ADVERTISEMENTS INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 382 Abernathy Printing Co. 385 J. A. Jones Construction Co. American Tire Co 383 Jake's Potato Chips 393 Armco Drainage 373 J. P. Stevens Engraving Co 370 393 Armstrong & Co. 369 Lane Photo Service Atlanta Fish 378 Little Margin Shop 370 Atlanta Laundries 187 Lovable Brassiere Co 371 Atlanta Sand and Supply 373 Lucky Strike Bowling Alley 377 Ballard Optical Co 374 Mack-International Truck 370 Beaudry, Ernest G 370 Mac's Auto Parts 376 Biltmore Hotel 391 Mac's Shoe Repair 388 369 Bi ltmore Pharmacy 371 Majestic Food Stores Big Town Recreation 369 McFarland's Pharmacy 386 Boykin Tool & Supply 389 Merlin Grocery Co 379 Bullock Manufacturing Co 378 Molloy Plant 388 Bush, L. Ralph 378 Montag's.......................................................................... 377 Capitol Auto Co. 390 Moore's Ice Cream 385 Capitol Fish Co. 381 Mrs. Hill's Sandwich Shop 383 Chandler Machine Co 390 Nunnally's Candy 367 386 Chapman Real t y 378 Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Clinton Co. 374 Penn Mutual Life Insurance 381 Coca-Cola Co. 375 Perdue & Egleston 387 College Inn at Naval Air Station 380 Piedmont Hotel 368 Colonial Stores, Inc. 373 Philadelphia Uniform Co 377 Corinth Machinery Co. 389 Ralph Cannon Auto Service 386 Cotton Patch 379 Raymond Concrete 390 Dinkier Hotels 372 Robbins, Inc 385 Duffy's Tavern 390 Roberts & Company 379 Dunlap Insurance Co 394 Royal Cigar (Schwartz's) 391 369 Electric Supply Co 379 Scarratt's Garage Foremost Farms 393 Schwob Clothing Co 391 Fulton Bag &Cotton Mills 394 Sewell Clothing Co. 370 Fulton Furniture Co. 386 Seydel-Woolley & Co 378 Fulton Supply Co 390 Southeastern Stages 390 Gaston's Photo Finishes 383 Specialty Distributing Co 387 Georgia Sporting Goods 383 Spra tlin-Harrington-Thomas 373 Georgia Tech College Inn 184 Sterchi's 371 General Outdoor Advertising 377 Sylvania Electric Products 377 General Specialty Co 390 Tennessee Egg Co 387 Genuine Parts 381 Tom Slate Athletic Co. 383 Golian Steel & Iron Works 381 Tyler's Gramaphone 371 Gordon Foods 394 Varsity .......................................................................... 371 Hallman Brothers 376 Varsity Barber Shop ....................................................... 377 Haverty Furniture 393 Victory Motors ............................................................. 370 Henry L. Reid Co 376 Wagstaff Motor Co. ...................................................... 393 Herff-Jones 371 Walker Roofing Co. ....................................................... 374 Hirsh, J. N 391 W.G.S.T ....................................................................... 385 Hix Green Buick Co 376 White Cross Hospital .................................................... 392 Homer Lumber Co. ......................................................... 389 Willingham-Tift Lumber Co. .......................................... 378 Hotel & Restaurant Supply Co 383 Wofford Oil Company ................................................... 387 Hurt & Quin 390 Yancey Brothers (Machinery)......................................... 381 Irvindale Farms...............................................................385 Yancey Company (Radio) .............................................. 