HP Deprivation Scores for County Mayo 2016 Appendix II Report on HP Deprivation Index 2016 for County Mayo 1 HP Deprivation Scores for County Mayo 2016 Introduction This document sets out the HP Deprivation Scores (Absolute and Relative) for County Mayo based on the 2016 Pobal1 HP Deprivation Index (Haase and Pratschke, 2016)2. The data is analysed at an Electoral District (ED) level and further analysed using the Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS)3,4. It includes the sections listed below: tables are provided and maps5 are included with the data extrapolated at the SAPS level : Mayo EDs with HP 2016 Absolute and Relative Scores and Population ......................................... 4 Mayo EDs with HP 2016 Absolute and Relative Scores and Population ......................................... 5 Mayo EDs with HP Absolute Deprivation Scores >-10 2016 ........................................................... 6 Mayo EDs with HP Relative Deprivation Scores >-10 2016 ............................................................ 7 Mayo HP Deprivation Scores 2016 By Municipal District ............................................................... 8 Deprivation using Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS) with HP Deprivation Score >-10 ED by Town/Village ................................................................................................................................... 9 Electoral Division: Lone Parent Ratio > 25.0 ................................................................................. 24 Electoral Division: Female Unemployment Rate > 20.0 ............................................................... 25 Electoral Division: Male Unemployment Rate > 20.0 .................................................................. 26 Electoral Division: Local Authority Rented > 10.0% ..................................................................... 27 Electoral Division: Private Rented > 10.0% .................................................................................. 28 Electoral Division: Housing Rental Combined (Local Authority and Private) >10.0% .................. 29 County Mayo at a glance from 2006-2016 Pobal HP Index 2006 -3.97 Pobal HP Description 2006 Marginally below average Pobal HP Index 2011 -3.14 Pobal HP Description 2011 Marginally below average Pobal HP Index 2016 -3.79 Pobal HP Description 2016 Marginally below average Overall there has been a slight improvement in relation to deprivation in County Mayo in the period 2006-2016 but levels of deprivation have marginally increased in the intercensal period 2011-2016 from -3.14 to -3.79. 1 https://www.pobal.ie/Pages/New-Measures.aspx 2 http://trutzhaase.eu/deprivation-index/the-2016-pobal-hp-deprivation-index-for-small-areas/ Haase, T. and Pratschke, J. (2017) The 2016 Pobal HP Deprivation Index, accessed at www.trutzhaase.eu 3 http://www.cso.ie/en/census/census2016reports/census2016smallareapopulationstatistics/ 4 http://trutzhaase.eu/deprivation-index/the-2016-pobal-hp-deprivation-index-for-small-areas/ 5 https://maps.pobal.ie/WebApps/DeprivationIndices/index.html 2 HP Deprivation Scores for County Mayo 2016 Deprivation Explainer6 The 2016 Pobal HP Deprivation Index (Haase and Pratschke, 2016) The index provides a method of measuring the relative affluence or disadvantage of a particular geographical area using data compiled from various censuses. A score is given to the area based on a