210 91NA ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC BANGKOK, THAILAND NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC: LAUNCHING THE INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION VOLUME I WATER-RELATED NATURAL DISASTERS UNITED NATIONS December 1991 FLOOD CONTROL SERIES 1* FLOOD DAMAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL ACnVITlHS IN ASIA AND THE FAR EAST United Nations publication, Sales No. 1951.II.F.2, Price $US 1,50. Availably in separate English and French editions. 2* MKTUODS AND PROBLEMS OF FLOOD CONTROL IN ASIA AND THIS FAR EAST United Nations publication, Sales No, 1951.ILF.5, Price SUS 1.15. 3.* PROCEEDINGS OF THF. REGIONAL TECHNICAL CONFERENCE ON FLOOD CONTROL IN ASIA AND THE FAR EAST United Nations publication, Sales No. 1953.U.F.I. Price SUS 3.00. 4.* RIVER TRAINING AND BANK PROTECTION • United Nations publication, Sate No. 1953,TI.I;,6. Price SUS 0.80. Available in separate English and French editions : 1* THE SKDLMENT PROBLEM United Nations publication, Sales No. 1953.TI.F.7. Price $US 0.80. Available in separate English and French editions 6.* STANDARDS FOR METHODS AND RECORDS OF HYDROLOGIC MEASUREMENTS United Nations publication, Sales No. 1954.ILF.3. Price SUS 0.80. Available, in separate. English and French editions. 7.* MULTIPLE-PURPOSE RIVER DEVELOPMENT, PARTI, MANUAL OF RIVER BASIN PLANNING United Nations publication. Sales No. 1955.II.I'M. Price SUS 0.80. Available in separate English and French editions. 8.* MULTI-PURPOSE RIVER DEVELOPMENT, PART2A. WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN CF.YLON, CHINA. TAIWAN, JAPAN AND THE PHILIPPINES |;_ United Nations publication, Sales No. 1956.H.F.2. Price SUS 1.25. * 9.* PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGIONAL TECHNICAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA AND THE FAR EAST United Nations publication, Sales No. 1956.II.F.3. Price SUS 4.50. S , : : 10.* GLOSSARY OF HYDROLOGIC TERMS USED IN ASIA AND THE FAR EAST United Nations publication, Sales No. 1956.H.F.7. Price SUS 0.40. 11.* MULTIPLE-PURPOSE RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT, PART 2B, WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN BURMA, INDIA AND PAKISTAN United Nations publication, Sales No. 1956.H.F.8. Price SUS 1.50. 12. DEVELOPMENT OF WATER RESOURCES IN THE LOWER MEKONG BASIN .. , United Nations publication, Sales No. 1957.11.F.8. Price $US 0.80, Available, in separate English and French editions. • 13. PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD REGIONAL TECHNICAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT United Nations publication, Sales No. 19S9.11.F.2. Price. $US 1.75. 14. MULlTl'LK-l'URPOSE RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT, PART 2C, WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN BRITISH BORNEO, FEDERATION OF MALAYA, INDONESIA AND THAILAND United Nations publication, Sales No. 1959. n.F.5. Price SUS 2.00. 15. HYDROLOGIC NETWORKS AND METHODS ; r United Nations publication, Sales No. 60.II.R2. Pace SUS 3.00. ' , ; 16. A CASE STUDY OF TUB DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION AND ITS PROJECTS United Nations publication, Sales No. 60.II.F.7. Price SUS 1.50. ' ; ...•••• 17. EARTHMOVING BY MANUAL LABOUR AND MACHINES • United Nations publication. Sales No. 61.11.F.4. Price SUS 1.50. 18. MULTIPLE-PURPOSE RIVER BASLN DEVELOPMENT, PART 2D, WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN AFGHANISTAN, IRAN, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND NEPAL United Nations publication. Sales No. 61.1I.F.8. Price SUS 1.00. 19. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH. REGIONAL TECHNICAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT United Nations publication, Sales No. 62.H.F.2. Price SUS 2.00. 20. A CASE STUDY OF THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE KITAKAMI RIVER BASIN United Nations publication, Sales No. 62JI.F.7. Price SUS 0.75. 21. PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DAMS AND RESERVOIRS United Nations publication. Sales No.62.II.F. 11. Price SUS 3.00. 22. PROCEEDINGS OF' THE SEMINAR ON FIELD METHODS AND EQUIPMENT USED IN HYDROLOGY AND HYDROMETKOROLOGY United Nations publication, Sales No. 63.II.F.4. Price SUS 1.50. WATER RESOURCES SERIES 23. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA AND THE FAR EAST United Nations publication, Sales No. 63.II.F.7. Price SUS 2.50. 24. PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGIONAL SEMINAR ON DEVELOPMENT OF GROUNDWATER RESOURCES United Nations publication, Sales No. 64.1I.F.5. Price SUS 3.00. 25. PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FLOOD CONTROL, UTILIZATION, RECLAMATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN DELTAIC AREAS United Nations publication. Sales No. 64.1I.F.6. Price SUS 3.00. • 26. MANUAL OF STANDARDS CRITERIA FOR PLANNING WATER RESOURCE PROJECTS United Nations publication, SaJes No. 64.11.F.12. Price. SUSO.75. 27. METHODS OF IIYDROLOGICAL FORECASTING FOR THE UTILIZATION OF WATER RESOURCES United Nations publication, Sales No. 65.11.F.5. Price, SUS 2.00. 28. PROCEEDINGS OF' THE SIXTH REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA AND THE FAR EAST United Nations publication, SaJes No. 66.ri.K2. Price SUS 4.50. 