392 P EI D M 0 N T H 0 LET 450 Rooms 450 Baths COMMERCIAL RATES SINGLE — $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 TWO PERSONS DOUBLE BED — $3.75, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 TWIN BEDS— $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 • Twelve New Air-Conditioned Meeting and Banquet Rooms S. E. PARROTT, General Mgr. A. O. BLAND, Resodemt Mgr. R. S. ARMSTRONG BRO. CO. INDUSTRIAL AND CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY PHONE JACKSON 2010 ATLANTA .. GEORGIA Complimemtt of MAJESTIC FOOD SHOPS WELCOME TECH STUDENTS To OUR NEW LOCATION 53 NORTH AvE., N.E. Between The Peachtrees Next to Hix Green Buick Co. STREAMLINED SHOP THE MOST UP-TO-DATE FOOD SHOP IN THE SOUTH — OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY _ MAJESTIC FOOD SHOPS Noted for Service, Quality and Neatness Since 1929 JOYFUL INEXPENSIVE HEMLOCK 4665 BIGTOWN SCARRATTS GARAGE, INC. Recreation 24 BILLIARDS HOUR SERVICE POINTS - - 10 1/2 EDGEWOOD AVENUE Charlie Scarratt 588 Spring Street, N.W. Omte of America's Finest ATLANTA, GA. ATLANTA, GA. LITTLE MARGIN SHOP Victory Motors VE. 6396 RICHARD ALEWINE, Mgr. "THE SOUTHS FINEST" BRACELET WATCHES A SPECIALTY WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF JEWELRY 53 North Ave., N.W. Atlanta, Ga. Distributors of DODGE PLYMOUTH ENGRAVED INVITATIONS DODGE JOB-RATED TRUCKS VISITING CARDS STATIONERY J. P. Stevens Engraving Company NORTH AVENUE ATLANTA ATLANTA110 PEACHTREE STREET Mack-International Motor Truck Corp. ERNEST G. BEAUDRY TRUCKS I NCORPORATED BUSSES FIRE APPARATUS 730 Peachtree, N. E. Atlanta, Ga. Theres a Ford in your Future! WM. R. COSPER, Dist. Mgr. ATLANTAS OLDEST DEALER CARS — TRUCKS — SERVICE WITH BEST WISHES . SEWELL CLOTHING COMPANY 143 CONE STREET, N.W. III WHITEHALL STREET, S. W. "Thru to Broad" CYPRESS 3424 ATLANTA GEORGIA OFFICIAL — STANDARD GA. TECH CLASS RING Prof.: If there arc any morons in this room, please For All Graduation Years stand up." Write "College Inn" Care Ga. Tech P. 0. All was quiet for a while, but finally a freshman WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE A rose at the back of the room. TECH RING It will mean much to you now, Prof.: "Why do you consider yourself a moron?" and even more in years to come. A Ga. Tech Ring would be a "symbol of your achievement"—an "emblem of recognition" Student: "It isnt that I consider myself a moron, among Tech Alumni. This college ring on your finger would its just that I hate to see you standing alone." distinguish you as a "College Man." Manufactured by HERFF - JONES CO. WITH BEST WISHES Every kind of recorded music from Bach backward to B.C.: OF.. from Bach forward to Boogie- Woogie—weve really got them! Originals, imports, the latest re. leases--come in any time, day The Lovable Brassiere or night. Company "Records From All the World" OPEN EVENINGS TYLERS GRAMAPHONE SHOP VE. 4747 845 Peachtree St., N.E. ATLANTA GEORGIA ATLANTA Home Furnishers for More Thamt a BILTMORE PHARMACY Half Century R. D. LEEDS Sterchis The Store of Personal Service PHONE HEMLOCK 2353 ATLANTA ATHENS DALTON BILTMORE HOTEL ATLANTA, GA MACON Th ROME e VARSITY Every Glass Mechanically Washed and Sterilized . CURB SERVICE . Dinkle H SERVE EIGHT GREAT SOUTHERN CITIES ATLANTA The Ansley "Joe- Crocy, Manager BIRMINGHAM The Tutwiler Ira Patton, Manager NEW ORLEANS The St. Charles John "Mike" OLeary, Vice President Gen. Mgr. SAVANNAH The Savannah George Fowler, Manager NASHVILLE