«0 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wedneiday. March 16.19M II coNooMimum APARTMENTS APARTMENTS FOR SALE RMRENT CARS FOR RENT FOR SALE SU M M IT Street Condom­ 30 Locust Street, 1st floor, MANCHESTER. 3 bed­ UirtGn project inium. Immaculate 3 4 rooms, heated. $600. CHEVY M alibu 1983. Respect bedroom unit Ideal for room In 1 year old ^ Sp e cio U i 60,000 miles. $3500good irou'il Securtly. No pets, no Duplex. 2 baths, wall to •tngle person or young appliances. Referen­ condition. Call after ixurv couplel All appliances wall carpeting, fully 5:30647-0237. text of ruling Young helping hands Iroom ces. 646-3426 weekdays appllanced kitchen, Catlett says UConn Including oir condl- 9-5pm. CAMARO 1978- V-8, Auto- s.for- tlaner ta stay os well os full basement on quiet On rriall-bond suit /7 Abol cul-de-sac. $000 per MI8CELLANE0U8 matlc, sliver sport, hear all about Haiti /3 , fam- wall to wall carpeting, ELLINGTON.T tT o T b N . Town- E a is tough opponent /II tlaced house Gradens. Beauti­ month. References and UWNCME i n p s r 1____a 8ERVICE8 runs well. 8800. Coll drapes and curtains. 643-6574 onytime. Ights. Yau can literally move ful 1 bedroom Ranches security. Call 645-8201 Food 4 (I Prl- In tomorrow I To top and Townhouses with MANCHESTER i bed- Smart shoppers shop I ■ • • V ■ • oOSnSbsTTru^^ M USTANG 1981. 4 speed, ot In this unit off there Is a private entrance $510- room Duplex with gor- Classiflodi They find INCOME TAX Home repairs. You good drive train, needs Mancht Close $550 monthly Includes oge. $650 plus utilities. HER CONSTRUCTION name It, we do If. Free body work. $400 or best walkout lower level rec PREPARATION ftoofing of oil typos. distributf shop- room I Hurry only appliances, wall to 1st month and security. the high cost of living. estimates. Insured. 643- offer. 643-2359. wall, air and parking. In Your Homo 0304. Center C( of a $119,900. Blanchard & Available May 1. 646- Inleudlng: Rental end Bole 1‘HEB eariuATEs. OLDS Delta 88 1974. $500 Kler- Superintendent 872- and incoi Rossetto Realtors, 4642. FroprtetorsWp. OsH Jim Wheeler All Work Qusrsntsod. WEDDING Ahoto or best offer. Runs 147. " W e ’re Selling 3025, R.C. White Co. W hw you coil Classified grophy. Trouble find excellent. 643-8030 after waiting pi 236-5961._____________ M ANCHESTER- 3 bed- )*ls6-6 Houses" 646-2482.0 raom. $600 monthly. A-*?,?®® ®" « friendly ** 7 4 2 -1 0 M 0470200 Ing 0 photographer? 5pm. more infc lehos ELLIN GTO N . 1 bedroom _ *®’’ ohswer your ••••RDBDI We do emefoenev References and secur­ coll and help you word MERCURY Lynx 1981 ovino In beautiful suburban ity. Call 645-8301. booklngl Coll 649-3642 Hatchback, standard. Auxilia YOU CAN enlov extra setting. Rental credits wner- vacation money by ex­ EAST Hartford- 2 bed­ ***** '’••®®"*®- ICARPENTRY/ and 0 8 k about our In­ Well maintolned. Ask­ Iwood for handling rentals at PNCSTNE NdOFINO troductory gift! 11 ing $2000. Call even­ Andersf changing Idle Items In property. Ideal for re­ room. Heat, hot water _________________ I rem o o eun g Rooflno ales types. Shlngiee. bed- and appliances. No Royal Wedding ings. 649-6325. Tuesday ming your home for cash ... tired person or non­ with an od In classified. pets. Lease and secur- noL’s uim CMC ..... TOYOTA Corolla 1977- Center Sti Ik -ln working wife. For de- Ad war* guemnfeed. SPRING Cleanup. Lawn ilanrlffBtpr Im lJi Ity deposit. 