LBJ Defeats Barry 2-1 In Mock Election According to the results of the Mock Presidential Election held last Friday, Lyndon Johnson is the choice of Allegheny students for President by a margin of 2 to 1 over Barry Goldwa;er. Voting were C6LMPUS 66% yf the full-tim? undergraduate student body. The election was conducted by the Young Republicans and Young Democrats in co- Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 6 ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, MEADVILLE, PA. October 30, 1964 operation with the Campus. ed for a larger percentage not The purpose of the election recorded. How much of an in- was to determine the coilege o- dicator this is of how eligible pinion on the Presidential race voters will cast their ballots on Jaffa Backs and to estimate how close stu- November 3 is not definite since dent opinion is to that on other there is no way of knowing how campuses and across the nation. accurate was student record. Of Goldwater Views The results were quite clos*' those parents whose opinion was Professor Harry V. Jaffa, au- to thosa gathered la moc'< elec- recorded, most coincided with thor of several books and art- tions held on the campuses of the student's vote. A small per- icles, now on leave from, Clare- five of the Big Ten universities. centage of students would pro- mont College on a Guggenheim The five--Michigan State, Illi- bably vote for one candidate, Fellowship, spoke Tuesday eve- nois University, Iowa Univer- favored the other candidate or ning on the issues of the Pres- sity, Minnesota University and a write-in. idential campaign, in a program Northwestern University--pre- The inability to make a defin- sponsored by A.S.G. ferred Johnson over Goldwater ite choice prevented some stu- by a margin of nearly 2 to 1. Mr. Jaffa is a member of Sen- dents from deciding at all. One ator Goldwater's Washington senior wrote in parenthesis after staff. National Trends Johnson-Humphrey, 'crooks,' and He began his speech by comm- after Goldwater-Miller, 'idiots.' enting on the unequaled quality In a poll taken shortly after He voted for the crooks. of American political institutions the Jenkins episode, Khrush- and predicted a stronger, more chev's removal, and the Chinese durable government following nuclear explosion to determine Freedman Lecture this election no matter what its the change in voter's minds, outcome. the Washington Post last Friday He then read from the text of reported that Johnson led Gold- a pamphlet which he wrote last water 60% to 34% with 6% un- Professor Harry V. Jaffa (left) discusses Conservative views spring outlining the Republica.1 decided, as compared with 53% with Mr. Graybill, Dean Ross, and students after his talk on Party's foreign policy. to 34% with 8% undecided before the headlined events. Tuesday evening. His major emphasis was or I Tuesc the differences between the Dem- The statistics gathered from ocratic and Republican philoso- Allegheny's ballots showed 63% phies toward the world. The Dem- of those voting preferred John- ocrats, he said, assume that all son over 32% for Goldwater. Ikree Faculty Members peoples are growing through the Scranton received 34 write-in same stages by different routes, votes; Lodge received 8; Robert and will eventually arrive at the Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey and same harmonious goal if only Margaret Chase Smith each re- Are Local Candidates the forces of growth are not ceived one- irritated,, Vote by Classes Professor Jaffa asserts that When Meadville voters enter ter Law of 1957, more commonly this assumption is false, and that Johnson received 62% of the only wise and cautious, but deter- David Freedman, noted arche- the polls November 3, they will known as the home-rule law. Senior class ballots and Gold- ologist, will deliver an address find three members of the Alle- Of the seventeen Pennsylvania mined use of power can help aid water 28%., The Junior class world stability. in Henderson Auditorium Thurs- gheny faculty-Dr. Lawrence Pel- cities which have voted on a day at 8:15 on the Ashdod Ex- letier, Dr. John Henderson and charter study since approval of He further contends that the gave 68% support to LBJ, 29% Democrats do not state the ac- to AuH,O. Sophomores balloted cavations and archeology in gen- Mr. Warren Higgins among the the home-rule law, none has eral. andidates for the seven-man turned down the question, al- tual world conditions, and that 67% to Johnson, 28% to Goldwater. consequently this unpleasant task Freshmen voted for Johnson over Freedman, a native of New harter commission proposed tc though now all have accepted York City, graduated from UCLA tody the form of Meadville city their