The ‘I’ (Aham) Is Brahman (Discourse delivered on the occasion of Onam Festival – August 21, 2002) Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba “All people aspire for pleasant life, positions of authority and prosperity. But few aspire for good intellect, wisdom and good character. What else is to be conveyed to this congregation of noble souls? “ Embodiments of Love! temporary satisfaction. It is only when In this world everyone, right from a one understands the principle of Aham pauper to a millionaire, a Pamara that one can experience everlasting (simpleton) to a Paramahamsa (realized happiness. People attribute various soul) uses the word ‘I’ while referring names and forms to God as they are to himself. Had the birds and beasts unable to understand the principle of been endowed with the power of Divinity. speech, they too would have introduced themselves saying ‘I’. The “Is it possible to build a temple to the One term ‘I’ is of great significance in who is all-pervasive? How can one hold a spiritual literature and is explained in lamp to the One who is shining with the the Upanishads in detail. Aham brilliance of a billion suns? How can one Brahmasmi (I am Brahman) is an attribute a form to the One whom even Upanishadic dictum. From this Brahma, the creator, cannot comprehend? statement, it is evident that the term ‘I’ How can one give an appropriate name to came into existence before the name the One who is present in all beings? How Brahma. The names of Divine incarna - can one offer food to the One who has the tions such as Rama and Krishna entire cosmos in His belly?” correspond only to their physical forms and not to their Divinity. Aham (‘I’) is Embodiments of Love ! their true and eternal name. In fact, ‘I’ In this physical and ephemeral world, is the first name of God. People people worship God with various address God by various names for their names and forms. But in reality Aham own satisfaction and happiness. is the only true and eternal name of However, ‘Aham’ is the true name of God. The four Vedas have declared this God. truth in the four Mahavakyas (profound statements): Prajnanam Brahma Mind is responsible for man’s (Brahman is Supreme Consciousness); delusions. It is possible to grow a tree Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman); without any bend. A boulder can be Tattwamasi (That Thou Art); and Ayam carved into a beautiful statue. But it is Atma Brahma (this Self is Brahman). very difficult to straighten and steady The Veda has also declared: Ekoham the mind. All our Sadhana is meant to Bahusyam (the One willed to become direct the mind to the right path. many). Ekam Sath Viprah Bahudha People undertake various types of Vadanti (The Absolute is one. But the spiritual Sadhana which confer only 1 wise call it by different names). of sacredness). Whatever names and Divinity is only one, and that is Aham. forms man attributes to God are for his own satisfaction. Therefore, you should Mind plays many tricks and makes make efforts to see God in all forms. man forget the reality. It is almost impossible for anyone to comprehend The principle of ‘I’ is non-dual, eternal, the nature of mind. Flies and full of effulgence and of supreme bliss. mosquitoes land on every object but Everything is contained in this. When never do they go near fire. Likewise, someone questions, when did you the mind gets attracted by material come, you say, “I came yesterday.” objects and goes everywhere but always Does this ‘I’ refer to you or your body? shies away from God. The mind should It is your body that came yesterday be made pure and selfless and it should and not you. Since you identify always remain focused on God. That is yourself with the body, you think that true Sadhana. All the spiritual practices you came yesterday. When you are are meant to control the mind. walking on the road, suppose accidentally you have slipped and Sravanam (listening), Kirtanam (sing- sustained a fracture. Then you say, ing), Vishnusmaranam (contemplat-ing “My leg is fractured.” Just ponder over on Vishnu), Padasevanam (serving His this statement. When you say, “My Lotus Feet), Vandanam (saluta-tion), leg”, it implies that you are different Archanam (worship), Dasyam (servi- from your leg. It means that you are tude), Sneham (friendship), Atma - not the body. You say, it is “my body”, nivedanam (Self-surrender) are the nine “my mind”, “my Buddhi”, “my leg”, forms of devotion. In each of these etc., then, who are you? When you nine paths of devotion what is examine yourself in this manner, you important is that the mind has to be will realize that none of these are your totally surrendered to God. (Bhagawan true Self. Your body