29. A COMPENDIUM OF MAJOR INTERNATIONA 1. RIVERS IN THE ECAFE REGION United Nations publication, Sales No. 66.T1.F.8. Price SUS 1.50. 30. ASSESSMENT OF THE MAGNITUDE AND FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS ' ; United Nations publication, Sales No.66.11.F,7. Price SUS 3.00. 31. WATER LEGISLATION IN ASIA AND THE FAR KAST, PARTI - Afghanistan, Brunei, Burma, Republic of China, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines and Thailand. United Nations publication, Sales No. 67.II.K11. Price SUS 3,00, 32. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA AND THE FAR EAST United Nations publication, Sales No. E.68.II.F.5. Price SUS 3.50. 33. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF GROUND-WATER INVESTIGATION AND DEVELOPMENT United Nations publication, Sales .No.E.II.l:,(i I'riteSyS^j ")(] i ' ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC BANGKOK, THAILAND NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC: LAUNCHING THE INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION VOLUME I WATER-RELATED NATURAL DISASTERS r 1 LIBRARY, INT - ;•'•.;• --..-siAi, r?c-:rn.: ••;••.;.op •• • .' ' It { ' i;« / /* '? 1" • T • . •• • . 1 ! I ViHl t... ! SUi-t»LY ,_ -.' .' .-*• D The H,:i .. --At. i4i/142 „ UNITED NATIONS New York, 1991 ST/ESCAP/1066 The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed in signed articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations. This document has been issued without formal editing. 221 FOREWORD Many of the Asian and Pacific developing countries are situated in the world's hazard belts of earthquakes, windstorms, tidal waves, droughts, heavy precipitation and floods. Storm surges and earthquakes are the natural disasters which cause the most destruction of human lives and property, and in some countries affect the national economy significantly. In addition, tsunamis, landslides and volcanic eruptions are known to have affected certain areas of the region in varying degrees at different times. Losses due to natural disasters deprive countries of resources which could other- wise be used for economic and social development, thus further impeding their devel- opment process. The toll from disasters is particularly severe and tragic in developing countries, which have often had their development goals set back years and even decades as a result of the devastating impacts of natural disasters. In December 1987, the General Assembly, recognizing the importance of reducing the impact of natural disasters for all people, and particularly for those in developing countries, declared the 1990s as the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction in its resolution 42/169. During the Decade, the international community, under the auspices of the United Nations, is to pay special attention to fostering international cooperation in the field of natural disaster reduction. The objective of the Decade is to reduce, through concerted international action, especially in developing countries, the loss of life, property damage and social and economic disruption caused by natural disasters, such as earthquakes, windstorms, tsunamis, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, drought and other calamities of natural origin. Global coordination of disaster mitigation and response activities has been en- trusted to the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO) and of Decade-related activities to the IDNDR Secretariat, established in Geneva, Switzer- land. In its resolution proclaiming the 1990s as the International Decode for Natural Disaster Reduction, the General Assembly urged the regional commissions of the United Nations to play an active role in implementing the activities of the Decade, considering that natural disasters often transcend national boundaries. Although the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) had long been involved in efforts to mitigate the effects of natural disasters, particularly water-related ones, the Decade has provided a new impetus for concerted efforts for activities in natural disaster reduction. ESCAP, at its forty-fifth session held in 1989, adopted a resolution on fulfilling the objectives of the Decade in the region, endorsing the proposal to give increased emphasis to activities aimed at reducing natural disaster. An interdivisional task force for the Decade was subsequently established within the ESCAP secretariat to undertake multisectoral activities related to natural disaster reduction in the region, within the framework of Decade programmes. In order to launch the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction officially in the region, ESCAP, in cooperation with UNDRO and the IDNDR Secre- tariat, and with generous financial support from the Government of Japan, organized a Regional Symposium for the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction in Asia and the Pacific. The Symposium was held at ESCAP headquarters at Bangkok from 11 to 15 February 1991, and was attended by 72 participants, representing 22 members and associate members of the commission as well as international and regional organizations.
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