THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION College Football. “An American Tradition“ . 1869-l 969 SEPTEMBER, 1969 VOLUME 6 l NUMBER 8 COLLEGE FOOTBALL CENTENNIAL KICKOFF NEARS RUTGERS-PRINCETON RENEWAL IS SEPT. 27 SMU-AIR FORCE OPEN ABC TELECASTS SEPT. 13 CENTENNIAL SPECIAL TO BE AIRED SEPT. 12 ALL-TIME TEAMS TO BE ANNOUNCED SEPT. 16-17 .I _ The Editor’s View College Football’sC entennial This month’s NEWS is largely devoted to College Football’sCen tennial Brice Durbin has been appointed Dennis A. Hanks has been ap- season, and the events collegesand universitirs have held or are planning supervisor of basketball oliicialsfo r pointed sports information direc- the Big Eight. Durbin, executive tor at Michigan TechnologicalUni - during the 19G9season . secretary of the Kansas State High versity. Hanks had been at Eastern September will be a month of exciting Centennial activity-Rutgers- School Activities Association, will Michigan. Princeton on the 27th; the Centennial stamp on the 26th; the All-Time serve part time for the Big Eight. * + * Team dinner the 24th; the ABC Special the 12th; a special Sports Illus- John Waldorf, currently supervisor William A. McClinchy has been trated salute and a Presidentfal proclamation. of both football and basketball of- appointed sports information dircc- In the latter part of this month and in October, each institution will licials,will now spendf ull time with tor and assistant director of public football. CommissionerW ayne Duke have a Centennial observanceon its own campus as homage is paid to relations at Kenyon College. Mc- said the shift was prompted by the this traditional American game, so worth while becauseo f its values and Clinchy has been a sports reporter increasingdu ties and time demands contributions. for the Times-Reporter, New Phil- on Waldorf in his recently assumed Under the leadership of such men as Bob Bronzan, Bob Cheyne, Bill adelphia, Ohio, for the past three position as chairman of the NCAA Murray, Asa Bushnell, Norvall Nevc, Larry Klein, Wayne Duke, Bill years. Football Rules Committee. + * * Flynn, Torn Hamilton, Wilts Hallock, Tom Frederick and George Killian, Durbin is presently assistant sec- the NCAA and other national and regional organizationshave attempted retary of the National Basketball The Western Pennsylvania Inter- to create and make available tools with which institutions can build Committee of the United States and collegiate Conference is no longer appropriate local Centennial salutes. Canada, the rules body for all ama- in existence. The Conference mem- The NEWS believes-and hopes you agree-that they have done their teur basketball played in the two bers voted to dissolvet he group at the conclusiono f the spring sports work well. The flags, medallions,ce rtificates, symbol, press kits, television countries. * * * calendar. Teams in the Conference slides,billboa rdsand other items are out. Chevrolet has helpeda great deal In recognition of the support af- at the close were Duquesne, Ge- with its game kit and other support. neva, forded collegef ootball by the col- St. Francis, St. Vincent, Now it is up to the institutions to make the Centennial a notable success. Waynesburg and Westminster. The NCAA wishes eachschool ,college and university well in its commem- lege papers of its member institu- tions, the Pacific-8 Conference is * * * oration of College Football’s Centennial. sponsoring a contest in which the Walt Thurmond has been named editor of the best sports section will head football coach at Cal State, win a trip to the Rose Bowl Game. Los Angeles. Thurmond has been Judging will be based upon cover- backfield coach at L.A. He succeeds age of college football throughout Jim Williams, who resigned to be- the season. * * * come head coacha t Rio Hondo Jun- ior College. Thurmond was on both St. Michael’s College, Vermont, Joe Pattison has been appointed Irving Marsh, currently director the AP and UP1 All-American has added cross country and tennis head baseballcoach a t St. Michael’s of the Eastern CollegeA thletic Con- teams while playing for Los Ange- to its intercollegiate sports list. St. College, Winooski, Vt. Pattison is ference Service Bureau, will add les in 1964. Michael’snow has sevenva rsity and a graduate of St. Michael’sand has the duties of public relations and * * * three club sports. been assistant coach for two years. programs director to his duties. S. P. “Pit” Picariello has been * * * Ed Markey, director of athletics, has Marsh has been associatedwi th the elected president of the Metropoli- Garnie Hatch has been appointed been the head baseball coach, but ECAC sincei ts organization in 1938. is relinquishing those duties. tan Basketball CoachesAssocia tion, head basketball coach at Abilene * * t Christian College.Ha tch, a graduate l * + New York City. Picariello is coach of the University of Mississippiwas, Jim Garner has been named