June 11, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7713 Syrians that day. They were identified groups have been at the forefront of their families. For Barb and me it’s a treas- as an Israeli tank crew, and reported this pursuit of justice. I want to recog- ured moment to join with Bob Dole, Danny missing in Damascus. the Israeli tank, nize their good work and ask my col- Inouye, and two sons of Phil Hart, Jim and flying the Syrian and Palestinian flag, leagues to join me in supporting their Walter Hart; to be with my colleague Libby Dole. You know, I used to say that the U.S. was greeted with cheers from bystand- efforts. For two decades these families Senate was the world’s most exclusive club. ers. have been without their children. An- They used to say that. But now, Barb, my Since that terrible day in 1982, the swers are long overdue. wife, and Bob will testify to this, are mem- governments of Israel and the United The agony of the families of these bers of the truly most exclusive club in the States have been doing their utmost by kidnapped Israeli soldiers is extreme. world which is the Senate’s spouse club, be- working with the office of the Inter- They have not heard a word regarding cause now that Libby Dole is in the Senate, national Committee of the Red Cross, the fate of their sons. I believe that we Bob Dole knows what it’s like to be a Senate the United Nations, and other inter- must pledge to do our utmost to obtain spouse. national bodies to obtain any possible Thanks are due to so many people for mak- information about these soldiers and to ing this day possible. We are very grateful to information about the fate of the miss- bring them home, for the sake of peace, the General Services Administration for ing soldiers. According to the Geneva decency and humanity. their prompt response to the idea; Adminis- Convention, Syria is responsible for the f trator Perry, thank you. To the people of fates of the Israeli soldiers because the Battle creek, first and foremost, for again area in Lebanon where the soldiers dis- THE COAL ACT accepting three American soldiers into your appeared was continually controlled by Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, on June heart as you did tens of thousands of Amer- Syria. To this day, despite promises 10, Senator GRASSLEY, chairman of the ican soldiers many years ago. By renaming made by the government of Syria and Senate Committee on Finance, issued a this building and accepting these three names, you have again said what this com- by the Palestinians, very little infor- statement concerning the Coal Act, in- munity truly is all about and what you, in mation has been released about the cluded in the 1992 Energy bill, and very Battle Creek, and what the workers in this condition of Zachary Baumel, Zvi Feld- specifically the intolerable situation federal center are all about. Thank you for man, and Yehudah Katz. regarding reachback and taking them back into your hearts and em- Today marks the anniversary of the superreachback coal companies. bracing them by accepting these three day that these soldier were reported The tax levied on these companies in names. missing in action. Twenty-one pain- that act is unfair. It never should have For thousands of young soldiers, this was filled years have passed since their been enacted to begin with. It even ap- the place they came home, the place where a families have seen their sons, and still plies to companies that are no longer grateful America cared for the injuries they received defending our nation. And today, by Syria has not revealed their where- in the coal mining business. The Coal renaming this building we are paying tribute abouts nor provided any information as Act created the combined benefit fund, to three soldiers who became close friends to their condition. CBF, in an attempt to solve many of during their convalesces at Percy Jones One of these missing soldiers, the pension problems of retired coal Army Hospital, and went on to serve to- Zachary Baumel, is an American cit- miners. There were never any hearings. gether in the United States Senate. Renam- izen from my home of Brooklyn, NY. There was no serious debate on the ing the federal center after these three he- An ardent basketball fan, Zachary Senate floor. roes recognizes their unique achievements began his studies at the Hebrew School The combined benefit fund is ap- while honoring all those who received care in Boro Park. In 1979, he moved to here and who provided care here. As a new proaching insolvency. There are ac- generation of valiant soldiers emerges from Israel with other family members and countants who today would say it is al- the conflict in the Persian Gulf, and we continued his education at Yeshivat ready insolvent. It has been saved from greeted many of them just a few weeks ago Hesder, where religious studies are in- terminable illness only by annual ap- here in Battle Creek, it is more appropriate tegrated with army service. When the propriations in recent Appropriations than ever we remember past heroes who were war with Lebanon began, Zachary was bills. These appropriations do not per- wounded in service to their country. By hon- completing his military service and manently solve the problem. oring these three men we will inspire a new was looking forward to attending He- I, for a number of years, have at- generation to follow their example. Phil Hart, a native son of Michigan, was brew University, where he had been ac- tempted to pass legislation to solve cepted to study psychology. but fate wounded during the D-Day assault. He spent this issue. It is my hope that the House more than three months at the Army hos- decreed otherwise and on June 11, 1982, of Representatives would at last send pital here in Battle Creek. According to Bob he disappeared with Zvi Feldman and to the Senate a bill rectifying this Dole, Phil hart would tirelessly spend from Yehudah Katz. problem so we might also enact it and morning ’til night running errands for the During the 106th Congress, I cospon- at least put an end to this inequity. rest of us. He was, in Bob Dole’s words, and sored and helped to pass Public Law I know Danny Inouye shared this very deep- f 106–89, which specifies that the State ly, ‘he was without a doubt one of the finest Department must raise the plight of DEDICATION OF THE BATTLE men I ever knew’. Phil hart became the con- these missing soldiers in all relevant CREEK FEDERAL CENTER scious of the Senate, whose decency was leg- discussions and report findings to Con- endary and whose integrity was so deep that Mrs. DOLE. Mr. President, on Satur- he would without flinching take on an un- gress regarding the development in the day, May 31, I had the honor of being popular cause, or a powerful constituency, Middle East. We need to know that present at the renaming of the Battle for the good of the nation. every avenue has been pursued in order Creek, MI Federal Center for three Bob Dole arrived at Percy Jones in a plas- to help bring about the speedy return American heroes, the late Senator Phil ter body cast. His recovery program overall of these young men. Therefore, I Hart, my husband Bob Dole, and my took three years, which underscores his strongly feel that we must be sure to Senate colleague DAN INOUYE. courage and his determination. When told by continue the full implementation of This recognition would not have hap- doctors his disability would be career Public Law 106–89, so that information dooming, he refused to accept their diagnosis pened without the efforts of my friend and he fought successfully to prove them about these men can be brought to and colleague, CARL LEVIN. At the dedi- wrong. In his first speech in the Senate, in light. cation Senator LEVIN spoke eloquently 1969, which was 25-years to the day after his Zachary’s parents Yonah and Miriam and his message about honor, duty, serious wounds were received in Italy, lead- Baumel have been relentless in their country captured the attention and re- ing his squad of the 10th Mountain Division pursuit of information about Zachary spect of all those present at this impor- in the Italian Alps, Bob Dole, in that first and his compatriots. I have worked tant event. I thank him again and ask speech, called for the creation of a commis- closely with the Baumels, as well as unanimous consent that his remarks be sion to seek ways to assist people with dis- abilities. Two decades later, the Americans the Union of Orthodox Jewish Con- included in the RECORD. gregations of America, and the Amer- With Disabilities Act crowned that effort There being no objection, the mate- and in Bob Dole’s last speech in the United ican Coalition of Missing Israeli Sol- rial was ordered to be printed in the States Senate, he spoke of his meeting and diers, and the MIA Task Force of the RECORD, as follows: his friendship, his lifelong friendship that Conference of Presidents of Major ‘‘What an overwhelming moment this is for was created here with Phil Hart and Danny American Jewish Organizations. These all of us just to be with these heroes and Inouye. VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:45 Jun 12, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11JN6.068 S11PT1 S7714 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 11, 2003 As a seventeen-year-old, Danny Inouye Larry King said, ‘‘Who could write that? in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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