Race Name: Race Date: Location: Distance: Rank Name Country Gender Division Age Group Time Points Entrants 1 Yohann Ndoye Brouar

Race Name: Race Date: Location: Distance: Rank Name Country Gender Division Age Group Time Points Entrants 1 Yohann Ndoye Brouar

Race Name: Traversee du lac D'Annecy 2019 Race Date: August 15 2019 Location: Annecy Lake, France Distance: 1km Rank Name Country Gender Division Age Group Time Points Entrants 1 Yohann Ndoye Brouard France M W 19&U 0:10:25 99.90 523 2 Julien Randoin France M W 20-29 0:11:28 99.81 3 Adrien Claimand France M W 19&U 0:11:29 99.71 4 Robin Pla France M W 30-39 0:11:47 99.62 5 Clara Sgaramella France F W 19&U 0:11:52 99.52 6 Pierre Mermillod-Blondin France M W 19&U 0:12:17 99.43 7 Florian Reboul France M W 19&U 0:12:20 99.33 8 Isaïe Follet France M W 19&U 0:12:24 99.24 9 Arnaud Sainte-Marie France M W 30-39 0:12:25 99.14 10 Abdelfetah Saidani France M W 30-39 0:12:26 99.04 11 Jean Carruel France M W 19&U 0:12:30 98.95 12 Antoine Jaffiol France M W 20-29 0:12:52 98.85 13 Emma Descoeudres Switzerland F W 19&U 0:12:54 98.76 14 Evan Claimand France M W 19&U 0:12:59 98.66 15 Victoria D'Amico France F W 19&U 0:13:04 98.57 16 Manon Laporte France F W 19&U 0:13:07 98.47 17 Mathieu Stutel France M W 19&U 0:13:08 98.37 18 Félicie Laurent France F W 20-29 0:13:13 98.28 19 Jules Voirin France M W 20-29 0:13:15 98.18 20 Elisabeth Chirenine France F W 19&U 0:13:17 98.09 21 Siméon Laurent France M W 20-29 0:13:20 97.99 22 Sarah Devaux France F W 19&U 0:13:20 97.90 23 Ines Vitrac Garcia France F W 19&U 0:13:23 97.80 24 Tara Cotti France F W 19&U 0:13:27 97.71 25 Florian Bochaton France M W 20-29 0:13:29 97.61 26 Victor Darras France M W 20-29 0:13:33 97.51 27 Cédric Descombes France M W 19&U 0:13:34 97.42 28 Jean-Luc Mallard France M W 50-59 0:13:40 97.32 29 Elliot Bonnet France M W 30-39 0:13:41 97.23 30 Cyndie Descombes France F W 19&U 0:13:44 97.13 31 Angie Riffard France F W 19&U 0:13:46 97.04 32 Quentin Fricout France M W 19&U 0:13:50 96.94 33 Aurelien Llanos France M W 19&U 0:13:51 96.85 34 Adrien Moreau France M W 19&U 0:13:53 96.75 35 Matteo Barthod France M W 19&U 0:13:55 96.65 36 Marc Dudart France M W 60-69 0:13:56 96.56 37 Salome Detre France F W 19&U 0:14:03 96.46 38 Faustine Pinet France F W 19&U 0:14:04 96.37 39 Mathieu Mas France M W 19&U 0:14:08 96.27 40 Annouk Armes France F W 19&U 0:14:13 96.18 41 Mateo Benedetto France M W 20-29 0:14:20 96.08 42 Cyril Chanel France M W 19&U 0:14:24 95.98 43 Marie-Laurence Duteil France F W 19&U 0:14:25 95.89 44 Estin Pottier France M W 19&U 0:14:26 95.79 45 Yacine Meziane France M W 19&U 0:14:29 95.70 46 Ruari Morgan France M W 19&U 0:14:35 95.60 47 Idris Houideg France M W 19&U 0:14:39 95.51 48 Lylou Berte France F W 19&U 0:14:41 95.41 49 Jacinthe Favre France F W 19&U 0:14:42 95.32 50 Zélia Masse France F W 19&U 0:14:45 95.22 51 Thomas Besson-Magdelain France M W 20-29 0:14:46 95.12 52 Lèa Turichi France F W 19&U 0:14:48 95.03 53 Grace Mason Great Britain F W 19&U 0:14:49 94.93 54 Elise Roussel France F W 20-29 0:14:51 94.84 55 Noé Curschellas France M W 19&U 0:14:52 94.74 56 Maeva Descoeudres France F W 19&U 0:14:52 94.65 57 Zéphyr Masse France M W 19&U 0:14:53 94.55 58 Etienne Massoptier David France M W 19&U 0:14:55 94.46 59 Maëlys Correia France F W 