a foundation Capitol Hill this week for Alpha Days on the mentary school in Alexandria, Virginia. Betsy that receives one percent of gross revenue Hill, it is only fitting to recognize the life and married her husband Robert D. Aldrich in profits made by the Silverado Farming Com- legacy of Jewel Robert Harold Ogle, who was 1951 and had two children, John Page Aldrich pany. The foundation uses the money to sup- the first known African American to have and Dr. Lee Aldrich Rouse. port at-risk youth in our community and help served as a professional Senate committee Betsy descends from John Page of find a solution for a variety of issues that im- staffer. Rosewell, the 13th Governor of Virginia and pact farm workers. Mr. Richmond is on the Jewel Ogle was born in Washington, D.C. in Thomas Nelson, Jr, a signer of the Declaration Farmworker Foundation Board of Directors, a 1886. He was educated at the historic M of Independence. Following in the footsteps of past member of the Napa Valley Grape grow- Street School, one of the nation’s first public her heritage, Betsy has always been incredibly er’s Board of Directors, and an Advisory Board high schools for African American youth. After interested in Virginia history and is the only Member for Teens Connect. He is active in graduating from the M Street School, Jewel surviving charter member of the Augustine the housing community as a member of Napa Ogle studied at Cornell University where he Warner Chapter of the DAR formed in 1953. Valley Community Housing and Napa County earned a degree in agriculture with an empha- I commend Betsy for her work with the DAR Housing Commission. Mr. Richmond is also sis on business administration. over the past 65 years and am grateful to involved with Ag for Youth and is a former Senate records show that Jewel Ogle was have someone such as Betsy in our Virginia Babe Ruth Baseball League Coach. originally hired in 1919 as a ‘‘laborer’’ for the community. Senate Appropriations Committee, chaired by Madam Speaker, Mr. Richmond is the com- Madam Speaker, I ask you to join me in the Senator Francis E. Warren of Wyoming. His munity member we should all strive to be. He recognition of Betsy Aldrich. The Common- title was changed to ‘‘messenger’’ for the com- is a person of integrity, generous and caring, wealth is fortunate to have someone with such mittee in 1921, and he was finally named an and well-deserving of the title Napa Valley dedication and commitment. May God bless 2019 Grower of the Year. It is therefore fitting ‘‘additional clerk’’ in 1930. It is important that we honor Jewel Ogle, Betsy Aldrich and I look forward to seeing her and proper that we honor Pete Richmond here continued success for many years to come. today. who a century ago, paved the way for African f American congressional staffers today. He es- tablished and exemplified the ideals of Alpha f HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Phi Alpha Fraternity in leadership, scholarship, PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF ROBERT HAROLD OGLE, A and service. At his funeral service, Jewel Na- FOUNDING MEMBER OF ALPHA thaniel Allison recognized Jewel Ogle for ‘‘his PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY INCOR- unabated enthusiasm and his fighting spirit.’’ HON. VICENTE GONZALEZ PORATED As members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity visit OF TEXAS the United States Capitol this week for Alpha HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT Days on the Hill with a commitment to ‘‘Advo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF VIRGINIA cacy and Action,’’ Jewel Ogle’s ‘‘fighting spirit’’ Wednesday, May 8, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES goes with them, as well as with each of the Members of Congress who are proud mem- Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Madam Speaker, Wednesday, May 8, 2019 bers of this fraternity. I was unable to cast my vote on May 7, 2019 Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I Madam Speaker, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity for Roll Call Vote 185 and Roll Call Vote 186. rise today, on behalf of Representatives has been at the forefront of advocacy for our Had I been present, my vote would have been DANNY DAVIS, GREGORY MEEKS, DAVID SCOTT, communities and in uplifting the downtrodden the following: Yea on Roll Call Vote 185, and EMANUEL CLEAVER, AL GREEN, STEVEN for 113 years. The tremendous work and ac- Yea on Roll Call 186. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:12 May 09, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08MY8.001 E08MYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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