Riikka Vanhanen (Ed.) Export of Education by Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Reflections on best practices JAMK UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES | JAMK.FI Export of Education by Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences PUBLICATIONS OF JAMK UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES 226 RIIKKA VaNHANEN (ED.) Export of Education by Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences REFLECTIONS ON BEST PRACTICES PUBLICATIONS OF JAMK UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES -SERIES Editor • Teemu Makkonen ©2016 Authors & JAMK University of Applied Sciences Riikka Vanhanen (Ed.) EXPORT OF EDUCATION BY FINNISH UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES Reflections on best practices Cover Photo • iStock Outlook • JAMK / Pekka Salminen Layout and printing • Suomen Yliopistopaino Oy – Juvenes Print • 2016 ISBN 978-951-830-436-7 (Printed) ISBN 978-951-830-437-4 (PDF) ISSN-L 1456-2332 DISTRIBUTION JAMK University of Applied Sciences Library P.O. Box 207, FI-40101 Jyväskylä Rajakatu 35, FI-40200 Jyväskylä Tel. +358 040 552 6541 Email: [email protected] www.jamk.fi/julkaisut CONTENTS ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................8 FOREWORD ..................................................................................................9 INTRODUCTION Jussi Halttunen & Teemu Kokko THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA .................................................................12 Riikka Vanhanen EXPERIENCES AND EXPECTATIONS FOR EDUCATION EXPORT ...............14 BuILdIng gLOBAL Education Services: operationAL PRECONDITIONS AND DRIVING FORCES Helli Kitinoja TO NEW LEVELS OF INTERNATIONALISATION THROUGH DEVELOPING GLOBAL EDUCATION SERVICES ........................................ 20 Liisa Timonen, Harri Mikkonen & Helena Puhakka-Tarvainen LOOKING FOR RESULTS AND COST-EFFECTIVENESS – IS Worthwhile gLOBAL Education Only A dREAM? ......................27 Timo Juntunen MEANS AND CONDITIONS FOR GROWTH OF EDUCATION EXPORT AT FINNISH UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES ................................. 33 CONSIDERING COMPETENCES FOR EDUCATION EXPORT Krista Keränen & Kyösti Väkeväinen VIEWS ON COMPETENCE BUILDING FOR FINNISH EDUCATION EXPORT ................................................................................. 46 Mona-Anitta Riihimäki, Janne Salminen, Tapani Pöykkö & Heikki Ruohomaa BEYOnd – ALLIAnCE FOR KnOWLEdgE ...................................................51 Helena Kautola, Tomi Hyttinen, Leila Kakko, Karoliina Väisänen & Jarmo Alarinta BUILDING A NATIONAL EDUCATION EXPORT NETWORK FOR THE FOOd CHAIn – (FLEn) ................................................................................ 56 Katri Luukka & Bilal Qudisat BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN ARABIC CULTURES ...................61 Seija Mahlamäki-Kultanen, Maaret Viskari & Tiina Mäenpää DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS’ COMPETENCES WHEN WORKING IN TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION .............................................................. 66 CASE STUDIES OF FINNISH UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION EXPORT Milla Laisi, Sari Lappalainen, Leena Liimatainen & Jukka Mustonen Education Export ExPERIEnCES FROM CHInA: A PRepaRATORY STUDIES MODEL ............................................................76 Kirsti Virtanen & Taru Kakko USING A SISTER CITY RELATIONSHIP TO BOOST THE EXPORT OF Education – TIAnJIn unIVERSITY OF TECHnOLOgY AS A CASE STUDY ........................................................................................... 80 Johanna Heikkilä & Hannele Tiittanen KAZAK-FINNISH PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPING NURSING EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN ..................................... 86 Örjan Andersson & Per-Olof Karlsson NOVIA UAS ENTERING NEW MARKETS IN THE MARITIME FIELD – A CASE STudY .........................................................................................92 Heikki Koivisto, Meri-Maija Marva & Juha Kämäri EXPORTING MARITIME KNOWLEDGE TO NAMIBIA ................................... 96 Miika Kajanus, Antti Iire, Tuomo Eskelinen & Jyri Wuorisalo CO-creating BuSInESS WITH Impact – LumwanA CASE STudY .... 101 Jari Laukia & Irmeli Pietilä VOCATIONAL TEACHER EDUCATION IN COLOMBIA – WITH THE HAAgA-HELIA TOuCH ......................................................... 106 Sisko Mällinen VET TEACHERS FOR THE FuTuRE: FInnISH – BRAzILIAn COLLABORATION..................................................................................... 113 HARNESSING FINNISH EDUCATION EXPERTISE FOR GLOBAL MARKETS Pauliina Savola & Anni Vesa RETHInKIng THE FInnISH BRAnd? THE ROLE OF STudEnTS IN EDUCATION EXPORT .......................................................................... 