"V I THE LANCASTER NE\ ., VS, JANUARY * 27,1914. 2 3 < <+<+<?+><+*>+><*'> K V ,v/vv5?&Y<**'1--N'^ vV'*""V "* &$£) ,v£> ;;^aao 5! §a^yW:.K. ,;v. -W SvY « ' Y - - I Y ;.. A'- . i/ V ^ , Rfesss!|---«c5Ru4f' > ® (ANUARY\ HUE . SALE ~.. i* v - g ' r: .«*;, ; <. .. ... V. '** "* " \>X:,- """fr . I t * Y The Best Whitei Event X | We «ave Ever Eleld is Now Going on with ILarge Stocks of | | Beautiiid White Goods ahd White Wear at the Lowest Prices iri Years ^ V « t J The January White Sale is one of ' bV^ond question the most important events on our store < « ,- X salendar. And this «. *>v K? particular Januarj^White £'.ale is surrounded with unusual importance, because % of i ; the and broader +i . i **- 1 1 ~ \ stocks v.^ 1 bigger and betteiValu in.hi «i- n.i\r ever onereu oeiore. \N e a have ! rule that each is to succeeding year see bigier sales and better value-giving than the year before, This ^ ; year we have last year's tremendous r<t ords t<» beat. Unusual have I ! preparations been enlisted b A I i * to innKo tins sale a banner * event. Months anV 1 nonth^ nf <onseienti<»us planning, series after series | ( ;JJ o!' buying will, we know, about the desirem x bring Ns. Kverything that*s white is here. Me it f<»r " rr1-- -rA v Y }» V- V i. /'";« *« Children's. Misses' and man. woman or child. For or t Women's 1 person home. Yo find val es in this great sale and di-'*1 that X % % Muslin Underwear. will Y Ml Sorts of Domestics one! Lin- % live in your memory for a good time to eon X Y Made of the best material, all ;! «j- ens at Hgures that Spell trimmed X . Y neatly with daintily ; ^ V matched embroideries, laces and Savings A *> headings at a tremendous sav- 3 Not an inch included that is ing over .agular Don't Miss y I prices. This not in j Great every You > J way perfect. Children's Cambric Pants, neat- j* would jL ly hemstitched and ijj hardly expect such low % tucked, on such j 10c the pair i £ prices high quality X Children's and Misses' Pants, *\ Whit chandise. merX ticked and finished with best e\Sale Never before have we offered Y and ^ jf Y embroidery laces, 0 0»00» »»»»»»» » § v such wonderful values 15c to 25c the » < in Nain- j Y pair .11 o sook, Long Cloth, Y Children's Princess Slips and \ Lonsdale, A Underskirts, perfect fitting Maftv Cambric and Bleached Muslin, j and daintly trimmed, 25c each | * Novelties Included Aiinongst These We bought these goods from Y ^ «> one of the & Children's and Misses Gowns, of 4 largest mills whose |4 best long cloth and nainsook, $. «; quality and price is the best j? <r slip-over style with pure linen 1 IDainty Fndermuslins at Sale Prices < 8 V* c to 25c the yard I4 Y lace and beading,.... 48c each ? t I;; > The fetching novelty styles introduced in , Checked Dimity, for under- Y Children's Guimpes of dainty recently Muslin Underwear, and !' & Y muslins, 25c each 1! wffSch have caused this article of Women's ^ clothes and waists, all widths Apparel to become more y - Women's Cambric and ' popular than &v !! and qualities. Y Long ever are represented in this in £ r.^, Y Cloth Pants, especially priced showing splendid assortirlents. Here are heaps upon y \ ]; Crepes and Seersucker for . X for this sale at heaps of dainty, finely-made Princess Corset Co1 ^ T 25c andj; the Slips, vers, Chemises, Skirts, etc., pecially priced for this sale.unJI 48c pair <' at Women's Nainsook Pants, beau- 1! once-a-year saving prices. JcXvSt*»I o A beautiful assortment of X tifully trimmed with lace and 1 j; Ratines, Piques, Reps, Poplins Y medallions *1 and ^ * Linens, suitable for skirts j 75c to « $2.00 the pair and suits at a Y ' :: ......