FALL CLEARANCE SALE Only games listed in this ad are in the offer; excludes S&T Press magazines (S&T, WaW, MW), SPW, Estate Sale, & Decision Games products. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Shipping is not included. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated. MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price 20% OFF COA Baltic Arena 35 EGD Savanah Cafe 15 GMT Leaping Lemmings 35 COA Baron’s War 40 EGD Tony & Tino 15 GMT Mamluk (zip) 10 3W Aachen 36 COA BAR Primer (booklet) 36 EGL Age of Mythology 60 GMT Maneouver 55 3M Blue Line Hockey 25 COA Battle of Monmouth 64 EGL Attack! 30 GMT Manifest Destiny 55 3M Foil 30 COA Brandywine & Germantown 80 EGL Conquest of Empire 90 GMT Medieval 45 3M Quinto 30 COA Bywater’s War (zip) 40 EGL Lord of Rings Children’s 20 GMT Mr Madison’s War 57 3M Regatta 30 COA Camp Nap: Emperor Returns 45 ES All is Lost Save Honor (zip) 66 GMT Navajo Wars 69 3M Win Place Show 30 COA Clash of Armor Rules (booklet) 19 EXC A Mighty Fortress 40 GMT No Retreat No Africa 65 3W Decision at Kasserine 55 COA Close Action 48 EXC Ancient Conquest 45 GMT Newtown 65 3W Dark Crusade 45 COA Dawn of Rising Sun 80 EXC Battle for Stalingrad 55 GMT Next War Korea 85 3W Dark Crusade (punched) 35 COA Devil to Pay (zip) 18 EXC Conquerors 80 GMT Night Fighter 55 3W Tide of Fortune 34 COA Fear God/Dreadnaught 95 EXC Sovereign of Seas 30 GMT Nothing Gained but Glory 65 ACIES Braccio da Montone 70 COA Fear God/Dreadnaught (booklet) 10 FBI Berserker 30 GMT Pacific Typhoon 40 ADTCH Fighting Gen Patton 150 COA Fires of Midway 65 FFG Cold War: CIA vs KGB 25 GMT Pax Baltica 55 AEG Abandon Ship 25 COA Flight of the Eagle 40 FFG LOTR Trivia 20 GMT PQ-17 69 AEG Arcana 15 COA Flint & Steel (booklet) 32 GALATC Moonshot 25 GMT Prussia’s Glory 2 35 AEG Monkey Lab 25 COA Fontenoy 80 GMT 1989 65 GMT Ran 65 AEG Straw 15 COA Golan to Sinai (booklet) 20 GMT A Distant Plain 78 GMT Rebel Raiders 69 AH Flattop (punched) 45 COA Harpoon 4 66 GMT Alesia (zip) 35 GMT Reds! 50 AH Foreign Exchange 35 COA Hell of Stalingrad 65 GMT Andean Abyss 75 GMT Risorgimento 65 AH Rocketville 20 COA La Bat. Lutzen 80 GMT Asia Engulfed 69 GMT Roads to Moscow 55 AH Tac Air 30 COA La Bat. Mont St. Jean (zip) 40 GMT Attila (zip) 20 GMT Saints in Armor 69 AH Tac Air (punched) 20 COA La Bat. Moscowa 150 GMT Blackbeard 60 GMT Salamis (zip) 20 APL AirLines (card game) 20 COA Landships 46 GMT Bloody April, 1917 55 GMT Samurai 64 APL AirLines 2 (card game) 20 COA Leuthen 60 GMT Bomber Command 67 GMT Savannah 35 APL Avalanche: Invasion Italy 38 COA Lobositz 50 GMT Serpents of the Seas 69 APL Bitter Victory: Sicily 20 COA Mighty Midgets (booklet) 30 Command & Colors GMT Ship of the Line (zip) 20 APL Digging (card game) 15 COA Monmouth 64 GMT C&C Ancients Exp 4 60 GMT Silver Bayonet 45 APL Granada 40 COA No Sailor but a Fool (booklet) 32 GMT C&C Nap Russian Army Exp 55 GMT Stalin’s War 55 APL GWAS: Airships (booklet) 10 COA Operation Spark 45 GMT C&C Nap Spanish Army Exp 55 GMT Sun of York 55 APL GWAS: Med (2nd ed) 60 COA Painter’s Guide WW2 Camo GMT C&C Napoleonic Basic 70 GMT Supreme Commander 65 APL GWAS: Med, vol I 60 (booklet) 20 GMT C&C: Ancients 65 GMT Tyrant (zip) 10 APL Napoleon in the Desert 35 COA PanzerKampfe (booklet) 16 GMT Unconditional Surrender 70 APL Op. Cannibal 30 COA Persian Incursion (Harpoon) 65 Combat Command GMT Unhappy King Charles! 