Intoshapefor "V, College Will, Ojmj'n Oh* September 11

Intoshapefor "V, College Will, Ojmj'n Oh* September 11

y p 1 : : 1 1 • • X J• "", ••< r Vv •„•'.'"';•• .'.••'*.•" ••'..'• •-,'.'••,-'! •'i • •• "'. > '•; .. '••,.- ••••'•,-,'.• '.•'-,' •• ' "" ,'v""-^ • >:', '-'• . :• -. .- .•;•'-.' •'.''•••' • • .'^•-' •-..••••.'• .•.'•'.•••: ;••• y.'. -.' - '". •-—•••.- .' • •-, .•••• -,• . ...... ."•••••'•.'.* • '•*£•< "-•_ -.,' >-"•--. ' - ' • ~>-. • J> *"' • .r*'- ' ' i~- '•"-."•"i.-.'. -^ Saw •.-•.'•" ••"""->••• •• •-"••'•;••• ; ^ ^J!T-X.T!v^-«'. •'• '• ' . V- J '•''- '••'< ; aj>- '"•' '-vAK bnhjr was entered' yesterday in Superior Court, Eliiabeth,-' in favor of the 'Township of Crahford for possession of the Crane- Wash- "The schools are shaping up '/•:•• -.'••:•'< burn property,", 110 Miln stre«t'."on or before Oetotafcr I providing Walter .•;•:•:, :• •;. :.• -r-v-..••,-••- -op ,-,-..: -^ :-;•/.-•.•.: and will open Monday without M.'" Crane arid Mr*. Florence Wasrjhurh, .owners. «ive thetownship .any-'hitches?' Dr.. Clark W-Mc- immediate ji6sie«Aipn'..of the rear porliorV of the •.-propmy with iHv j D<»rrnith, skiperinterident"•• pi to remove expected this yfcar r Condemnatioh ; (the"11 schools which will h$ i *evikral -'rnftriths''*jj t staffed • by" . 4T8 employe*. ; ' for the! • -SE^ • - , Classes will start at 8:20 a.jil. .; property. An "appeal Us, •.bwifffj^- -^ 51. "Of^i^vw*. •an-d. will be.dismi-s-std at 2:50 p.rtf; ' . tiled on the award t^y the owner*, j J^CHIllll XJ111161 '•'Hi "the three', secondary sehools -<- i.Orange Avcniic Junior The township, ihrough Town- .1 - Anew lunch room projtnim has School, Hillside •j\vvniic--: _ ihlji Attorney Donald H.^Crt^h-'; bwh-'sfet up tn the two new |un--i High School, and Cranford, 1 i«>fij lait, month inoved for uiy oir» • i6r h-t^jh . Schools^.»rtd'.v.Cr<H*fw*!J d«r for po*KS»ion of the properly High School ••tinder \hv direction j»f so.that work could'gel underway'.Miss. Gladys .IV. vN«**t>ur. «'c.hoot'i ' r-\ Hours , .,— . oii the n.rst srcthio of thr.i-t-ntral Ihinch j.iijvcrvi.i.w. <»nd Paul O.j . •• The-'eight' .elementary school* „• <•' v.iill open their :doors. at .8:45 a,|Uni . •'-.••'" ; • ..trutnr. it.'wji* iinniiuncrti today py • and-end-tit 3 p.m. Lunch will be from 11;45 a.m.-'tp 1 p.m. • Kinder*.';-' ,, j '1>au! "Ws'ljisiuA of 1b* ' Wt-.rtfU-ltf ' Dr.. Ciark^W MeDrrm>'th,' tupvr;/• : firm of pvighr'anil Johiutone, intrniicrif of ichool*---. J\ to 1 ]•:45'"a.rrt." tn,th^;' morninjl s^ Mr. -Craw iihilMrv-.. t'.w ;h.- first time' wiifkl-y -ii ia'.ao: p.iii.-iu 3 >" h U : : ; ; »•'•••••'' -« v-:':"T ?'"',r7-: .:: ;.:^,flggfl|MW;^tmrh>.wu|{hJ -A two-month .:wai b* r«sl«d in all: «{ai».r^v';;-.^fc StATED _ w-<.jtinj>"t© be. ft liedb yb ypupi pupil*'tn'th*H jti'thtf- ni.»- tu-w'juni^w jutii'/r r afternoo'• aittrnoon session.n 1 . Specuvl classes s are th«•' '(SCO->eat •" j wslf mwt from 9:30 a.m. to 2 pjn; • -.' in-th<» three i ! ;I 1 : ;; ; : wil1 l itiy for. lunch. • .The H^^^^^^':^W^fwV/V i^:-' '-^-V .V ^^ •"•:^'\ '':.o:A. •,• " T'-^^'^^^^'^^f'^^;^^^^^^^^^^^!.