Евразиатский энтомол. журнал 16(5): 419–431 © EUROASIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2017 A review of the Old World species of the genus Blera Billberg, 1820 (Diptera, Syrphidae), with descriptions of two new species and a subspecies Îáçîð âèäîâ ðîäà Blera Billberg, 1820 (Diptera, Syrphidae) Ñòàðîãî Ñâåòà ñ îïèñàíèåì äâóõ íîâûõ âèäîâ è îäíîãî ïîäâèäà K. Ichige*, A.V. Barkalov** Ê. Èøèãå*, À.Â. Áàðêàëîâ** * 493 Senba, Mito, Ibaraki Pref. 310–0851 Japan. E-mail: [email protected]. * 493 Сенба, Мито, префектура Ибараки 310-0851 Япония. ** Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Frunze Str. 11, Novosibirsk 630091 Russia. E-mail: [email protected]. ** Институт систекматики и экологии животных СО РАН, ул. Фрунзе 11, Новосибирск 630091 Россия. Key words: hover flies, new species, identification key, distribution, Blera. Ключевые слова: мухи-журчалки, новые виды, определительный ключ, распространение, Blera. Abstract. The Old World species of the genus Blera Billb. Stackelberg [1928]. He recorded five species, two of are reviewed. Two new species, Blera flavitarsis sp.n. and which, B. eoa Stackelberg, 1928 and B. ochrozona Stack- Blera similis sp.n., and a subspecies Blera kiotoensis atrata elberg, 1928, he described as new. Shiraki [1930] provid- ssp.n. are described. Lectotypes of Blera japonica (Shiraki, ed a key to three species from Japan, one of which he 1930) and Blera kiotoensis (Shiraki, 1950) are designated. A described as new (B. japonica Shiraki, 1930). Later, Shira- list of 14 species and information on their distribution is ki [1968] excluded Blera fallax Linnaeus, 1758 from the given. It is established that the subgeneric name Silvia Barkalov list of Japanese species because described on base of its et Mutin, 1991 is an incorrect spelling of the name Silvina Barkalov et Mutin, 1991. An illustrated identification key to material the new species — Blera nipponica Shiraki, all species is provided. 1968. In the same work he described another one new species —Blera nigrescens Shiraki, 1968. The genus was revised by Barkalov and Mutin [1991a, b]. According to Резюме. Проведён обзор мух-журчалок рода Blera this work, 10 species of Blera, belonging to two subgen- Billb. Старо Света. Описано два новых вида — Blera era, were established for the Palaearctic Region. The flavitarsis sp. n. и Blera similis sp. n. и один подвид — Blera kiotoensis atrata ssp. n. Обозначены лектотипы видов Blera revision included the description of two new species (B. japonica (Shiraki, 1930) и Blera kiotoensis (Shiraki, 1950). violovitshi Mutin ex Barkalov et Mutin, 1991 and B. Дан список 14 видов с информацией об их распростране- yudini Barkalov ex Barkalov et Mutin, 1991) and a new нии. Установлено, что подродовое название Silvia Barkalov subgenus — Silvina Barkalov et Mutin. In the second et Mutin, 1991b является неправильным последующим part of this revision [Barkalov, Mutin, 1991b] this name написанием названия Silvina Barkalov et Mutin, 1991. Дана was erroneously written as Silvia. The name Silvia иллюстрированная определительная таблица всех видов. Barkalov et Mutin, 1991b according article 33.3 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature [1999] is Introduction an incorrect subsequent spelling of the name Silvina Barkalov et Mutin, 1991. In a review of the Chinese The species of the genus Blera Billberg are compara- species of the genus Blera [Barkalov, Cheng, 2011], five tively large, bright