jggbwd 41S£6 For Reference NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THIS ROOM Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/cadetbugler1956167nort PERMIT NO. 1 DAHLONEGA, GA. U. S. Postage Paid Sec. 34.66, P.L.&R. Cadet Bu VDLUME VI FALL 135B NUMBER 1 — PAGE TWD THE CADET BUGLER The Management of the ROYAL THEATRE takes this opportunity to commend the North Georgia College Student Body for the excellent qualities of conduct and courtesy displayed while in our es- tablishment. We always look forward with pleas- ure to your patronage. MANAGEMENT OF THE ROYAL THEATRE Gainesville, Georgia IT PAYS TO PRESET Compliments of- A SEAT APPEARANCE THE PINE TREE COMPANY HAVE YOUR HAIR CUT REGULARLY WOODY'S BARBER SHOP DAHLONEGA. GA. -ON THE SQUARE- When You Come to Town, Make Our Store Your Headquarters Meet your friends at . AVION RESTAURANT ROBERT M. MOORE'S AND MOTEL STORE SMORGASBORD SERVED Successor to John H. Moore & Son EVERY SUNDAY GENERAL MERCHANDISE 12 p. m. to 3 p. m. A Friend of 5:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. North Georgia College Next door to Dahlonega Nugget GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA DAHLONEGA. GEORGIA For Many Years 4-3381 —Other Stores Gainesville. Ga. - Cumming, Ga. Toccoa. Ga. 3L s^adef Waaler The Voice nf North Georgia College VOL. VI FALL, 1956 ™^E[ CONTENTS STAFF A NEW N. G. C? Editor Jo Lenderman This year marks the beginning of a new North Georgia College. For the first time in the history of the school, N. Business Manager Bob Schloesser G. C. cadets compose a regiment, headed by a cadet colonel. Alumni Editor Carolyn Mebane There is a new uniform, and new buildings are being added every year to the campus. Ours is a growing college, one Janet Duke Associate Editor which attempts to keep pace with the times. News Editor Lee Wall New faces appear, new activities replace old ones, and new courses are added to the curriculum. There is, how- Military Editor Thomas Allen ever, one part of N. G. C. which will never change. The Sports Editors Beverly Smith, John Scott friendly atmosphere and the bond which exists between the students here will never be replaced by any physical Literary Editor Nona Allen change. They are a part of our school, the part which Feature Editor Joyce Bellamy makes students willing to endure the strenuous military ac- tivity and the strict requirements of their professors. This Circulation Editor Peggy Smith feeling of unity which has developed through the years is Reporters Millard Beck, Kenneth Butterworth, North Georgia College. Pat Compton, Tommy Crow. Juanita Foster, Dianne Graduates who visit the campus may say that "every- thing is different Haley, Tommy Matthews, Joe Puett, Ed Simmons, this year." "Everything" will never be different here, and that is why our college is unique. That, Nancy Smith, Verda Smith, Carolyn Vaughn. too, is the reason for the lasting friendships which develop Faculty Advisor Miss Jean White on our campus. Financial Advisor Mr. H. H. Gilbert We might say that constant changes have created a "new N. G. C." in some respects, but we say that N. G. C. Photographer Dr. C. J. Dismukes will always have the old spirit which makes it "our school." Printed by Matthews Printing Company Gainesville, Georgia CONTENTS FEATURES National Advertising Representative W. B. Bradbury Co. Who's Who in American 219 East 44th Street, New York 1 7, New York Colleges and Universities 4 Sweetheart Ball 9 Cyclops Election 9 Published quarterly by the students of North Georgia College. Excerpts may be reprinted with credit. Address NEWS correspondence to the Cadet Bugler, North Georgia College, Glee Club to Present Cantata 5 Dahlonega, Georgia. W4PYM Again Active 8 MILITARY ABOUT THE COVER Summer Camp Cadets 10 Cadet Corps Changed 10 A new uniform is seen on the campus of N.G.C. this quar- D. M. S. Students H ter. Cadet Colonel Mullis wears the class jacket and garrison cap which, with black accessories, make up the snappy new SPORTS outfit. By way of comparison, Cadet Jon Crawford wears the Football 12 fatigue jacket and the cap which comprised the former class Basketball 13 uniform. We say the girls are just as pretty as ever—and LITERARY 14 bring Barbara Cummings into the picture to prove that we're right! ALUMNI 16, 17 PAGE FOUR THE CADET BUGLER \ Front row (I. to r.): Cordell, Puett, Foster, Duncan, Bellamy, Lenderman, Schloesser, Back row: Mullis, Stipe, Scoville, Wasdin, Nader, Black, Butterworth. TOP STUDENTS ELECTED WHO'S WHO and Y.M.C.A., and he has been a