EDISON % FORDS BEACON Woodbridge, Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopelawn, Iselin, Keasbey, Pori Reading, Sewaren and Edison I. T,V — No. 15 Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, June 6, 1963 Inwrw) u tad Oil* M*l) On Thursday At P 0. Wnodbndi* M J Price Ten Cents y B, of E. Breaks Blood Trail Leads Cops Ground Traditional Rites to Start New School 26To Arrest of Two Boys Scheduled Saturday ISELIN — Ground-breaking ceremonies, to signify the con struction of new School 26, will tak/^ilace Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, the Board of Edu- cation announced today. For Vandalism in School The school site is on Ben- jamin Avenue, near Canal1 Street and adjacent to Merrill Park. Vandals Present at the ceremonies will be members of the Town Committee and Board ofT >, UMiIMK: At Biittonwood Manor last week Earl Koenfc. left, rctirlnc president 'Education and representatives Wmidhridif I i»n» Club is shown presenting the gavel to the new president, Ber- Tear Up |of, Eroll Schmldlin Associates, I IitiniRan, right. With them arc Maison P. Strub. international counselor and architects and the general con- Dr. Isidore Rablnowlti, program chairman. jtractors. I Benjamin Avenue School will Records be a one story structure con- sisting of 18 classrooms, two WOODBRIDGK - A trail of kindergartens and a large all- oil7/ Never Get Me\ blood, leading from Woodbridgs 'purpose room. Total enrollment j Junior, High School, Barron :is expected to reach between I Avenue, to the porch of one ol 600 and 700 children. the culprits, led to the arrert hit Sgt. Wandras DidPresent target date for com- yesterday morning of two 16- pletion of the school is Febru- year-oW youths for entering \ evident Foils ary. 1964. the school and causing damage ! Total cost of construction is in the thousands. Due to the /or Summer Program Planned $502,400. The five prime con- fact that they are minors, their tractors are Caldwell Construc- names cannot be published. Had Checkt tion Conl an „ . li-^itii struction:Pj yschmid. generat lc conm - As a result of the vandalism, | children reporting to school iv ptH,rcl p(1 I nilclrpn pany, stee l° work; Olenik° - ^ .yesterday had to be taken to Plumbing Company for plumb- Vrih Ambqy, whoj 'the auditorium while arrange- ing and drainage; Richardson line lor stealing WOODBRIDOE — A unique ments were made to secure Engineering for heating and nis employer and.recrratlon program for retarded buses to take them home. :i, called policeichtWirn will get underway in 1 OMy ventilating and Allan Electric When the janitors, teacher* ; ,,m it bar in Los j Wood bridge Township July 1. Doy Company, electrical work. ; find other personnel reported --kl the man at thtiJohi! Fay, recreation chairman to work they found 12 rooms •. d VVundras: "YousnH .John Zullo. superintendent WOODBRIDOE — It just ihad been ransacked. Supply i mr." of n-creatlon announced today. wasn't his day, yesterday. icablneU were overturned and Su erintendent Scnwihi 'ckend, Silver was ym progrum. wj*ich Trill Tun~"" P •* July 4 Fete | the supplies thrown about the a minor ac< ident fr(WU t through August 16 *at"<* A. Boylan e»me to his rooms. Brand new metal sl'de AFTERMATH OK VANDALISM: Above is thp Art room Ifi, one a nearby resident, ture it apart, Papers were wish a "U Drhe It";wm raid MI Colonia Junior offlee yesterday mornirur fall rales had been broken. In the at Woodbrjdjte Junior High School after two youths, thrown all over, paints spaced on the walls and floor. re n who w:i* t Mowjay - Friday, of plant |« a day of accom- On July 3rd art room big Jan of tempera plisbmeal. 9 A. V. V fP- M. pa\Rt were broken against the ur M D'Aiessio, Port First' 1M was met with the DIDGfr^ Wood-' wsiis and spaU«F 4 *11 over the 1 MlM •I'-'J ' and Rfadi!i«. story «f vandalism in Wqjd- bridge Recreation department floors. Blo«d was all around 1 IK .'. ciali/ed e<uc#tion m the Keas- bridge Junior High School !(n cooperation with toe Iselln the place, indicating that one So tne whole 1 nad Board Slates School Renovations for Alertne b-7 schocl will be In charge of! - "w™* * |chamb«r of Commeroe will of the vandals had cut himself ,-•;.! nf his alertnessth, e progTaifi Mis--• s D'Aiessi- o Is to be devoted to making ar- 'sponsor an Independence Day badly. u.i iMmmended to-graduat _ e of Newark etate rannemfnts for the yonnx- j Celebration on July 3 in,Merrill Report cards and social ..:••.• Dir.-ctor Joseph Teachers College and has asters and swing that they !park. according to ah, an-Throughout System This Summerstudies records were torn and : U]l jot home aafely, as classes nouncement made by Corrtmit- thrown around, windows were • '* !'"