^^*^mmm PRoGRSftttE Chosen by the Government The War Department proposes to test the bicycle thoroughly for army use, and recently advertised for proposals for fur- nishing five bicycles for the purpose. Result: Bids from $50 to $85 each for other machines; our bid of $100 each for Columbias, their invariable price. And the Government selected STANDARD OF THE WORLD The experts who made the choice decided that Columbias were worth every dollar of the $100 asked for them. If YOU are willing to pay $100 for a bicycle, why be content with anything but a Columbia? ¥ The handsome Art Catalogue that tells of Columbia and Hartford Bicycles is free from any Columbia agent ; by mail from us for two 2-cent stamps* ¥ POPE MANUFACTURING CO-, 200 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Branch Houses and Agencies in almost every city and town. If Columbias are not properly represented in your vicinity, let us know. Boston ^ Music Hall, Boston. Symphony i FIFTEENTH SEASON, Orchestra 1895-96. EMIL PAUR, Conductor. PROGRAMME OF THE Twenty-second Rehearsal and Concert WITH HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE NOTES . BY WILLIAM F. APTHORP. Friday Afternoon, April 17, At 2.30 o'clock. Saturday Evening, April 18, At 8 o'clock. PUBLISHED BY C. A. ELLIS, MANAGER. (765) : MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND, SQUARE, AND UPRIGHT PIANOS EUGEN D'ALBERT: From fullest conviction, I declare them to be the best Instru- ments of America. Dr. HANS VON BULOW: Their sound and touch are more sympathetic to my ears and hands than all others of the country. I declare them the absolutely best in America. ....... ALFRED GRUNFELD: I consider them the best instruments of our times. P. TSCHAIKOWSKY: Combines with great volume of tone rare sympathetic and ?wble tone color and perfect action. ....... = WAREROOMS = BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, 22 and 24 E. Baltimore Street. 1422 Pennsylvania Avenue. NEW YORK, * 148 Fifth Avenue. OLIVER DITSON COMPANY, Sole Agents, 453-463 Washington St., BOSTON. E. W. TYLER, Manager. v766) --».-, 1397th and 1398th Performances. ,, e* _ _ * . ', _ Fifteenth Season, 1895-96"^ B . _ 747 th -nd 748th Performances in Boston. Twenty-second Rehearsal and Concert Friday Afternoon, April 17, at 2.30 o'clock. Saturday Evening, April 18, at 8.00 o'clock. PROGRAMME. Lnd wig van Beethoven Overture to "King Stephen," in E-flat major, Op. 117 Dr. Charles Hubert Parry - Scene and Aria, "King Saul's Dream" (First time.) Hector Berlioz Three Movements from the "Romeo and Juliet" Sym- phony, Op. 17 I. Romeo alone ; Grand Fete at the house of Capulet. Andante malinconico e sostenuto (F major) 4-4 Larghetto espressivo (F major) - 3-4 Allegro (F major) - 2-2 - - II. Balcony scene : Adagio (A major) - 68 III. Queen Mata, Scherzo : Prestissimo (F major) 3-8 - - - Trio : Allegretto (D minor) 3-4 Franz Schubert - - ' - - Funeral March, in E-flat minor (Scored for Orchestra by FRANZ LISZT.) " " Georg Henschel _____ Ballad, Jung Dietrich (With Pianoforte Accompaniment.) Richard Wagner - March of Homage, in E-flat major Soloist, Mr. GEORG HENSCHEL. THE PIANOFORTE IS A CHECKERING. (767) L. P. HOLLANDER & DO. DRESSES. We have gotten together all of our high-priced Dresses in Ready-made Department, Copies of French models and our own designs, and marked them all, without distinction, at a DECIDED REDUCTION. New Designs in Ladies' Bicycle and Golf Suits, From $18.00 to $35.00. Our most popular line $25.00. Jackets silk lined. Our DIAMONDS, Special RUBIES, Watches EMERALDS, OPALS, FOR GENTLEMEN PEARLS. AT $75.00 and $100.00 A superb collection of care- fully selected gems. We offer In 18 kt. Gold Cases are diamond rings from $25.00 to Exceptional Values. $50.00, which are extra good values. They are fully guaranteed as reliable time-keepers. Inspection invited. A. STOWELL & CO., 24 Winter St. (768) Overture to "King Stephen," in E-flat major, Op. 117. Ludwig van Beethoven. This overture was first performed at the opening of the New Theatre in Buda-Pesth. The play to which it was written was on a national Hunga- rian subject. The overture begins Andante con moto in E-flat major (2-4 time), with four loud calls (E-flat on the trumpets, B-flat on the horns, F on the bas- soons and strings and C on the wood-wind, horns, and strings). Then fol- lows a quaint little march-melody in the flute, accompanied by the other wood-wind, horns, and strings pizzicati. Four more loud calls (F, C, G, D) interrupt this march for a moment ; then it goes on again, leading to the main body of the overture. This begins Presto in E-flat major (2-4 time), with a brilliant theme in the wood-wind and horns, the thesis of which has a rather martial charac- ter, the antithesis being a quieter phrase for the horns. This theme is energetically worked up, and followed by a second theme of equally joyous and festive character — it is note for note the first phrase of the "Joy" theme in the ninth symphony. The march-theme from the