•• -».*-•*«•-« lV"-%.^^-^^>«^ ^ Hj.Gi.i'.-N I5;r.0i>I..L LIDiw.uY r...F-T Il.VEl!, CT. THE BRANPORD REVIEW - EAST HAVEN NEWS Thursday, July 15, 1048 '•^' ^ *~ ONE OUT AWAY BROKEIJ WRIST Lightning, or no - hitter's, C F. U. Will Face •Disaster, in the form of a New Haven Kaceys nearly struck twice for Tex broken wrL<fl, continued to PITCHING STRIKES U'lack, the Sportsmen's ace plague Uic Community Softball t-i Biggest Threat DELIVERED BY MAIL ONLY ADDRESS OOMMUNIOATIONB ny BILL AHBKN hurler wihen he wont 0 and two league, when Alfred Arden, a thlrd.s Innlnss before ^Ivln? up, member of Uic Pilgrim Brother­ Oppose Town Team a hit to lliq Mat and Jeff nine Tomorrow Night hood nine, suffcrc<l a collies STIBSORIBE NOW TOP. 0. BOX 163 The creation of baacball schools for youngsters, tryout schools foi Ui New Ilavcn on Wednesday The pertalnent question of Ju.sl fracture In a collision with a youths and general Increased Interest tor baseball In these parts brlngi cvcnhijf. TJie Sportsmen won I how good the Branford C. F. U .Stony Creek player last Tliurs- At Local Ball Park to mind the lad who has enjoyed the widest success In these parts, Ir to 0. , ' Softball team is will iie^ answered day. Combined With The Branford Review a coaching way. He was never associated with professional coaching but Pitching )il.s first effort since Friday evening at Harnmer Field He was attended by Dr. John One of the fastest games df the his sterling no-hlt no-run out­ when it opposes ther filiddletown Ricsman, ot Kast Main Street, season Ls due on Sunday's docket has witnessed his baseball charges, particularly pitchers, become sen­ Townies Lose VOL. IV—NO. 46 East Haven, Conncclicul, Tlmvsday, July 'iZ, 1048 Two Dollan Per Yeu ing nKnliisl the C. !•'. U-, llhe Bro-ss Rail team at 0:30, who was i>laylng with one of at Hammer Field when the Knights sational hurlers In schools, collcBes and In at least two cases, profess- tile league teams. After first aid tobacco chewing 'I'cxan was Tlie invaders will use Ed Mlkuckl, of Columbus nine of the New Ha­ 'lonally. • Kiiperl) all the way and receiv­ who recently to.ssed a ho 'hft, no run treatment, tlie victim was taken Twice Falling ven Ba.seball League meets the Baptised William James Clancy, young BUI began throwing the ap­ ed fine support. game against the East I)aven West to Dr. Dana L. Illancliard. Townies at 3 P. M. ple almost as soon as he could walk. His mound was the hard shale atop Callahan, the pos-scssor of the Ends and rackedup 16 strikeouts In 'ITie game was won by Stony In Loop Ranks the effort, on the hill.' ' Creek. The Kaceys already hold a decis­ the hill of the Clancy homestead, Mi plate was on Irregular piece ot lone lihigic, admitted tiint he I'he Townies continued their The injury was the tourtlti in­ ion over the locals winning a 7-2 Town's Sliare In Main Si. Pavement $75,000 struck at a waste iiail, the hit Manager Jack Salvin will toiis his losing ways at Hammer Field last hoard and his receiver, his brother Stu, Dugan McCarthy or any kid, ol volving broken hones in the game on June 27. going over tlhc liciul of llic ace "Bobo Prahovlc 1 against the night and Sunday when they bowed the old fourth ward area, who could be teased, cajoled or threatened to SMilor .Softball circuit tills The Invaders will start their ace, second linsomnn. MIddlctown hitters lii the hope of to the Hornets 5 to 4 and to the putthjg on the mitt. Oft times, In the barrenness of catching prospects, summer. Larry tJePalma, In the pitcher's box continuing the uptown kid's excel­ Edgewood Boosters 9 to 2 before and hope to have their hard hitting - Get-Acquainted W. a. Clancy, Bill, of the bare-handed days, father and coach, threw lent season's record. fair sized crowds. Reynolds Prepares ' aside his years, even as he dolTed his coat, and gathered In the slants In outside play, the local unit -has first sacker, Frank Dempsey, ready Croats Stage Bobby Reid had things all his for the go, which If Branford wins, STRICTLY LOCAL of his second son—then threw the ball bock with all the exciting twIsU met very Utile top notch competi­ TOWN TOPICS Joe Orsene way, from a pitching angle as both will make a profound difference hi A Big Success and lore of his years of experience. tion, having confined moat of Its Murphy and Sobolowsky were hit efforts to Croatian competition the battle for first place. Town Meeting Call PIcttircs of the young Dill's pitching motion flood memorleB pages. Batting