: ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, COLLIERS WOOD. Website: www.stjosephscollierswood.org. Archdiocese of Southwark. www.rcsouthwark.co.uk ! Parish Priest Fr Agnelo de Souza 020 8540 3057 Alternative numbers: 020 8640 0882 or 07970157922 E: [email protected] St George’s Hospital Chaplaincy via the switchboard on 020 8672 1255 or contact the Catholic Chaplain, Direct Line 020 8725 3069. Confessions: Sat 5.30-5.50pm. (or at reasonable request). Hall bookings: 020 8542 3288. 29th April 2018 5th Sunday of Easter – (Year B). The Order of Mass - p7. Readings & Mass parts – p 264 Preface p 60-61 Mass intentions for the week. Saturday 28th 9.30 am Holy Souls 6.00 pm Charlie & Ellen Earley RIP Sunday 29th 5th Sunday of Easter 9.00 am DRAF of Fergus and Ellen Keogh 10.45 am Jojo RIP Monday 30th 9.30 am DRAF of Bill McCann Tuesday 1st May St Joseph the Worker 9.30 am Martina Lewzey RIP Thursday 3rd SS Philip & James, Apostles 9,30 am Holy Souls Friday 4th The English Martyrs 9.30 am Ellen Cahill RIP Saturday 5th 9.30 am Joaquina Coutinho RIP 6.00 pm Desmond Brown RIP Sunday 6th 6th Sunday of Easter 9.00 am Intention of Ena Menezes 10.45 am DRAF of Shiny Johny The Rosary will be recited each day at 9.10am followed by Mass. The EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT WILL COMMENCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER MASS UNTIL AT 12NOON. MONEY MATTERS –THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR GENEROSITY 1st Collection: £400.97 (GA £146.00) 2nd £153.20 (GA £37.25) (Ecclesiastical Education) This week: St George’s Cathedral Next week: World Communications day 6 pm 9 am 10.45 am 5th of Easter Ministers Angela Walsh Roger Pabualan Mary Fitzgerald 28/29 April Lectors Pat Reilly Sean McAuley Prince Tochukwu Maria Guindano Damian Bielicki Chloe Dacunha 6th of Easter Ministers Kathleen Earley Estrella Pabualan Tony Fernandes 5/6 May Lectors Soraya Sanchez Maryanne Michael Anita Whelan Ray Hearn Mark Thorne Telma Oliveira : THE POWER OF AMEN. This little word is so powerful it can literally bring about miracles before one’s eyes. What gives Amen its extraordinary power? According to the testimony of some early fathers in the church, the congregation’s expression of Amen was a mighty shout that made the rafters ring-a tide of sound that echoed and re-echoed, back and forth, till the very building shook. Amen is a vocal climax of the worship in the form of gratitude for what the Lord had done for each of us, which is released as unexpressed feelings of the whole person in a great shout of thunderous magnitude. “Amen, I say to you, I do not know you, Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour” (Matthew 25:12-13) 1. HOUSE BLESSINGS: Fr. Agnelo will bless parishioners’ houses if requested. All requests should be made to Fergus Keogh, please make sure you give your correct details. His contact number is 07970157922 2. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR PARISHIONER NORBERTO RODRIGUEZ, who ran the London Marathon last Sunday. Remember details of the charity he sponsored can be found on the web site http://mollyssmilefund.org/mollys-story, you can donate to the charity through Norberto’s JUST GIVING page or donate by cheque 3. SISTER MARY SEBASTIAN OGWUIKE: The collection for the Missionary Sisters of England and Wales will be the second collection on 12th/13th May. 4. WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE: Please remember to pay for the Walsingham pilgrimage, hand your payment Fr. Agnelo or Fergus Keogh. 5. MASS INTENTIONS: There has been some confusion about the correct procedure for Mass intentions. This is as follows: Complete a brown or white envelope marked “Mass Intentions” and place the stipend, which is usually £10, in the envelope, seal it and hand to Mary Edwards who will enter it in the Mass diary, hopefully on the day requested. If that day is not available, Mary will offer an alternative day for your agreement. She will then hand the envelope to Fergus Keogh to put in the house safe. On days when Mary is not available Fergus will complete the booking and again agree your requested day if available or offer you an alternative date and will accept your envelope to put in the safe. Please adhere to these simple instructions and there will not be any mistakes in the future. 6. TRAINING FOR CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES: Confirmation classes continue this Sunday after the 10.45 am mass. 7. NEW WEB SITE: We are currently putting together a new web site updating our image, which many have commented was getting tired looking. A good start has been made and we are daily adding content. We are impressed by the commitment of the company, “Everyday Christian Marketing” to ensure that the finished product is something we can be proud of. As soon as we are confident with the result we will give details to allow access for your positive comments 8. KITCAT CLUB RAFFLE: The winning numbers for the KITCAT Club raffle are: 765 White not yet claimed. 697 Green, claimed; 992 Green, claimed; 516 Grey, claimed; 905. Grey, claimed; 765 Green, claimed; 588. Grey, claimed; 720 Grey, claimed. If the first prize has not been claimed by Sunday 6th. May it will be donated to Fr. Agnelo. The wonderful sum of £233 was made from the raffle by the K.I.T.C.A.T. club and donated to the church funds. Congratulations to all who contributed to this success. 9. OUR LADY OF FATIMA. We have been advised that on June 9th our church will be honoured by a visit from the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima along with the relics of the children to whom Mother Mary appeared. This is marvelous news for St. Josephs and full details will be published as soon as we have them. 10. FUTURE EVENTS. Fr. Agnelo has arranged to say a KONKANNI mass on the 3rd. Sunday of each month beginning on Sunday 20th. May. On the second Sunday of each month there will be a procession within the church grounds after the 10.45a.m. Mass beginning on Ascension Sunday 13th. May. We have also been informed that we will have an exposition of the DIVINE MERCY on 11th November, more details will be given as soon as we receive them. 11. PARISH OFFICE. B.T. have experienced a delay in installing the telephone and wifi but are currently looking at solutions. The move will go ahead and contact details will be made available by next Sunday. The entrance has been altered and will be our shop for the future, I am sure you will like the end result. 1st May: SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER: The feast of St. Joseph the Worker was established by Pope Pius XII in 1955 in order to Christianise the concept of labour and give to all workmen a model and a protector. By the daily labour in his shop, offered to God with patience and joy, St. Joseph provided for the necessities of his holy spouse and of the Incarnate Son of God, and thus became an example to all labourers 3rd May: SAINTS PHILIP AND JAMES, Apostles: Philip was born at Bethsaida. Formerly a disciple of John the Baptist, he became a follower of Christ. James, the son of Alphaeus and a cousin of the Lord, ruled the Church at Jerusalem, wrote an Epistle, and led a life of penance. He converted many of the Jews to the true faith and was martyred in the year 62. 4th May: THE ENGLISH MARTYRS: During the 16th and 17th centuries innumerable men and women from England and Wales suffered persecution for the ancient faith of their country. Many gave their lives for the supremacy of the pope, the unity of the : Church and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Of these martyrs 42 have now been canonised and some 160 others have been declared Blessed. Their celebration is kept on this day..
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