THE 'REPUBLIC: WEDNESDAY. JULY 22.. 1903. 8 IVICAR GENERAL MUEHLSIEPEN DIED AT URSULINE CONVENT. Jim Dumps, at Buffalo, went through FORCE rr Largo mills, and more delighted grew FOOD CO XI 1 1 At every step. " How clean ! " said he. Life of Leo He saw them mingle skilfully Distinguished Priest, Who Had Been 111 for Several Months, Expired Malt, wheat and sunshine strength for him. One Grand Volume Nearly 1,000 Pages Sooner Than Attendants Expected Bishop Glennon at Bedside " And that makes ' Force,' " nods "Sunny Jim." EPc : Profusely Illustrated : Rectors of .Catholic Parishes to Meet This Afternoon to Make Final Arrangements for Funeral. F v The St Louis Republic rORCt Makes an Important An- i i r FOOP nouncement to Readers. ffiUfe -:n 1 THIS BOOK Wl t ,,. tz r-zT- W nkk ? i. Is an official biography of the venerable Pontiff ill' and can be furnished all subscribers within 30 days. It will be complete to date, including a full account of the Pope's death and descrip'ion " V - .' JEPu ?m " ' - ' TV The Hsadj CtrraJ of the funeral ceremonies. It will be printed U j v , , Kebrtv. Vraav- - f i in the English, French and German languages. crisp cleanliness and puritsr. This Life of Pope Leo XIII CIctnllnoss the Cha.rn.cterlstlo. BlTFAi.0 " I hT0 thorocfhlr liuiiccted the nulls nrrt the of maa'a-Sirl- n the proJnct railed ro-cr- .' I find that the ole injrnli-n- w wheat and furs'-- : of malt Was written by Right Reverend Bernard are of ths highest rcuiblo qualltr and of abaolctc pnrltj, and that Trrr step In O'Reilly, DD., LD., D. Lit. (Laval), domestic he proeeti of sanfectarc Ii characterized br perfect rlcia!In"f. The Ileal drjmg. or rojit!n. thorongblr sterilizes the product, and from tho time the aln prelate of hi? Holiness Pope Leo XIII and Is dehrered at the mill nntil the flcal scaling of the pacVa"efl, the food is handled entlrelr hj machinery. litnszRT W. Hut, Apostolic It will be found an au- " Analytical Chcnlat CnlTcrtlty of Buffalo, and Cheri'jt of the City cf Us2aIo." thoritative and most important contribution to i, "STSTwt Bp, i.MTfTVTffV irTWWM historical literature as well as a book of absorb- ing fascination. The author has told at satis- fying length the fuU story of thertmarkiblt career of Leo XIII, and has thrown a clear, wk rriMv w:V4K3M5B7 iUuminating light upon one of the most inter- RELIABLE KODAKS esting and significant figures of the age. The I result h a work whose value, already great, is at UTTLE PRIG$ GIANT STRIDES!! destined to increase with the passing years. Kltnn 1ASTUI CTIO'N HOOK with eirr) Ivudnlv uoilKlit of us. AH Records Broken. How to Get This Grand Book. GASES By special arrangement The Republic Is able to supply this wort., complete. In 30 DAYS, at & nominal price. OF Exceptional Offer to New and Old Subscribers. Mall Orders Promptly Filled. To CTVsubscrlbcrs agreeing to taUe The Repub- CA TALOO SCAT FKCE. lic for one year the price will be 6S CENTS, per MOET Q CHANDON month for first s months anil 50 cents per month for the other4 months. This reduces the con of CHAMPAGNE tho book for the subscribers to IL3). To O W.V subscribers agreeing to take Brkee's The Republic for one year, by mall or through CLJVfc. the local newsdealer, the price will be SO CENTS 606 Imported During the First Six Months of per month for first 8 months and 6S rents per 1903, month for the other 4 months. TUN reduce the Showing an Increase of cost of tho book for tho subscriber to $1.20. Sunday Excursions. x Cash Price for the Book Only, to THE RIGHT REVEREXD HEXRT MrEIIIIEPEX. SPRINGFIELD, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of St. Iouls, who died last night. CJ Any One, $2.50. The Right Reterend Henrj- - Muehlslepen, spiritual director of the Ursullne Sisters CASES Vicar General of the Catholic Archdiocese and Vicar General for the German-speakin- g AND RETURN. of St. I.ouls, died at 6:10 o'clock last even- Catholics of the archdiocese. Proportionate Rate"! to Points. ing at the Ursullne Convent, Xo. 2122 South At that time the Reverend Father Rj-a- Intermediate 22,036 Twelfth street, after ljlng In a comatose now Archbishop of Philadelphia, was Vicar VIA- - state for oer twentj-fou- r hours. General for the English-speakin- g Catholics CHICAGO & ALTON RY. Address all Inquiries and Orders to - of His last lucid Interval was on Mondav, Later, the Reverend Father Brad)- was Tlekrts Rood jrolnc on tnln leavlnc St!s Over The Same Period - nt S.i: a m Fiindly and returninc on trnln 1902. and then he merelj- answered "jes" or made Vicar General