120 Riitta Rissanen, Hannele Seppälä & Juha Viitasaari WORKING LIFE BASED MASTEr’S DEGREE PROGRAMMES AT FINNISH UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES – An Innovative MOdEL OF MASTER’S-LEVEL Education .................127 Marja Suhonen & Jarkko Wickström GREETINGS FROM BRAZIL ..................................................................... 137 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................ 140 AUTHORS ................................................................................................. 144 ABSTRACT Riikka Vanhanen (Ed.) Export of Education by Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Reflections on best practices (Publications of JAMK University of Applied Sciences, 226) In recent years, many Finnish universities of applied sciences (UAS) have engaged in systematic development of their educational expertise and services by adapting them for global education markets. The export of education has been acknowledged as its own sphere of operations, which is not only reliant on top-quality education but also requires new skills and competences, as well as novel mindsets, from the actors in higher education institutions. This publication, initiated by the international committee of the Rector’s Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (Arene), gathers UASs’ experiences of education export so far, while also providing ideas regarding future aims and expectations for operations in the field. The articles in this publication have been drawn up by 52 education experts representing 13 Finnish UASs, as well as their important interest groups and cooperation partners. These articles not only provide thorough descriptions of the organisation of education export activities within the UASs’ structures, they also describe the implementation and delivery of cooperation activities, solutions and services to customers around the world. Moreover, the texts indicate the various areas within which Finnish UASs have been able to productise and sell their education expertise and highlight the competences needed for such activities. Keywords: Universities of Applied Sciences, Internationalisation, Education Export, Global Education, Education Expertise, Competence Development, Cooperation 8 JAMK FOREWORD FInnISH unIVERSITIES OF APPLIEd SCIEnCES – INNOVATION AND INTERACTION IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY In today’s world higher education institutions and professionals around the globe are encountering a variety of similar challenges. Some of those challenges are what have been termed ‘wicked problems’, and learning and competences are also facing changes as the digital world develops. The relevance of higher education institutions is being reformulated based on the needs of future learners and international cooperation in higher education is a crucial element in dealing with this challenge. We need to learn from each other’s experience and share ideas gleaned from various different education models, learning practices and the impact of higher education and research. It is obvious that universities have an important role to play in solving these globally recognised ‘wicked problems’. The need for professional higher education and multidisciplinary applied research expertise is particularly relevant when the content of learning and research work and traditions are in a state of change. A new society, new business areas and new kinds of work require new knowledge and competences that can be easily adapted to suit different situations. The focus within the Finnish university of applied sciences (UAS) sector is, in particular, on professional competences and innovations. There are 26 UASs in Finland, working closely with industry, society and business. They are closely involved with the world of work, domestically and globally, and the link between professional learning, applied research and innovation is strong, with many UASs having developed new focus areas and pedagogical solutions to reach this goal in practice. These focus areas are presented and discussed further in a recent report entitled ”Towards the World’s Best Higher Education System” compiled by the structural development working group of the Rector’s Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (Arene). This book is useful evidence of the potential of Finnish UASs in global higher education markets. The cases presented within give a rich overview of the possibilities that Finnish UAS professionals can offer to international agendas. The educational models used in UASs have already piqued interest, which in turn has led to practical cooperation, especially in Asia, Latin America JAMK 9 and countries in the Arabian Peninsula. In order to meet this new demand educational export is also being promoted at government level; from 1 August 2017 tuition fees for higher education will be launched for students coming from outside the European Union or EEA.
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