Show hard by the rampaging New Haven against which they have had Murphy will do the tossing tor A LITTLE ABOUT THIS AND THAT In East Haven • Tlie long overhand wind-up; the whip-like flick of the wrist; the follow Takes Post ball team, in last Sunday's game. singular success In lo-slng none ol Joe Orsene's men, who are hoping through across his left knee. Then other scenes; The zipping fast ball; Tettlebach, Yale outfielder, was WHAT'S GOING ON IN TOWN At Stamford the three championship contests to surpass the nine hits they BY PAUL H. STEVENS "East Hnven Days' for the pur­ the hop as the batter swung and the sharp explosion as the ball nestled the most conslslant performer with On Big Improvemenl pose of acaualntlng residents of this Hammering out 22 hits for 21 Ijlayed to date. For Summer garnered against the Knights in Into the caterer's glove. His slow pitch, the cro.ss-flre, and the sharp the willow racking up three hits in and surrounding communities with runs, the local Croatian nine went Joseph Orsene, son of Mr and the first setto- Vncntloii Dare! tary. break on his out drop, mUko terrific thoughts. four trips. HIGHWAY TO BE REBUILT UNDER SUPERVISION OF STATE the rapidly developing East ,Havon on Its greatest rampage of the sea­ Mrs. Rocco Orsene of Ivy Street, will Next Wednesday at Hammer Pleltl SINGLE PAKE TO MOMAUGUIN Bill, after his sand-lot days, became a good high school hurler. For Branford, only Allen Bradley HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT shopping district, proved a sitocess son In Stamford lost Sunday and till the post of Community Director the Branfordltes will oppose the ASK $15,000 FOR PROJECTS Balmy breezes welcome. Mrs, Dclninr Dovotv ot 83 ntadley •'lliere he picked up additional Inside stuff from Dan Daly. Prom high Youngsters Loop was able to belt Reld about, getting AT ATHLETIC FIELD. In every way last Thursday, Fi'ldny at the same time played- tight de­ for the summer, Frank J. Kinney, Hamden Townies, who also scalped Again wo tiilce up the. "single I'liro to JTnnwuiguin" Uag niid Avenue hn.<i been enjoylnjc a two school he we'nt vrith the Branford Laurels for the one or two years they two fori four. , and Saturday. Merchants •' and Laiy lime oS the scavon. fensive ball In giving up one run Commences Play Jr., president of the Community Branford at an earlier date by a wiive it high in tlic liopc that it will uttraut. th< favorable alleiilion weeks slay at I'urrsboro, No»a fielded a club around the turn of the second decade Into the third of In the Wednesday contest, the Town Counsel Edward L. Rey­ service people were loud In thojr ex­ and three hits on the Joint pitch­ Council announced recently. 5-4 count. Kissel will be on the hill ot tlic olTiciKls ot the Coniiecticut Cinnimii.v ovi-r in Now Haven. Scotia. She drov« lip wlUi Mr, and the twentieth century. In lfl23 he Joined the Branford Townlc^. game was close fought- nolds Is this week preparing a call pressions of praise for tho.entorprlso Even new Is .scarce and so our ing efforts of Bobo Prahovlc and At Hammer Park Orsene, who will enter his Junior for Hamden. BIgelow will get tlie Mrs. Raymond Korncr and two Teaming up with" Oeorgle Fair and working over the Saturday, Sun­ The Townies took a one.run lead It would s;:iem that wh(,li the eliaiige-ovcr comes, as il will short­ for n special town nieetlnB lo be Branch Bank of the East Hnven Business A'sgoola- readers complain about dull Joe Resjan. ' year at Manhattan College In nod for the locals. children «{ Mancracstcr and are day schedule, of those days, the pair took turns tossing to ivilckey Cooke, Play got underway In the Com­ In the third only to have the ly, from a tlircc-fares-tor-a-tinnrtcr to a straight-dime-tare on the held, within the next week or ten tlon In sponsoring the event and In columns. Matt Markleski, who Is rapidly September, Is majoring In phy.slcal vlstllnir Mrs.'Korncr's mother, Stu Clancy and clorance Wannamakcr. The latter was a member at one munity Council Branford Review Hornets even the count In the first days to take action on the financ­ the initiative of Vincent Gttgllordl developing Into a top notch re­ education at the New York institu­ lines ot the Company lliroughoiit the Greater New llaveu urea, Has A Busy East Haven Days proved big time of the New York Giants and was situated In Mew Haven as the Baseball league on Monday after­ half ot the fourth.
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