national average of zero and ranging from approximately -40 (being the most disadvantaged) to +40 (being the most affluent). In addition to this, percentage data for the area is given under the following categories: - Population Change - Age Dependency Ratio - Single Parent Ratio - Primary Education Only - Third Level Education - Unemployment Rate (male and female) - Proportion living in Local Authority Rented Housing The relative index scoring and the above percentage data focuses particularly on the previous three censuses, enabling easy comparison of data between 2006, 2011 and 2016. This index is of particular significance given the economic changes that have occurred nationally during this period. The change in the index scoring and in each measured category is also calculated, meaning that the increase or decrease on a national, regional and local level can be easily viewed. Figure 1: Labelling of Relative Index Scores, 2006 to 2016 Source: Pobal 2017 Small Area Population Statistics: The Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS) of the 2016 Census of Population has been released at the level of 18,488 Small Areas (SAs). SAs are standardised in size, with a minimum of 50 households and a mean of just under 100, thus effectively providing street‐level information on the Irish population. 6 https://www.pobal.ie/Publications/Documents/The%202016%20Pobal%20HP%20Deprivation%20Index%20- %20Introduction%2007.pdf 3 HP Deprivation Scores for County Mayo 2016 Mayo EDs with HP 2016 Absolute and Relative Scores and Population (1) HP2016 HP2016 Total HP2016 HP2016 Total ED Ref ED_Name Absolute Relative Populatio ED Ref ED_Name Absolute Relative Populatio Score Score n 2016 Score Score n 2016 29001 Ardnaree South Urban -18.9 -14.8 2,420 29040 Dalgan -6.5 -2.6 1,117 29002 Ballina Urban -16.9 -12.7 4,144 29041 Holly mount -5.6 -2.0 799 29003 Castlebar Urban -10.2 -5.7 6,163 29042 Houndsw ood -4.8 -1.5 646 29004 Westport Urban -1.5 3.1 5,847 29043 Kilcommon -5.6 -2.0 663 29005 Ardagh -6.7 -3.3 359 29044 Kilmaine -8.9 -5.4 960 29006 Ardnaree North -2.0 1.5 966 29045 Neale -3.2 .4 786 29007 Ardnaree South Rural -2.5 1.7 3,084 29046 New brook -4.6 -1.0 521 29008 Atty mass East -14.0 -10.0 383 29047 Ow enbrin -9.0 -6.0 200 29009 Atty mass West -11.3 -7.3 236 29048 Portroy al -3.3 .2 561 29010 Ballina Rural -7.8 -3.6 2,985 29049 Roslee -5.6 -1.6 432 29011 Bally castle -13.9 -10.4 615 29050 Shrule -1.3 2.5 1,159 29012 Bally sakeery -8.9 -5.1 613 29051 An Geata Mor Thuaidh -13.9 -10.3 939 29013 Beldergmore -17.7 -14.6 157 29052 An Geata Mor Theas -16.0 -11.6 980 29014 Bunav eela -19.1 -15.6 81 29053 Bangor -14.1 -10.0 467 29015 Carrow more -7.5 -3.9 909 29054 Barroosky -12.7 -9.2 100 29016 Crossmolina North -7.5 -3.6 1,061 29055 Belmullet -12.8 -8.9 1,954 29017 Crossmolina South -6.3 -3.0 824 29056 Glenamoy -21.9 -18.3 215 29018 Deel -12.8 -9.3 481 29057 Glencastle -15.2 -11.4 493 29019 Derry -13.4 -9.4 175 29059 Goolamore -19.9 -16.0 135 29020 Fortland -8.5 -5.3 564 29060 Knockadaff -22.0 -18.3 337 29021 Kilfian East -10.2 -6.9 240 29061 Knocknalow er -21.9 -18.1 757 29022 Kilfian South -13.1 -9.9 250 29062 Muingnabo -20.4 -16.7 241 29023 Kilfian West -14.1 -11.1 109 29063 Muings -19.7 -16.5 221 29024 Kilgarv an -11.1 -7.3 747 29064 Rathhill -19.7 -16.2 712 29025 Killala -11.3 -7.5 1,256 29066 Addergoole -7.6 -4.0 837 29026 Lackan North -11.7 -8.4 305 29067 Balla -3.2 1.0 1,556 29027 Lackan South -12.8 -9.2 428 