The sports information directors at Pratt Institute. Others elected by freshman coach at Pepperdine this sports director at Texas Christian, of sevenups tate New York colleges the group were Richie Regan of past year. He replaces Dee Nutt at succeedingJim Brock, who is now have formed an association, with Seton Hall, vice-president, and Lou Abilene. assistant athletic director at South- Ithaca, Gencseo, Cortland, Oswego, Carncseccao f St. John’s, secretary- * * * ern Methodist. Garner was formerly Brockport, Rochester Tech and Le- treasurer. * * I Ted Kearly will coacht he Michi- a sports writer for the Fort Worth Moyne charter members. Among the gan Tech football team this fall. An Star-Telegram. projects is an all-time record book Mortfmer F. LaPofnte has been assistant at MTU for the past two + * * for the benefit of the press and the appointed coach of varsity lacrosse years, Kearly succeedsBill Lusier, Edward T. Reid, rated the world’s institutions. at Bowdoin College. LaPointe is a who has become Director of Em- number one squashplaye r in 1955, * * * graduate of Trinity College,and has ployee Relations at MTU. Kearly is has been appointed head coach of been lacrosseand football coach at a graduate of Michigan State, and squashand tennis at Bowdoin Col- UCLA will honor 11 members of Lenox School. Hc will also be an played football and baseballt here. lege. The 1969-70season will see the Football Hall of Fame living assistantcoach o f football and fresh- * * * Bowdoin’s first intercollegiate com- in the Los Angeles area to kick-off man lacrossecoach . its recognition of College Football’s Jere T. Craig, a member of the petition in squashini tiated. c * * t * * Centennial. The ceremonies will Pontiac Press sports staff for the take place at the Bruins’ home Nick Kovalakides has become past seven years, has been named Alfred J. Zanin has been named headcoach o f track at the Universi- coach of basketball and baseballa t opener Saturday night, Sept. 13, sports information director at Cen- against Oregon State. ty of Maryland. He succeedsJim tral Michigan University. Craig is Haverford College. Zanin is a grad- * * * Kehoe, track coach for the past 23 a graduate of West Virginia Uni- uate of West Chester State College, years, and now the director of ath- versity. where he played soccer and basket- Dr. John Y. Squires, soccer coach letics at Maryland. Kovalakides has * * * ball. He has beencoaching a t Ridge- at the University of Connecticut for been assisting Kehoe for the past Gil McDougald will assume the field N. J. High School. the past 33 years, has retired from three years. He was a top javelin baseball coaching duties at Ford- * * * coaching.He will continue to teach thrower in his undergraduate days ham University. The former New Delta State Collegewill give 1,000 full time at Connecticut, however. at Maryland. York Yankee infielder, who played Centennial decalst o youngsters who In his tenure, his teams won one in eight World Series, will be the attend its Oct. 11 game with Troy national title and three New Eng- Neil DiLorenzo has resigned as 25th coach at Fordham since the land crowns. He won the national State, according to sports informa- baseball coach at Niagara Univer- sport was introduced 110yea rs ago. tion director Langston Rodgers. crown in 1948,his 1960t eam was a semi-finalist, and his 1966club was sity, in order to pursue a doctorate also a participant in the NCAA at Springfield College. DiLorenzo coached two years at Niagara. He tourney. * lb has received a teaching fellowship at Springfield. Letters to the Editor.. Harold Memoto has been named * * * I I head football coacha t the Universi- ty of Illinois at Chicago Circle. Howard L. Corder has beennamed Dear Sir: There is nothing quite comparable Memoto has been assistant at the head basketball coach at Millsaps to it in baseballt oday. The speedo f I was privileged to attend the Navy Pier and Chicago Circle cam- College succeedingJ . C. Anthony, the game, the clean-cut action, and 1969baseball College World Series. puses of the University of Illinois who has retired to go into private the collegespi rit publicizedby na- I appreciate very much the line for the past 12 years. He succeeds business. Corder is a graduate of tional TV would add another dimen- work of the local sponsors, the George Strnad, who is leaving the Kentucky, and has been a coachf or sion of public support for higher Games Committee, and Chairman University to go into industry. 13 years. His Northeast Mississippi education, offset some of the recent Strnad had been head coach since Junior College team posted an 18-4 L. C. Timm and the NCAA Baseball “demonstrations” and many of the 1964. record last year. Tournament Committee. sometimes trivial incidents, and I thought the Series brought great would also, possibly,inspi re the en- credit to higher education.
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