April 2015 TAKOMAPARK A newsletter published by the City of Takoma Park, Maryland Volume 54, No. 4 n takomaparkmd.gov Takoma Junction developer chosen Spring is finally on its way to Takoma By Virginia Myers Park, and these showy blossoms are part of the celebration. Left, tulips on Maple After months of meetings, pro- Avenue warm to the sun. Below, witch posals and analysis, Takoma Park hazel in the garden across the street from City Council voted unanimously the Library. March 23 to move forward with photos by Selena Malott development at Takoma Junction, choosing the Neighborhood Devel- opment Company for the project. An April 13 City Council vote is expected to finalize the decision and authorize the city manager to sign a contract with NDC. If finalized, the vote determines that the city will work with NDC toward a mutually agreeable de- WHAT’S NEW? velopment – not that the original NDC proposal will be actualized. Art Hop In fact, several councilmembers said they favored NDC because Takoma Park’s city-wide celebration of art Planting a playground the firm was especially flexible and April 24-26 willing to work with the commu- Details, page 15 nity on changing the design to fit Residents try to balance gardens and the city’s needs. NDC’s current proposal is for a swingsets in Pinecrest two-story complex of brick, glass Celebrating 125 years and metal along Carroll Avenue, of Takoma Park By Rick Henry ered recently to review and discuss plans. with 10 residential units designed Saturday, April 18 The proposal includes a creative climb- Residents of the Pinecrest neighbor- to be live/work units that relate to Details, page 15 ing structure with a small slide and a Little hood, who have long advocated for a corresponding retail space. A total Mermaid/Tinderbox-themed climbing/ playground in Sligo Mill Overlook Park of about 23,880 square feet of com- imagination structure, also with a slide. It at the intersection of Sligo Mill Road and mercial space would include the does not include a swingset. Trash/recycling collection Orchard Avenue, are pushing back against TPSS Co-op (in a new building); While grateful that their more than two- No changes this month proposed design plans for the site, saying Takoma Children’s School (a pre- year effort to get a playground built has they do not reflect the original proposal school); the Ability Project (a com- been approved, the residents say certain concepts that were shared or discussed in munity facility for developmen- design elements being proposed to accom- previous public meetings. tally disabled adults); Paint Branch modate gardeners at the existing commu- “When we met with the design teams, Montessori School; four units of nity garden (which currently occupies and they presented a really cool idea of what ground-floor retail; a shared ten- would share the space) create both safety the playground could be. What we got was ant/community space for perfor- and aesthetic issues. the opposite of that,” resident Mila Antova mances, meetings and classrooms; a community kitchen/galley; and told a group of local residents who gath- PLAYGROUND n Page 9 TAKOMA JUNCTION n Page 9 Takoma Park, MD 20912 Takoma 7500 Maple Ave. Mayor & Council Budget proposal includes Ludlow named ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER POSTAL ECRWSS two-cent increase city manager Suzanne Ludlow, who has been acting Revenues from state, county stagnant; city manager since Brian Kenner left the Takoma Park administration in January, some favorite projects still funded will finally take over the post for herself and become Takoma Park’s city manager. With revenues from Montgomery Coun- a two-cent tax rate increase. If passed by Ludlow, who has been deputy city man- ty and the State of Maryland frozen and City Council, the increase would be the ager since 2008, filled in when Barbara several other unavoidable circumstances first the city has implemented in 13 years. Matthews left in 2012, until Kenner was straining city finances, Takoma Park may Suzanne Ludlow, named acting city hired 10 months later. When he left to be- be raising taxes this year. The $29.6 mil- manager just as staff preparation for the come Deputy Mayor for Planning and Eco- lion budget proposal, which will be pre- PRE-SORT STANDARD PRE-SORT TAKOMA PARK, MD PARK, TAKOMA PERMIT NO. 4422 sented to City Council April 6, includes U.S. POSTAGE BUDGET PROPOSAL n Page 8 CITY MANAGER n Page 11 PAID Inside Summer Energy Safe Grow Jobs Savings Regs Page 7 Page 13 Page 15 TAKOMA TOPICS: GET YOUR GARDENS READY! #Mulch deliveries start on 3/27/15. www.takom- DOCKET aparkmd.goc/publicworks/mulch-delivery – www.facebook.com/TakomaParkMD City Council & Committee CityCouncilAction Calendar OFFICIAL CITY GOVERNMENT All actions take place in scheduled legislative to the Commission. MEETINGS – APRIL 6 TO MAY 4 meetings of the City Council. Only negative TPCC: Takoma Park Community Center Notice of Proposed Administrative votes and abstentions/recusals are noted. RESOLUTION 2015-13 Regulations for Implementation CITY COUNCIL Adopted legislation is available for review Adopted March 9 and Enforcement of Takoma Park City Council meeting, Monday, April 6, 7:30 p.m.