colored flies in appearance, similar to species were recorded from China, one of which was bees. The genus is characterized by the following char- described as new (B. longiseta Barkalov et Cheng, 2011). acters: face with distinct central knob, less developed in Thus, at the beginning of the present review, twelve females; frons distinctly produced; antennae shorter then species of the genus Blera were known from the Old head width, arista dorsal; body covered long sometimes World. dense hairs; legs simple (only B. nigrescens has process on hind femur); bare and undeveloped metasternite; short Material and methods apical section of vein R4+5 and rather large, variable in characters male genitalia. The genus is mostly Holarctic The specimens examined, including type material of in distribution; only one species was described from the many species, are deposited in the following collec- Oriental Region [Thompson, 2000]. The first revision of tions: SZMN — Siberian Zoological Museum of the the East Palaearctic species of Blera was carried out by Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Sibe- 420 K. Ichige, A.V. Barkalov rian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (No- Island, Kholmskij District, Slepikovskogo Foreland, 6– vosibirsk, Russia); ZIN — Zoological Institute of the 7.06.1991, leg. A. Basarukin, SZMN; 1#, Kamtshatka, NW Nachiki settlement, 7.08.1967, leg. N. Violovitsh, SZMN. Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia); Japan: 1$, Hokkaido, Mt. Shokan, 1.07.1971, leg. M. Suwa, OMNH — Osaka Museum of Natural History (Osaka, SEHU; 1$, Hokkaido, Mt. Daisetu, Kamikawa T., 18.07.2008, Japan); NIAES — National Institute for Agro-Environ- leg. K. Ichige, KIc; 3##, 2$$, Honshu, Tochigi Pref., Okukinu- mental Sciences (Tsukuba, Japan); SEHU — Systemat- Rindo, Nikko C., 19.07.2013, leg. K. Ichige, KIc; 9##, 3$$, ic Entomology, Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan); Honshu, Yamanashi Pref., Makioka, Yamanashi C., 14.06.2008, leg. K. Ichige, KIc; 2##, 1$, Honshu, Nagano Pref., KIc — Private collection of Katsuyoshi Ichige (Ibaraki, Mt. Torikura, Ohshika-mura, 22.06.2003, leg. K. Ichige, KIc; Japan); KKc — Private collection of Kohjiro Katsura 1#, Honshu, Hida, Yari-daira, 17.07.1969, leg. A. Nagatomi, (Osaka, Japan); TBc — Private collection of Takamori OMNH; 1#, Honshu, Gifu Pref., Abou Pass, Takayama C., 8– Befu (Kochi, Japan); MTc — Private collection of Ma- 9.07.2013, leg. K. Ichige, KIc. sato Takeuchi (Tokyo, Japan); IZCB — Institute of Distribution. Northern Sweden; Northern Finland; Northern Asia from Novosibirsk Region to Kamchatka and Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China, Beijing). Sakhalin, Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu. Species identification was established with the key in the 1991 revision of Blera [Barkalov, Mutin, 1991a, Blera (Blera) fallax (Linnaeus, 1758) 1991b] and with the key to Japanese Syrphidae [Shiraki, Figs 3C–D. 1930, 1968]. Drawings of male genitalia are given from Musca fallax Linnaeus, 1758: 592; the lectotype is deposited the lateral side without selection of aedeagus. All draw- in the Linnean Society of London. ings except Blera himalaya Thompson, 2000. are origi- = Musca ruficaudis Degeer, 1776: 127; nal and were prepared with the aid of an ocular grid and = Syrphus seminiger Panzer, 1804: 153; graph paper. Photos were taken with a Canon EOS 550D = Syrphus semirufus Fabricius, 1794: 301; (Kiss