.AriON CALENDA& PROCESSED FOODS blue slamp. A8 Ihrouill Z8 and AS. Book • valld Inde!lnJtel)': MEAT red stamps A8 through Z8. book 4 Cooler VlUd Indllflnllely. SUGAR stamp 30. 31. 32, book 4 valJd Indefi­ nitely; stamp 40 for .annlna sugar expires Feb, 28. 1945: SHOE ," stamP. airplane slamp 1 and :I book 3 vaJld Inde/lnllely: GASO­ IOWA: Fair, warmer. LINE A-II coupon valid throulh Sep!. 21. I ... ; FUEL OlL period THE DAILY IOWAN -- • • &. vaUd lbrou,h Sept. 30. I ... ; period I valid through Aug. 3t. 9 mlln, 1114. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Eliza's In thil t1VE CENTS rUI ASSOOIATED .&11111 IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1944 VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 244 t two In ~ DrtraYal y dust. n, true. Allied Troops Near I firmly · N St' L R d Ad 22 Mel e · I neatly Amerlcans ear ., 0 KeyShi"ppingPort~ es vance' I es 'n mono t down :ing into lk soltle s. lit parls Coionel ,worker, er. iHectUal By-Passed Nip FQrces ! Higgins, I At a Glance- Nazis Suffer sitting (ounler. Attack :;~~ ~ii~::i:: L:::tl'n:~g:i~ ~!~~~ looking west coast port, and from the same Tod I Laamch Escape AHack Ie more I distance were hurling shells into 'lOY 5 Irk only Hammer Spearhead the shipping center of Ancona on Heavy Losses Iins the I In New Guinea Trap a brief Within Three Miles the Adriatic sea, at the opposite 10' won end of the 150-mile batlie line. Of Strategic Lessay Desperate Jap Units German Radio Warns perhapS, American light armored units ,een the blasted forward two miles against Attempt to Break Fighting May Reach :ked the SUPREME HEADQUAR- strong German resistance and cap­ Russians gain* 22* miles* in two­ Starvation Pocket Own Territory Soon 'en Col. TERS, Allied Expeditionary Force, Thursday (AP)-Unitcd tured the enemy stronghold of day Baltic drive. n. ADVANCED ALLIED HEAD­ LONDON, Thursday (AP )­ Iy Slates storm troops attacking CastigiionceLlo, eight airline miles Rus'ian troops have broken other of under one of the deadliest artil­ down the coast Crom Livorno, Yanks smash Nazi counter-at­ QUARTERS, New Guinea, Thurs­ I through Gcrman defenses be­ eet Eng­ lery barrages of the war cup­ while Polish troops who (/lstin-I tack aimed at splitting Ameri­ day, (AP)-Forty-flve thousand particu­ tW'ed points within one mile can ofCensive near St. Lo. by passed Japan e have launched tween Polot k and Pakov on a guished themselves in the bloody Dew miles wide erform_ and a half of the mid-Normandy a desperate attempt to break out frout 93 aud Cassino fighting closed into ac- American casualtlcs .in Saipan captUred mOre than 1,000 places but she citadel of St. Lo yesterday and of a British New Guinea pocket in ld easy curate artillery range of Ancona's conquest highest of any single in a two-day advance of at least also hammered a spearhead to which they havi been entrapped I ng was within two and a quartel' miles fortifications. I ground action in the entire Pa- 22 miles, Premier Stalin an­ Nazi RetreaL Predicted : cWc campaign. si nce last April, headquarters an- nounced la t night. intensifying ,ears in of Lessay, west coastal anchor of the collapsing German flank. Possession of the two ports nounced Wednesday. the tJtreat of di aster for all Higgins' would enormously assist the allied Japs trapped in northern Dutch T he J apanese, I'emnan t s of t h e Nazi fOI'ces in the Baltica. Charging through hedgerows I New Guinea launch desperate ~ bit of armies in their impending assault Wewak-Trapped 18th army Com- More than 7,000 G e r man S simply Bnd across fields littered with escape attempt. of were killed and some 1,500 l, hands Elite German parachutists who I,Ipon the Nazis' Gothic line" de- mander by Gen. Hatazo Adachi, LIEUT (J.g.) Alexandcr Vraciu fenses-supposedly the last strong d th' k" h . t taken prisoner in a single day's All the I I opene ell' 5 ImlS es agatns IEast Chicago, Ind., called the "Joe had been hurled into the lines natural barrier left to the ehemy mitC I fighting on the ' new front, the ,utraged in an unsuccesful effort to halt short of the Po river line near A er can asua les Americ~n veterans of the Buna F9SS' of carrier fighter pilots, is n came early morning supplement to the them, the American infantrymen the top of the Italian boot. and Saidor campaigns Monday shown aboard ship during opera- j weU­ (A dispatch from Zu1"ich, Switz- night along the Driniumor river tlons off Saipan. DurIng the big Soviet communique said, as Gen. stage is were aided by a consuming ar­ Number 15,053 Andrei I. Yeremenko's Second erland, yesterday quoted a dipJo- 21 miles east of American-oc- light he Ifot six Ja" planes in a Higgins tillery fire which smashed Ger­ Baltlc army began battering the malic source <IS saying that "ev- I S I ( t cupied Aitape. lew minutes with less than 300 man rear-line concentrations and erything indicates" that the Gel'- n alpan onques AUacks Repulsed bullets. Itls total score Is 19 Nips ehemy loose from one of the last killed front-line troops. mans "envisage an early and total I The first attacks repulsed, but :he un!