Your local source since 1951. Thursday, March 6,2014 A CHICAGO SUN-TIMEScorn publication niles.suntimes.com $1 I A b*VPCES company : I I NUes Herald-Spectator L APR* *10 learn more, visit nwccu.comor call today 847.647.1030 YEARS DURBIN CHECKS OUT JNORTHWESTcommunity credit union W NILES WEST LUNCH ((GO JOHN MAHONEY STARS IN 'CHAPATTI' MOMMY )} DRESS UP YOUR TABLE WITH Cross-culture love story THESE IDEAS Maine East musical features an affair that bridges class divides i PAGE 6 All rights reserved Niles Herald-Spectator I © 2014 Sun-Times Media I Elect I Vote on Carol A. March18 Tesch Maine Township GOP Committeeman SOCt'TLO9 1! Sim,j LS NOI>$O f osg its i%Iainc Tott'nsl:ip Supervisor Carol les O8OOOOO isici 1d30 -L>1WN..L o Cut Township Tax Levy 25% .z De 000000 6T03O58jiTTC . Balanced Budget Every Year yCitizensFor : A.Tesc 5TO-3J-D1 THURSDAY MARCH 6 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION NIL COLD WELL BAN IÇRt RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE F11uch e4tity do I have? 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KITCHEN & BATH SHOWROOM 4 I THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PLICATION NIL Nues Herald-Spectator COMMUNITY LOCAL NEWS SINCE1986 Abandoned dog rescued ThnoIItyPkiNgl,tCEO from empty Rcbertt Eid., M Mcøennolt VP and General Editor in Chief, VP of Advertising apartment Manager VP ofDigital Content 847-682-5907 Nues police are searching for the EDITORIAL ADVERTISiNG owner of the dog, Bi. Msysrsau, News Editor s llvsL Advertising Director 312-321-2864 312-646-9552 which was allegedly bmeyerson@pioneerlocalcom [email protected] abandoned and left to RyM lUisit Managing Editor for Sports Oüa 847-486-9200 starve inside a vacant 312-321-2694 classifise 847-486-9200 apartment. Page II [email protected] E [email protected] Lepls [email protected] suntimesrepnnts.com Dblli.i.. 847-998-3400, option 6, or [email protected] pioneeiiocal.rnycapturecom SERVICE & NEW SUBSCRIBERS MAILiNG ADDRESS 877-855-7722 350 N. 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GLENVIEW, NORTIIBROOK, DEERFIELD, AND ARLINGTON IIEIGIIT GoodlimesCamp.com 847.729.4884 6 THURSDAY, MARCH 6,2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION NIL III MAINE EAST Musical bridges Caribbean's social, cultural divide BY 3Nfl9 3OHNSON ONCE ON THIS ISLAND [email protected] I @Jen_Pioneer March 1, 8, 14, and 15 cultures, races and social classes coming 7:30 p.m. Differenttogether is part of life at Maine East Auditorium, 2OI W. increasingly-diverse Maine East Dempster St. High School. Tickets $10, available at the box of- So, at its core, the story behind fice or through Maine East's website, the drama department's winter east.maine2ü7.org. musical "Once on this Island" is a familiar one to its multi-ethnic cast. "The message of the show is story, Matthew Dumay,whois that we're breaking down some black, plays upper-class Daniel, barriers - and it's a show that I and Mariana Veneri, who is white, think in a way reflects what Maine plays peasant Ti Moune. East is about," said Karen Hall, "Our casts are always diverse," director of the production. "We getnoted Dumay. "They're diverse not this stuff This is our world." only in cultures and ethnicities, but "Once on this Island," which in personalities." opens Friday at the Park Ridge The actors also play double high school, tells the story of a roles. The peasants appear as Caribbean peasant girl, Ti Moune, grande hommes and some of them who falls in love with an upper play gods and goddesses as well, class "grande homme" named requiring what actress Christina Daniel from the other side of the Peter calls "huge energy" to pull island. The play uses fairy-tale ele- off. I ments and supernatural beings to "Once on an Island" consists spin a story of love, heartbreak andentirely of song - and a unique the challenges of bridging gaps in style of music not commqnly heard social class and race. in school musicals. Maine East students Matthew Dumay, left, Mananna Veneri, and John Collantes perform in NOnce on this Island" at the school in Adrian Delgado, who plays the a very Caribbean-1avored Park Ridge Monday afternoon. i xviTANAXAIFOR SUN-TIMES MEDL' character of Papa Ge, the mytho- score, so we have steel drims and logical Demon of Death, says race lots and lots of percussion," said and Saturday, March 8 and 15, at and ethnicity - two things that Ed Eubank, Fine Arte Department7:30 p.m. in the school auditorium, pose a challenge for the main Chairman. 2601 W. Dempster St. characters of the play - are facets There is also dancing Some- Tickets are $10 and available he and his castmates "don't even thing Delgado said was oie of his at the box office or through "Seat notice anymore." favorite parts of the play. Yourselfønline Ticketing," which "This shows really sets an "I got to learn how to waltz for can be found on Maine East's web- example for almost any other the first time," he said. site, east.maine207.org. school in the general area about A highlight of the background The cast includes Faye Alba, social acceptance," Delgado said.
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