* online at www.takomaparkmd.gov. For Code, Chapter 8.44 Filming and additional information, contact the city clerk at Appointing Members to the Commission on City Council budget work session, Thursday, Photography April 9, 7:30 p.m. [email protected]. Landlord-Tenant Affairs An Administrative Regulation is being City Council meeting, Monday, April 13, 7 p.m. ORDINANCE 2015-11 Appoints Irvin P. Foster (Ward 1) and Michael City Council budget work session, H. Mullins (Ward 2). proposed to implement Chapter 8.44 Wednesday, April 15, 7:30 p.m. Adopted March 9 Filming and Photography. The regulation City Council meeting, Monday, April 20, 7:30 p.m. Awarding a Contract for Landscape and Field CITY COUNCIL ACTION n Page 3 establishes a schedule of fees for City Council budget work session, Thursday, Maintenance Services permits and sets forth the procedures to April 23, 7:30 p.m. Awards a contract to Level Green Landscape appeal a permit denial. City Council meeting, Monday, April 27, 7 p.m. LLC for services for Ed Wilhelm and Lee Pursuant to the requirements of the City Council budget work session (tentative), Jordan fields. The contract is renewable for NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS “Administrative Regulations Ordinance” Thursday, April 30, 7:30 p.m. three additional one-year terms. FY 2016 PROPOSED BUDGET (Authority: Chapter 2.12 “Administrative City Council meeting, Monday, May 4, 7:30 p.m. Regulations,” of the Takoma Park Code), Meetings take place in the TPCC auditorium, RESOLUTION 2015-11 MONDAY, APRIL 13, 7 P.M. notice of the city’s intention to adopt unless noted otherwise. *When public hearings Adopted Feb. 23 an administrative regulation must be MONDAY, APRIL 27, 7 P.M. publically noted, allowing residents the or presentations are scheduled, meetings Commenting on the Draft Public Hearing Staff may begin at 7 p.m. Detailed agendas are TAKOMA PARK COMMUNITY opportunity to comment on the proposal. Report, R-14-01: Proposed Changes to WMATA The proposed regulation is available for always available for review online: www. Facilities at Takoma Metro Station; June 18, CENTER AUDITORIUM takomaparkmd.gov/citycouncil/agendas review online at www.takomaparkmd. 2014 The City Council will hold two public gov/clerk. To obtain further information COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT Submits detailed comment on the draft Public hearings on the proposed FY 2016 about the proposed regulation, contact Wednesday, April 22, 7:15 p.m. Hearing Staff Report, recognizes positive budget. The proposed budget will be Emily Cohen, management analyst, TPCC Rose Room elements in the evolution of the proposed site presented on Monday, April 6. There will City Administration, 7500 Maple Ave, FACADE ADVISORY BOARD design; and asks WMATA and developer EYA be a public hearing on Monday, April 13 301-891-7266, emilyc@takomaparkmd. Tuesday, April 14, 6:30 p.m. to make certain modifications to address the at 7 p.m. A second public hearing will gov. Written comments on the proposed TPCC Hydrangea Room city’s concerns. be held on Monday, April 27 at 7 p.m. All regulation may be sent to the city interested persons should attend and NUCLEAR-FREE TAKOMA PARK COMMITTEE clerk, 7500 Maple Ave. Takoma Park, RESOLUTION 2015-12 sign up to speak. Comments may also Md. 20912, or e-mailed to clerk@ Tuesday, April 12, 7:30 p.m. Adopted Feb. 23 be sent to [email protected]. takomaparkmd.gov. The deadline for TPCC Lilac Room See information about the budget in this Appointing Members to the Arts and receipt of public comments is May 8, issue of the Takoma Park Newsletter TREE COMMISSION Humanities Commission 2015. Tuesday, April 14, 6:30 p.m. beginning on page 1. Appoints Eric Gordon (Ward 2), Camilla TPCC Atrium Room Schaeffer (Ward 2), and Marilyn Sklar (Ward 3) BOARD OF ELECTIONS Wednesday, April 15, 7:30 p.m. TPCC Council conference room VACANCIES ON CITY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES SAFE ROADWAYS COMMITTEE Tuesday, April 21, 7:30 p.m. Consider visiting a meeting of one of the city boards, commissions and committees listed below to see if you are interested in serving. Meeting TPCC Hydrangea Room dates/times may be found on the city’s calendar at: www.takomaparkmd.gov/calendar. COMMEMORATION COMMISSION Appointments are made by the City Council. Apply by completing an application form and submit it along with a resume or statement of Tuesday, April 21, 7:30 p.m. qualifications to the city clerk.
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