THE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER . 6, 1901. ago that he had withdrawn hi a buddctI odist Episcopal Church, in convention past He then made a request of the irom the National ticket He said Ne UNIT ON EVERY at Denver. Colo- - War Department that it should report to PARKER THEIR TOOL vada and Montana, are Democratic and ISSUE "First That the National Congress him what steps it had taken In the mat- that reports are favorable from Colorado, should not only protect the Integrity ter and-- the reasons therefor. Idaho, Wyoming and Washington. and purity of Its membership, to do So far as these states arc concerned. which there can be no doubt of Its Porto Rlcan Squatters Protest. he said, great deal of hard work on - a ability- and purpose, but should take SAN JUAN, Rico, 5. One the part of the campaign committee will Immediate steps to purge the Nation of Porto Oct Knight Says His Advisers Are be necessary. He said he was not hope- Leave No Room thousand squatters on land assigned by Republicans this disgrace, which tends to dull the Presidential proclamation for army, Has Bead and ful of carrying Washington for the Na- moral sense and dim the patriotic and the Sparkling Aroma Be Trusted, tional he believed ex- - to navy purposes protested to Governor Not to ticket but that Question Their Stand. pride of all its people. Wlnthrop today against the destruction Senator Turner, the Democratic candidate -- Congress "Second To this end of their homes, wlhch they have been Possessed No Other Wine. for Governor, will be elected. should pass and submit to a vote, of the by Representative van Duser. of Nevada, delay, ordered to vacate. The Governor prom- states, without unnecessary an ised to give consideration to the protest talked with Judge Parker concerning the amendment to the Constitution of the Favorite campaign in his state and told the Judge America's MEN United States, prohibiting the practice DISCUSSES AND ISSUES he would start at once for Nevada, where FAIRBANKS SPEAKS IN NEVADA of polygamy. Out of Respect for Bartholdi. he will make speeches dally until election "Third That we hereby pledge our NEW YORK. Oct 5. By order of the day. Other members of Congress who influence and untiring effort to the ac- War Department, flags on the statue of called today were Representatives Bur- complishment of this end." liberty and the buildings on Bedloe's CHAMPAGNE gess, Gomper and Burleson of Texas. The resolution concludes with an Island and on the Statue of Liberty Dry In Any Save Presidential Candidate, Shows Democrats Are Taking Credit appeal to all auxiliaries to use every steamboat Falcon were half-mast- to Special Brut Delay of Judge Declaring REPUBLICAN CLUBS IN SESSION Due Roosevelt in Calling Irriga- means In urging their representatives day out of respect for Bartholdi. the in in Congress to support the action. French sculptor, who designed the statuo Surpassingly fine in bouquet and flavor and made by tho Financial Views Would Be tion Law Newland's Measure roports of Biennial Convention of the National Tho society heard various and who died In Parte yesterday. French process from the choicest grapes grown in our vine- Termed Duplicity. Fulton Scores Bryan. secretaries during the sessions today. League Opens at Indianapolis. The question of raising a fund of Hearst Case Is Transferred. yards, it equals any of the foreign products at one-ha- lf the INDIANAPOLIS. Oct SB. The biennial 5200,000 to carry on this work during L HUM coming years was discussed favor- WASHINGTON. Oct 5. The case of price. Why pay a heavy import duty on labels ? convention of the National Republican the William R. Hearst against the coal carry League of the United States opened here ably. The plan of raising the fund upon before the con- ing roads which was assigned for a hear- URBANA WINE CO.. Urbana. N.Y.. Sole Maker. INDIANAPOLIS, Ir.d.. Oct. 6. Templar today, with S5 states and territories rep RENO. Nev., Oct 5. Senators Fair will be decldded ing by the Commerce Commis ' closes. Interstate by & S. A. & Oo., M. Hall was crowded tonight by every class resented by delegations. According to banks and Fulton spoke today in the vention sion in Chicago on the 11 inst, has been For sals Blumaner Hock, Arata and J. Gellert. to hear Secretary of the Treasury Shaw its president J. Hampton Moore, of three principal cities of Nevada, Reno, transferred to New York, where the hear and George A. Knight, of California, Philadelphia, the league represents near- Carson and Virginia City. Reaching Reno ing will take place October. 