SaintBonifaceCatholic Church Celebrating 160 Years 1858-2018 Fourth Sunday of Lent - - March 14, 2021 - - Cycle B “To share the gifts that God has entrusted to us by being Christ to one another, mindful of his unconditional love.” St. Boniface Church Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00, Sundays 10 am, Noon in French Please arrive early for check-in time before Mass Volunteer Ushers & Cleaners needed for Mass Voluteersignup.org/497XW We will be livestreaming Sunday 10:00 Mass through: Facebook page.facebook.com SaintBonifaceCatholicChurch https://www.facebook.com/SaintBonifaceCatholicChurch/ Parish Staff Parochial Administrator [email protected] Fr. Biju Mathew Parish Office Administrative Assistant Marge Ridley .............................. 612.379.2761 Director of Music Bruce Krolikowski ........................ 612.379.8827 Church Hall .............................. 612.379.2699 Pope John Paul II Catholic School ... 612.789.8851 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saint Boniface Catholic Church Saturdays at 3:30pm in the Chapel (left side of altar) 629 - 2nd Street Northeast Sacraments of Baptism, Matrimony, and Anointing Minneapolis, MN 55413-1905 of the Sick: Phone: 612-379-2761 Please call parish office for information. Partners in Prayer Voluteersignup.org/497XW Phone prayer intentions any time to 612.986.3445 Email: [email protected] E-mail prayer requests to: [email protected] Website: www.stbonifacempls.org Facebook: SaintBonifaceCatholicChurch St. Boniface, pray for us. Francophone website: https://sites.google.com/ Help us keep the faith for which you gave your life. site/aumoneriefrancophone/home MINNEAPOLIS † MINNESOTA Saint Boniface Catholic Church • Minneapolis, Minnesota Vol. 20, Issue 11 READINGS for the Week of March 14, 2021 Gospel Meditation - 4th Sunday of Lent Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23 Eph 2:4-10 Jn 3:14-21 Is there something to Lent that goes beyond our own spiritual Monday: Is 65:17-21 Jn 4:43-54 house cleaning and spiritual refinement? Yes, there is! It has Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12 Jn 5:1-16 to do with listening and learning so that we can take up the Wednesday: Is 49:8-15 Jn 5:17-30 task of the Gospel with greater clarity and fortitude. While Thursday: Ex 32:7-14 Jn 5:31-47 the spiritual refocusing of Lent is necessary, the fruit of this Friday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16 Lk 2:41-51a Lenten conversion has much more to do with learning how Saturday: Jer 11:18-20 Jn 7:40-53 we can be a better Church than it does about our eternal Next Sunday: Jer 31:31-34 Heb 5:7-9 Jn 12:20-33 salvation. Salvation is a gift that flows out of God’s uncondi- tional Mercy and cannot be merited. The spiritual maturity PRIVATE CONFESSION we can experience as a result of our Lenten disciplines serves is always available on Saturdays at 3:30pm in our Chapel to reduce the anxiety and apprehension we may experience (located left side of Altar). as messengers of good, but very challenging, and unsettling, news. MASS INTENTIONS St. Oscar Romero said that, “a church that doesn’t Saturday, March 13, 2021 provoke any crises, a gospel that doesn’t unsettle, a word of 4:00pm Ray and Mary Rush††, Jeanette Dick† God that doesn’t get under anyone’s skin, a word of God that Mary Wilkinson† doesn’t touch the real sin of the society in which it is being Sunday, March 14, 2021 proclaimed, what gospel is that?” When we listen to those 10:00am Audrey Krolikowski† descriptive and provocative words, do they resonate with Members of the St. Boniface Council anything in our experience? As messengers of the Gospel, 12:00pm (French) All Parishioners we are called to bring an unsettling message to the world. If our main concern is protecting our self-interests, then we Tuesday, March 16, 2021 are missing something huge! Many really struggle with being 9:00am John and Jean Seward (HNS) rejected, dismissed, or perceived as someone who is speaking Thursday, March 18, 2021 out of turn. There is a counter cultural message that must 9:00am Sister Karen Zugtovich be preached that clearly sides with the poor, marginalized, Sister Peggy Torborg, Sister Joanne Ladwig victimized, oppressed, neglected, disregarded, and lost souls 9:30 to 10:30am—Eucharistic Adoration after Mass throughout the world. There is a widespread misery among “Jesus want us all to come to HIM in the Blessed the peoples that is all too often allowed to fester with no one Sacrament. He is in there in person just waiting for you.” coming forward to offer a change or resolution. Saint Teresa of Calcutta The Church can speak to the needed structural changes that will allow people to earn just wages, feed their Saturday, March 20, 2021 families and share abundantly and equally in the gifts of God’s 4:00pm Liz