E1680 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 30, 2002 of his own time to contribute to the betterment Technology Committee, where he served as TRIBUTE TO GEORGE THOMPSON of the local community. Chairman of the Investigation and Oversight In addition to serving as minister to the Fall- Subcommittee, Jim Lloyd came to the House HON. GARY G. MILLER ing Spring congregation, Reverend Harter is with an already distinguished record of public OF CALIFORNIA very involved with numerous community service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES projects and endeavors. Like so many spiritual From 1942 to 1963, Jim served as an officer Thursday, September 26, 2002 leaders in communities around the country, in the United States Navy, flying combat mis- Reverend Harter had known the value of faith- sions during World War II and, at the onset of Mr. GARY G. MILLER of California. Mr. based community action programs long before the Cold War, completed his last duty assign- Speaker, I rise to pay tribute and honor the they became a topic of national debate. Presi- ment at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, during the outstanding accomplishments of George dent George W. Bush is also a great sup- Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis. The fly- Thompson, who is retiring after 28 exemplary porter of faith-based programs and has ing and the excitement had only just begun. years as Scout Master of Boy Scout Troop praised their effectiveness because he knows Stateside, Jim owned and operated a small 762 in Yorba Linda, California. how beneficial they can be to people in all re- public relations and advertising firm with his During this time, Mr. Thompson impacted gions of the country. In his own community, beautiful wife, Jackie, in West Covina. He also the lives of more than 440 young men ages Reverend Harter has been instrumental in es- caught the political bug, ably serving on the 11 to 18 years of age. The leadership, guid- tablishing programs that make a marked im- West Covina City Council from 1968 to 1974, ance and support he provided, played a great provement in the lives of community residents and as Mayor from 1973 to 1974. In 1974, Jim role in 47 of those young men attaining the and provide an atmosphere that allows for was elected to the United States House of elite rank of Eagle Scout, the highest award their spiritual and personal growth. Some ex- Representatives, where he served for three that a Boy Scout can receive. amples of these programs are: Franklin Coun- terms. And he kept on flying, receiving his hel- Mr. Thompson has been the worthy recipi- ty for the Homeless, Committee for Annual icopter rating and fixed wing license. ent of many honors and awards for his ongo- Holocaust Memorial Service, Community Wor- Since leaving the House, Jim has served as ing dedication and service, among them, the ship Committee, Committee for Annual Martin a consultant for a number of local, national, Order of the Arrow, 1973; Scouter’s Training Luther King, Jr. Memorial Service, Building and international clients. But, most of all, he Award, 1974; Scouter’s Key, 1981; District Our Pride in Chambersburg, Inc., Carlisle has maintained his love for flying, logging in Award of Merit, 1981; National Eagle Scout Presbytery Camps and Conference Com- over 14,000 hours in approximately 150 dif- Association Regional Award of Excellence, mittee, and the Chambersburg Ministerium. ferent types of aircraft ranging from the single 1986 and the Silver Beaver in 1988. I would like to commend Reverend William engine Cessna Citation, to the F–18 and F–16 Mr. Thompson’s commitment to scouting Hall Harter again for his contributions and fighter aircraft, to the 747 jumbo jet, and also has earned him the admiration and respect of thank him for his first 25 years of service at flying with the British, French, and Israeli Air those who have had the privilege of working the Presbyterian Church of Falling Spring in Forces. Today, Jim owns a Piper Commanche with him. I would like to congratulate him on Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. I wish him all and is still regularly in the air. these impressive accomplishments and sin- the best as he continues to better his commu- cerely thank him for the difference that he has I am proud to call Jim Lloyd a friend, and in- nity through his ministry and involvement with made in his community. vite my colleagues to join me, his wife Jackie, so many worthy organizations. son Brian Patrick, and grandsons Cameron f f Scott and Seth James, in saluting him on the A PROCLAMATION IN MEMORY OF A PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING happy occasion of his 80th birthday and wish- J. HARVEY GOODMAN ERIC J. ROUSE ing him many more years in the wild blue yon- der. HON. ROBERT W. NEY HON. ROBERT W. NEY OF OHIO f OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO TOM CASTRONOVA