GENDER GENDERRecovery EQUALITY UPDATE NO 9 and1 EQUALITY Reconstruction UPDATE No. 9 Special Edition Consolidated by UN Women in collaboration with Summary of key updates, facts and figures, initiatives, progress, challenges, needs and the National Reconstruction Authority opportunities related to gender equality and women’s empowerment in the post-earthquake (as of 12/9/2016) recovery and reconstruction process in Nepal. THE NATIONAL RECONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY AND Governance and accountability: 1Establishment of a GESI Unit in THE POST-DISASTER RECOVERY FRAMEWORK the NRA to ensure integration of GESI measures for all recovery and reconstruction processes and ensure women’s leadership and participation during planning, implementation and monitoring of recovery and reconstruction efforts at national, regional and district levels; Integrated protection and support for 2women and girls, children, PLWD, people living with HIV, and senior citizens and issues around human trafficking and support to preventing sexual and gender- based violence: special conditional cash support for individual household NRA Executive Member, Dr. Bishnu Bhandari, Home Minister, Mr. Shakti Bahadur Basnet and then Acting Chairperson reconstruction to be used for hiring of the National Women Commission, Ms. Manu Humagain at National Conference on Gender-Responsive Disaster Management organised by Women’s Groups. Photo Credit: UN Women/ Monica Upadhay labour; community-based psychosocial counselling, and anti-trafficking for nder the leadership of the Ministry of grounded in the Constitution of Nepal and women’s leadership, participation and UWomen, Children and Social Welfare aligned with the vision of the Sustainable awareness programmes, and for skill (MoWCSW), UN Women as sector Development Goals (SDGs) and The development and livelihood enhancement lead development partner supported Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk support; the drafting of the Gender Equality and Reduction (2015–2030)3. The principal Social Inclusion (GESI) chapter for the GESI strategies are: Support to PLWDs: establishment Post-Disaster Recovery Framework • Ensure significant participation of 3of rehabilitation centres, provision of (PDRF)1 as well as its sector plans women, vulnerable and marginalised accessory devices and support for skill and financial projections and provided groups; development and livelihood enhancement GESI inputs to key sectoral chapters to • End all forms of violence against and the provision of PLWD identity inform the government’s recovery and women, girls and boys; documents; reconstruction work led by the National • Provide protective service-oriented Reconstruction Authority (NRA). The programming for women, vulnerable Construction and rehabilitation; GESI sector team experts included UNDP, and marginalised groups; and 4and child protection: construction UNFPA, UNICEF, ADB, IOM, WB and • Enhance awareness-raising and of Women and Children Office (WCO) Handicap International. On behalf of the capacity development and addressing buildings, children’s homes, safe Government of Nepal, the NRA led the the specific needs of women, development of the PDRF with technical vulnerable and marginalised groups. support from the UN Agencies, the World Bank, ADB, EU, JICA, USAID and other ased on the PDNA key development partners. On behalf of Brecommendations, lessons derived the UN system, UNDP provided overall from the Inter-Cluster Gender Working technical and secretariat support. Group (October 2015), and PDRF consultation with GoN and CSO he strategic vision of the cross-cutting stakeholders on 25 March 2016, key TGESI sector is to support closing the recommendation on GESI were included development gaps related to gender, in the PDRF in the areas of coordination, social group and geographical location participation, representation and economic through effective mainstreaming of GESI empowerment. strategies throughout the recovery and reconstruction process. This strategic he priority recovery programming as vision builds on the Post Disaster Needs Tstated in the GESI section of the PDRF Assessment (PDNA)2 and has a strong is as follows: orientation towards the most excluded, marginalized and vulnerable groups. It is 1 http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PDRF%20Report_FINAL10May.pdf and http://nra.gov.np/uploads/docs/AStGGdnejZ160823113341.pdf 2 http://www.worldbank.org/content/dam/Worldbank/document/SAR/nepal/PDNA%20Volume%20A%20Final.pdf 3 http://www.preventionweb.net/files/43291_sendaiframeworkfordrren.pdf 2 GENDER EQUALITY UPDATE NO 9 houses for GBV survivors, rehabilitation centres for trafficking survivors, women’s cooperative centres, and adolescent information and counselling centres; Support to senior citizens: 