65 APL PG: Afrika Korps 60 COA Prague 88 GMT CC: Europe 79 GMT Veni,Vidi,Vici (zip) 15 APL PG: Beyond Normandy 65 COA Rebel Seas (booklet) 25 GMT CC: Fall of West Pack (zip) 30 GMT Virgin Queen 89 APL Red God of War 30 COA Shattered Armada (booklet) 40 GMT CC: New Guinea Pack (zip) 25 GMT Winds of Plunder 45 APL Red Steel 38 COA SFE: Brute Force 70 GMT CC: Normandy Pack (zip) 35 GMT Zero 45 APL Res Publica (card) 15 COA SFE: Mediterranean 60 GMT CC: Paratrooper Pack (zip) 20 GREN Journey 25 APL Soldier Emperor 60 COA So Atlantic War (booklet) 32 GMT CC: Resistance 55 HAN Time the Game 10 APL Strange Def-France 44 20 COA Speed of Heat 60 GMT CC: Sea Lion Pack (zip) 27 HEX Allemegne 1813 (zip) 51 APL SWWAS: East Fleet 45 COA Supermarina I 56 GMT CC: Stalingrad Pack (zip) 35 HEX Sparatcus Imperator 51 APL SWWAS: Great Pacific War 65 COA Supermarina II (booklet) 20 GMT Clash of Giants 2 35 HJ Norway 1940 50 ASM Frontiers: Liberty or Death 30 COA Triumph of Chaos-RCW 90 GMT Clash of Monarchs 65 JKL Scanderoon 30 ASM Werewolves-Millers: New Moon 13 COA Wallace’s War 44 GMT Conquest of Paradise 25 JKL Treasure Island 40 ATG Beer Money 20 COA Whistling Death 80 GMT Cubra Libre 69 Lion Rmp Challenge 25 ATG Lunch Money 20 COA Whistling Death (booklet) 20 GMT Dark Valley 59 LOO Chrononauts: Lost Identities 5 ATG Lunch Money Sticks & Stones 10 COA White Ensign (Harpoon booklet) 22 GMT Dead of Winter 79 MAT Desert Bazaar 25 ATG Recess 15 COA Zorndorf 40 GMT Devil’s Horsemen (GboHv10) 35 MB Battleship (1971) 15 AYG Conf of Heroes Russia 1941-42 80 COA Campaigns of King David 50 GMT DiF Fighters (zip) 10 MB Pathfinder 25 BRO Cossacks are Coming 50 CSM Beda Fomm 38 GMT DiF Sqdrn Pack#2: Bombers (zip) 10 MDG Space Junkyard 35 BTL Alpha Omega 30 CST Algeria 20 GMT Dominant Species Card Game 29 METGM Dimension Demons (zip) 10 CAF Tempus 55 CST Army of Ireland 23 GMT EFS: Crimea 79 METGM Dragons of Underearth 18 CB7 Dr Who card game 30 CST Arriba Espana 23 GMT EFS: Kiev to Rostov 85 METGM Hot Spot (zip) 15 CG EuroFront 35 CST Autumn Mist 23 GMT Fading Glory 60 METGM Ram Speed 10 CG MasterFront (zip) 25 CST Byzantium Reborn 23 GMT Fields of Fire 75 METGM Rivets 15 CG MedFront 40 CST Marcher Lords 23 GMT Flagship: Coyote (cards) 15 METGM Rommel’s Panzers 10 CG Mid-East Peace 20 CST Op Whirlwind 23 GMT Flagship: Promo. (cards) 15 METGM Stalin’s Tanks 10 CG Victory Pack CST Smokejumpers 23 GMT France 40 55 METGM Trailblazer 10 (incl blank map & Logistics set) 49 CST The Final Frontier 23 GMT GD: Fighting Formations 85 METGM Warp War 15 CG WestFront 50 CST War Plan Crimson 23 GMT Gergovia (zip) 10 MFG British Rails 38 COA 1807: Eagles East 60 DOW Ticket to Ride Dice Expan 20 GMT Grand Illusion 35 MFG Domaine 40 COA 6 Days of Glory 36 EGD China Moon 25 GMT Hellenes 69 MFG Eurorails 35 COA Achtung Spitfire 40 EGD Dragon Delta 20 GMT Hoplite 75 MFG Express 13 COA Admiral