commissions' recommen- has fallen to the Republican Par- Goldwater by the smallest mar- dations for a new system of ty. gin of all, 51% to 33%. Almost in 1939 and did graduate work at ovornment. Princeton and John Hopkins Uni- According to the faculty can- government. A basic point made was that 11% of their vote went to such mere technological advance does dark horses as James Garfield versities. An expert in the Old idates, the voters will be mak- Due to President Pelletier's Testament, Freedman has writ- ng two decisions concerning the absence from the campus this not secure happiness for a peo- and Marvin Kitman. ple, and without constitutional Of the 120 students registered ten extensively on the theological ommission. First, they will be week, he was unavailable for aspects of archeology. Some of oting either 'yes' or 'no' on the comment. government, leads to despotism to vote, 66% supported Johnson, and uncontrolled tyranny. 28% Goldwacer, 3% Scranton. The his works include: Early Hebrew uestion of whether such a com- Ortthography; The People of the mission should be formed, and Following his prepared re- remaining vote went to the Soc- marks, Jaffa answered pointed ialist Worker's candidate. Dead Sea Scrolls; and The Bib- econdly, they will be voting for lical Archeologist Reader. even of the twelve candidates questions from the audience on Of those voting, 44% of the Campus Vote Senator Goldwater's belief in act- Freedman is presently the eeking election to the commis- parents favored Johnson, 32%. James Kelso Professor of He- lon. If the question is approved ing according to his statements, favored Goldwacer. Many stu- the qualification of William Mill- brew and Old Testament Liter- y a majority 'yes' vote, the dents were not sure of their ature at the Pittsburgh Theo- ommission must organize with- To Select Queen er, Goldwater's running mate, parents' opinions, which account- and the Senator's desire to re- logical in 15 days to begin their study strict the increasing involvement if the Meadville government, of the federal government in the lowever, if the majority votes 1 economic affairs of its citizens. no on the issue, the commission Arnmld Airf Society has ann- Carnival Nets $247 *ill not be established and no ounced that for the first time The Fund Drive Carnival and fish bowls, and a total of $30.20 study will be undertaken. this year a campus wide vote Dr. Edward D. Eddy, president Dance held las!: Friday netted was collected. Phi Kappa Psi Dr. Henderson stated that, the will determine the ROTC ball of Chatham College, will speak a total of $247.87 with two soc- created an exciting booth where city and local government is queen. at the Honor's Day Convocation iar groups not yet reporting their the person who could hit a spec- Mrely worthy of the commis- From the 13 candidates list- to be held at the David Mead totals. ified pledge paddle with one of ;ion's study to determine whether ed below, the ROTC corps will Field House next Wednesday ' Topping the list with $56.74 three balls could dump mud on t is serving the community to select a court of five girls. at 11 a.m. The title of Dr. Eddy's collected ware the Phi .Gams witt the Phi Psi of his choice; $28.25 ts fullest capacity and to judge An all-college vote on Nov- speech will be 'Pedestal or their casino in the grill. This was collected. he situation in light of what ember 27 will determine the Participation: the dilemma'of was a big attraction, especially Sigma Alpha Epsilon netted other communities in similar queen, who will be crowned at modern women.' for the many fathers visiting $23.32 in their booth where wa- circumstances have found to be the ball November 28. The Convocation will honor on campus during the weekend. ter was dumped on the head of e best form of government. The candidates are: Judy Ai- the more than 120 Alden Schol- Alpha Chi Omega netted $32.30 one of the Sigs when the target Mr. Higgins stressed the fact exander, Elli Botti, Pat Calhoun, ars who attained Dean's List with their use of a roulette wheel was hit. The Theta Chis sat up this election will aughorize Kathy Ferguson, Pat Kilar, Judy averages for three terms. to give away cakes. a rifle range from which they % the study of the situation. McCann, Linda Murphy, Kathy Wednesday morning classes At the Phi Delt booth ping netted $11.85. The Independent 'lie commission will be bound to Parsons, Kathy Strick, Gay Tar- will be at 8, 9, and 10 a.m. pong balls were tossed at gold- booth required the contestants, submit a report to the people box, Judy Thomas, Janet Wat- using a squirt gun, to put out line months from the time it is son, and Marge Williams.
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