«•• master's degree In special edu- ; •< (•fimmend you per- cation. She was also respon- could not be held. teeman John Fay, recreation broken and bottles of red ink '! -inr alertness and sible for establishing the spe- After all the work was .chairman and Paul NemergutJfVlC Boilers*for 1WO smashed. ' > c!:iiv in the appre- cial recn ation program for re-completed. Mr. Boylan re- president of the Iselhi In Custody in Two Hoars •: hiivard Silver who Warded children in North Plain- turned to his office hoping to of Commerce, ; Fire Alarm federal Officials FinSwimd Pool The police were notified at «: in- this department field in '.959. pi some work done when a Asked why the celebration isj I'nitS To Be Updated 7:20 A. M., and the Detective call came from School 23, being held the day before in- "Bureau, working in conjunction . •!(• ntfenses he com-1 specifically the recreation WOODBRIDGE — When the •:.i.s township. program will be for children Avenel. A sixth grade boy stead of on Independence Day, Woodbridge Works Fast with the Juvenile Bureau, had N1: Sliver somehow found a pair of re*- Mr. Nemergut said that it was schools close their doors to the vandals in custody at 9:05. '' *'«*who are qualified for public PORT READING — The rd ln a mmormoWr ubtion police handcuffs and jhoped it would help keep the students for the summer recess WOODBRIDGE — A Working on the case were Lt ischool education. They will fancy building of the first swimming handcuffed himself to his 'Township residents off the later this month it will be the Arthur Donnelly, and Detectives had not youyour r in such activities as blt of some Quick pool in Woodbridge Township '•ri'-iia- and know chair. The police were called, highways. He also noted that signal for. great activity Prank Paytl and Arnold Houser art* add crafts, music, dancing. and determination Contracts Awarded moved one step closer to reality but their keys did not fit, so Edison was having a fireworks Board of Education Janitors, of the Detective Bureau and \>'i\ to good use, he story tellinn, weaving and — • - - - ,paid off recently for the Wood- today when Mayor Walter Zlr- maint< Detectives Alex Taczina ana easily been free to painting. They will also go on the cuffs had to be sawed off. Idisplay at Roosevelt Park on maintenance men and contrac-bridge Redevelopment Agency. By Town Committeepolo said he would ask for a tors for there will be muchf Anthony Zuccaro of the tan- It is Mr. Boylan hope* today will July 4 and there would be un- joint meeting between the As explained by S. Buddy WOODBRIDGE — The Town rule Bureau, ..- km* which makes ""cJimg the „„„ be a better day. I necessary competition. ments and alterations. 'inmittee Tuesday awarded Township Committee and the U. Donnelly and Detective uroud in the Wood- derful and tm«inattve." Mayor j Mr. Pay and Mr. Nemergut the agency, federal officials In contracts for the construction Redevelopment Agency to study Paytl told The Independent- bailment to set «n|Wa]t<.r zlrpolo wfa parents APPOINTED 'said plans call for a one-hour 11 As soon 48 the pupils leave, Philadelphia who were review- the project. (Vm»r men In fnl-.i l _ ... , ,( . mrtn.n«ir of sanitary sewers in the New Leader that a trail of blood men to iol- w take full advantage of the WOODBRIDGE — Pauljfireworks display to begin at work will start at School 7,;mg Part i Of project Bowtie, Dover Road area, Colonia, to As outlined last week by Sshowe. d the way to the home of opportunity. Nemergut and Eugene Tomasso,!approximately 8:45 P, M. A Fords; School 8, Keasbey, and wanted additional documenta- rtUj lven an C. Dellapietro, Inc., Hopelawn, Buddy Harris, Executive Dlrec- a Woodbridge boy, a former ' ** « , "This is an excellent chance Iselin and Milton Goldsmith, special program and entertain- School 12, Sewaren, to mod- t;on on points. on a low bid of $154,998. tor of the Redevelopment student, who does not live too ".'! with your vaca-, Woodbridge, were appointed to ment will begin at Merrill Park ernize and renovate old, worn- orcW!drenwhomaysomeumes As a result of two meetings Agency, a neighborhood pool far away from the school. The token of ap- >to learn how to the Woodbridge Parking Auth- in the late afternoon, possibly out and defective heating sys- Assuncao Bros., Inc., Colonia, |be le{t out will be built in the Port Read- boy had evidently cut himself worJSt play and to develop sJtills whichiority for a term ending Decem- at 4 P. M. terns. Schools 7 and 8 will get received a contract for concrete 1 phia on May 20 and in Wood-|curbs, gutters and sidewalks Inir* area as part of Project breaking one of the windows.
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