corresponds to showing His handkerchief asked) Akara (form), whereas your true Self (I) “What is this?” You say it is a piece of corresponds to Ananda (bliss). The cloth. It is not merely that. It is a principle of ‘I’ is different from the bundle of threads. Cotton is made into body. Day in and day out, people make threads and threads are interwoven to use of this term ‘I’ without actually make a cloth. Likewise, you are not one understanding its meaning. Be he a person but three: The one you think pauper or a millionaire, the principle of you are (physical body), the one others ‘I’ is common to all. Isavasyam Idam think you are (the mind), the one you Sarvam (the entire universe is really are (the Atma ). Your true Self is permeated by God). God is present in ‘I’. That is Brahma, God. He has no everybody in the form of ‘I’. Where specific name and form. Nirgunam, there is ‘I’, there is God. Have firm Niranjanam, Sanathanam, Niketanam, faith in this declaration. When you Nitya, Suddha, Buddha, Mukta, Nirmala say, Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman), Swarupinam (attributeless, pure, ever- ‘I’ precedes Brahma. Hence, ‘I’ is the lasting, final abode, eternal, unsullied, first name of God. enlightened, liberated and embodiment 2 Bali was a noble king, one of land, cows, food, clothes and gold in selflessness and an ardent devotee. One charity). But emperor Bali performed who seeks alms is considered small. the supreme sacrifice by offering Hence, even Lord Narayana had to himself to God. With the passage of assume the form of a Vamana (dwarf) time, there might have been a few when He went to beg for alms from changes, but, nevertheless, Kerala Bali. The Pakshi Vahana (the one who continues to be the land famous for has Garuda as His vehicle) has devotion and surrender. It is the Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth on His birthplace of Prahlada, the great chest. Yet He became very small and devotee of the Lord. Even as Bali sought bhiksha (alms) from Bali. He disobeyed the command of his Guru sought just three footsteps of land. for the sake of God, Prahlada, too, Being small in stature, his feet were went against the wishes of his father even smaller. Yet He could measure the and surrendered totally to the Lord. three worlds with His three steps. Sage Many such noble souls have taken Sukracharya, the preceptor of Bali, birth in the sacred land of Kerala. cautioned him not to yield to Vamana’s request. He revealed that He Modern scientists deny the existence of was no ordinary being but Lord God out of their ignorance. There is no Narayana Himself. But Bali did not place where God does not exist. pay heed to his counsel, saying it was Sarvatah Panipadam Tat Sarvathokshi not proper for one to go back on one’s Siromukham, Sarvatah Sruthimalloke promise. Having given his word, he Sarvamavruthya Thishthati (with hands, wanted to fulfill it, come what may. He feet, eyes, head, mouth and ears even disobeyed his Guru and offered pervading everything, He permeates himself to God. God has infinite the entire universe). The same was potentialities. Nothing is impossible for stated by Prahlada, “Never doubt that Him. Vamana occupied the three God is here and not there. Wherever worlds with his footsteps. The three you search for Him, He is there.” worlds are represented by Bhur Bhuvah (Telugu Poem) He had unflinching Suvah. Bhur stands for material world. faith. Hiranyakasipu was a great Bhuvaha represents the realm of scientist. He could travel up to the sun; thought, i.e., the mind. Suvaha is the he could even reach the stars. When he principle of the Atma . All the three are touched the Polestar, the planet earth contained in man. began to shake. He was one of such valor and courage. Till this day, no Kerala is the birthplace of sacrifice and scientist has been able to accomplish the center of devotion and surrender. what Hiranyakasipu could achieve. No beggar is turned away empty- But, in spite of his valor and handed. Everyone does charity as per knowledge, Hiranyakasipu could not his capacity. It is this Punya Bhumi comprehend Divinity. One can (land of merit) that gave birth to Bali. understand Divinity only through love. There are many in this world who There is no other path that can take perform Bhudana, Godana, Annadana, you to God. It is only love that enables Vastradana, Suvarnadana (giving away you surrender to God. 3 Embodiments of Love! body. Expansion of love is life. Do not ‘I’ and love are one and the same. Man give scope for narrow-mindedness. cannot exist without love. Love shines Janthunam Narajanma Durlabham (out forth as ‘I’ in everybody.
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