24. the delegates attending the National ly 2,000,000 members, organized into 7000 early this morning, they proceeded to tha m HONOB OF PAYNE. Republican League Convention. Secretary Republican clubs. other two places, returning here for the Shaw discussed the Democratic platform. Charles W. McGulre, president of the night meeting. President Directs That Executive FARMERS ARE IN CLOVER. "CLOTiiES-OiOG- Y" League, con- Judge Parker's letter and the lack of har- Indiana Lincoln called the At Virginia City the Senators were Offices Be Closed Day of Funerals mony among the Democratic leaders. Mr. vention to order and Introduced Presi- driven about in a four-hor- se carriage and Illlnoisan Contrasts Oregon With Illi - Knight said: dent J. Hampton Moore, who presided. given a general view of the points o: IS THE- - SCIENCE- Of CLOTHES . INCLUDING "Behind Judge Parker as advisers are Governor Wlnfleld T. Durbin. of In historical Interest Both at Carson and WASHINGTON. Oct 5. The President nois, and Will Come West'. men that the people of the Nation would diana, formally welcomed the delegates Virginia City they were cordially greeted today issued the following proclamation: KNOWLEDGE OF CLOTH, HANDICRAFT IN not trust In any public capacity. Their to the state. The response was made on and their remarks liberally applauded. In "To the People of the United States: H. Rlnghouee, of Bloomtngton. I1L, after MAKING, ECONOMY OF PRODUCTION AND private Interests are of such a character behalf of the convention by S. B. Red- all their speeches they urged the return "Henry Clay Payne. Postmaster-Gen- - a visit of five weeks in which he has that they would prostitute law and the ding, of Arkansas. National treasurer. pretty thoroughly covered the State of AiniSTIC ORIGINALITY OP DESIGN. A TECH well-bei- of the country to further their The call was read by E. W. Weeks, of Oregon and especially the western portion own private and eelflsh ends. "When Mr. Iowa, secretary of the National League. of It left yesterday for his home to ar- NICAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE FIRST THREE IS Parker ran for Judge of the Appellate and the biennial address of President range his affairs to come to Oregon. Mr. Court In 1B97 he had such a delicate sense Moore was delivered. Rlnghouse has a great many personal IMPORTANT BUT ITS THE LAST THAT REVEAI5 of honor that he told the people of Njw The convention, after adopting an CAME TO friends In Portland who were formerly York before bis nomination that he want- appropriate resolution adjourned until OREGON residents of Bloomtngton and McLean THE CREATIVE MASTERMIND. ed them to know that he had voted for tomorrow as a mark of respect to the IN FALL OF 1853 County. Discussing the outlook for travel Bryan and free silver in 1SSS, and he did memory of Postmaster-Gener- al Payne. next year, he said: HENCB, GENTLEMEN. not think it was fair for him to be mis- After the adjournment the resolu JUNCTION CITT. Or.. Oct 5. "If the railroads make a rate of $30 understood at that time. How must his tions committee was announced. It (Special.) J. C Jennings, who died for the round trip from Chicago to Port- en- following delegates: Cali- year, conscience have been blunted when he Includes the here October 2 from the effects of land next I believe thousands of MACKINETTES tertained Presidential aspirations! fornia, C. W. Pendlefon; Kansas, H. H. "pulmonary tuberculosa was born people will come to see this section of "Three times W. J. Bryan asked David Keefe. The election of officers is in Philadelphia, Pa., December 20, the country, and many of them will be 11. Hill question 'How does Judge Par- tomorrow. All pres- come permanent is the scheduled for the 1831. Having moved to Iowa a- - few citizens. Now there ker upon the money question? and are no country stand ent officers candidates for years later with his parents, they better on' earth than Illinois, HUI replied he did not know. "How does but as a reault of the high-price- d lands he stand upon the tariff?' Hill replied all became desirous of Journeying Investments there pay very small returns. TOPCOATS . be had never heard him discuss it. still further to tho West, and in For Instance, take all the lands of Mc- RECEPTION FOR PARKER. the 1853 they landed In ' Would Be Termed Duplicity. Fall of Lean County and It Is one of the best Lane County, where Mr. Jennings counties of Illinois or of the United States. "And in this sphynr-llk- e attitude Judge Manhattan Clubhouse is Taxed to Its remained until death overtook him. for fiat matter and they will average remained until after he was nomi- 13 years age he Parker Utmost Capacity. Since he was of fully $100 per acre. Of course there are BEARING MARK ARB CALLED CREATIONS nated, when a high sense of honor took had been a consistent member of In county can be MY 5.
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