Multiple Systems Operators, Independent Owners & Cable Systems 8,895 subs; Weldon Feighter. Goergia - Knology of Lowell Cable TV Virginia - Marcus Cable, 351-57 Franklin St., Peters- Augusta, 3714 Wheeler Rd., Augusta, GA 30909; (706) burg, VA 23803; (804) 732-5522; 16,759 subs. Washing- 364 -1000;1,343 subs; Mike Adams. Knology of Colum- 127 N. Broadway, Lowell, MI 49331. (616) 897 -8405; ton - Marcus Cable, Box T, Moses Lake, WA 98837; (509) bus, 1701 Boxwood Pl., Columbus, GA 31906; 16,748 FAX: (616) 897 -4082. Ronald Holcomb, vp opns; Tom 765- 6151;12,648 subs. subs; Dave Eckstein. South Carolina - Knology of Char- Richards, vp mktg. Owned by City of Lowell. Total Basic leston, 4506 Dorchester Rd., North Charleston, SC Subscribers: 2,300; Pay Cable Subscribers: 648; Num- Massillon Cable TV Inc. 29405; 1,540 subs: Robin Wilson. ber of Cable Systems: 1. 814 Cable Ct. N.W., Massillon, OH 44647. (330) 833- Kraus Cable TV Systems SMALLER SYSTEMS 4134; FAX: (330) 833-7522. Richard W. Gessner, pres & CFO; Shannon Delaney, vp mktg; Robert B. Gessner, vp. Michigan - Lowell Cable TV, 121 Lafayette St., Lowell, Box 11, 305 State St., Manhattan, IL 60442. (815) 478- Owned by Richard W. Gessner, Susan R. Gessner, prin- MI; (616) 897 -8405; 2,300 subs. 4444. Arthur J. Kraus, CEO, pres, vp opns & vp mktg. cipals. Total Basic Subscribers: 44,000; Pay Cable Sub- Owned by Arthur J. Kraus. Total Basic Subscribers: scribers: 19,250; Number of Cable Systems: 2. 3,400; Pay Cable Subscribers: 1,497; Number of Cable Luverne TV Cable Service Systems: 4. SYSTEMS WITH OVER 20,000 SUBSCRIBERS 144 S. Forest Ave., Luverne, AL 36049. (334) 335 -5059. Massillon Cable TV Inc. (31,000 SMALLER SYSTEMS Marsha Baines, CEO, pres, vp opns & vp mktg; Wendy subscribers). Box Baines, vp. Owned by Marsha Baines, William Baines, 1000, 814 Cable Ct. N.W., Massillon, OH 44648. (330) 833.4134; FAX: (330) 833-7522. Robert B. Illinois - Kraus Cable TV, 305 State St., Manhattan, IL Wendy Baines, Lucille Martin. Total Basic Subscribers: Gessner, gen mgr & oust svc Delaney, 60442. Kraus Cable TV, Elwood; Gardner; Seneca. 1,500; Pay Cable Subscribers: 750; Number of Cable dir; Shannon mktg dir; Elizabeth Systems: 1. Gessner, loc adv dir; Tom Mogus, chief tech. Areas Served: OH. Counties: Stark. Brewster, Canal- KRM Cablevision Inc. SMALLER SYSTEMS Fulton, Massillon, Navarre. Pop: 112,500. Miles of Plant: 850. Homes Passed: 42,000. Homes Served: Box 77, 447 Thomas, Mellen, WI 54546. (715) 274-7631. Alabama Luverne TV Cable Service, Luverne. AL; 31,000. Channel Capacity: 97. In use: 87. Basic Service: Stan Rheinholtz, pres. Total Basic Subscribers: 2,000; (334) 335-5059; 1,500 subs. Subscribers: 31,000; 08/16/99. Programming (via sat- Pay Cable Subscribers: 530; Number of Cable Systems: ellite): 34 chs. Programming (via microwave): 1 ch. Programming (off air): 14 chs. Pay Total 10. M Services: Pay -Tek Systems Subscribers: 19,254; 06/30/95. Pay Services: (1) Pay Units: 6,000; 06/30/95. Program- Box 109, 200 Lake Dr., Redwood Falls, MN 56283. (507) Kuhn Communications ming (via satellite): HBO. (2) Pay Units: 1,800; 06/30/95. 