-• / 't' ■ V'' . FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, IMR !k13i'iilGHTEEN H r r a lb *■ ~f‘ ATcrage Daily Net Press Run ilSanrtr^gpt t'eB I , V Par the l9eafc Bade*- Sept. 3. less Mm . David Tooniey of Boltoa, Nancy Walah, Carol Wannargran Sales at Market Green tliijim b Club member o^ the Msinchester Garden purtir and Joyea RuMell. all gMduatea of ■ • Club, will discuss "Delphiniums" 1 1 ,5 3 6 Ighfc Rmujbr ■ .^ U m u tT o w n Uanchaster High School in June, Enters Albion and Miss Milllcent Jones, who U Member of the Audit ___________ have entered New Britain TeacheM Coutiilue to Rise In Second Season advisor for the GrMn Thumb PEACH FESTWAl Ks- Bureau of CIreulaUon r Jlt. and K m . Th«odoM C. Km- college as freshmen. ' ;• group, will be on hqnd to aiiawer MdneheMter~—A City o f Viilago Charm y m * n Kain Bt, nturnad ywtwr- any questions about garden prob­ SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH KT. and Mrs. J. H. Law Jr,, IB Sales Th irsday at the Manches­ dM from BU John, N«w Brunj^ ter Auction Mart amounted to-|3,'- ..Tha Green Thumb Group of the lems that have pussled anyone TOMORROW, 5:00-t:00 P.M. vrtA , CWwdlt. whoM K m . BbqnW Baldwin Rd, will be in Hamden to­ during the summer. PRICE PITS CENTS morrow, attending the wedding of 505.05 as a record-high total of YWCA vrill initiate its second year VOL. LXXIV, NO. 290 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.,'SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. f9S5 fOtaaaffled AdvavfMug m Pegu It) qiaBt tho aumnwr with Mlativei. 933 liainbushel baskets of toma­ on Tuesday evening. Sept. 13, at A most cordial welcome ia 'ex­ PEACH SHORTCAKE. PEACHES AND CREAM dhair son, Olenn R. Law, and Miss PEACH SrNDAES ___ Blame B. Schwlng at 3 p.m. toes were .sold. The day's high of 8 o'clock at the Y. tended to anyone interested in "T Tho OMCutlTO board of th* Wad- 35.35 was Just 10 cents short of iardenlng and related subjects to a n d p l e n t y o r h Ot d o g s a n d iM l I*TA win hold a food lalt in in Whitneyville Congregational A year of exciting activities hab h a m b u r g e r s Church, Hamden.. -Wednesday's record high. been planned. At this first meeting Join the group. Y membership is Falser Fire Alarms tha auditorium Twwday. BopL 13. Low Thursday mark was 32.70, required. Any further inquiries at 3:W >m . KamboM who hav» members are requested to bring SERVICE A LA CAR'TE Judge Stalls The Polish American (.Club will while the average per ba.sket was the results of the sinnia seeds that will be answered by calling the tidt baan contaeted and who are 33.98 at the Charter Oak St. chairman of the group. Mrs. Her- 'Near Yale iCampus wUUnf to donate food itami for hold its monthly meeting Sunday were distributed earlier in the afternoon at 1:80 at the club­ market. year. I bert E. kiecolt, 52 Trebbe Dr. tha aala. may bring them to tte As in the past, this season's auditorium any time before 2:30 house. 100 Clinton St. All members Legal Curb New Haven, Sept. 10 )/P)— J- are asked to be presenL mart has been attracting buyers False fire alarme have been 9 r « i ih e aale ia for th r handbooks from Manchester, Bolton and the - i— eutie fo r membeM. aounded on three aucceaatve Auxiliary Police will continue -surrounding' areas as well as days this week from the vicin­ their work on the campaign safety buyers '/from 'throughout New On D ockers ity of the .Yale campus. A daughter was^born at the Elngland. Hartford Hospital on 8ei>t. 0 to Mr. on Main St. tomorrow. All those Police and fire department participating are asked to report officials .say they believe It it- and Mrs. John Hennessey, OS Hel- hero’s "Slick-Joc/** your New York, Sept. 10 (/P>— alne Rd. - to Police Headquarters at 9:30 a.m. Special Sale no cblnrddence that: and 1:30 p.m. Delivers Sermon Legal punche.s aimed at strik­ .1. Students are beginning new Corduroy componioni ing longshoremen in the huge to return to Yale for claasea on The Joy Circle of the' North At Center Clnirch port of New York have been Which start next Thursday. WAPPING FAIR Methodiqt WSCS will hold its first .2. All the false alarnjfc have fall meeting Wednesday,' Sept.. l4. stayed over the vi’eekend to been sounded late In the "after­ DANCE at the church. DOssert will be Jamea R. Nelson The Rev. R. Russell Peery, as­ give the dockers a chance to noon during a no-parking pe­ served at 1 p.m. and the business sociate minister, will preach his go back on the piers.