­ 1 downed. seven more than .any 'Nazi footholds on pre-war Soviet Many German prisoners were retreat from Italy." the enemy assautts were resumed Iderson, Germans Counter-Attack Highest Single Loss Tuesday morning, Americans dug other navY pilot. soil. snooty stupefied by the barrage from American troops driving up the In Ground Action in de ply to meet the attackers, Other Soviet armies to 'the iety. In hundreds of big guns as the Era river valley, about 21 miles described as a "heavy" force. south pounded .nearer east Pr~- unlove­ Americans steadily folded back VICE ADMIRAL MARC A MlTSCHER, commander of U. S. Task inland from the west coast, In an Of Pacific Campaign A spokesman for Gen. Douillas Disagree- sia-reaching within ~\) miles, waiting the German western line while Force 58, is pictured here aboard his carrier off Salpan during an attempted flanking thrust against MacArthlir estimated the trapped . ~ct two, J l 4 ~ 000 b t'd some London morning papers encounter with the Jap fleet in the Marianas. He is watching a strike Livorno were reported meeting U. S, PACIFIC FLEET HEAD- apanese a i>, , U sal poo- G Id British and Canadians blunted ough to furious 0 p p 0 S I ti 0 n above the QUARTERS, PEARL HARBOR, sibly only half of them were com- quoted a German broadcast as repeated German counter-thrusts of planes launohed for Saipan, which has sillce been completely taken 0 person­ over by Yank troops. The attack began with a fighter bomber strike enemy-held town o( Lajatico, I (AP)-Conquest of strategic Sai- bat troops. "Non-combat forces saying-and it was considered hugging in the Caen sector. and was followed by dive bombers and torpedo aUaeks. which had been by-passed. Ger-I pan Island in the western Pacific also undoubtedly have been press- posible that the Reds might be (. 'New Strategy' man counter-a Hacks were de- coast 15,053 American casualties- ed into service," he added. P t fighting on the Reich's own terri- :s Miss Some 200 t rap p e d Germans scribed as'both frequent and fierce 2,359 killed, 11,481 wounded and Starve to Dedh a ymen tory by the end of the week. NiLh the were wiped out nortb of st. Lo, and there was no Indication the 1,2i3 missing-Navy Secretary Asked why the Japanese were Americ(ln- ~ of her (German broadcasts of reports Japs Arrest Church Yanks had made any real pr6gress Forrestal announced Wednesday in launching the attack, the spokes- Rail Junetton Captured ceo from f(ont line Nazi correspon­ ln the past 24 hours. Washington. man said, "They 10sII if they sit, )(.. ... .. In a special order of the day ,1' liked dents termed the allied barrage The Nazis now arc using the This total, the highest of any pecause thoy'll tarve to death." BRETTON' WOODS, N. 11. CAP) Stalin said the new offensive was ~w more the heaviest ever encountered, and Groups in Philippines grellfest concentrations of artll- single ground action In the Pacific, The 15J)Okesman said the Jap- -Quotas' for the nations partici- launched today west and north- d be a saId the grinding down of German I Aerial lery they have yet employed in was far exceeded by the losses in- anese .llher were trylng to break pating in the proposed world rear concentrations and communi­ Italy, including many guns' cap- flicted on the Japanese Garriso'1. through to the Dutch New Guinea monetary fund were reported west of Novosokolniki and had Army of Occupation Record Prisoner Bag northwest coast near Manokwari, WDdnesday as almost ready for captured the important railway cations by both artillery and allied I tured on other fronts, This ):>Ian- , " or to some point between the .. .ir power presented "a strategy Charges Missionaries ket of fire, together with the Ger- F~~restal said pr.obably 95 pe~- American bleachheads at Hol- presentation to the United Nations junction of Idritsa, 22 miles east utterly new in the history of war­ Armada man soldiers' willingness to fight cent of the defending force, e~tI- landia and Aitape, which are 125 Monetary conference, with the of the Latvian border, as well as With Subversiv'e Acts J fare," .
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