19&U 0:14:57 94.36 60 Samuel Houix France M W 40-49 0:14:58 94.26 61 Oscar Hyest France M W 19&U 0:14:59 94.17 62 Emma Gracia-Garay France F W 19&U 0:15:01 94.07 63 Léane Gillot France F W 19&U 0:15:01 93.98 64 Tim Lefevre France M W 20-29 0:15:06 93.88 65 Nadége Laporte France F W 19&U 0:15:07 93.79 66 Mathilde Delerce France F W 19&U 0:15:07 93.69 67 Louis Fricout France M W 19&U 0:15:11 93.59 68 Erine Pinet France F W 19&U 0:15:13 93.50 69 Mattia Duseigneur France M W 19&U 0:15:15 93.40 70 Melvil Tessier France M W 19&U 0:15:15 93.31 71 Lana Cordeau France F W 19&U 0:15:19 93.21 72 Lucie Tricot France F W 50-59 0:15:21 93.12 73 Edgar Moreau France M W 19&U 0:15:23 93.02 74 Noah Buisson France M W 19&U 0:15:23 92.93 75 Célia Stutel France F W 19&U 0:15:23 92.83 76 Antonin Mottier France M W 19&U 0:15:26 92.73 77 Charline Michel France F W 30-39 0:15:28 92.64 78 Louis Blanc-Garin France M W 20-29 0:15:29 92.54 79 Michel Pla France M W 30-39 0:15:31 92.45 80 Emeline Bulliat France F W 19&U 0:15:31 92.35 81 Emile Tith France M W 19&U 0:15:32 92.26 82 Clement De Rivarola France M W 19&U 0:15:32 92.16 83 Ines Poitrineau France F W 19&U 0:15:33 92.07 84 Florian Lucas France M W 30-39 0:15:35 91.97 85 Alice Laffage France F W 19&U 0:15:35 91.87 86 Agate Grail France F W 60-69 0:15:40 91.78 87 Nathan Leite France M W 19&U 0:15:40 91.68 88 Francesco Cleland Ferdin Italy M W 19&U 0:15:41 91.59 89 Philippe Laffage France M W 19&U 0:15:42 91.49 90 Raphaelle Grunberg France F W 19&U 0:15:45 91.40 91 Olivier Colleaux France M W 30-39 0:15:46 91.30 92 Alexane Cuisse France F W 20-29 0:15:50 91.20 93 Erwin Poul France M W 30-39 0:15:54 91.11 94 Ocilia Nicolle France F W 50-59 0:15:56 91.01 95 Thierry Nivol France M W 50-59 0:16:03 90.92 96 Clément Perret France M W 40-49 0:16:08 90.82 97 Nora Daniaud France F W 19&U 0:16:14 90.73 98 Benjamin Reybier France M W 19&U 0:16:16 90.63 99 Cédric Levert France M W 30-39 0:16:17 90.54 100 Maxence Laporte France M W 19&U 0:16:19 90.44 101 Ludovic Muet France M W 40-49 0:16:22 90.34 102 Titouan Richard France M W 19&U 0:16:22 90.25 103 Sterenn Moulin Le Louarn France F W 19&U 0:16:23 90.15 104 Robin Metral France M W 19&U 0:16:27 90.06 105 Sylvie Jouisse France F W 50-59 0:16:29 89.96 106 Laure Polliand France F W 20-29 0:16:37 89.87 107 Ronuald Bousquet France M W 40-49 0:16:40 89.77 108 Orane Bouden France F W 20-29 0:16:41 89.67 109 Eliot L'Hermitte France M W 19&U 0:16:41 89.58 110 Louis Vey France M W 19&U 0:16:44 89.48 111 Xavier Colleaux France M W 30-39 0:16:48 89.39 112 Clement Cordeau France M W 19&U 0:16:50 89.29 113 Paul Brutschine France M W 19&U 0:16:52 89.20 114 Nicolas Dilly France M W 19&U 0:16:53 89.10 115 Lou Metral France F W 19&U 0:16:53 89.01 116 Max Nestler France M W 20-29 0:16:55 88.91 117 Clemence Orizet France F W 19&U 0:16:56 88.81 118 Mélanie Szymanski France F W 40-49 0:16:57 88.72 119 Christophe Tourniaire France M W 19&U 0:16:57 88.62 120 Hugo Bony France M W 19&U 0:16:57 88.53 121 Lily Houix France F W 40-49 0:16:59 88.43 122 Gitta Verbruggen France F W 30-39 0:16:59 88.34 123 Adrien Arbanere France M W 20-29 0:17:00 88.24 124 Patrice Edwards France M W 60-69 0:17:01 88.15 125 Louna Michel France F W 30-39 0:17:01 88.05 126 Marescaux Margaux France F W 19&U 0:17:02 87.95 127 Julie Marescaux