Triology Russo Japan 60 EGD Europa 50 GMT Iron & Oak 59 MFG Five Points 35 COA Amateur to Arms 98 EGD Knights Brave & Bold (english) 30 GMT Ivanhoe 25 MFG Freight Train 20 COA Army of Heartland 60 EGD Lawless 18 GMT Kutuzov 65 MFG Hell Rail 20 COA Autumn of Glory 28 EGD Montgolfiere (2nd ed) 20 GMT Labyrinth 60 MFG More Cosmic Encounter 15 Desert Fox Games • PO Box 21598 • Bakersfield CA 93390 • 661/587-9633 • Fax- 661/587-5031 • decisiongames.com FALL CLEARANCE SALE Only games listed in this ad are in the offer; excludes S&T Press magazines (S&T, WaW, MW), SPW, Estate Sale, & Decision Games products. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Shipping is not included. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated. MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Pack N Stack 49 RGG Antike: Duellum 35 RGG Fossil 30 RGG Ponte del Diavolo 25 MFG Quo Vadis Roman Senate 20 RGG Assyria 60 RGG Friday 20 RGG Princes of Machu Picchu 55 MFG Silverton (2nd ed) 45 RGG Asteroyds 55 RGG Friedrich, Anniversary Edition 75 RGG Quilt Show 35 MFG SoC/Candamir 1st Settlers 49 RGG Augsburg 1520 40 RGG Funny Friends 35 MFG SoC/Elasund 1st City 49 RGG Australia 40 RGG Furstenfeld 60 Race for the Galaxy MFG SoC/Event cards 5 RGG Bausack (bag) 50 RGG Galaxy Trucker Expansion 55 RGG Race for the Galaxy 35 MFG SoC/Fisherman of Catan Exp 4 RGG Bean Trader 38 RGG Gloria Mundi 45 RGG Alien Artifacts Expansion 25 MFG SoC/Great River Exp 3 RGG Big Manitou 25 RGG Gnummies 12 RGG Brink of War Expansion 25 MFG SoC/replacement cards 9 RGG Black Friday 45 RGG Goblins Inc 50 RGG Gathering Storm Expansion 25 MFG Station Master 20 RGG Bohnanza 20 RGG Gone Fishing 25 RGG Rebel vs Imp Expansion 25 MFG Streetcar 30 RGG Bolide Tracks 1 25 RGG Gracias 20 RGG Race the Wind 60 MG Guns of Gettysburg 70 RGG Cabale 35 RGG Guatamala Cafe 50 RGG Rails to New England 60 MIH Lodz 1914 (zip) 49 RGG Canyon 25 RGG Hambergum: Antverpia 15 RGG Ranking 40 MIH Pierce the Reich 35 RGG Cape Horn 33 RGG Hanging Gardens 35 RGG Renaissance Man 35 MIH Tunisia 43 44 RGG Caprice 35 RGG Havana 45 RGG Rio de la Plata (Dings & Dents) 50 MIH Turning the Tables (zip) 30 RGG Capt’n Clever 25 RGG Heavens of Olympus 45 RGG Roll to the South Poll 35 MIH White Ensign (zip) 35 RGG Hermagor 40 RGG Samuari Card Game 30 MMP A Fearful Slaughter 95 Carcassone RGG IDO 44 RGG San Juan 30 MMP Screaming Eagles 50 RGG Carcassone: Castle 30 RGG If Wishes Were Fishes 35 RGG Shadow of Emperor 28 MMPG April’s Harvest 60 RGG Carcassone: Dice (tin) 18 RGG In the Year of the Dragon 45 RGG Shipyard 60 MMPG No Better Place to Die 40 RGG Carcassone: Discovery 25 RGG Indus 35 RGG Siesta 40 OMGA 1864 35 RGG Carc: Abbey & Mayor 18 RGG Industry 60 RGG Soccer Tactics World 30 OMGA Desert Victory 35 RGG Carc: Bridges/Castles/Bazaars 18 RGG Jambo 25 RGG Sole Mio 12 OMGA Main Battle Area 40 RGG Carc: Inns & Cathedrals 18 RGG Kahuna 25 RGG Space Alert Expan 30 PB Risk (1993) 20 RGG Carc: Traders & Builders 18 RGG Key Harvest 50 RGG Space Dealer 60 PHA Chicago Poker 30 RGG Carcassone: Wheel of Fortune 30 RGG Khronos 55 RGG St.
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