New Mexico Library Association NEWSLETTER Volume 21, Nu'mber 2, June 1993 NMLA Looks To The Future Thirty delegates have been cho­ recommendations in each planning at the Annual Conference. The di­ sen to spend a weekend at the Glo­ area. The recommendation will be rector would also serve as a perma­ rieta Baptist Conference Center in presented to the executive board at nent contact point for ALA, the Sangre de Cristo Mountains its June meeting. exhibitors, and the newsletter editor, where, as a group, they will make A special committee on a perma- and maintain the Association calen­ recommendations.. on. three major nent executive director was estab- . dar. The committee anticipated that issues that concern- the future of lished in January, 1992, and is duties would grow: Although an NMLA. The three issues to be dis­ chaired by John Brewster. Similar executive director would be able to cussed are: 1) long-range financial save some 'of NMLA's current opera- planning, 2) an executive director for tional costs,. and could generate NMLA, and 3) library networks. The .---------------, . some new income for NMLA, addi­ planning retreat will take place Friday' Retreat Delegates tional funding would be necessary evening, May 14th, through Sunday, for the position. The special commit­ May 16th. Karen Watkins Kathy Matter tee has some ideas that will be pres­ At the recommendation of the Allen Schwartz Rogers Barde ented at the retreat. executive board in January, Drew Virginia Seiser Gloria Trujillo The issue of library networks in Harrington, Alison Almquist and Bar­ Barbara Billey John Brewster New Mexico has also been kicked bara Billey drew up a proposal for around for a long time but has not Drew Harrington Clara Rey the retreat, which was approved by been resolved. A special committee the board at the preconference board Alison Almquist Charlene Money , on automation and networking, meeting in March. Board members David Null Marilyn Reeves chaired by Allen Schwartz, has up­ announced the plans for the retreat dated the Long Range Automation Kathy Flanary Joe Sabatini to members of their divisions and . Plan, which was one of its tasks. round tables during conference busi­ 'Cheryl Wilson Toni Beatty The other task was to examine net­ ness meetings, and those who were Stan Ruckman Marian Levine working in New Mexico. The com­ interested in being delegates were Ellanie Sampson George Marr mittee compiled a list of most of the asked to make their interest known. existing networks, automated and Drew, Alison and Barbara then se­ Betty Long Betty Reynolds ' otherwise, and looked at the kinds of lected individuals to represent all. John Bishop Sarah Henderson networks other states' have estab­ geographic areas and types of li-, Marian Veld lished. The final report of the com­ braries in the state. NMlA will pay mittee states "The committee for the use of the conference center discussed such subjects as resource and meals. but the delegates are committees operated in 1972 and sharing, . communications, regional­ responsible for their travel expenses. 1985. The latest committee has ism, p,riorities, bU,t could not reach a Prioi"' to the meeting, each dele­ looked at the feasibility of creating c.onsensus on these various topics. n gate will have read and studied back­ such a position, and recommended in The planning retreat promises to ground material on the tppics of September that NMLA hire a half- be a,lively exchange of ideas as dele­ discussion. time executive director who would gates look to ~he needs of the pres­ A facilitator, Tommy Tho~as, has be . responsible for coordinating the'. ent and the challenges of the future been engaged to coordinate the dis­ workflow to and from the mailing list of NMLA. cussions. The goal of the retreat is contractor, to and among commit- to come up with specific tees, and would coordinate exhibits Newsletter submissions deadline June 18, 1993 In This Issue Please send your articles and photos to the News/etter editor NMLA Calendar 3 by the above date. From the President's Pen 4 Send News/etter submissions to: NMLA Soapbox 5 Donnelyn Curtis Annual Conference 7 P.O. Box 3358 Las Cruces, NM 88003 Awards and Scholarships 12 FAX: 646-4335 Self Check Out in Albuquerque 14 e-mail: [email protected] NM Newspaper Project 15 Send advertising requests FORQ III 16, and copy to: Carol Myers Gqals and Work Programs 19 8632 Horacio Place, N.E. Annou,ncElments and Updates 21 Albuquerque, NM 87111 Send addre,ss changes ~n~ back isslle requests to: John Brewster f\.jew: MexicQ State Library 325 Don Gaspar $anta Fe, NM 87503 ~ presi~em, - Alisqn AI.mQuist All News/~ttel' submissions, Wherry, Ele_mentary Schpol, AIi:)uQ~erque should be typed and do.uble • F,ir~J 'lic,~ President, - ~arbara eilley sJ?a,c,ed·. This is; Cl', big. help at ~an JuanC;ollege i:)oth tile. .editing. Clnd input-, ting stages ()f preparation. • S~cqnd \f.ic,El Pre~id.ent - Ellani.e; SamJ;l.