\ MARY CHENEY LIBRARY HONDAT, MOTEMBER 10, IMS rAxiS ftiuft'USBtt IKanrb'fBtfr Ewnins mUi Daily Net Prsaa Run The Waotlmr course on Sllddte Tumpiks east ehargad with vagrancy was Osat to Maath of OeUbar, Ittt Fafaeast sMJ. K O/m M s V<— Jeanne Low af MaineheaUr Mrs. Herbert Fraser, chairman, and, police reported, narrowly Jail fo r 10 days. High school faculty will be the and members of her committee Police Court missed colliding with other ears. Baaay aoi i wUl bo at the Masonic Temple this Edward Mattson of New York A b o u t T ow n guest speaker at the meeting of Chan Tuger cf Ithaca, N. T., 9 ,5 9 4 afteraooa: evening to receive articles for the city, charged with driving without the Friendly Circle Wednesday In Town Court this morning waa fined $10 on an intoxication rumnoage sale tomorrow at nine an operator’a Ucenae, was fined A o « t taaigbt; Wedaesday elaa$f: evening at the Y.M.C-A.. Mis# Low count It was stated by Prosecutor •nuk XncihMter C9vi« Ordiwtm o’clock at the .Temple, conducted Ralph KUpatrick of 67 Horton $10. Edward Luiidborg of West I b 4 » F w if c sd by lala. will teU of her ti^p last summer John O. Rottner the accused''had wM aM t tar tiMtr wMkly by Chapman Court, Order of road, was fined $106, with $30 of Hartford, <*arged with speeding, to France and will show pictures come into town to deliver a new ^6mcA«sfer— id CUy o f V^Umge Charm taanal ta n l^ at • o’clock at the pleaded guilty and waa fined $24, lA th e m church, at the taken at that time. The hostesses Amaranth. the fine remitted, on hla plea of truck, had'purchased some liquor It was alleged he had been racing SNiKHIT USE ail ECONOMY will be Mra J. Edward Fischer. guilty to operating a^otor vehi­ and had become drunk in the cab comer et Winter and Garden The Luther League wlU have a with another car on flkuit Center an ra ga M ) (FUURIEEN PAGES) Mrs. WUllam Gees and Mrs. o f hla parked truck. There was no VOL. LXVm.. NO. 40 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1948 PRICE FOURCBNH Btraeta. supper-meeting tomorrow evening cle while he was imder the Influ­ Evelyn Gilmore. StreeL at 6:30 in the church vestry of the ence o f liquor. Kilpatrick was halt­ evidence he had operated the truck The Weadneton Panat Teach- Emanuel laitheran church. ed by police after be had been ob­ after drinking, it waa stated. •r AaaocWittin will meet tomorrow Anderson-Bhea Aimlllary, V. F. served to drive a very erratic Isaac McCreanor, no address. W.. members are requested to meet Salute to Newborn Prince . efveniiw at J*’*^**-„.325! tomorrow evening at 7:1B, In m m Attorney John LaBelle will V meat epaakar wlU be Mlae Mar via speak on "World Federalism’’ at RENT Stop In and sea tho **Eeonomy Chinese Nationals of Lowe’s Funeral Home. E w C. Welch, reaearch ®* the meeting of the American Le­ Hartford. In tribute to Mrs. Nina Our' Johnson’s Wax Stalemate Is Fate tha CWmacUcut Inter-Racial Oom- gion Auxiliary tonight In the Le- Eight** homd movie team. Cine- . mlaaloo. wboea iubjact ^ A Kuslan o f that town, who died In WUUmanUc Saturday while visit­ ^on Home. The Auxiliary Sew­ Electric Polisher Paydwloflcal Approach to Racial Kodak Eigjit-25 Camera, ahown ing relatives. Her mother. Mrs. ing group la reminded of the all­ HALE'S SELF SERVE Claim Big Victory XThderatandlnr-” Louella L. Ellwyn. and sister. Mrs. day meeting Wednesday at the I T S c D a y here, and the Kodeacf^e Eight-38 Edith Msson. are members of the home of Mrs. Harry Sweet, 28 Put­ The Original In New England Robert A . Kurland, aon ot Mr. nam streeL Members will bring Projeietor. Ton can get them both Of Lie-Evatt Move auxiliary. and Mra. R, B. Kuriand o f Jensen their own box lunches and the hos­ PINEHURST tess will serve dessert and coffee. here for only $166.75. On Suchow Front street, eanlor Held work student at S t Christopher’s Mothers Circle As the auxiliary meeting tonight GROCERY, INC gprinafleld Ctollafa, has been ^ will meet Wednesday evening at and HEALTH MAKET will be the hmt before the Christ­ pobitad supervisor of youth activi­ the home of Mrs. Jean Horgan, ties at Tem^e Beth Bl. Bprlnf- mas sale, December 3, at Hale's 475 Adams street. store, Mrs. David Thomas, the Confuaed Day Leaves Fi­ ileld. For Talks on Berlin chairman, would like to have those Surge of Red M dry C. Keeney T en t who have completed articles for nal Outcome of Bat­ of Union Veterans of the Civil