Thursday, September 26, 2002 Thursday, September 26, 2002 Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I hereby offer my Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, whereas, Eric Rouse HON. MICHAEL FERGUSON heartfelt condolences to the family and friends is a professional teacher of American history OF NEW JERSEY of J. Harvey Goodman upon the death of this and social studies at Swiss Hills Career Cen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES outstanding person. ter; and J. Harvey Goodman was born May 25, 1912 Whereas, Eric Rouse has been awarded a Thursday, September 26, 2002 and has lived in the St. Clairsville area since James Madison Fellowship by the James Mr. FERGUSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- the 1940’s. J. Harvey Goodman was chief ex- Madison Fellowship Foundation in its tenth an- mous consent to revise and extend my re- ecutive officer of the Goodman realty firm . His nual competition; and marks. contributions will continue to bless the commu- Whereas, Eric Rouse should be com- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Tom nity, including the St. Clairsville Council of mended for reaching this milestone; Castronova, who has been operating his phar- Churches Food Pantry. Therefore, I join with the residents of the en- macy, serving the community of Warren, New Mr. Goodman will certainly be remembered tire 18th Congressional District of Ohio in hon- Jersey, since 1962. by all those who knew him for his personal oring and congratulating Eric Rouse for his sacrifices of time and energy to his family, Tonight, with the community leaders from outstanding accomplishment. friends, and community. The understanding Warren attending, Tom Castronova will be and kindness to which he gave to others will f honored for 40 years of service to the commu- stand as a monument to a truly fine person. nity of Warren. TRIBUTE TO JIM LLOYD His life and love gave joy to all who knew him. So I stand before you today to honor a man I offer this token of profound sympathy to HON. DAVID DREIER who embodies the American spirit. He is a the family and friends of J. Harvey Goodman. small businessman, a family businessman, a OF CALIFORNIA man who followed his father into the pharmacy f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES business. U.S. POSTAL STAMP IN HONOR OF Thursday, September 26, 2002 He has lived and worked through many DIWALI, THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHT Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I want to take changes—changes in the healthcare indus- this opportunity to extend warmest 80th birth- try—and changes in the growth of New Jer- HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. day wishes to our former colleague and good sey. But his care and work ethic over the OF NEW JERSEY years has remained the same and I believe friend from West Covina, California, Jim Lloyd. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jim was first elected to Congress in 1974 Tom has made the difference in his phar- and served until 1981, representing the people macy’s longevity. Thursday, September 26, 2002 of the San Gabriel Valley with distinction. And I commend Tom Castronova and wish him Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased while many of us remember his tenure on the all the best with the continued success of to introduce a resolution today that expresses Armed Services Committee and Science and Edgewood Pharmacy. the Sense of Congress that the United States VerDate Sep<04>2002 02:59 Oct 01, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26SE8.019 E30PT1 September 30, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1681 Postal Service should issue a stamp honoring manities, in art and culture. We have grown to also us to become more aware of the many the holiday ‘‘Diwali’’, also known as the Fes- be a great Nation, home to a great people, charitable organizations which She has found- tival of Lights. with tremendous hopes and incredible dreams ed and has worked so hard to make success- The Citizens Stamp Advisory Commission for the future. And it all began right here in ful. One of the more important of these is the under the U.S. Postal Service currently issues Federal Hall. Foundation for the Promotion of Supple- many stamps with holiday themes, including One year ago, terrorists attacked America. mentary Occupations and Related Tech- Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and most re- Their targets were not simply the buildings niques, or SUPPORT. SUPPORT was found- cently, Eid. The Commission has not issued a they destroyed and the people they murdered. ed in 1976 under Her Majesty’s royal patron- stamp honoring Diwali, and I am hopeful that They were attacking the very ideals that define age and chairmanship and provides outlets for we will soon have a U.S.
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