872-0700. Stotlon wagon, hatch­ DOS Call 643-2711 to place your tolls call 236-5961. Spring oieenup, fertHbelng, c a r k n ir y a od. Cell mowing. Hedge trim­ back. $700. 646-5184 new MANCHESTER- 3 bed­ M ANCHESTER. 2 bed­ plentlna, moertna. Weekly REMOOEUNO SERVICEI ming. Related truck­ Studer room Townhouse with OompMe home rspsim end re- after 4pm. msld- room with heat, com­ eervtoe evellsMe. 742-7031 ing., Professional Several o see pletely remodeled. $750 fireplace. Heat and hot modellng. We SPMiMe In beth- equipment. Insured. FORD Fiesta 1978, 4 water, carpeting, a/c, Cell for tree eeUmetes. roome end hRMtene. SmeH eeele speed. 84,000 miles, recently r rd a L0T8/LAND per month. Call Dan oommerolel work. RegNisrsd, In­ References. Ray Hardy Thursday, March 17, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm tors, FOR SALE 649-2947. all appliances. Nice lo­ 742-7470 sured, retetencee. 646-7973. good condition, relia­ 30 Cents Nations lino cation. Call 647-1595. ble. $850. 647-8898. sponsored □ M ANCHESTER- 3 bed- ■ ■aaeggeea M 6 -9 1 M YAi^D Cleaning. Garage MANCHESTER (Nor­ M ANCHESTER. 1 bed- FLOORING and cellar cleaning, FORD Pinto 1979. Well The partii roam Duplex. $750 raom apartment. Stove 0 A G LmmSnnicE fFon- M theast area). Level lots monthly plus utilities. gutter cleaning, yard maintained. Very good M Dejoannis etlre- and refrlgeratar. Ref­ Vowing, trimming end spring condition. Reliable 2nd approximately 3/4 1'A baths, modern kit­ oieenup. DependeMe seivloe GAS Himi cleaning, painting and Lindland, room acre. City sewer and chen, all appliances. 2 erences required. $330 decorating, all other car. Automatic, looks manthly. 646-2311. end low prices. For free Improvimiirit A Ripair ^LIUirsanding new, 70,000 miles. $750. Baer, Tei Ith 3 water. 646-7207. manths security. Ref­ eettmete cell • Floors like now miscellaneous odd attic, Complete, home oere. Call 643-9672. Andrea B erences. No pets. 643- M ANCHESTER. 3 bed­ Paul - 646-6668 or • Spedellilng In older floors lobs. Coll Charles 645- oom. room Duplex, near “No Job Too Small” Heavy attacks Fry, Cynd 2121. 6345 anytime after 4:30. PLYMOUTH Volare 1977. )n In- Dan - 226-9064 • Noturel 6 stained floors NEW Apartments on bus­ hospital. $625 per Fm Efllmalit • No wexlqg anymore Slant 6, automatic, olnt, MORTGAGES month plus utilities. 1 ■■■■■eea.e good condition, some WorksI 'noce line. 2nd floor. $625 per 046-1143 HANDYMAN month. 1 month secur­ month security. 643- Jihn VarMili - 040-57S0 Heme Improvement • Felntlne rust. $500 or best offer. vice, 1648. ROOKKEEPWG/ - bosementa Finished - Tlllna • 647-7621. A works need DO NOT GO BANKRUPTI ity. Peterman Building will be he Company. 649-9404. Room apartment, 2nd INCOME TAX UsM Carpentry - ODD JOSS - TOYOTA Corona 1977. sole A Stop Foreclosure! Home- FARRANO REMODELING IMSURBO A hall of St. floor with gas, gas Room sddNIone, decks, raoflng, Good for parts. $200, press Contras ' for owners, consolidate your You'll find the help you stove and a refrigera­ elding, windows end gutters. HEATING/ BARRY SCANLON call evenings 647-9515. is $1 at . Coll bills, pay off your credit need In Classified. 