637 -8351; FAX: (507) 637 -8351. Magdalen Maserek, Programming (via satellite): Cinemax. (3) Pay Units: Box 277, 301 W. Main Walnut Bottom, PA 17266. CEO, CFO, vp opns & vp mktg: LuVerne Maserek, chmn. St., 4,354; 06/30/95. Programming (via satellite): Show - (717) 532-8857; FAX: (717) 532-5563. Earl Kuhn, CEO Owned by LuVerne Maserek, Magdalen Maserek. Total time. (4) Pay Units: 3,255; 06/30/95. Programming (via & pres; Tracy Reath, vp sls, vp mktg, vp prom & vp adv. Basic Subscribers: 950; Pay Cable Subscribers: 96: satellite): The Movie Channel. (5) Pay Units: 2,713; Owned by Earl Kuhn. Total Basic Subscribers:2,500; Pay Number of Cable Systems: 8. 06/30/95. Programming (via satellite): Disney. (6) Pay Cable Subscribers:1,000; Number of Cable Systems:3. Units: 775; 06/30/95. Programming (via satellite): En- SMALLER SYSTEMS core. Pay Per View Subscribers: 15,000; 06/30/95.Lo- cal Advertising Accepted. Minnesota M SMALLER SYSTEMS -Tek Systems, Belview, MN; 92 subs. M- Tek Systems, Comfrey, MN; 95 subs M -Tek Systems, Courtland, MN; 135 M MN; Matrix Cablevision Inc. Pennsylvania - Kuhn Communications, Newburg, PA. subs. -Tek Systems, Echo, 102 subs. M -Tek Systems, Hanska, MN; 130 subs. M -Tek Kuhn Communications, Orrstown, PA. Kuhn Communi- 12333 S. Saratoga- Sunnyvale Rd., Saratoga, CA 95070. Systems, Nicollet, MN: 260 subs. M -Tek Systems, Wood cations, Walnut Bottom, PA. (408) 253 -6590; FAX: (408) 253 -6591. Brad Daniel, Lake, MN; 150 subs. M -Tek Systems, Clemens, MN. CEO, pres & vp opns, Lode VanDyck, vp mktg. Owned Lake Champlain Cable TV Corp. by Brad Daniel. Total Basic Subscribers: 900; Pay Cable Marcus Cable Subscribers: 170; Number of Cable Systems: 2. Box 808, 72 W. Milton Rd., Milton, VT 05468. (802) 893- Suite 600, 2911 Turtle Creek Blvd., Dallas, TX 75219. 1551; FAX: (802) 893 -7310. Marlene Booska, vp. PUR- SMALLER SYSTEMS (817) 509-6272; FAX: (817) 626 -1259. Jerry Kent, CEO CHASED BY ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS. Total & pres; Dave Warehime, vp opns; John Pietri, vp. California Menlo Park Cable, 1670 El Camino Real, Basic Subscribers: 9,700; Pay Cable Subscribers: 3,000; Merged with Charter Communications. Total Basic Menlo Park, CA 94025. Number of Cable Systems: 2. Subscribers: 1,235,949; Pay Cable Subscribers: 510,308; Number of Cable Systems: 36. SMALLER SYSTEMS Mayes Management Co. REGIONS 1907 Vermont - Lake Champlain Cable TV, Box 814, 72 W. Suite 200, N. Lamar, Austin, TX 78705. (512) 477- 6866; FAX: (512) 476 -1879. Wendell Mayes Jr., pres; Milton Rd.. Milton, VT 05468; 7,687 subs Richmond Ca- Wisconsin: 440 Science Dr., Suite 302, Madison, WI Cathey Mayes, vp. Owned by Mayes Family, 100%. Total ble TV, Richmond, VT; 2.363 subs. 53711; (608) 238-9690; Fax: (608) 238 -9881; Chris Basic Subscribers:4,500; Pay Cable Subscribers:3,000; Fenger, Sr VP operations. Number of Cable Systems: 1. Lakes Cable Systems SMALLER SYSTEMS Box 267, 2650 Enterprise Ave., Spirit Lake, IA 51360. MCT Communications Inc. dba Alabama - Marcus Cable, 401 S. 6th St., Lanett, AL (712) 336-5151; FAX: (712) 336 -5687. E.M. Parsens, MCT Cable 36863; (334) 644- 2121;12,774 subs. Marcus Cable, Box CEO & pres; Jerry Kittelson, vp opns & vp; Janet Kittel- 490, Russelville, AL 35653 -0490; (205) 332 -3626; 6,676 son, vp mktg. Owned by E.M. Parsens. Total Basic Sub- Box 337, 11 Kearsarge Ave., Contoocook, NH 03229. subs. Marcus Cable, 204C S. Elm St., Tuskegee, AL scribers: 4.200; Pay Cable Subscribers: 700; Number of (603) 456 -2211; FAX: (603) 746 -3567. Paul Violette, 36083; (334) 727 -4484; 3,088 subs. California - Marcus Cable Systems: 1. CEO & pres; John LaBonte, CFO; Jim Henley, vp opns; Cable, Box 4247, Whittier, CA 90607-4247; (310) 698- Marc Violette, vp mktg. Owned by Stockheld Co. Total 3772; 14,889 subs. Illinois - Marcus Cable, Box 607, Basic Subscribers: 2,393; Pay Cable Subscribers: 716; Laurel Highland Television Co. Jacksonville, IL 62650 -0607; (217) 245-9686; 8,479 Number of Cable Systems: 1. subs. Indiana - Marcus Cable, Box 959, Connersville, IN Box 168, Ropute 130E, Stahlstown. PA 15687. (724) 47331 -0959; (317) 825. 8551;12,445 subs. Marcus Ca- Media General Inc. 593-2411; FAX: (724) 593 -2423. J. Paul Kalp, pres; Mor- ble, 120 S. Washington St.. Crawfordsville, IN 47933; gan E Withrow, vp; Mary Lou Barnhart, vp. Owned by J. (317) 362 -6161; 9,115 subs. Marcus Cable, 1746 E. Box 85333, Richmond, VA 23293 -0001. (804) 649 -6000; Paul Kaip, Mary Lou Barnhart, Morgan E Withrow. Total Wabash Frankfort, IN 46041; (317) St., 659 -0734; 5.227 FAX: (804) 649 -6865. J. Stewart Bryan Ill, CEO, chmn & Basic Subscribers: 3,879; Pay Cable Subscribers: 1,146; subs. Marcus Cable, Box 619, Monticello, IN 47960- pres; M.N. Morton, CFO; Robert W. Pendergast, vp; H.G. Number of Cable Systems: 1. 0619; (219) 583-6339; 14,261 subs. Marcus Cable, Box Woodlief, vp. To be Purchased by Cox Communica- 967, New Albany, IN 47151 -0967; (812) 944 -0430; tions.Total Basic Subscribers: 256,997; Pay Cable Sub- SMALLER SYSTEMS 16,891 - H, subs. Kentucky Marcus Cable, Box Middles- scribers: 210,987; Number of Cable Systems: 2. borough, KY 40965; (606) 248 -6620; 4,806 subs. Okla- Pennsylvania - Laurel Highland Television, Indian homa - Marcus Cable, Box 367, Clinton, OK SMALLER SYSTEMS PA; Laurel Highland Television. Creek. 2,020 subs. 73601 -0367; (405) 323 -2225; 3,484 subs. Marcus Cable, Stahlstown, PA: 1,265 subs. Box 863, Elk City, OK 73648 -0863; (405) 225-3244; Virginia - Media General Cable of Fairfax County, 14650 4,116 subs. Tennessee - Marcus Cable, Box 4007, Bris- Lee Rd., Chantilly, VA 22021. Media General Cable of Lovelock Cable tol, TN 37625 -4007; (423)968-2141; 19,283 subs.Texas Fredericksburg, 1310 Belman Rd., Fredericksburg, VA - Marcus Cable, Box 5044, Borger, TX 79007.5044; (806) 22401;(703)373 -6343. Box 1077, Lovelock, NV 89419. (775) 273.2020; FAX: 273 -3744; 15.061 subs Marcus Cable, 4528 Cole Ave., (775) 273 -1207- Tom Mitchell, CEO & pres; John Hamil- Dallas, TX 75205; (214) 522 -8086: 8,315 subs. Marcus Mediacom L.L.C. ton, vp opns & vp mktg. Owned by Tom Mitchell, Unev Cable, Box 420, Dumas. TX 79029-0420; (806) 935- Communications. Total Basic Subscribers: 750; Pay Ca- 6487; 4,221 Subs. Marcus Cable, Box 380009, Duncan- Suite 406A, 100 Crystal Run, Middletown, NY 10940. ble Subscribers: 405; Number of Cable Systems: 1. ville, TX 75138-0009; (214) 296-2283; 5,504 subs.
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