X4) DSLR camera, and Canon EF-S 60 mm macro = Blera nipponica Shiraki, 1968: 68. lens. Several photos of each specimen were taken in the Stackelberg [1928: 254] (Cynorrhina); Hippa [1978: 12]; same plane by moving the camera with a StackShot Violovitsh [1983: 139]; Stubbs, Falk [1983: 109]; Torp [1984: 25]; Barkalov, Mutin [1991a: 206; 1991b:739]; van Veen [2004: macro rail of Cognisys, Inc. After that, image stacks 40]; Bartsch [2009: 355]; Barkalov, Cheng [2011: 353]. were aligned and assembled with the computer soft- Material. Finland: 1$, N: Tammisaari, Gullo, 665:29, ware Zerene Stacker, Zerene Systems LLC. For many 25.06.1988, leg. A. Barkalov, SZMN; Russia: 1#, Moscow, species, we provide photos of male and female habitus, Petrovsk-Razumovsk, 16.05.1932, leg. N. Violovitsh, SZMN; figures of male genitalia and female abdomen in dorsal 1# Republic Altai, environs of Gorno-Altaisk town, 24.07.1979, leg. A. Barkalov, SZMN; Republic Altai, 2##, Republic Altai, view. Body length was measured dorsally from the an- 7 km West Katanda settlement, 26, 30.06.1983, leg. A. Barkalov, terior margin of the lunula to the tip of the abdomen. SZMN; 3##, 1$, Republic Altai, 15 km South Katanda Wing length was measured from the tip of the wing to settlement, 8–24.07.1983, leg. A. Barkalov, SZMN; 1$, Republic its base. Male genitalia were dissected and prepared for Altai, 10 km South-West Katanda settlement, 6.07.1983, leg. study following Hippa [1968]. Only references to liter- A. Barkalov, SZMN; 1$, Republic Altai, 30 km South-West Abai settlement, 9.07.1964, leg. N. Violovitsh; 1#, West Sayan, ary sources that solved taxonomic questions are pro- Bol’shoj On settlement, 19.06.1981, leg. A. Barkalov, SZMN; vided in the species accounts. 6##, 7$$, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Central’nosibirskij Reserve, Holotypes and some paratypes of the new species Kulingda cordon, 4, 9.07.2016, leg. A. Barkalov, SZMN; 6##, are deposited in the Osaka Museum of Natural History 8$$, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Central’nosibirskij Reserve, Stolbovaya cordon, 15–24.07.2016, leg. A. Barkalov, (OMNH). V. Zinchenko, SZMN; 1$, Republic Tuva, Southern slope Khundurgun Ridge, 13.07.1963, leg. N. Violovitsh, SZMN; The list of species 1#, Republic Tuva, Chagytai Lake, 15.08.1963, leg. N. Violovitsh, SZMN; 6##, Republic Tuva, 20–25 km South Blera (Silvina) eoa (Stackelberg, 1928) Balgasyn, 10.07.1993, leg. A. Barkalov, SZMN; 1$, Irkutsk Figs 1A, B; 3A–B. Region, Listvenichnoe settlement, 19.07.1963, leg. Popova, SZMN; 4##, 1$, Irkutsk Region, mouth Khara-Murin river, Cynorrhina eoa Stackelberg, 1928: Konowia, 7, 3: 255; the 9.07–1.08.1984, leg. A. Barkalov, A. Ermolenko, SZMN; 1$ holotype is deposited in ZIN. Irkutsk Region, 20 km East Slyudyanka settlement, 22.07.1984, = Blera velox Violovitsh, 1976: 126. leg. A. Ermolenko, SZMN; 1#, Irkutsk Region, 26 km East Blera eoa: Violovitsh, 1983: 139; Barkalov, Mutin, 1991a: Baikalsk settlement, 30.07.1984, leg. A. Ermolenko, SZMN; 206; 1991b: 743; van Veen, 2004: 40; Bartsch, 2009: 354. 1#, Irkutsk city, 23.07.1970, leg. S. Kulik; 1$, Republic Material. Russia: 1#, environs Novosibirsk City, Buryatia, Bajkal’skij Reserve, Mishikha river, 24.06.1984, leg. B. 11.06.1984, leg. N. Violovitsh, SZMN; 1#, 1$, Krasnoyarsk Zakharov, SZMN; 4##, 1$ Baikal Reserve, Tankhoi Territory, Central’nosibirskij Reserve, 20.06.2016, leg.
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