The Andrew Jacksor Len Murrell, Manager MONTGOMERY The Jefferson Davis Homer Spiva, Manager LOUISVILLE The Kentucky James Rushin, Manager GREENSBORO The 0. Henry Leon Womble, Manager CARLING DINKLER, President CARLING DINKLER, Jr., Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Atlanta Sand Supply Co. ROLLO WASHED SAND ~ 602 FORSYTH BLDG. ATLANTA 3, GA. WALNUT 3302 FRANK M. SPRATLIN W. EUGENE HARRINGTON ERNEST M. CANTRELL FRANK M. BOSTON, JR. H. DEAN SPRATLIN Spratlin, Harrington Thomas ESTABLISHED 1912 INSURANCE SURETY BONDS MORTGAGE LOA NS PHONES: "Protection"Protection Plus Plus Service" Service" Marietta Street Walnut 0147 N. W. Walnut 0148 Ground Floor ATLANTA 3 : GEORGIA Walnut 0149 Rhodes Building TO TECH ENGINEERS Throughou t your lives as engineers, this triangle Graduate To trade mark will mean much to you. Look for it on culverts, tanks, metal buildings, and other products of iron and steel. Greater Savings .. AT .. Big Star Super Markets DIXIE DIVISION Little Star Stores Armco Drainage Metal Products, Inc. Rogers Stores A FLAN I A, GA. RALEIGH, N. C. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. MONTGOMERY, ALA. BALLARDS Dispensing Opticians WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL THREE STORES 105 PEACHTREE STREET, N. E. MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING W. W. ORR DOCTORS BUILDING WE TOP EM ALL CHAS. N. WALKER ROOFING CO. STARCHES . For All . 38 YEARS OF CLINTONTEXTILE PURPOSES BUSINESS INTEGRITY CHAS. N. WALKER, JR., V. Pres. - Eng. INDUSTRIES, INC. 141-3 HOUSTON ST. WA. 5747 CLINTON 0 IOWA "Have a Coke" Its the friendly high-sign BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY THE ATLANTA COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. HENRY L. REID COMPANY 1103 PEACHTREE ST., N.E. 4 Compliments of . RADIO - ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES - SERVICE RECORDS MAX AUTO PARTS CO. "Atlantas Pioneer Radio Dealer" — Established 1921 — BUICK CENTER HIX GREEN BUICK COMPANY NORTH AVENUE . BETWEEN THE PEACHTREES HALLMAN BROTHERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1157 W. PEACHTREE STREET, N.E. VERNON 6688 ATLANTA, A, GA. INCANDESCENT LAMPS Philadelphia Uniform Co. FLUORESCENT LAMPS AND FIXTURES Incorporated RADIO TUBES - - ELECTRONIC DEVICES of Uniforms Military Clothing Caps and Equipment CONSHOHOCKEN, PA. SYLVANIA Electric Products, Inc. 1223 William - Oliver Building ManufacturersAtlanta Georgia Compliments Compliments of . f JACK PEARCE GENERAL OUTDOOR ADVERTISING Lucky Strike Bowling Alley Fashionable Writing Papers "Keep Ahead of Your Hair . ." . and .. Blue Horse The Varsity Barber Shop Paper School Supplies MONTAGS ATLANTA TECH STUDENTS WELCOME L. RALPH BUSH Registered Electrical Engineer ATLANTA FISH INC. J. H. GEFFKEN, Associate SEA-FRESH SEA FOODS E. K. AUSTIN, Associate 602 MEANS ST., N.W. Registered Electrical Engineers HEMLOCK 3912 ATLANTA, GA. aTLANTA GEORGIA Willingham - Tift Lumber Company LUMBER MILLWORK 866 MURPHY AVENUE RAYMOND 4121 WARP SIZING PENETRANTS SHUTTLE DRESSING Sarge: "I suppose when you get out of the Army youll be waiting for me to die so that you can spit on my grave." Rookie: "No, Sarge. After I shed this uniform, I never want to stand in line again." YARN CONDITIONING MACHINES SEYDEL - WOOLLEY CO. ATLANTA. GA. HE. 3492 CHAPMAN
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