- A^ »•<•;.;«• it^m M,tyMr ',;,>•-^./..j^nin*! rt'f-wh*^:. ''.'.' .•] ^ tsagc wjr,livit-"". ' ... ;", . ,'^srr'i— : "' «"-'•'- -i' K«'-W 11 Vi/'-f,,,!^ period will .b* b»?fd-at •"*;'•••;Li,sipniiiiy'.<isi- i "3*.':••"; third liincV.j-. 12:54 p.rn..i an< !. f.ur.i'i»' 'Crfcr,cj. to.-w.vtvv i .'our-yjv lunch. 12:-tD p.'rrt.' j . A:: seventii..through tenth grade ;. '->.Ui!,frj)t* 'ift. the 'two-'new junior . hi^v M-hojils. will-.Te.port. for-aa or« ; • ••."•• CAMPUS'CENT'ER-—.This is m:i:n.i-Htram:e of 'now «t;i.U).0<V' r;,n:iK!« Center liuildlnu. Unt<-.t5 IntoShapefor "V, College will, ojMj'n oh* September 11... In tlso J.or«"sro',;.-i.:i :s: the iir^a'where an outdoor terraciei* U-ini; ;;<'•• pettJve'^sxr^iKjh:. Tk<:-y wtlj re- r > day •:•( • •'.'.' dcvelope<l. -The•"t'\v6-.story"<L'ah,^|>u's Center -eontains, .•»5'. >->f;it^hiMUi . synina>iurn. itK'k'^r afni shnAcr..- 1 j.-„;r 1 VMhV*aud.;!<-»rium through the r'^ui'C». list- . rr.iiin -fj<«;r' accorriiftjf-To the. fol» find sjwin'd- studio. '. : •: ^ lo.M.jng. ycXwdu!.«.-: 10th uracie, 8:i6. to,rr- .11 a.m. ..-• .': .turnlttuf » in i>\tiic\i-r^., V.r 'Students will, be weScomecl' by: ' '•*» Y.ui-\--nt Sarno-.v.'-k:, pnncipol at . MiGhaers t.hi- Hiihidi- .sch'«ol: arid Richard At Start of Slst Academic Year Enrolls 840 \V:t^nt'r; pr:m::j.-o..I at. the O . Union Junior College will^opcrtfit*_3lxt" acadennc... A C»»".j;iu? Center<r~s<«tm{| *t*i> in Vmon Junior,! • r:.*.T.r% will l>c niade/and a tour of ; rhe new buildings will" follow: 'T"'yc.\T on Wednesday, with a. tHnev-day oncntaUon Ccile^'i lpn£>X»ni;c, rrluIti-nVlll?on doltsr d \ DurSflR a -Komeroorn • pcripd, jfbr; day sv*woi)''^shn'.t'nl Dr. Kenneth 1. ii;<nt piograrni --. WUl"bto openesd with lh« .it«'rt afi x, hajvil?ooJu;, locHs- and PT^tTJC prt.'!.iuuiit'. ^^:d a: A«i> .•.eaAiufi" frealitiiao , tht: iti-llifjfliiN St's| -*~>M will be enrollment of 400 »tude»u is •W!rtwd*y tu!H,!.*4.,out- 'rhf.'-pw^tt^iwr each group 77"- All., day scs-sion.. freshjnen \yil\j-';• -^ .v.-~f'fc™~.'-'.f:.:•-..•...v;.ji^;.^.;.-.: u« c<rmjv,«p-d- w>»h ; wjll fur. {in hourv.anti t* mtautes/ ';••": .report «lt 9 a.m. to tho •theatre in i' r%f • • • • '-• u,iir.-.\ day .af )-->;<>*: "J;»it j > Stall Pre{»araU«n. "-...f<. ••••• " , the-college's m-^ Carnpus Center | r 1(11111111 Q JQltlt i". »•« r«j'(~;'!lti. V-y.J Teachers • wi!i ciin.tJnue "to pre« building on Wednesday. Dr. -Miio- '. # Davirl. prir,r:;KA. 'XiwVparv 'their'd-'^grooms tod;^y and' rcKvrtv, rorn. * and Mr Chj<<t f.ox • Kay \vill.'greel the new students L. it"t;. JS-'O, . 1 touYttrrpw. for \ht'' first da'v of' • at 6 p m (_lni*'.'i w«rfe Oi^mi^^iii at ' 2 .30 ' cluxst's on Mt>r.d.iy. New personnel" / and diseuss UrncWumor Col!e«e's j n y ftp.*'Rui11infi- Unir.ut" »nd >n.ack'bar-r stiiwit*nt at-• 1- ' ;••' nijth'. in'tmw Jar a Jiiru-h- rrt. y«tertJ..y. A fu!