^'Mean- riod when police tow away ROUND ORd SQUARE^ meeting will follow'aij^g o'clock. James R. Nelson, son of Mr. and first .sermon q( Center Chlirch ' .1 .. it while, sympathy work stop­ automobiles parked in re­ Mra James R. Nelson, 61 Avondale Sunday at 8. 9:15 and 11 a.m. A stricted zones. Bulganin Says Rd.. will enter Albion College in cordial invitation is extended to pages threatening to embroil 3. The no-parking regula­ Rhythm Ain OrehMtia Albion. Mich, on Sept. 12. anyone in the community to at­ all East Coast ports were op tion la a new one,_put into ef­ GENERAL He is a graduate of Manchester tend. His topic will be "Prepara­ the wane. fect since the atudenta left High School, class of 1955. and 1s tion" - "Let a Man Examine Him­ Called off yesterday were- walk- New Haven last June. ‘Hold No Gen lans SAtEVE.8f«12 TV SERVICE a candidate for the Christian self.” ■ I euts in Boston and I^ovidence, R. ministry,^ At the 11 o'clock service the i I- 4 , SEPT. 10 ^ Dajra M OK A OCall Rev,. Mr. and Mrsl Peery. will be i The stevedores in those cltlea Moscow, Sept. 10 (/F ^ W est Gerroftny reitereted emphotl c - . NIghta . JjW wRI JlnaPi j:ereived,-lnto-fulI:-m^herafalp-l^i wer*--ordered'bltclt work ■ tckla y; Santa Barhar mUy today lirii~8tormy fieggjon wl^ Soviet Iwidort TEL. Ml 3-5194 The Methodist Men of the South theth# pastor,na«tnr theth# Rev.R#v Cliffordmiffnrri O.D ' " ADimssibN lsor"“ Piers were’ back to normal yes­ would not establish diplomatic’relatioiifliwith Russia until the Methodist Church are planning to Simpson,. who will assist at all terday in Philadelphia and Balti­ put on the bi)rgest and best peach three services. The Rev. Mr. Simp­ more after one day of idleness: Cattle Ranches German prisoner of war question is settled. festival ever held at the church to­ son . will also be the, celebrant at However, longshore meetings Heinrich von Brentano, West German foreign minister, morrow from 5 to 8 p.m. If the the 7:30 cbmmunibn. The full choir stated the German position anew in a meeting at SpiridonofllR weather is favorable it will,bis out­ will sing the anthem. "O Divine yesterday at Norfolk, Vn.. tied up Safe from Fire A FABULOUS IDEA in . doors; if not, in Cooper Hall. Pat­ Redeemer," by Gounod, at 9:15 : 11, ships there. And the walk­ Palace that lastea more than three hours, r rons may choose from peach short­ and the quartet will sing "More | out continues at Port Newarlf. West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer emerged iYim- cake, peach pie, peach sundaes; Love to Thee. O Christ," by | ‘■Bayone. Jersey City and Hoboken San FYanctsco, Sept. 10 (/Pi — faced from the working session, without comment. FEMININE PROTECTION also hot dogs, hamburgers, cold Speaks, at 11 o’clock. | In New Jersey. Firefighters appeared to be getting and hot drinks. II is also planned The church school will open this Some 70 cargo ships lay immo­ the upper hSnd today on a danger­ Von Brentano spoke after Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin to have games and rides for the Sunday with two complete ses­ bilized in New York harbor, With ous brush fire near Santa Barbara said the.Soviet Union is not holding any German prisoners New whisper-uoft fabric cover aa other points iiythis fire-ravaged children- sions. nursery through Junibr high, erishable cargo piling up on the •Leonora Back in Business of-w ar but had in its custody 9,626 "war, crimihala whose at 9:15 and 11 o'clock.' SoCka at the rate of 320 million state also turned more optimi.«tic. The Santa /Barbara/Ba fire had sentencing was a humanitarian act.” Emil G. Stavena, Lake St.. RED worth a day. pipping firms es- Little Leonora Maglione, whe first saw the light of day last The poaltionz of the two govern-«- New douUe-ipad protection tlipate they are losing a million Aug. 4, ia going home to Plttston. Pa., after a rare operation at threatened 20'cattle ranches in the No. 3, recently won 391 in the area, but firemen — including ments after today’s session was monthly suggestion awards at dollars, (tally in business diverted Philadelphia’s Hahnemann Hospital. Surgeons said Leonora, ann(Hinced at a..bewa conference held here by Nilrse Emily Walter, was victim of a trachea eso­ 500 Marines — concentrated along Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. A to other porta. a 7-mll^1ine and aided by fog and presided over by Leonid Il3richev, Blueprint Swap New cfolded enda lie flat total of 36,319 was won by 130 em- Railroads' are conaidertng an phageal fistula—which means that her air- and food pipes ^ei'e FOR RENT rising/-humidity, appeared to be Soviet Foreign Office press of­ ployet.
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