mem- ber of the N.C.O. Club and honor pla- This year fourteen outstanding N.G.C. students were elected to a national toon. He served three years in "C" Com- honor organization, "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and pany, and at present is CO. of the sec- Colleges." These students are nominated on a point system based on such things as ond battalion. Ralph, a business admin- cooperation and leadership in academic and extra-curricular activities, scholarship, istration major, is a Distinguished Mili- citizenship, and service to the school. Thirteen of these students are seniors elected tary Student and is now serving as vice- this year and one is a senior who was elected during her junior year. There are president of Sigma Theta. He has shown ten cadets and four co-eds. much interest in intramural sports. Joyce Bellamy, a secretarial science been very active in intramural sports Bess Duncan, one of our most popu- major, has been active in Westminster and is a business administration major. lar co-eds, served as treasurer of Lewis Fellowship, serving as treasurer during Kenneth Butterworth, First Battalion Hall for two years. She is a member of 1955-56 and at present serving as vice- Commander, is a Distinguished Mili- the Y.W.C.A. and Future Teachers of president. She is treasurer of the Y. W. tary Student. He is president of the Of- America. She has been on the Dean's C. A., and she was a member of the ficers' Club, a member of Scabbard and List and is working toward a B.A. de- cabinet during 1955-56. She has been Blade, Rex Fraternity, and Nu Gamma gree in English. consistently on the Dean's List and has Honor Society. In the past he has served Juanita Foster, known to us as "Ni- given time to the Rec Club, Cyclops as president of the N.C.O. Club. "But- ta," is our 1956-57 president of Lewis staff, and Bugler staff, of which she is ter," as he is popularly known, was Hall, having served as vice-president in the 1956-57 feature editor. awarded the Clark Mathematics medal 1955-56. She is an active member of the Reuben Black is "B" Company com- in 1955 and the Quartermaster Seal Y.W.C.A, Rec Club, Cyclops staff, Bug- mander this year, captain of Scabbard in 1956. He has devoted much time to ler staff, Business Administration Club, and Blade, vice-president of Rex Fra- intramural sports and has served as and Home Economics Club. She will ternity, a member of Alpha Psi Omega, sports editor and as associate editor of complete the work for a B.S. degree in Officers' Club, Y.M.C.A. and Business the Cadet Bugler. His major is physics secretarial science in March. Administration Club, and he has been a and his minor, mathematics. Jo Carol Lenderman has the singu- member of the N.C.O. Club. Reuben, a Ralph Cordell is a member of the Of- lar honor of having been elected to Distinguished Military Student, has ficers' Club, B.A. Club, Dramatics Club, "Who's Who Among Students in Ameri- THE CADET BUGLER PAGE FIVE can Universities and Colleges" during ology major. her junior year and of having served as Aquila E. Stipe, company comman- president of Lewis Hall during her jun- der of "F" Company, has been very ac- "%d ior year. This year she is an active sen- tive in the Dramatics Club, Forensic ior, serving as editor of the Cadet Bug- Senate, Officers 'Club, and N. C. 0. ler. She has also been feature editor Club. He is a member of Scabbard and and literary editor of the Bugler, and Blade. "Buddy" is a Distinguished Mil- itary Student as well as an honor stud- ( she was vice-president of Lewis Hall during her sophomore year. She is a ent, being constantly on the Dean's member of the Science Club, Rec Club, List. He has served also on the Bugler staff. He is working a B.A. degree in Y.W.C.A., and Cyclops staff. Jo Carol, a on \ biology major, has constantly been on history. the Dean's List. Clealon A. Wasdin is at present serv- ing as president of the Y.M.C.A., Charles Mullis. the popular cadet presi- dent of B.S.U. and a member of the colonel, corps commander of the regi- B. A. Club. He devotes quite a bit of his mental staff, has been an active member time to intramural sports. Clealon will of the N.C.O. Club, Officers' Club, complete the work for a B. S. Scabbard and Blade, Y.M.C.A., and degree in business administration in December. Science Club. He is a Distinguished Military Student and was the outstand- ing N.C.O. during 1955-56. Charles, l/(/eiieu foundation majoring in biology, still finds time for intramural sports.
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