France F W 30-39 0:17:04 87.86 128 Sylvain Claimand France M W 19&U 0:17:05 87.76 129 Malo Moulin Le Louarn France M W 19&U 0:17:05 87.67 130 Florian Kensy Germany M W 19&U 0:17:06 87.57 131 Arnauld Girerd France M W 20-29 0:17:06 87.48 132 Samantha Mahr Germany F W 19&U 0:17:09 87.38 133 Robin Gieseler Germany M W 19&U 0:17:10 87.28 134 Lena Panchaud France F W 19&U 0:17:10 87.19 135 Morgan Lejas France M W 19&U 0:17:10 87.09 136 Thomas Bertin France M W 20-29 0:17:11 87.00 137 Clémentine Dupont Murgier France F W 19&U 0:17:11 86.90 138 Arthur Edwards France M W 60-69 0:17:11 86.81 139 Liv Claret France F W 19&U 0:17:11 86.71 140 Antonin Pradignac France M W 50-59 0:17:11 86.62 141 Raphaël Michaud France M W 19&U 0:17:14 86.52 142 Oscar Verlinde France M W 19&U 0:17:14 86.42 143 Coline Chamiot-Clerc France F W 19&U 0:17:16 86.33 144 Julie Legon France F W 20-29 0:17:19 86.23 145 Kerstin Panchaud Switzerland F W 19&U 0:17:21 86.14 146 Maiwenn Chasse France F W 19&U 0:17:21 86.04 147 Jade Ducroux France F W 19&U 0:17:23 85.95 148 Hugo Mas France M W 19&U 0:17:25 85.85 149 Alexane Annaert France F W 40-49 0:17:27 85.76 150 Sara Le Roy France F W 19&U 0:17:28 85.66 151 Axel Christin France M W 19&U 0:17:29 85.56 152 Clara Voirin France F W 20-29 0:17:32 85.47 153 Soazig Muller France F W 40-49 0:17:33 85.37 154 Florian Detain France M W 20-29 0:17:34 85.28 155 Mathieu Charles France M W 40-49 0:17:34 85.18 156 Baptiste Chamiot-Clerc France M W 19&U 0:17:36 85.09 157 Charlotte Dumont Dayot France F W 19&U 0:17:41 84.99 158 Maximus Schuberth France M W 40-49 0:17:41 84.89 159 Elodie Grelle France F W 20-29 0:17:42 84.80 160 Loic Journet France M W 20-29 0:17:46 84.70 161 Toutane Gueye France F W 19&U 0:17:48 84.61 162 Pierre-Julien Poles France M W 30-39 0:17:48 84.51 163 Donnal Edward France M W 19&U 0:18:09 84.42 164 Antonella Barbosa France F W 19&U 0:18:23 84.32 165 Carline Favre France F W 19&U 0:18:24 84.23 166 Timea Montegre France F W 40-49 0:18:25 84.13 167 Chloe Camberlin France F W 19&U 0:18:27 84.03 168 Sylvain Dumont France M W 19&U 0:18:29 83.94 169 Erin Ramos Legal France F W 19&U 0:18:29 83.84 170 Hugo Voirin France M W 20-29 0:18:29 83.75 171 Jane Auchere France F W 19&U 0:18:32 83.65 172 Julia Lukacs France F W 20-29 0:18:32 83.56 173 Nadège Muet France F W 40-49 0:18:35 83.46 174 Romane Vigoureux France F W 19&U 0:18:38 83.37 175 Luka Pajic France M W 19&U 0:18:38 83.27 176 Virginie Moreau France F W 19&U 0:18:41 83.17 177 Clara Drolez France F W 40-49 0:18:42 83.08 178 Lea Lora Runco France F W 19&U 0:18:43 82.98 179 Lisa Demigneux France F W 20-29 0:18:44 82.89 180 Jeanne Commeureuc France F W 20-29 0:18:48 82.79 181 Dimitri Konyk France M W 20-29 0:18:48 82.70 182 Victoiria Lanari France F W 40-49 0:18:49 82.60 183 Wilder Caputo France M W 20-29 0:18:53 82.50 184 Francois Michaud France M W 19&U 0:18:54 82.41 185 Joseph Maistre France M W 19&U 0:18:56 82.31 186 Dolores Valverde Hermoso France F W 19&U 0:18:57 82.22 187 Esteban Tissot France M W 19&U 0:18:57 82.12 188 Emy Claret France F W 19&U 0:18:59 82.03 189 Lison Mottier France F W 19&U 0:18:59 81.93 190 Bastien Haab France M W 19&U 0:19:00 81.84 191 Jérôme Claret France M W 19&U 0:19:01 81.74 192 Thomas Polliand France

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