{ tiay's prr- \ :\ bp. -taken'« a IAIN tour of the' i- _ ^philosophy* a>;'a "two-year' conv-i I l/l tit If/ IJIItlUlfttfo 1 Ciia 4-catcriti.v i«r, saaxit thin A(k> vt ; t tooay irxxm 8:"4O'cpTTiTnursify at 3 :• rh^.Tt^iay.-. 'Chest " .: .''"tnunity college of tthe iic.adc.mjc > "•'Joint an .i AimiUtatuipuii d«.dH%i- r.d I-2.4.O (>.n'i to H x-ray>, .wiil bf..' -:-v<in-aH erhp!oye# « •" - .• • • tion et-.tjsiiomes f.«w Crtirvford"* two rwtn. % '':; Other speakers will include; Dr. • new junior hijeh schoaU «nd Union XtacK.^y und th* Campus v L ; ——Ktfn'fWth—W, IvgFSfrn., dvan; P^of,- -Junior Collv^e's-neiv CJ:)'.));;* Ci-r,- :r.:i'r. : ci-"--^'.::U-;i- by s Tho~ on'tirr ~-t^tf » »» fnt» 1 .Saul Orkin.difectoi; of admissions; for bsulrfing have. y by] • ij::;im B. • ;u a lunchcty.-i yi'^rfriiiv by lh(f ann J.B.tctcfeld, c.hat-r-"'scheiiul^i" for Sunday afu-rtw>on;' ttV-i-iii .v to tht- HiU- tr.urch. .Board oJ E4UC^.*I<J.JI' at the new Hi H Srtstv.'. Jnan of the humanities' department • Novcm&v.f. 10.- iipvftin.js- <!..<y Of S ms — two-Or ante -Avenue ..'Junior High. T afi~oT -tJT0"~""IicIRtefilT«rr7CSIvrT<:an tci(Tc5lJon~W«:rt.;Rr' ' ~TavTa'x h n»Tn h. S'^n\>! fo.'lflv.-i»K a g<-rx>ral session and chiurman work" Will In-. ro-i-4)';«.«.e<l m 1 ^ISTOIX Th . *«,M* "V ''I ^! - V '-^- ^^.^^^d ^ohduct^byDr McDermithT^ evaluation committee; Kdwin.D.ur-^ This \Ca_> artnottnot-d sodas"' r.«u!" xn a b't.oudcnvd ar.rl <x'k.--A . The fvx>tbM<i»:.f at "'•. .and.'director'of the Campus: "p"n< Dr. Clark W. 'McDcrmith. Crah-led amdeh:. Jiciiv:i-y program ;T.<.'J. BOUND/TH!y&CKN"ES» -- .Piippetr, in Chiidft-r/s ',o in '< * -, ' l^^'.'P-sv-JJv »K .|\. ;»y tt'.ii. riers. •• I (Coi'.T'.'Utf-d on Page 8) i ter, iind John G.'Judson of We>t- ford superintendent of »yhool'<. and j well a.s •"> cXpan<ie<J procram *>f •• U- n:v;*nU-.tyS-.VU:r\tto.v 'its lik'-Cranft/rrt 'pnimatic Clu and fooVbndjjc: field, president of the Day Session ; Dr Ki-nneirh C, MacKay. ,UJC [community projrrimi.and JMcmw*. J .CVVHK to liUym thv Stan'fc #i (U:it to itjtKt) Si the ' Student Council'. : pn?Mrfcnt. The rtodicatioh. ctTC» j "U:is <Stir sum to rhor-r and-'more Red Cross ServiceJ^r -Wednesday morning's. onenta- ; inoni-c* wi'! bo'. conducted by the (••bvtM>tnc the "txlucaftonal. ..'md. -cu!- 1 ;' ' "• "- •• •'' • • JThcacr<Js» to the tehofi; '.. (tjon program will be follovvod by a- school-^\vl:tcnv and thV'.cvlicfjc in ; turo! C(M>ttT f«r the ' i»rca "*'e w Wj! ' picnic rat noon on th'ifr terrace of conjunction' with CECA <(C\Vm- . serve,'.' he expl;r.ntvl "W'th the $hiWren's Tlieairel " f; the Campus Center. Jn the after- ' miitcv ivx Ei.kicMional «nd Cuitur- j'opening <\f:. the C.imjntv>'. Assisting Others Jumble Store bcin« ir»>*.i»:*»-<t by the school:- noon, mathematics placemen,! tests al AdvanccifufJit!. of .Cranford), • many' typt-s" of *-vJucuion»l. «inH" Featuring Puppet® r<>j.{son>ih':rj!y.

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