the sate to bring them to the meet­ TUESDAY SPECIALS War. will meet tomorrow evening Rammage Sale (smm:caeeeniFTiON C M A itM A C V tle for Approach to ! United States and So- ing. ^ L y Armies Gives at tha home of Mrs. Muriel Davis. IAIN iTUfI T* MANCHI Tl W Nanking in Doubt; The 489 Main street A sodM hour Green Siamps Given With Cash Sales. Tuesday, N(iv. 18—9 A. M. Palestine Armistice I viet Russia Stand by and penny auction will follow me MASONIC TEMPLE U. S. Embassy Warns Navy Problem Previous Positions Re­ business meeting. Mrs. Dewey-Richman Carter and Miss Pauline Beebe will Domestic l a b o e 16 Ol. CAN ChMnnsB Court, 0. of A. ‘Wr. (M m mop-. Americana to Leave Ordered by Council garding Four • Power be In charge of refreshments. Refrigeration IN TOMATO Southward Push by Chi' Negotiations; British O O e The Friendship Orcle of the Sal­ SARDINES SAUCE Can 27e Nanking, Nov. 16.—</P)— OCULIST vation Army will have a meetog The Chinese government nese Communists May Syrian Attempt to ^41-j ^ m m a n G i v e s And French Represen­ tonight at 8 o’clock at the clta- Service VERMONT MAID claimed a major victory on Have Long Range Ef­ ter Resolution to Wid- tatives Say Views Are prescriptions p i l l e d deL Can the Suchow front tonight to fect on U. S. Position NEW FRAMES climax a confused day which en Negeb Withdrawsd Same as United States Charles A. MoEser SYRUP BbL Our Most Popular Yam Notice Nation j LENS DUPLICATED still left the final outcome of Washington, Nov. IS—($7—Tha Rejected by C o u n c il TeL 2-9030 the battle for the approach to Paris, Nbv. 16.—(flV-The REPAIRS MADE southward surge of Chinese Oom- Lie-Evatt effort to launch ORANDMOTHliVS Nanking in doubt. Pro-gov­ Paris, Nov. .16.—(ff)—The Standing Pat muniat armies poses Immediate new negotiations over Berlin AHantie ernment newspapers splashed United Nations Security 2 Lb. Jar BEAR BRAND problems for the United States wound up in a stalemate to­ M INCE M EAT 35c Uialr buildings with red poatera Council ordered Arabs and ORDER and exploded llrecrackera to caU Navy which may have a long Would Be Happy to See. day, with the United States Range and Fuel Jews today to establish an H tar* Money and Foci For Any Oceuion attention to placards announcing range effect on ita position In the With London’s Tower bridge la the backgromrit the HoaoraMe Artillery ( ay% gaaa fire a M and Soidet Russia standing HEINS the weetem Pacific. $1 gaiM to heraM the birth of Britala’a aew prlaoe, bora to Prinoeas In BoeklagbaaB immediate armistice in Paleih Stalin in Washington InstaD A the Communiata had been routed by their previous positions. GIFT FR U IT northeast o f Suchow and were, One decision hinges on tba fate Nav. 14. (AP photo by radio frboi Loodoa to New York.) tine. The Council’s order said But Will Never Leave O IL KETCHUP 14 Oz. Bot. 25c withdrawing northeastward. of TBlngtao, Important Yellow t an armistice would “facilitate F^ident Truman announce TIM KEN Sock and Sweater. News Direct Coatraat port Where the N avy baa Ha (Jhina G>untry for Parley the United States wilt not re­ transition from the present BASKETS That news, circulated by the headqiutrters and maintains a fleet aume four-power negoUatioas' cb WaO-Flame Oil DUTCH M A D anchorage. Harriman May Probers Told truce to a permanent peace in t. T. WOOD CO. Defense Ministry’s official mili­ Key West. Fla., Nov. IS-'^ilV- Germany until Rnaaia Ufts her ATPINEHURST tary news agency, waa in direct Presently baaed there la the 12- News Tidbits PalesUne." blockade o f Beriin. B u rn er The CouncU voted on the reso­ President Tnunan served blunt 81 BiHell 8L TeL 4 m Pkg. contrast to the generally accept^ ahlp Taak Force which left this A a a e o c e Vieira Saara OsB Tedsy Vsr Wtss GROCERY SUGAR WAFERS ed Yeporta from other aources country late.In September on wbat Move to Top ' Culled From (/F) Wires More About lution in sections. Ruaaia and the notice today th4t the United That has been tne American Soviet Ukraine abstained. that the government control of the Navy termed a ‘‘routine’’ States is standing pat on Its refus­ atand all along, and BrlUah and YARN o m ui OIL HEAT ft FRESH the whole Suchow area was tot­ training cruise to the O rient R U pfoDoaoI Boloeted FYench rep ream tativee announced John L . Lew is saya any new al to reaume four-power nego­ tering.
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