introduction returns once more after a while, only to be followed by a still more brilliant working-out of the two themes of the Presto. A rushing coda brings the whole to a close. This overture is scored for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 1 double-bassoon, 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 1 pair of kettle-drums, and the usual strings. The score bears no dedication. ATonic FOR BRAIN-WORKERS, THE WEAK AND DEBILITATED. Horsford's Acid Phosphate Is, without exception, the Best Remedy for relieving Mental and Nervous Exhaustion ; and, where the system has become debilitated by disease, it acts as a general tonic and vitalizer, affording sustenance to both brain and body. Dr. E. Cornell Easten, Philadelphia, Pa., says, " I have met with the greatest and most satisfactory results in dyspepsia and general derangement of the cerebral and nervous systems, causing debility and exhaustion." Descriptive pamphlet free. Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R.I. Beware of Substitutes and Imitations, (769) itifort Costumer and Habit Maker. SPECIALTIES: TAILOR STREET GOWNS. OUTING COSTUflES. RIDING HABITS. COVERT AND COACHING COATS. GOLF COSTUHES. CYCLE HABITS. New line Costume Tweeds, Covert Cloths, Golfing and Cycling Homespuns. See our Cycle Skirt for this year, not a divided skirt. Unlike all others. 256 Boylston St., Boston. OYSTERS AND SALADS WEBER'S A SPECIALTY 25 Temple PL and 33 West St. GENUINE VIENNA ICES. JACOB THOMA, Photo Co. Notman VIOLIN MAKER, (Awarded a Prize Medal at the Vienna STUDIOS, Exposition.) J WflB^j"lDB* Old Violins, Violas, 'Cellos, All the Newest Styles of Artist Italian Strings, Silver PHOTOGRAPHS: G's, Artist Bows, Paris Rosin, Violin Cases of all kinds, etc. MEZZO-TINTS, Antonius and Hieronymus Amati, IVORY FINISH, Etc. Anno 1625; PRICE, $1,000. Flash-light Pictures made at Residences. ARTISTIC REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. BOWS REHAIRED. WEDDING PARTIES. Music Hall Building, Room - - BOSTON. FANCY DRESS PARTIES. 7, DINNER PARTIES. Repairer for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. (770) Charles Hubert Hastings Parry was born on February 27, 1848. He was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated as Mus. Bac. in 1870. His first lessons in harmony were from Dr. Elvey in 1868. Since then he studied with H. H. Pierson at Stuttgart, with Pro- fessor Macfarren and Mr. Edward Dannreuther. He has written various compositions of chamber-music, for pianoforte and voices ; also a good deal for orchestra. His most notable work is probably his oratorio of Judith, brought out at Birmingham in 1888. He now stands in the front rank of English composers. Three Movements from the Dramatic Symphony, " Romeo and Juliet," Op. 17 Hector Berlioz. This, Berlioz's fifth, symphony was written in 1839. The text was Ber- lioz's own, versified by Emile Deschamps. The work was first produced at the Conservatoire in Paris under the composer's direction on November 24, 1839. " " The term symphony is to a certain extent a misnomer ; the work is neither a symphony properly so-called, with chorus — like Beethoven's ninth — nor a symphony-cantata — like Mendelssohn's Lobgesang. In it orchestral movements alternate with others for solo voices or chorus. Still there are three consecutive orchestral movements in it — the three given at this concert — which have the form of the first movment, slow movement, and scherzo of a symphony, respectively ; and it was probably upon these that Berlioz based his title. Although only these three move- New England Conservator]] oi music POUNDED IN 1853 BY DR. BBEN TOURJEE. RICHARD H. DANA, President. CARL FAELTEN, Director. The Leading Conservatory of America. The Most Perfect in its The Most Complete in all EQUIPMENTS. DEPARTMENTS. In addition to its unequalled musical advantages, the Conservatory contains excellent schools of Elocution and Modern Languages. Send or call for Prospectus. F. W. HALE, General Manager, • . Franklin Square, BOSTON, MASS. (771) ments are to be given at this concert, it will be not uninteresting to give the complete plan of the composition here. It is as follows : Introduction. Combats.— Tumult. — Intervention of the Prince. Allegro fugato (B minor) . 2-2 (For Orchestra alone ) Prologue. I. Chorus with Contralto solo: Avec le caractere (Tun Recitif, metis ct peu pres mesuri (B minor) 4-4 II. Strophes for Contralto : Andante avec solennite (G major) .... 6-8 III. Scherzetto, "La Reine Mab"; for Tenor solo and chorus: Allegro leggiero (F major) 2-4 Part II. Romeo alone.— Sadness.— Concert and Ball.— Grand Fete at Capulet's House. Andante malinconico e sostenuto (F major) 4-4 Allegro (F major) 2-2 Larghetto espressivo (F major) . 3-4 Allegro (F major) 2-2 (For Orchestra alone.) Part III. Calm night.— Capulet's Garden silent and deserted.— The young Capulets, coming out from the Fete, pass by, singing snatches of the dance-music.
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