for the Engllsh-spenk-In- g leaving sprlngtlrld nt 7 p m .im da Ticket "no" to questions that were asked him. Cathol'cs, but upon his death In 1S31. otners, fclsth and Olive and t'nlnn btaticn. places MOET & CHANDON the HEAD of the importa- Tin: ONLY WAY Thti at The end came sooner than those who Father Muehlslepen. was made Vicar Gen- list in the UNITED STATES, as well as in the WORLD. THE REPUBLIC have been attending the distinguished priest eral for thp entire archdiocese. tion expected. Yeterda- - morning. Doctor V. J. Several jears ago he resigned the pastor- CHILD COMFORTS FATHER L.utz, who has been the phj'slclan of the ate of St. Marj's Church becauso his other St. Louis, Mo. late Vicar General for jcars, was at his duties demanded nil of his time. ARRESTED FOR LEAVING WIFE. MOHT & CHANDON bedside, and, after examining the pitlent, As Vicar General rather Muehlslepen was said that he might two daj-- s longer. energetic, and In recognition of his valu- Control More Vineyards than all the other leading Cham-- lle .T. Tholne, Own and About noon. howeer, those who were Archbishop secured Mttle filrl Promlirs Peter able services Kaln for to Chlcnco, "VI am inn pagne shippers combined. watching by the bedside of the unconscious him In 1S9C Papal Monslgnor Taken That the titles of Would lie an Good nn priest noticed that the coma, in which and Right Reverend. Pie." he had been hlng for a week, was deep- In 159 Mgr. Muehlslepen celebrated VINTAGE the home of his slster-ln-la- Mrs. Richard ening. At 3 o'clock he sank Into the slum- his sliver jubilee as Vicar General, THE NEW FIRE AT DE MEWL RESIDENCE. and at "Mj" mamma told me thnt if j'ou would E. Andra, at No. 1319 Chambers street, and ber of death, and an hour later dissolution that time the Ursullno Sisters named him come back, to her, papa, he would be as OF fell dead on the sidewalk, two doors west, came. their greatest benefactor. was largelj" Handbome South Side Home jeterdaj- - 4.30. It Rood as pie." afternoon at The Very Recrend J. J. Glennon, coad- through instrumentality Ursu- - Andra committed suicide because of hfs his that the With declaration little Lena Dora Threatened With Destruction. jutor Archbishop of the diocese, entered the llne da)- - school was established In this that Inability to find employment after a long Tholne, 7 old, sought to comfort her Chamber of the dying priest at 3 p. m. and city, and through the efforts of Mgr. jears "WHITE SEAL" quest, he told Mrs. Andra, The residence of Alexander Da Menll. at shortly before ga.-- e Peter J Tholne. who was taken to taking the poison. remained nn hour, llefore leaving he Muehlslepen and Bishop Hennessy of Wich- fathr. is (the corner of Cherokee nnd Thirteenth the Vicar General ids blessing. Chlcifio hj Detective Jcn'Ks of that city, and street, was damaged by fire jestcrdij- - after- He had been visiting at his brother's home ita Arcadia College at Arcadia, Mo , was all dav. but was In a gloomy mood, At the bedside at the hour of death wero Detective Schenck of St. Louis. Ust night, noon, which one de- his founded. Moreover, largely through tho PERFECTION IN CHAMPAGNE. at time threatened the slster-ln'la- w told the police. Going Schreiber, who was to answer a charge of wife abandonment. building. to the the Reverend Francis work of tho Vicar General the Ursullne Sis- struction of the front room about 4.30. while Mrs. Andra an old schoolmate of Mgr. Muehlslepen; the The little girl, whom her father pad kid- "When flames, were discovered on ters became teachers In about seventeen Importers, the the was busy In another part of the house, he Rexerer.d Francis Qoeke. chaplain and pri- naped. It Is said, from his wife In Chicago, GEO. A. KESSLER & CO., Sole New York. swallowed drug. schools In the archdiocese. roof Mr. De Menll. who was at home at the Throwing the bottle to vate secretary to the Vicar General: the Julj i. accompanied her father. In ar- the floor, draining Its contents, he As a worker Mgr. Muehlslepen was Inde- the time, turned an alarm. On the after Father Cantwell. a Redemptlon-Is- t Tholne was arrested at his room. Xo. 1S25 ran to the sidewalk, apparently in an ef- Reverend fatigable. Often priests in country towns - rival of the Fire Department, he directed to the who is In Louis Carr street, jesterdaj- afternoon. The little the firemen in extinguishing lire and re- fort reach home of his sister. Mrs father of Demer. St. have sent to him for a substitute for some Bertha Dennison.
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