An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper TUESDAY April 15, 1997 Volume 123 • THE • Number 46 Bl Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Pai d Newark, DE 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Permit No. 26 DUSC, Rally RSA sparks election unity in in bag BY RA Dl L. HECHT Mo11al{ i111! NeH's Editor Nominee for next year's executive board of the Philly Delaware Undergraduate Student Congress and the Resident Student A~sociation won't have to spend BY RY A CORMIER money on elaborate campaign schemes or even Nmirmai/Sture Neu-s Editnr worry about the competition - both groups are PHILADELPHIA - Seen as a hate monger by some running unopposed. and a prophet by others, Nation of Islam Leader Louis The lnterfraternity/Panhellenic Council party Fan·akhan was welcomed by Mayor Ed Rendell yesterday for next year's DUSC will be the only one running at Tindley Temple United Methodist Church in a move to for the second year in a row. Seated on the 1996- promote racial heali ng in the City of Brotherly Love. 97 executive board will be Mic hael Sauers. Farrakhan·s . peech jumped between America's pre ident. Andrew Weidel. vice-president. Rich optimistic future and the present day' s "filthy'' problems Corcoran. treasurer. Sandy Bre nick. secretary. such as raci sm. and faculty senate representatives Margaret Carlo He spoke of the Feb. 23 racial assault on a black woman and Lesley Knapp. and her family by more than 20 white men at Greys Ferry. "It is pretty pathetic." said Sauers, a junior which was the reason for the "all-faiths" rally. neuroscience major and president of Kappa Alpha "Yes, wh at happened at Greys Ferry is terrible but be Order fraternity. about the low turnout for DUSC fair," Farrakhan preached to the crowd. "[ applaud you for THE REVIEW /Josh Withers nominee~. ''It just shows having no tolerance for police brutality and beatings but student apathy, and it is Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan was joined by Philadelphia Mayor Edward G. we should also have zero tolerance for drive-by shootings. pretty bad because I know Rendell and about 20 religious and community leaders at the Tindley Temple United Methodist '·Tf we want to eliminate the Greys Ferrys from all over people w ho have the Church in a rally aimed at easing racial violence. America, we must come to the point of saying. ·1 am ready capacity to run but just to surrender my will to do the will of God .. , don't want to for some Rendell. who is Jewish . received c riticism from reason. Philadelphia's Jewish le ader for sharing the stage with Part of Sauers· Farrakhan, who has been labeled as an anti-Semite by platform for next year Community leaders many in the Jewish community. involves an increase in the The mayor sat side by side with Fan·akhan during the overall involve ment and rally and Rendell began hi s address by es pousing hi SAUERS members hip in DUSC. respect for the Islamic leader. Currently. about 30 "Over the past three or four weeks, my respect for him people. usually committee has grown ... he said. ··and also for the intensit y of his members or members of split over discussion beliefs and the decency of his soul.'' other s tudent groups. Rendell said the visit by Farrakhan delivered a message attend each meeting. BY ELIZABETH BREALEY that was ''louder than any words that could be said." The Nati01wi!State News Ediror "We say [DUSC] is a mayor then defended hi s controversial meeting with campus-wide s tudent PHILADELPH IA- The Nation of Islam held an .all­ Farrakhan. government but we must faiths rally in Phi ladelphia yesterday in an effort to avoid "There were many people that told me that I was first have representat.i on." more unnecessary racial violence. but two major running a great risk by sharing thi s platform with the he said. "And if we are denominations chose not to be represented - Nation of Islam." Rendell said. "I know and everyone here MELLOR s uccess ful in getting Catholicism and Judaism. knows the terrible toll racism has taken in our cities. and repre,entation in the Philadelphia Archbishop Anthony Bevilaqua and we know that the real risk is not being willing to talk about >tudent body. we will be Jewish leaders failed to make an appearance in this our communities.'' able to hear more campus concerns." compromise rally between the Nation of Islam. their Farrakhan applauded Rendell for giving him an Bresnick, next year'> DUSC secretary and a leader Minister Louis Farrakhan and Philadelphia Mayor invitation to speak to Philadelphia. member of Alpha Sigma Alpha. said she agrees Edward G. Rendell. However more than 20 religious and ·'The courage that you as a member of the Jewish 'faith that the student body is apathetic sometimes. community leaders did attend. ha ve hown by inviting a man that is labeled an anti­ Although last year· s Greek ticket