5establishment of old age houses, day care centres, and provision of training with start-up support resources. he GESI section of the PDRF has Tan estimated budget of 4,525 million NPR for its five year work plan with 9 planned priority programmes. As of June 2016, a GESI Technical Expert has been seconded to the NRA by UN Women to support the implementation of the PDRF GESI recommendations. The Gender “Learning by Doing”, female participants are learning the Build Back Safer 10 Key Messages. Gati, Sindhupalchok Photo Responsive Budgeting expert seconded Credit: IOM to the Ministry of Finance by UN Women is providing technical expertise to the Government including the NRA on the KEY ADVOCACY EFFORTS Gender responsive programmes integration of GRB in their planning and ey women’s groups in Nepal 2should be finalised on the basis of budgeting processes. K(Jagaran Nepal, Home Net South the needs as well as the circumstances Aisa, Beyond Beijing Committee, of the local women and address the draft ToR for the NRA GESI Unit and Feminist Dalit Oragnisation, Media special practical and strategic needs of A concept note for the roll-out of the Advocacy Group, Women for Human women, and by guaranteeing te rights of GESI component of the PDRF have been Rights - Single Women’s Group, Forum people of all ages, gender, class, ethnicity, developed and are being implemented in for Women, Law and Development and indigenous nationality, religion, sexual coordination with sectoral ministries. SAATHI) are collectively advocating orientation, gender identity, physical and for the integration of gender equality mental disabilities, and marital status. n orientation programme was and women’s empowerment in disaster Aconducted with NRA officials to recovery, reconstruction and preparedness We appeal to relevant actors involved sensitise them on GESI concerns and efforts in Nepal. The Women’s Groups 3in human resource development recommendatons contained in the organized a National Conference on and all other concerned programmes PDRF, including the need for targeteted Gender Responsive Disaster Management for reconstruction and rehabilitation to programme interventions for women, in Nepal4 on 1-2 March 2016. The main address the needs and special conditions vulnerable and marginalised groups. objective of the conference was to bring of women (menstruation, pregnancy and together the voices of women from 14 maternity) and different types of needs consultation was conducted between earthquake affected districts to enable of women with special health conditions ANRA officials, including Executive them to advocate collectively for their (with physical or mental disabilities, Members, and representatives from needs before key stakeholders working those who are HIV positive, and single organisations working with persons with on disaster recovery, reconstruction and older women), to follow the guiding physical disabilities. The discussion and DRR. The National Conference principles of “leaving no one behind” for highlighted the need for disability-friendly was partially supported by IM Swedish sustainable development 2016-2030, infrastructure and income generating Development Partner and UN Women. and to run these programmes in way that activites for their livelihood improvement. The conference concluded with a 15-point guarantees substantial gender equality by Kathmandu Declaration that was endorsed ensuring women’s human rights, dignity he NRA’s guidelines related to the by government authorities, media, and and self-respect. Reconstruction Community Committee T development partners. The Declaration 2016 has a provision requiring at least was published in the media on 12 May 42% representation of women at the We strongly demand that 2016 and presented during a Discussion settlement level and at least 37% at 4the earthquake recovery and the VDC/Municipality level. The NRA Program on the Disaster Management Bill reconstruction efforts be managed as enforced the guidelines on Recovery organized by the Forum for Women, Law per the principle of “build back better and Reconstruction Training Conduction and Development with key parliamentarians and safer” to make gender-, age- and and Management, 2016 which prioritises on 20 May 2016. The 15-point Kathmandu disability- friendly physical and social youth, single women, persons living with declaration was submitted to the Home structures, address gender inequalities disabilities, and representation of excluded Minister and the CEO of the NRA and and take this as an opportunity to build and disadvantaged groups as training include the following key points: relations with people of various sexual participants. The NRA’s NGO mobilisation orientations and gender identities. guidelines of 2016 include provisions
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