29068 Ballinafad -7.5 -4.0 589 29028 Letterbrick -15.4 -12.6 125 29069 Bally hean .1 3.8 588 29029 Mount Falcon -13.2 -9.6 1,259 29070 Bally nagoraher -3.7 -.2 354 29030 Rathoma -13.5 -10.1 217 29071 Bellav ary -3.6 .2 1,038 29031 Sally mount -9.7 -5.6 480 29072 Breaghw y 1.1 4.9 1,833 29032 Sraheen -10.7 -7.0 1,145 29073 Burren -1.6 2.3 312 29033 Ballinchalla -7.9 -4.7 220 29074 Castlebar Rural -1.9 2.4 7,308 29034 Ballinrobe -6.7 -2.5 3,770 29075 Clogher -6.2 -2.5 551 29035 Bally ov ey -5.6 -2.5 206 29076 Cloonkeen -4.8 -1.1 795 29036 Burriscarra -8.3 -4.6 423 29077 Croaghmoy le -5.2 -.7 172 29037 Cappaghduff -5.6 -1.9 372 29078 Killav ally 1.3 5.1 485 29038 Cong -2.3 1.6 864 29079 Manulla -5.6 -1.8 985 29039 Coonard -3.8 -.5 272 29080 Pontoon -9.0 -5.4 486 4 HP Deprivation Scores for County Mayo 2016 Mayo EDs with HP 2016 Absolute and Relative Scores and Population (2) HP2016 HP2016 Total HP2016 HP2016 Total ED Ref ED_Name Absolute Relative Populatio ED Ref ED_Name Absolute Relative Populatio Score Score n 2016 Score Score n 2016 29081 Strade -9.2 -5.4 602 29118 Sonnagh -11.4 -7.5 1,166 29082 Taw ny nagry -3.9 .2 352 29119 Sw ineford -12.0 -8.2 2,527 29083 Turlough .5 4.0 1,446 29120 Toocananagh -8.3 -4.2 428 29084 Ballindine -4.7 -.9 823 29121 Toomore -8.1 -4.0 1,591 29085 Bally haunis -11.9 -7.4 3,057 29122 Tumgesh -12.5 -9.3 366 29086 Bally how ly -4.3 -.6 438 29123 Urlaur -14.7 -11.0 494 29087 Bekan -8.3 -4.7 744 29124 Achill -17.8 -14.3 845 29088 Caraun 2.3 6.0 367 29125 Aghagow er North -1.5 2.6 1,008 29089 Claremorris -5.3 -.9 4,308 29126 Aghagow er South -11.8 -8.1 108 29090 Cloghermore -7.4 -3.5 161 29127 Aillemore -3.9 -.1 355 29091 Course -11.0 -7.8 415 29128 Bally croy North -18.1 -14.9 303 29092 Crossboy ne 1.1 4.8 580 29129 Bally croy South -19.5 -16.1 333 29093 Culnacleha -6.8 -3.1 460 29131 Clare Island -8.7 -5.6 210 29094 Garry more -8.7 -5.2 460 29132 Clogher -2.7 1.5 873 29095 Kilcolman -6.7 -2.7 459 29133 Corraun Achill -15.8 -12.3 673 29096 Kilv ine -5.8 -2.0 621 29134 Croaghpatrick -1.5 2.1 578 29097 Knock North -7.4 -3.2 972 29135 Derry loughan -1.7 2.2 690 29098 Knock South -10.5 -7.3 748 29136 Dooega -16.7 -13.1 623 29099 Loughanboy -11.1 -7.4 335 29137 Drummin -11.5 -7.6 181 29100 May o -5.3 -1.5 447 29138 Emlagh -2.7 .9 325 29101 Murneen -8.2 -4.6 356 29139 Erriff .4 3.2 122 29102 Tagheen -8.5 -4.8 168 29140 Glenhest -7.5 -3.5 248 29103 Aghamore -9.4 -5.8 618 29141 Islandeady -3.8 .0 1,001 29104 Ballinamore -6.5 -3.5 354 29142 Kilgeev er -10.0 -6.9 108 29105 Bohola -5.1 -1.2 310 29143 Kilmaclasser -6.1 -1.8 639 29106 Brackloon -12.2 -8.4 638 29144 Kilmeena -1.9 2.1 1,512 29107 Callow -6.4 -2.7 397 29145 Kilsallagh -6.0 -2.3 531 29108 Cloonmore -14.0 -10.4 438 29146 Knappagh -4.9 -.8 766 29109 Coolnaha -4.7 -1.2 511 29147 Louisburgh -5.4 -1.4 958 29110 Cuildoo -14.1 -10.5 349 29148 New port East -4.6 -.5 1,164 29111 Doocastle -13.0 -9.4 366 29149 New port West -7.0 -3.1 810 29112 Kilbeagh -10.4 -6.6 1,006 29151 Sliev emahanagh -5.0 -1.5 454 29113 Kilkelly -13.6 -9.9 911 29152 Sliev emore -14.6 -11.1 991 29114 Killedan -8.7 -4.9 693 29153 Srahmore -5.5 -1.4 142 29115 Kilmov ee -15.3 -11.5 654 29154 Westport Rural 1.0 4.7 1,521 29116 Kiltamagh -5.8 -1.8 1,424 29701 Glenco/Sheskin -15.2 -12.6 91 29117 Meelick -10.7 -6.9 565 29702 Ow ennadornaun/Bundorragha -1.5 2.2 180 County Mayo consists of a total of 152 Electoral Divisions.
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