consisted of The rally, held at the Tindley Temple United Semite and a bigot, I think bodes well for black-Jewish some members not in fra ternities or sororities. next Methodist Church on Broad Street, protested the recent relations ... Farrakhan said. ·'He saw what was in the best year'~ executive board are all in the Greek system. violence in Greys Ferry. Penn. interest of the city. above any personal concern and I "I am concerned with the attitude that the Racial violence reached a high point in Greys FetTy in believe, Mayor Rendel l. history will applaud your efforts." Greeks run the campus." she said . ··we just want February with the brutal beating of a black family by 20 Farrakhan was interviewed on national televi sion to get people in volved and interested in things." to 50 wh ite men, followed by the robbery-murder of a Sunday evening before yesterday's rally and affirmed Marilyn Prime. director of the student center white Philadelphia police sergeant· s teenage on only some of his more controversial beliefs. and DUSC advisor. said the one-ticket race makes weeks later. While on NBC's "Meet the Press.'' he said blacks need a couple of statements. "Greys Ferry isn't a Philadelphia tragedy alone, it' s an to take the initiative and change the influences over their "Either the campus community feel s [next American tragedy." said Rev. James Allen. president of lives. year's board members] are ;olid good leadership the Philadelphia commission on human rel ations. ''We hould not be under that kind of control which and the opposi tion wouldn't be a success.'' Prime Farrakhan and hi s followers had planned to join the limits us and makes us act like little boys going to Jewi h said. ''or people are just disinterested." Grays Ferry West Community Action Group and philanthropists and asking for money." Farrakhan told host Tickets have run unopposed in previous years. Minister Rodney Muhammad. leader of the Nation of Tim Ru . ert. ''We must take control of our own destiny." she said. but it is unusual to have consecutive Islam in Philadelphia. in a march through Greys Ferry He also restated his organization's belief that a black tickets without a challenge. yesterday morning. scientist created the white race and that Jewish people Sauers was head of the Student Mediation But last Monday, Rendell wrote a letter to Fan·akhan control black entertainers and sports stars which are Action Response Team committee for DUSC thi implorin g his assistance in avoiding such a march. '·treated like pieces of meat." year and was also one of the co-founders of fearing it would spark a riot and Fan·akhan consented. But Farrakhan took advantage of hi s time in the Leadersh ip 2000. a program to promote student Many of the leaders referred pecifically to the spotlight to defend himself at the rally. leaders. violence in Greys Ferry as a general call to end racism. ''!' m called such an evil man,'' he said. "For sure, if I " Greys Ferry is a wake up call,'' said Rev. Allen THE REVIEW I John Chabalko SMART i> still one of Sauers' big concerns. Members of the Nation of Islam in Philadelphia see CANDIDATES page AS see LEADERS page A3 coordinated the all-faiths rally. see F ARRAKHAN page A3 INDEX Campus Calendar ................. A2 Plans are under way for the Police Reports ................ ...... A2 Editorial .... ........................... .A8 former home of Roy Rogers Sorority faces charge Comics ...... ... ......................... 8 5 Classified ................ .... .......... B6 Alpha Phi's blindfolding tradition constituted Sports .............. .................... BJ O Main St. location minor hazing, university officials allege ---Also inside: --- Education debate .......... ........ A2 BY ROBERT ARMENGOL Citizens against traffic .......... A3 may reopen soon minor case of hazing. Thursday. Ctf\ Ne"-s Etliwr University Police said an officer Tara M . Dineen , Alpha Phi 's Outside artists ....................... A6 Blindfolding new members in the stopped a car driving near campus president, would not say what plea Equestrian team .... .... ..... ..... B 10 BY PETER BOTHUM The property has been owned by car on the way to their initiation last month when he noticed two of her sorority will enter at the A day at the flori st... ............. B I Executive Editor Jim Brennan of Wilmington for ceremony was considered by Alpha the four female occupants were meeting. After a long period of limbo and more than 25 years and leased to Phi sorority members nothing more blindfolded in the back seat. The Brooks said the alleged infraction confusion, the Main Street building several di ffe rent companies, than a playful tradition- and a part women were headed to Alpha Phi's is not as serious as most hazing formerly occupied by a Roy Rogers including Roy Rogers, which has of their by-laws.
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