643- tor. $500 per month lock- cards, your cor or busi­ 2711. Beefchee end buSdoier eervtoe PLUMBING 6 4 6 -2 4 1 1 tree esttmatfs FIREBIRD 1984- Auto­ informatii with 2 months security. evaHable. Cell Bob Fsrtand, Jr. 647- ness loon, your mortgage 5 Rooms-Manchester on matic, 6 cylinder, A/C, and save, save your Telephone 645-6773. HAWNES TREE SERVICE power steering. Excel­ busline. Renovated, YBO But. 047-0600 Buekst, truck 6 chipper. Stump History homell NO PAYMENTS lent condition, $5995 or ore UP TO 2 YEARSI Bad carpets, oppllances. Rll. 645-0840 RA. DAVIDSON removal. Free eetimetes. Adults preferred. Se­ Income Tax best offer. 875-8095 or as GIs arrive Manche low CONDOMINIUMS credit, late payments or Spedel oonelderetlon for 875-1703. worth Ath jrdo- unemployment Is not a curity. 649-7961. FOR RENT *wW IMpSwlk OTBIflR elderiy end hindleapped. I con problem. Foreclosure as­ COVENTRY. Convenient Prepared KITCHEN A BATH CtseniA Seeirpoin S WWien Fo r d Escort 1981-2door, Brook, wil 1st sistance available for the location, newly reno­ TO LLA N D . Vernon line, 647-7553 automatic, A/C, power By Terence Hunt week. For ■oom DIVORCED and SELF- vated 1 bedroom apart­ new 1 bedroom Con­ by CPA REMODELING Ssrvfee A Our Bua/nstt steering, excel lent con­ Arbors at AAld- dition. $1595. 875-8095. The Associated Press EMPLOYED. ment. Carpeting. $405 dominium. IVi boths, From the smallest repair to Bus. Fhone 742-S382 EASTEIM WATEPPMOFim Cheney fa Mon- Swiss Conservative 164 East Center St. COMPANY plus utilities. fully oppllanced kit­ the largest renovation, we GRAND Prix LJ 1983-, the public oms, Group at lt$-454-l334 months security dep­ chen. $615 per month. Manchester will do a complete job. Start VtaALIZIMO IN Loaded, 73K, 1 owner. W ASHINGTON - A force 9om, or 28S-4S4-4404. osit. Adults preferred. 871-2117 leave message. to finish. Free estimates. • War B aitmanw • Hatahwaya Clean. $4800, 647-9138 of 3,200 American infantry informatii ) din- No pets. 742-0569 from 647-9780 PLUM6IN0 A HEATING • Sump Fumpa • FsundaMon Oraoka daytime. and airborne troops flew to level ROOMS 9am-6pm. Heritage NHchen A Boilers, pumps, hot FMICSTIMATES Honduras today as the Rea­ Iders STORE AND wmrriN auArurms HONDA Accord LX 1985- Screen ISO FOR RENT MANCHESTER. Main water tanks, new and 4 door, 5 speed, power gan administration said 'ord. OFFICE SPACE Bath Center _____ 8754840 Kinderg Street. 2 rooms. Stove Come vIsH our showroom at; replacements. steering, brakes, win­ heavy Nicaraguan attacks In o . Will advise and prepare from 8; 30 > MANCHESTER- Nicely and refrigerator. 529- MANCHESTER- Prime all tax rstume. 182 W. Middle Tpke. FREE ESTIMATES dows, air, cruise con­ against Contra camps were real furnished, quiet and 1,500. 7858 or 563-4438. downtown office Manchester trol, A M -FM stereo appointmc private. Many extras. 643-9649 / 228-9616 cassette. Excellent continuing inside Honduras. kson M ANCHESTER. 4 rooms, space, 825 square feet. WHITMAN CONCRETE It was the most dramatic ».□ Utilities Included.
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