^ wonderful sav- z Women's Corset Covers of best <> Y Sheets and Pillow " specials > ' . ing" Gases . That *&'"" , workmanship ^ <> :: s 2,000 Yards of Linen < 25c to $1.50 each ' j Lace, I Sheer and heavy weight Linen, A 1 nr « »t , ... - J Are Not Mi t^ *or Otis 8a*e 8a*e at women s underskirts of best t Only Bargains, < < > 36 inches wide, A with y?z /T*' ^ q} tN, Sc yar(i & goods embroidery frills, o £ IfOOO Yards of « 22'/ic to $1.00 the But < ® l/£ JB pure Linen yard & special 48c each 1! "Finds" f | frfci £p) g)liLX^> Lace, worth 10c yard, for . 40 1 Women's and Misses' extra fine «. this sale only.. 5o yard ;; Pieces of guaranteed fast And that's a but One 11 colors cambric and nainsook saying good deal, personal ' ; ; V,/'"'.) big lot of Embroidery pure Rajah Linen, every skirts !! /& T J ' Flouncing to go at half 75c, $1.00 to $2.00 each will prove that these Sheets and Pillow examinationare 1 VjT-i JI shade, worth 35c the yard, for V Under*y Cases |.'Cf.- _ 1 price. Princess white j,'-* V 4 ^ this sale Y Slips, and colors unusually well worth owning. You should stock \ 'S"*^ ' One big lot of Crepe only 34c yard V .ii 69c to up . .r.u el* <£ $1.50 for time to I gj flouncing that we will One lot of fine 36-inch «£ Women's Fine Nainsook Gowns, come. Prices won't be as low again. U^T .X offer for he firs day of the j; Madras, jjT long sleeves and Bale at manufacturer's ; \ in small black, blue and slip-over der style.. .. * ,48c to $4.50 each stripes, very suitablelavenJ;for J, > * who has once I v ; shirts, waists and 15c Every lady * , dresses, '.Y worn ouf perfect fitting and If Yon Lay in ;; goods, for this sale only i Y daintily *nade gowns will Silks and Dress Goods That Are J \ 10c the yard ciate the great saving weappreYare £ for on Your of 35 Pieces of best 36-inch Per- A making you these gar- , Sqpply Pare <; A meats. White and Simply cales, new spring patterns, Presses, Waists and Other worth 12Vfcc yard, for this y Beautiful < Y Things of White sale 10c « \ ! I 75 'Y In and in this sale Not only do you get a chance to save Pieces of beautiful, guaran- V fetching styles and at Towelling .. appreciable <! teed fast markably low Here re\Ywe \ \ sums on this Dress Goods and color Gingham, ^ ' prices. /ou will he doing i Silks, but you get values !! worth Y excell ourselves once more. Come wisely, -i,' \ \ that are I2V2C yard, this sale < truly worth while. We've never 1 Y and judge for yourself. before had y iuc T fNeed we say more? such e yara <$ Women's Waists in the newest ^ ; \ collection.it's as fashionable as you'd ask for. A materials and styles for strict- T Two big lots of new Cotton Suit- J ly tailored linen shirts, other ?| ings, just the thing for the X X modes of dainty crepe with \ > early spring dresses long shoulders effect and i£ Then Thei e at 10c and 15c the rufflles down front 98c to Handkerchiefs, Also, Prices yard X $2.00 j m v lots of Beautiful Wash Silk Waists in < Low j; Big Galatea and Kinder- «£ solid and stripes $1.98 to $3.50 ! Very ;; garten Cloth, in attractive col & Women's House Dresses of fast ; A shower of > ors and patterns, for children's «£ X color Gingham and Percales 9r UUTHaII? (yCULrg Handkerchiefs in January. A bevy of values that do if nothing clothes. and 98c to n°t excel ;; 12'/2C 15c yard % y $1.50 : .Vt-' their qualities , beautifully assembled and a for all V Women's House-keeping Aprons. * bargain time. ! I White Klaxon. Batiste and A . ... j r..i i. jo- » wuiiucuui vmue., eacn < ty, dainty and fresh forDiinixthis V Y ' E 1 ,TT LE ONES HAVE NOT BEEN NEGLECTED X sale 10c x v * and 35c vard V | 'nV All things white that the kiddie wears is * included. Cute, dainty little things at £ t j ^.^TT y">x_ specially attractive figu res to economical\ mothers. y © r "<N \ || | **<§&«! Jones Mei canine VjU. ^ "L ANCASSTER' S V E STORE." ' /»' ; L(I * ^ ® «Ar ^ » x i. |: * o» * * * * * ^ca_asa» ., * » 4* '' * ** * * ** ** ** * "fa************"I**** «£ «£ ! $* » **? H t4 * *v**T44I44w4% * ^t44!4 ! ! >.
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