and †Bucky Garski (HNS) good earth. Such a vision is not some optimistic fairy tale, Annie Jo Leitschuh† but the vision of the Creator himself. Lent reminds us, as St. Sunday, March 21, 2021 Oscar Romero also states, that, “we are workers, not master 10:00am John and Audrey Ringdal†† builder, ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future Audrey Krolikowski†, Robert Gwiazdon† not our own.” We are not called to labor simply for the ben- 12:00pm (French) All Parishioners efit of the here and now but of the “what is to come.” Our myopic vision can be replaced by a more far reaching Lenten Lent at Saint Boniface Catholic Church vision that is much greater and deeper in scope. As long as Pick up a copy of Magnificat Lenten Companion by Piano. we are carrying the right blueprints with us and our thoughts (Provided by the St. Boniface Council of Catholic Women) extend beyond ourselves, then even the little things we do and the simplest prayer we utter go a long way. They give Father Biju hears Confessions Saturdays at 3:30pm witness to our preference for the light of Christ and not the (Exception April 3 Holy Saturday Easter Vigil) darkness of error and sin. ©LPi The Stations of the Cross: Saturdays at 3:30pm (Exception April 3 at Holy Saturday Easter Vigil) 24 Hours for the Lord - Fri.-Sat., March 19-20, 2021 Noon Friday to Noon Saturday at the Cathedral of St. Paul: Holy Week Services 1) Confessions and 2)Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Holy Thursday—Apr. 1 at 6:30pm-Mass of Lord’s Supper (no 9:00am morning Mass) Good Friday—Apr. 2 at 6:30pm-Passion of the Lord Our Gifts to the Lord * Holy Saturday—Apr. 3 at 6:30pm-Easter Vigil (no 4:00 Mass) March 7, 2021 - $ 2,360.00 Thank You for sharing your treasures! Easter Sunday—Apr. 4 Holy Masses 10 and Noon (French) * includes on-line giving (English) and Noon (French) General Absolution Service at St. Boniface Church Global Solidarity Sunday - March 12-14, 2021 This Sacrament will be given after the 4:00pm Saturday Holy Catholics in the United States face special responsibilities and Mass on March 20 and also after the 10:00am and 12Noon opportunities. As members of a universal Church we are Holy Masses on March 21. called to live in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in In order to prepare for Reconciliation, an insert is faith. In many ways our community of faith practices solidari- in this bulletin. It is “The Examen.” It includes a guide to ty every day. Missionaries preach the Gospel and celebrate Confession, an Examination of Conscience, and an Act of the eucharist. Catholic relief workers feed the hungry and Contrition. promote development. Our prayers, donations, and volun- An Act of Contrition teers assist the Church in Latin America, Central and Eastern O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and Europe, Asia, and Africa. The United States Catholic Confer- I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and ence and other Catholic groups defend human life and hu- fear the pains of hell, but most of all, because they offend man rights, promote global justice, and pursue peace. Thee, my God, who art all good and worthy of all my love. I The Church’s teaching on international justice and firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, peace is not simply a mandate for a few large agencies, but a to do penance and to amend my life. Amen. challenge for every believer and every Catholic community of faith. Praying for Christians in the Holy Land Pope John Paul II has insisted that the test of nation- That Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem and other al leadership is how we reach out to defend and enhance the places in the Holy Land who rely on tourism for dignity of the poor and vulnerable, at home and around the their livelihood would remain steadfast in faith and world. He calls us to defense of all human life and care for get relief as they endure tremendous economic God’s creation. In his visits to this country, the Holy Father hardship due to covid-19, we pray to the Lord. called on our nation to “spare no effort in advancing authen- Lord, hear our prayer. tic freedom and in fostering human rights and solidarity.” An envelope for your donation is in your parishioner CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL FOUNDATION packet as well as envelopes are in the pews. Thank you. “Together in Hope we Serve the Poor, + + + + + Support Life, and Strengthen the Faith.” Heart to Heart - Exploring Women’s Vocations Your support for the hungry and homeless in our archdiocese Tuesday, March 16, 6:30pm., Virtual Event through the Catholic Services Appeal Foundation continues to Bishop Andrew Cozzens and Father David Blume, Director create a better future for all.
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