~,Qn Tru~b Qr; eons.eq!,Jl:mce~ Public 1;.,ibrClry, Thank you. e., S.e~ret,ar;y - JeCiinette, Sr;nith. Ne.,\I)(. MeX,ic:o ~t,CiI:te, l!niversity. ~, Treasurer - Oavid N,uJI: Virgjnia Sei~eJ[ (beginnin(;J, in: .,Iuly) Th~ Ne.w Mexico. Library Ass,ociation UFlj~er~ity; of. Ne,VI( M.exico 1'Iew~/etter, (ISSN· 08~3:~95.61 is, pub­ ... N.E!V\fsletter; EditOr, - [)onnelyn G,ur;tis, lished quarterly based,: on NI\IlLA Execu­ NeV\(, Me,xi~();~tate University tiye, Board; mee,ting!l' aj1d.' Annual Confere,nce,d.~tes, (approximately MaJch. A~A CQu,n~ilor (1990~ • 1993) - Ben, Wakashig..e, J,unE!. S'eptllmber. and; Qecemb.Elrl. ' ""'e~ternl New; Mexico UlJiver~ity .NMLA Calendar 1993 . May 14- 16 . Long-range Planning Retreat .. June 11 2nd Board Meeting, Albuquerque Budget adopted; annual conference theme adopted; sets conference registration and exhibitor fees June 18 Deadline for September Newsletter . (pre-miniconference issue) September 18 3 td Board Meeting, Las Cruces Conference planning meeting; approval ofconference budget and ten­ tative ·program. Division & round table nominating committees named. October 8 Miniconference, Truth or Consequences' Working theme: "Libraries in the 90'S~ November 1 Officer nominees presented to membership by Nominations & Elections Committee 1994 January 21 4th Board Meeting, Los Lunas pre-conference meeting January 28 Deadline for March Newsletter (pre-conference issue) APRil 26 5th Board Meeting, Albuquerque April 26 - 30 71 0t Annual Conference, Albuquerque (convention center). Proposed theme: "Vision for New Mexico/Planning for the Future" TREASURE CHEST BOOK TALK Publications, Inc. tfu magazine for informed 600fcpeop[e of the Soutliwest Sterling L. Mahan Nancie Mahan Write fora free sample issue or send your 1802 W. Grant Rd. Suite 101 602·623·9558· $10.00 check for one year's 'subscription to: PO Box 5250 1·800·969·9558 Tucson. AZ 85703-0250 FAX 602·624·5888 New Mexico Book League Publishers and Distributors of the Best in Books From the South~est 8632 Horacia Place NE, Albuquerque NM 87111 ----------------~ITlf-----~--- the reception. All charter donors in From the President's Pen attendance received a gold imprinted bookin-ark with the NMLF logo. The purpose of the NMLF is "to make funds available now, and in the March 20th was the first day of stressed the need for librarians to future, to support activities such as spring.· It was also the last day of the speak up and speak out. She men­ scholarships and awards, workshops 70th annual NMLA conference. tioned the current ALA National Li­ and seminars, research and publica­ Thanks to the hard work of the local brary Week campaign, "Write For tions, . innovative projects, and to arrangements committee, co-chaired America's Libraries," as one way to encourage library usage. The Las by Ruben Aragon and George Wang, bring attention to libraries and librari­ Vegas Casino Night was an event the entire conference flowed smooth­ ans. The theme for National Library planned to raise funds for NMLF. Iy. The weather was perfect, the Week is "Libraries Change Lives." Everyone who attended enjoyed a food was great, and the programs The silent auct.ion was a huge great buffet and an evening of 21 were well attended. This was the success. Thanks to everyone who blackjack, craps, and roulette. It was first time in 43 years that NMLA has bid on items; and contributed items so much fun, it was difficult to get held a conference in Las Vegas, NM. for the auction. This year's 9th annu­ all the gamblers to stop playing in I hope we do not have to wait that al silent auction was organized by order to bid on the over 45 items long for our next conference in Las Bettina Romero, who arranged a spe­ available. Lora Montenegro, a mem­ Vegas! cial showcase of artists as a speciai ber of the local arrangements com­ The conference grand opening on addition to the· silent auction. All mittee, was the lucky winner of the Wednesday evening was very proceeds from the silent auction trip for two toLas Vegas, NV. successful. There was a mariachi benefit the Marion Dorroh Scholar­ The NMLA Executive Board met band to open the festivities, along ship Fund. This year's recipient of on Saturday for the first meeting of with 62 exhibitors. Green chile chick­ the Marion Dorroh Scholarship was 1993-94. It was a brief meeting en enchiladas, natillas, tostadas, and Jacqueline Etulain,a full-time student where each committee, round table, taquitos were just a few of the items at the University of Arizona. Jackie's and division chair made a conference available at the lavish buffet.
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